Psychology Final

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A junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites or cell body of another neuron


A structure of the brain that is involved in memory formation


Disruption in the ability to understand or produce language

______________ believed that to a large extent a person is a conscious architect of his or her own personality. Karen Horney Alfred Adler Carl Jung Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson

______________ are best described as people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements in stressful situations as being largely outside themselves.


Consider a child who is burned by a hot stove. The sight of the stove may evoke fear, and because hearing the word stove may evoke a mental image of the stove, just hearing the word stove may evoke fear. The child shows discrimination towards the hot stove.


T/F According to Arne Ohman and Susan Mineka, humans are not biologically prepared by evolutionary forces to develop fears of any kind.


T/F According to the general adaptation syndrome, in the resistance stage, levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity are higher than in the alarm reaction.


T/F Because psychologists have engaged in thousands of studies on intelligence, they unequivocally agree on the definition of intelligence.


T/F Dreams are more likely to be coherent in plot that emotionally gripping.


T/F Dreams are most likely to be vivid during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, whereas images are vaguer and more fleeting during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.


T/F Genetic components do not contribute to an individual's sensitivity to basic tastes.


T/F In the approach-avoidance conflict, each of two goals is desirable, and both are within reach.


T/F In the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder, seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce anxiety are referred to as obsessions


T/F In their continuing research, psychologists have come to define consciousness in only one way


T/F Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed


T/F Irrational beliefs can lessen an individual's emotional reaction to loss and enhance coping ability.


T/F Jane is working overtime to exceed her sales targets so that she gets a higher income. The higher income, in this scenario, is an intrinsic reward.


T/F Masters and Jonson use the term sexual arousal cycle to describe the changes that occur in the body when men and women become sexually aroused.


T/F PCP, or phencyclidine, is an opioid whose name is an acronym for its chemical structure


T/F People with body dysmorphic disorder have dual personalities


T/F Research shows that cultural issues do not play a significant role in an individual's psychology.


T/F Studies generally suggest that the heritability of intelligence is less than %.


T/F The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of an objective test.


T/F The Weschler intelligence scale yielded the mental age score.


T/F The hypothalamus is involved in the formation of verbal memories.


T/F The psychology of motivation concerns the whys and how of behavior


T/F There is no scientific evidence that psychotherapy helps people with psychological disorders.


T/F When a client avoids talking about a difficult topic in therapy, such as an abusive relationship with a parent, saying, "I don't want to discuss it," this is known as transference.


T/F Women seem less affected by alcohol than men because they have more of an enzyme called dehydrogenase, which metabolizes alcohol in the stomach.


T/F self-awareness in one of the foundations of social cognitive theory


T/F Media violence and aggressive video games decrease viewers' level of emotional .....



Fatty substance that encases and insulates axons, facilitating transmission of neural impulses


Fight-or-flight, spending body energy, from stored reserves


Inhibitory neurotransmitters, occur naturally in the brain and in the bloodstream, similar to narcotic morphine in functions and effect


Involved in emotional arousal and sleep deficiencies-eating disorders, alcoholism, depression, aggression, insomnia

When you first wake up in the morning and turn your lights on, the ______________ changes shape to keep out some of the light so it does not damage the eye.



Neurotransmitter. Acts in the brain and affects the ability to perceive pleasure, voluntary movement, learning and memory. Deficiencies in Parkinson's

Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles?


Which of the following is a risk factor for coronary heart disease?


In the context of pain, which of the following statements is true?

Pain is usually sharpest where nerve endings are densely packed


Part of the límbico system that apparently facilitates stereotypical aggressive responses

Refractory period

Phase following firing during which a neuron is less sensitive to messages from other neurons and will not fire

Which of the following is true of corticosteroids?

They combat allergic reactions.

Corpus callosum

Thick fiber bundle that connects the hemispheres of the cortex

Somatic nervous system

Transmits messages about sights, sounds, smells, temperature, and so on, to the central nervous system


Specialized cells that Conduct impulses

________________ are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or heights.

Specific phobias

Katherine is terrified of dogs. To help alleviate her fears, her therapist first teaches her how to relax her muscles. Next, the therapist gradually exposes Katherine to different dogs using virtual reality displays while she relaxes to each presentation. Which of the following is the basis for the virtual therapy used by Katherine's therapist?

Systematic desensitization

If the __________ is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories.


T/F According to Robert Sternberg, there are three types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical.


T/F According to the American Lung Association, the hydrocarbons, or tars, in cigarette and cigar smoke lead to lung cancer.


T/F Albert Ellis's form of therapy confronts clients with the ways in which irrational beliefs contribute to anxiety and depression.


T/F Although Hippocrates' theory of personality traits was speculative, many of his terms such as cholera, sanguine, melancholic are still used in descriptions of personality today.


T/F Anxiety is an appropriate response to a real threat, but it can be abnormal when it is excessive.


T/F Behavior therapists see the effectiveness of behavior therapy as deriving from specific, learning-based procedures.


T/F Biofeedback training is a system that provides information about a bodily function so the organism can gain control of that function.


T/F Debbie failed her first chemistry exam. Because she was very stressed and tired, her mind jumped to the beliefs that she was a "terrible student" and "a failure"; she became certain she would fail the class and perhaps fail at school altogether. Debbie catastrophized failing her exam.


T/F Freud stirred controversy by arguing that sexual impulses are a central factor in personality development-that we all experience psychosexual development, the process by which libidinal energy is expressed through different erogenous zones during the stages of development.


T/F If you have an internal locus of control, it means you feel you have control over the direction of your life.


T/F In a research setting when people exhibited pain through facial expressions they rated electric shocks as more painful. This is an example of the facial-feedback hypothesis.


T/F In classical conditioning. Extinction is the process by which stimuli lose their ability to evoke learned responses because the events that had followed the stimuli no longer occur.


T/F Maslow's hierarchy of needs is defined as the ordering of needs from most basic (physiological needs such as hunger and thirst) to most elaborate and sophisticated (self-actualization)


T/F Memory may be defined as the processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.


T/F One suffering from mania may have grand delusional schemes, speak rapidly, and show a rapid flight of ideas


T/F People with frequent nightmares are more likely than others to have anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems.


T/F Physical needs give rise to drives like hunger and thirst.


T/F Psychophysicist Ernst Weber discovered through laboratory research that the threshold for differences in the intensity of light. His research became known as the difference threshold.


Cerebral cortex

Wrinkled surface area (gray matter) of the cerebrum

Although academically gifted, Chloe never had the desire to be the best in her classes. She would most likely be considered to exhibit __________.

a Type B behavior pattern

conversion disorder

a disorder in which anxiety or unconscious conflicts are "converted" into physical symptoms that often have the effect of helping the person cope with anxiety or conflict

Generalized anxiety disorder

feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least six months' duration

Max is a waiter at a coffee shop. He gets paid $100 every day at 9 p.m. regardless of the number of customers he serves during the day. In this scenario, Max's payment is based on the ________.

fixed-interval schedule

Which of the following is not a demand that stress makes on an organism?


Which of the following types of theorists believed that personality is not something people have but rather something they create to give meaning and direction to their lives?

humanistic theorists

Clark Hull's drive-reduction theory states that:

humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal.

The ______________ is a pea-sized structure in the brain that is involved in many aspects of motivations, including sex, aggression, and hunger.


_____________ refer to erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized.

ideas of persecution

Positive reinforcement _______________ the probability of a behavior occurring, and negative reinforcement _______________ the probability of a behavior occuring.

increases; decreases

Ava, a four-year-old girl, combines words to form her own sentences. In this scenario, Ava is demonstrating __________.

infinite creativity

In the context of memory and forgetting, the view that one may forget stored material because other learning overlaps with it is know as ______________

interference theory

Ever since Michelle failed her biology test, she thinks that she will never be able to find a job when she eventually graduates. She feels that she will end up homeless. This situation best demonstrates __________.

irrational beliefs

Which of the following is true of Carl Jung's psychodynamic theory-analytical psychology?

it emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes

Which of the following is true about anterograde amnesia?

it is the failure to remember the events that occurred after a physical trauma

Which of the following best defines the term preconscious?

it refers to material that is not in awareness but can be brought into awareness

Which of the following is true of the immune system?

it remembers how to battle against antigens, often for years

In the context of the general adaptation syndrome, which of the following is true of the fight-or-flight reaction?

it stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening

A(n) _______________ is an assumed change in the nervous system that reflects the impression made by a stimulus.

memory trace

The MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study found that ______________ were more similar than fraternal twins in spatial memory, ability to categorize things, and word comprehension.

monozygotic twins

According to the general adaptation syndrome, ______________ is first triggered by perception of a stressor

alarm reaction

Cognitive theorist note that:

people represent their worlds mentally

The core of generalized anxiety disorder appears to be ______________

pervasive worrying about numerous stressors

rapid flight of ideas

rapid speech and topic changes, characteristic of manic behavior

panic disorder

recurrent experiencing of attacks of extreme anxiety in the absence of external stimuli that usually elicit anxiety

The ______________ activates the adrenal medulla, causing it to release a mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

sympathetic nervous system

Weber's constant

the fraction of the intensity by which a source of physical energy must be increased or decreased so that a difference in intensity will be perceived

If you were having trouble with balance, it would most likely be a problem with your ______________ system.


High-frequency brain waves are associated with ______________


Prefrontal cortex

"Executive center" Making plans-solving problems


"Little brain" 2 hemispheres involved in maintaining balance and in controlling motor behavior

Stages of piaget's cognitive development

1. Sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. Concrete operational

multiple approach-avoidance conflict

A conflict in which one must choose between options that have both many attractive and many negative aspects. (studying to do well vs going to the movies)

approach-avoidance conflict

A conflict in which there are both appealing and negative aspects to the decision to be made. (cheesecake vs calories)


According to Piaget, a hypothetical mental structure that permits the classification and organization of new info

Subjective moral judgment

According to Piaget, moral judgment that is based on the motives of the perpetrator

In order for Tonya to stop smoking, her therapist laced her cigarettes with incense that smelled horrifically. What is the name of the technique that Tonya's therapist is using?

Aversive Conditioning

Endocrine system

Body's system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream


Bulge in the hindbrain that lies forward if the medulla Transmits info about body movement and involved in functions related to attention, sleep and arousal and respiration


Bundle of nuclei below the thalamus involved in body temperature, motivation, and emotion

Jason meets a psychotherapist for the first time. During their session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies. She also tells him that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. In this case, Jason's therapist is using __________.

Client-centered therapy

Jean Piaget theory

Cognitive-development theory

approach-approach conflict

Conflict that results from having to choose between two attractive alternatives (what to eat)

avoidance-avoidance conflict

Conflict that results from having to choose between two distasteful alternatives (dentist vs decaying teeth)

Efferent neurons

Neurons that transmit messages from the brain or spinal cord to muscles and glands "motor neurons"

Pituitary gland

Gland that secretes growth hormone, prolactin "Master gland"

Limbic system

Group of structures involved in memory, motivation, and emotion that forms a fringe among the inner edge of the cerebrum

According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

It stands for rational ways of coping with frustration

Wernicke's aphasia

Language disorder characterized by difficulty comprehending the meaning of spoken language

Broca's aphasia

Language disorder characterized by slow, laborious speech


Large mass of the forebrain which consists of 2 hemispheres


Located near center of brain 2 joined egg shaped structures Relay station for sensory stimulation to the Cortex and in the functions of sleep and attention


Long, thin part of a neuron that transmits impulses to other neurons from bulb-shaped structures called "axon terminals" or "terminal buttons"

Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?


Afferent neurons

Neurons that transmit messages from sensory receptors to the spinal cord and brain "sensory neurons"

Which of the following is true of psychological needs?

Psychological needs are always based on states of deprivations

Jill was surprised at how much her therapist challenged her beliefs concerning her social anxiety. Her therapist kept having her make counter-arguments against many of the thoughts she had that pertained to her anxiety. Jill's therapist is practicing what approach?

Rational emotional behavior therapy

Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

Regulares glands and muscles of internal organs Heartbeat, respiration, digestion


Regulates basic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration Plays role in sleeping, sneezing, and coughing


Replenish reserves of energy

Somatosensory cortex

Section of cortex in which sensory stimulation is projected. Lord just behind the central fissure in the parietal lobe


Sensory is to afferent as motor is to efferent

Central nervous system (CNS)

The brain and spinal cord

Which of the following is one of Selye's three stages in general adaptations syndrome?

The exhaustion stage

All-or-none principle

The fact that a neuron fires an impulse of the same strength whenever it's action potential is triggered

T/F Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that applies psychological principles to affect the client's thoughts, feelings, or behavior in an effort to help the client overcome psychological disorders, adjust to problems in living, or develop as an individual.


T/F Research suggests that people who have reported greater feelings of happiness and well-being are likely to score more highly than other people on scales the measure emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion.


T/F Short-term memory and working memory mean the same thing


T/F Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking are all sleep disorders that occur during deep (stage 3 or 4) sleep.


T/F Women under stress are more likely to care for their children and seek social contact and support from others. Taylor learned this is the "tend-and-befriend" response.


T/F You had not heard the song that you and your previous boyfriend used to listen to in years. Upon hearing it again, you were surprised by all of the mixed emotions that you were experiencing. This is an example of spontaneous recovery.


T/F Behavioral psychologists believe learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that arises from practice or experience.


T/F Research shows that eating disorders are more common when the family environment is negative, with possible history of child abuse or neglect, or exposure to high parental expectations.


T/F Your friends had to tell what the painting meant because all you could see was a bunch of random dots on the canvas. You are most likely using bottom-up processing.


Reticular formation

Vital in functions of attention, sleep and arousal


Where the spinal cord rises to meet the brain Here is the medulla, pins, and cerebellum

Daniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having a normal body weight. She avoids eating food and recently has lost a lot of weight. Even after this, she continues to think that she is overweight. Which eating disorder is Daniella most likely suffers from?

anorexia nervosa

Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been accepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and will provide him with an outstanding education. However, he is finding it difficult to choose between the two. According to Neal E. Miller, this type of conflict is known as a(n):

approach-approach conflict

Many couples who repeatedly break up and reunite recall each other fondly when apart and swear that they could make the relationship work if they got together again. But after they do spend time together, they again wonder, "How could I ever have believed that this so-and-so would change?" This best exemplifies the _________.

approach-avoidance conflict

Unlike Type A people, Type B people ___________.

are less ambitious and less impatient

Vomiting, binge eating, fasting, the use of laxatives, and engaging in prolonged exercise regimens are potentially characteristics of _________.

bulimia nervosa

Suppose a person is fired and he harbors beliefs such as: "This job was the most important thing in my life," "What a no good failure I am," "My family will starve," "I'll never find a job as good," "There's nothing I can do about it." According to Albert Ellis, such irrational beliefs contribute to anxiety and depression by:

catastrophizing the extent of loss

acute stress disorder

characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness and caused by a traumatic event; acute stress disorder occurs within a month of the event and lasts from 2 days to 4 weeks

_______________ are more likely to commit suicide than _______________

college students; non-college students

Brandon had a fear of dogs. To extinguish this fear, his mother baked him his favorite cake and gradually brought a dog closer to him while he ate the cake. In this scenario, Brandon's mother used __________ to cure his fear.


In the context of psychodynamic therapies, when the superego floods an individual with excessive guilt,

defenses are established

According to the ____________, the ancient Greeks believed that the gods punished humans by causing madness.

demonological model

dissociative amnesia

disorder marked by loss of memory or self-identity; skills and general knowledge are usually retained may last hours or years

Schizophrenia is characterized by ______________

disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood.

In ______________ the problem solver associates freely to the elements of the problem, allowing "leads" to run a nearly limitless course.

divergent thinking

The ______________ is the third stage in a group of bodily changes that occur in the generalized adaptation syndrome (GAS). In this stage, the muscles become fatigued.

exhaustion stage

Eli is a school student. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. She also aims to impress her teacher and parents by getting into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli's performance goals seem to be met through __________.

extrinsic rewards

T/F People with lower self-efficacy expectations have biological as well as psychological reasons for remaining calmer and are less prone to be disturbed by adverse events.


The ______________ adjusts or accommodates to an image by changing its thickness.


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what must be developed immediately prior to esteem needs?

love and belongingness

Which of the following are some of the differences between life changes and daily hassles?

many life changes are positive and occur less frequently

People with mood disorders:

may become severely depressed when things are going well or when they encounter mildly upsetting events.

Seligman (1996) suggested that when things go wrong, we sometimes develop inappropriate attributional styles towards the causes of failure. Which of the following was not proposed by him?

negative or positive

Which of the following substances is classified as a barbituate?


A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job because she keeps worrying about things like leaving the door unlocked or the tap turned on. She feels that her house might be robbed or damaged any day because of her carelessness. According to this scenario, she is most likely suffering from ______________

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic-existential perspective emphasizes _________.


When Kendall picked up her puppy, she did not realize that he'd gained a pound since the last time she picked him up. This small increase in weight is not big enough to be a

signal-detection theory

People with _____________ stop breathing periodically, up to several hundred times a night.

sleep apnea

Ray often wakes up at night talking loudly and incoherently. During this time, his heart rate increases, and he recalls vague images of someone pressing on his chest. However, he is never fully awake and returns to sleep. In the context of sleep disorders, Ray is exhibiting symptoms of _____.

sleep terrors

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