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You are a psychologist who is evaluating the behavior of a new client. The client tells you that he does not like to wear clothing and that he walks around nude most of the time. In addition, he tells you that he lives in a society in which clothing is required and nudity is seen as abnormal. Which of the following is NOT a criterion by which you evaluate your client's behavior as abnormal?

Subjective distress

Dr. Brown has been invited to speak at a prestigious psychological conference on the topic of autism. He will talk on the current scientific knowledge regarding this disorder. What is a key point you would expect him to make based on the authors' discussion of the disorder in the chapter?

The apparent surge in diagnoses of autism is linked to important changes in diagnostic practices.

When calling for directory assistance, operators used to tell their customers to "Have a nice day" after providing them with a phone number. As a consequence, many people forgot the number they were just given. What is the most likely explanation?

The customers were prevented from engaging in immediate maintenance rehearsal

According to research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, you would be most likely to say you enjoyed a task if you were told you would

not be offered anything after completing the task

The example of the actions of Lieutenant William Calley at My Lai in the Vietnam War was used by the textbook to demonstrate the dangers of which social psychological concept?


One-year old Matthew wanders into the kitchen where his father is making dinner for the family. He points to the counter and says, "Nana!" His father looks down and says, "do you want to eat a banana?" Matthew then gets very excited and starts jumping up and down. Matthew is currently in the ________ stage of language development.


The rooting reflex refers to a newborn's tendency to

open the mouth to seek food when touched on the cheek.

Schachter and Singer's two-factor theory of emotion suggests that we distinguish between the experience of different emotions based on

our interpretation of the situation

The fact that many people, when looking at the moon that orbits Earth, see a face (commonly called "the man in the moon") can be explained by the phenomenon of ________.


A stimulus presented to a person or animal that weakens the probability of a particular response is known as __________.

positive punishment

According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, "street smarts" is to _______intelligence, as "book smarts" is to _________ intelligence.

practical; analytical

When a test has a high capacity to forecast future behaviors or outcomes, it might be described as having high ________ validity


The major difference between pseudoscience and science is that

pseudoscience lacks the safeguards against cognitive biases that characterize science.

Theorists have long believed that testosterone is the hormone that increases sex drive in both men and women. One study conducted in Australia (Davis et al., 2005) found no relationship between testosterone levels in women and their sex drive. Other research, however, has failed to find similar results. The Australian study, therefore, cannot effectively challenge the long-held theory of testosterone's influence on women's sex drive because of the critical thinking concept of


The research of Carol Izard (1971) demonstrating that participants in North American and European countries can recognize and generate the same emotional expressions as people in other cultures has been well-supported by additional research follow-up. This supports Izard's claims based on the grounds of


When Anne Treisman (1960) repeated the research of Donald Broadbent in an attempt to clarify his theory that attentional processes act as a filter through which certain stimuli pass, she was able to verify his findings and extended his theory in different ways. This demonstrates the incredible value of


Extra Credit: According to your authors, ________ is the most critical defense mechanism in psychoanalytic theory


Contrary to popular public opinion regarding hypnosis, people can

resist and oppose hypnotic suggestions at will.

For the past six months, Dahlia's job has been extremely stressful, but she doesn't feel that she can quit because she needs the money for tuition. Dahlia has doing her best to maintain a positive attitude even though she has really felt quite stressed. According to Hans Selye, Dahlia is in the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome


Early studies into the effectiveness of "sleep learning" tapes suggested that learning could indeed occur if a tape was played while a subject was asleep. These studies failed, however, to monitor the electrical activity of the participants' brains, and thus did not consider the possibility that the tapes had actually awakened these individuals. This alternative explanation for the findings is consistent with the critical thinking concept of

ruling out rival hypotheses

Some research has found that children from different cultures have a different percentage of kids who have the three temperamental styles. For example, Chinese American babies have been found to generally be calmer then European American infants. One possible explanation for this difference is the presence of different intrauterine exposure to hormones. This demonstrates the principle of

ruling out rival hypotheses

Sigmund Freud suggested that in therapy a person may transfer important intense, unrealistic feelings and expectations from their past onto the therapist, so that their relationship mirrors other relationships in the client's life. Another possibility, however, is that stable personality traits in the client may cause him or her to simply react in similar ways to different people. This is an important reminder of the critical thinking concept of

ruling out rival hypotheses.

Dr. Wolpe designs an experimental test of his theory of aggression against a competing theory. After conducting the appropriate statistical tests, he finds that the data are better explained by the competing theory. His willingness to accept the evidence that another theory is superior is a characteristic of

scientific skepticism

Young Pemba is being observed as he plays in a room with his mother. Pemba frequently goes to the toys in the room, but occasionally looks back at his mother to make sure she is there. After a quick smile is exchanged between mother and child,Pemba goes back to the task of building with the toys. When Pemba's mother leaves the room, he becomes moderately upset, but is easily soothed when she returns. Which type of attachment does Pemba seem to have with his mother?


Clay has played professional soccer for seven years and is easily able to tune out the sound of the crowd and all other irrelevant sensory information during the game. Bruce is a rookie and is often distracted by what his opponents are saying and the mood of the crowd. Clay and Bruce are showing differing levels of

selective attention

Susan would like for her child to learn a second language. If she wants the child to be fluent in the second language, research suggests that she should begin instruction no later than age


Ekman conducted a number of studies of facial expressions and found that

seven primary emotions are almost universal.

Mary's parents want her to put her books in her bookcase. At first, they praise her for putting the books together in one pile. Then they praise her for getting the books on the same side of the room as the bookcase. When she gets the books on top of the bookcase, she gets praise. Finally, her parents praise her when she puts her books in the bookcase. This is an example of ____________.


The system of memory that can hold approximately 7 "chunks" of information for approximately 15 seconds is called

short-term memory

As a child, Blaine was attacked by a goose and subsequently developed a severe fear of waterfowl. As he got older, the fear gradually faded until it was all but forgotten. Blaine is now in his early twenties and recently went strolling through a park by the river where he came across a flock of geese. The geese gave him a stare, and Blaine experienced a sudden surge of fear. Blaine's fear response is an example of__________.

spontaneous recovery

Dedric is being asked to anticipate an upcoming tennis match against a highly ranked opponent. He is to imagine falling behind by one set, in a best of two of three sets match, and what he would say to himself in such a scenario. This example illustrates what Meichenbaum would call

stress inoculation training

The internal clock for humans is accurate to within a few minutes for most people. However, it tends to run on a 24-hour clock, and therefore must be reset each day. The brain region that is responsible for resetting the internal clock is the _______.

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Harlow's study of infant rhesus monkeys showed that

surrogate mothers who were soft to the touch but did not provide food and water produced the strongest attachment responses.

A ________ is a fluid-filled space between two neurons through which neurotransmitters travel. It is in this area where messages are transmitted chemically

synaptic cleft (synapse)

Dawn is afraid of flying. Her therapist has begun a 10-week treatment involving talking about the fears of flying, rating her fear, talking about different types of planes, looking at pictures of planes, watching planes at the airport, using imagery, and eventually going on a trip. This therapy technique is known as

systematic desensitization.

When Kate read her horoscope for the day, she was amazed to find that it described her very well. She is probably a victim of

the P.T. Barnum effect

Many people drew faulty conclusions about the relative safety of air travel compared to automobile travel in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Such poor reasoning was the result of

the availability heuristic

Nabila was at a busy grocery store when she and many others saw a gentleman on the ground. She stopped to stare and thought to herself that surely someone had already called for help for this man. She decided that because so many people were present to see the gentleman, help was already on the way. Nabila's decision not to call for help can be best explained by

the diffusion of responsibility.

Cynthia has recently begun a career with a Jewish-based agency. Up until this point in her life, she had not had any interaction with anyone who was Jewish. Based on the individuals she works with, she has found them to be a very close knit group who cares for their own in the community who may need assistance. Additionally, she has found them to be very educated and assertive. Cynthia now holds the view that all Jewish people are the same: educated, close knit within their own group, assertive, and caring toward other Jewish folks who need help. Cynthia's view represents

a stereotype

Tim suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). His teachers and parents reward him with stars for desirable behaviors. The more stars he receives, the greater the reward he can get. This is known as

a token economy.

Behavioral ________ is an aspect of several different kinds of therapy that gets clients, such as those who are depressed, to participate in reinforcing activities.


The hypothalamus sits atop a mind-body link known as the hypothalamus-pituitary-______ axis that controls that way the body responds to the presence of a stressor.


If Sylvia is described as being very sociable and easy to get along with, then she probably is fairly high on the Big Five superfactor known as ________.


When a neuron fires, it fires in a(n) ________ fashion as there is no such thing as "partial" firing.


In classical conditioning, the organism's responses depend primarily on the __________; in operant conditioning, the organism's responses depend primarily on the __________.

autonomic nervous system; skeletal muscles

The knoblike structures at the far end of the axon are called________.

axon terminals

Your friend's six-month-old baby has begun to vocalize long strings of repeated syllables in a continuous stream. For example, the baby vocalizes "Malamalamalamalamala." This baby is in the ________ stage.


Extra Credit: The preponderance of the available data suggests that dissociative identity disorder is

based on one's expectancies and beliefs rather than a true disorder in many instances.

Babies can hear inside the womb

by the fifth month

One criticism of the DSM noted by your authors is that it adheres to a ____model, which means that a person is seen as either having a mental disorder, or not having a mental disorder. There is little or no allowance for "degrees" of a disorder


For several weeks Allen had to clean the men's restroom at the restaurant where he worked. The task always made him nauseated. He has since gone on to better things, but still cannot walk by the door to a men's restroom without becoming slightly queasy. For Allen, the door to the men's room has become a(n) __________

conditioned stimulus

Research suggests that cults promote groupthink in the following ways EXCEPT

connecting group members to the outside world

Pessimism and other symptoms of depression can set the stage for negative life events, but at the same time negative life events can also lead to pessimism and other symptoms of depression. The uncertainty of the direction by which these relationships exist indicate the importance of remembering the principle of

correlation versus causation

There is plenty of research that shows a relationship between stress levels and heart damaging symptoms, such as high blood pressure and enlargement of the heart. It is possible, however, that some third factor may be responsible for both increases in stress as well as increases in heart-related symptoms. This fact utilizes which critical thinking concept?

correlation versus causation

General findings are that there is a moderate positive correlation - about .3 to .4 -between brain size and measured intelligence. We must remember, however, that this relationship does not mean that having a bigger brain is directly responsible for higher intelligence. Some third variable, such as better nutrition, might explain this relationship. This reminds us of the critical thinking concept of

correlation versus causation.

Stacie is interested in researching the effects of catharsis on health. What will she likely find in the literature?

Catharsis can be harmful when it reinforces a sense of helplessness

Which of the following statements refutes the idea that chimpanzees can use language?

Chimpanzees are unable to effectively master syntax.

Some researchers believe that the higher numbers of single-parent families is a key reason for the increased rates of violent crime in the USA compared to 40 or 50 years ago. On the other hand, it is true that there are many differences between single-parent and two-parent families, any one or combination of which may explain these increases in violent crime. This is an issue that addresses the principle of

correlation vs. causation.

One suggested cause of bipolar disorder is an increase in brain structures related to emotions, including the amygdala. Additionally, some research has suggested that unusually high levels of norepinephrine activity are also responsible for the symptoms of this illness. On the contrary, it is possible that the illness causes these changes in brain areas and neurotransmitters. This uncertain direction of effect demonstrates which of the six principles mentioned in your chapter?

Correlation vs. causation

Unemployed people are at relatively high risk for alcohol abuse, and may use alcohol to cope with being out of work. The reverse may also be true, however, and the use of alcohol may be responsible for people losing their jobs. This uncertainty of the direction of relationship between variables demonstrates which principle of critical thinking?

Correlation vs. causation

Brandon can name all 50 states and capitals. Which type of intelligence is he relying most on?


Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer?

dendrites, soma, axon, axon terminal

If the heritability of a particular trait is found to be 60 percent, then by definition the other 40 percent is due to

differences in the individual's environment.

The core concepts of humanistic therapy, such as meaning and self-actualization, are

difficult to measure and falsify

The typically negative behaviors an individual displays toward others based on membership to a particular group is referred to as ________; the typically negative attitudes an individual has toward others based on membership to a particular group is referred to as ________.

discrimination; prejudice

A dissociative disorder characterized by a partial or complete loss of memory for personal information that is usually associated with a stressful or emotionally traumatic experience is known as ______.

dissociative amnesia

Your friend asks you to borrow $50 from you. You tell him no. Then he asks for a mere $10, which you gladly give him. While you feel good to have helped him out, you may have just experienced the

door-in-the-face technique.

The heart, lungs, and brain begin to form during the ________ period of prenatal development.


Vanna's mother is ill and Vanna is feeling overwhelmed and sad. To cope with this stress of her mother's illness, Vanna has been writing her feelings down in a journal. Vanna is using ___________.

emotion-focused coping

Kabi is a well-respected supervisor at a major corporation. Coworkers describe her as very self-aware, empathic toward others, and very good at managing relationships. Based on this information, it is likely that Kabi has a high degree of

emotional intelligence.

Gene ________ refers to the fact that the environmental experiences that one has throughout their development can turn on or off specific genes that are located in every cell in the human body.


Vincent is designing a research study as part of his Master's thesis. He wants to do a laboratory study where he can control as many variables as possible, but he is concerned that his findings will not generalize very well from the laboratory setting to the real world. In technical terms, Vincent is concerned about the ________ of his study.

external validity

A(n) ________ attribution is made when we blame an individual's behavior on the situation; a(n) ________ attribution is made when we blame the individual's behavior to his or her personality or other personal characteristics

external; internal

Research suggests that the Big Five personality traits are

fairly consistent across many cultures

Piaget suggested that in some cases two children of the same age may be at different skill levels in a specific domain of cognitive ability. This claim makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to provide an argument against the developmental schedule forwarded by Piaget's theory. This is a major issue related to the principle of


Most employees work eight hours per day from Monday through Friday, and are paid once every two weeks. Therefore, most employees are paid on a ________schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

The type of intelligence that allows you to learn to play your first few notes on a saxophone is called

fluid intelligence

According to the James-Lange theory, the conscious experience of emotion _______ physiological arousal.


One theory of pitch perception is the ________ theory, which suggests that the rate at which neurons in the ear fire produce different pitches. This theory is particularly effective at explaining humans' perception of lower pitches.


Ms. Bouvier is a first grade teacher. She has just given Chelsea her screening test in the area of reading. Chelsea scored very high in word recognition, so Ms. Bouvier assumes she will score high on the rest of the test. It is clear that Ms. Bouvier believes in the ____________ factor of intelligence


Shelby is concerned that she is spending too much of her day worrying about things that are out of her control. She often experiences disturbances in sleep and often feels tense, even in situations where there is nothing that is directly threatening her safety. If you were a clinical psychologist, you would be trying to determine if Shelby meets the criteria for

generalized anxiety disorder

EXTRA CREDIT: Which researcher conducted a study during "Welcome Week," at their University, which paired individuals together for a dance, and ultimately showed that physical attractiveness is important during a first encounter?

Elaine Hatfield

Which of the following emotions would be most difficult to read from facial expression alone? (It is not one of the primary emotions discovered by Ekman)


Shonda cannot remember where she parked her car. Specifically, which type of memory could currently be causing Shonda a problem?


Some researchers examining the validity of the Implicit Associations Test (IAT) have suggested that an absence of correlation between the IAT and measures of explicit prejudice actually supports the IAT's validity. This is because the IAT is believed to measure unconscious, or implicit, prejudice. The result is that the validity of the IAT can be supported whether correlations with other measure of prejudice are low or high. This is a problem for which of the six principles of critical thinking?


There is no research evidence for the assertion that Callahan's therapy technique cures anxiety by manipulating energy fields, or for the implausible claim of virtually instantaneous cures for the vast majority of phobia sufferers. Since the energy blocks aren't measurable, Callahan's claims are not able to be proved or disproved. This is an example of which of the six principles of scientific thinking?


A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a screwdriver out to the car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime he uses to tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem-solving difficulty did Ben overcome?

Functional fixedness

Whose theory suggests that Tiger Woods's ability to hit a golf ball might be considered a form of intelligence?


Pam just set her best friend Olivia up on a blind date with her brother. According to the two-factor theory, what might she do to enhance the likelihood that Olivia will find her brother desirable?

Give them tickets to a scary movie

Which of the following statements is true about brainstorming?

Group brainstorming generally results in ideas that are less creative than does individual brainstorming.

EXTRA CREDIT: David Lykken developed a new test to move past some of the shortcomings of the traditional polygraph test. Here, individuals are asked several multiple choice questions that have imbedded information regarding the crime scene. Respondent's physiological responses are then recorded after exposure to this imbedded information. What is this test named?

Guilty Knowledge Test

Who is most likely suffering from retrograde amnesia?

Margie, who can't remember much of anything prior to being attacked on the street after a late-night party

Young Marita has periods during her sleep when she will appear to wake up and will scream, kick and thrash. She appears to be in significant distress as she breathes faster and faster. Which of the following statements best explains what is happening?

Marita is experiencing night terrors.

Based on research on differences in conformity, which of the following individuals would you most expect to conform to a group?

Masami, a Japanese female

Your friend Kate is a new mom. She is constantly worried that she is going to ruin her child by doing or saying the wrong thing. What advice might you give her?

Most of her parenting will have minimal impact on her child's adult personality.

In one research project, a scientist gave students subliminal cassette tapes and told them to play them for 2 months. After 2 months, she assessed whether the tapes helped the self-esteem of her participants and found that self-esteem had indeed risen! While she may have attributed this to the tapes, it is also possible that those students may have found college life to be manageable and thus experienced an increase in self-esteem for that reason. This demonstrates which principle of critical thinking?

Ruling out rival hypotheses

One of the problems with the trichromatic theory of color vision is that it cannot explain why negative afterimages (i.e., afterimages that appear in complementary colors) occur. The opponent process theory of color vision, however, neatly explains this phenomenon. Which principle of critical thinking does this remind us to consider?

Ruling out rival hypotheses

Research on inmates placed in solitary confinement suggests that they experience more psychological symptoms, especially mood and anxiety problems, than other inmates. However, this finding may be difficult to interpret because some inmates may be more emotionally maladjusted to begin with. Which of the six principles of scientific thinking does this research finding fit into?

Ruling out rival hypotheses

Some research has shown that stimulating parts of the temporal lobe can produce vivid autobiographical memories. Others have suggested that these are not true memories, but rather are more like altered perceptions that do not reflect real past experiences. To date, the true answer has not yet been solidified. This uncertainty in research findings demonstrates which of the six principles of scientific thinking?

Ruling out rival hypotheses

The fact that hassles can be used to predict psychological adjustment even when major life events are removed from the equation demonstrates which of the following concepts in this chapter?

Ruling out rival hypotheses

Researchers have found that despite the number of color names in a language, the basic abilities to perceive color are unchanged. This finding would be troublesome for the theory of ______________.

Sapir and Whorf

The fact that you know there are 50 states in The United States of America without remembering when you learned it is possible because of your...

Semantic Memory

Which of the following phrases best summarizes the concept of out-group homogeneity?

"Those people are all alike"

Based on IQ score information as described by Stern, a student with an IQ score of 120 is likely to answer IQ test questions like someone who is age _____, even though the student is only _____.

12; 10

In Milgram's original two shock experiments, ________ percent of subjects displayed complete compliance.


Extra Credit: In the first formal review of psychotherapy outcomes, Hans Eysenck reported the findings of two uncontrolled studies of mildly disturbed clients who received no formal therapy. The rate of spontaneous remission in these studies was a staggering ___ percent.


One research finding that has challenged Freud's concept of dreams as wish fulfillment is the fact that approximately ___ percent of dreams do not seem disguised, but rather are straightforward descriptions of everyday events and problems.


The REM stage of sleep occurs approximately every _________ during the night.

90 minutes

"Look, Mom, she is not really happy; you can see it in her eyes!" cries Amelia's little sister. What might this sharp little 4-year-old have spotted?

A Pan Am smile

Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

A student is exempted from a weekly quiz for exemplary homework

EXTRA CREDIT: Which of the following is an example of discovery learning?

A student working independently on a science project

EXTRA CREDIT: All of the following conclusions were reached based on the Milgram study EXCEPT

Americans were more likely to obey the experimenter's commands than non-Americans

What is the name of the culture-bound syndrome that involves intense sadness and brooding followed by uncontrolled attacks on other people and animals?


In which of the following situations is the person more likely to be helped?

An old woman with a cane trips and falls while crossing an isolated street.

What is an important limitation of anecdotal evidence in developing scientifically sound treatments or procedures?

Anecdotes cannot help to establish cause-effect relationships

Which of the following parenting styles is associated with the most favorable outcomes for children?


Piaget suggested that children do not develop object permanence until between 8 and 12 months of age. The research of Renee Baillargeon has found that this skill may develop much earlier. What was the difference that allowed Baillargeon to find such an earlier development of object permanence?

Baillargeon eliminated the need for a child to have the motor skills necessary to display object permanence and focused instead on the patterns of their gazes.

Doug decides to go to a new restaurant with his coworkers. At the restaurant, all of his friends decide to order the same burrito. Doug thinks it must be pretty good if everyone else is ordering it, and decides to order it too. What heuristic did Doug use to make his decision?

Bandwagon Falacy

Which early theory of personality development stands most strongly on scientific footing?


Who is engaged in abstract thinking?

Benito, who says the sun might explode one day

Amanda notices a tree is brown, has a rough texture, and is solid. Although individually these characteristics do not define a tree, when combined, they do. Which perceptual process allows her to identify the object as a tree?


"If you sign up for our exclusive membership warehouse, we guarantee that you will save at least 30 to 40 percent on the majority of your future big-ticket purchases. The membership fee is $4999.99 for the first three years. You don't have to sign up today if you don't want to, but you won't have another chance to do so in the future." This sales pitch is using the "________" persuasion technique.

But you are free

What is the biggest difference between the different stages of the sleep cycle?

Changes in brain-wave activity

Which of the following is an explanation for the clinician's illusion?

Clinicians tend to see only those who react emotionally to stress, so they overestimate people's fragility and underestimate their resilience.

What term do psychologists use to describe our tendency to search for evidence that supports our belief and to ignore evidence that might disprove it?

Confirmation bias

Which of the following is one of the major contributions that Piaget's theory of development, despite some serious limitations, has made to the field of developmental psychology?

Considering that the changes in multiple domains of development involve fewer rather than more numerous processes

Your best friend is an airline pilot. You often ask him about his flying experiences, but the stories he tells are rather bland. One day he invites you to accompany him on a flight. Surprisingly, once you are up in the air, he begins to share with you all kinds of interesting stories. What is the best explanation for this change?

Context-dependent learning

Many people believe that difficult events such as divorce are caused by stress, and yet they fail to consider the possibility that these events may actually BE the cause of stress. In fact, the relationship may go both ways at the same time! Which concept from this chapter is demonstrated by this uncertain relationship?

Correlation vs. causation

One problem with the polygraph test is that people who are innocent may fail the test, a situation called a false positive. When this happens, some experts (or polygraph technicians) may assume that the individual is, in fact, guilty but simply won't admit to their guilt. In this case, the inaccuracy of the polygraph test is no longer possible to demonstrate, and this is a problem that involves which principle of critical thinking?


________ refers to the fact that the way a question is presented - with certain wording or emphasis on certain aspects of the question - can influence the answer that is given.


Billy has just returned home from visiting his grandparents. His grandfather always had a jar of jelly beans on the table, and his mother asked Billy about the jar. "Sure, " says Billy, "it was right there where it always was." Billy's mother knew that the jar was gone. The grandfather had recently been diagnosed with diabetes and had cut down on his sugar intake. Why did Billy remember seeing the jar of jelly beans?

He reconstructed his memory using new and old information.

Which of the following statements regarding heritability is accurate?

Heritability is estimated by family studies, twin studies, and adoption studies.

Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is the most predictive of heart disease?


Which of the following is the best example of observational learning?

Ingrid swam poorly until she noticed the efficient stroke of the man in the next lane; now her swimming is greatly improved.

Corrie is well liked by all her classmates. She has lots of friends and is always one of the first people chosen whenever there are group projects. According to Gardner, at which type of intelligence does Corrie likely excel?


Which of the following is true of the classic Robber's Cave study by Sherif and Sherif (1967)?

It demonstrated that when the in-group and out-group mentality develops, prejudice and hostility are likely to follow and by limiting resources, thereby forcing the groups to work together, the hostility ended and friendships eventually formed.

Which of the following statements is true about naturalistic observation?

It involves observing behavior in its real-world context

The DSM-5 is a valuable resource, but it is not without its limitations. Critics of this manual have suggested which of the following as a problem with the DSM?

It is vulnerable to political influences, and thus the disorders may not reflect true psychopathology but rather the " favorite" illnesses of a particular time and place.

What do your authors mean when they suggest that the DSM encourages us to "think organic?"

It means that we should remember that many symptoms that appear psychiatric in nature can be caused by physical events, and we should be cautious about overdiagnosing mental disorders

What did Terman's groundbreaking study of gifted children accomplish?

It put to rest the myths that existed about genius in the early part of the twentieth century

Which research method is most suitable for studying factors that influence behavioral change over time?


Many parents refuse to take their infants on vacations on the basis that they will not remember it anyway. Which of the following may lend some credence to their decision?

Most people don't have accurate memories before the age of 3

__________ refers to the belief that we see the world precisely as it is.

Naive realism

Which of the following is true about neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters bind to receptor sites that are specific to that type of neurotransmitter

Susan is interviewing for a job. Although she is smiling and making good eye contact with her interviewer, he notices that she is also tapping her foot rapidly on the floor. Despite her best intentions, what is Susan exhibiting?

Nonverbal leakage

Which of the following describes the main difference between observational learning and operant conditioning?

Observational learning uses punishment and reinforcement of models to condition the behaviors of observers

Your textbook discusses the issue of facilitated communication and its applicability to assisting children with autism. One possibility for the early research results was that the children were communicating through the adults who were assisting them. As the book notes, a simpler explanation for the miraculous findings was that the "facilitators" were simply guiding the hands of the children to communicate things that their parents would want to hear. This simpler explanation is consistent with the concept of

Occam's Razor

Which of the following is one of the major differences between someone who is dieting and someone who suffers from anorexia?

People with anorexia have more unrealistic perceptions of their body size

Which of the following is true concerning the treatment of phobias using classical conditioning?

Persons fearful of flying will need to associate flying with something pleasurable to reduce this fear.

Researchers exploring the concept of biological preparedness have not been able to consistently find that fear is acquired faster to a prepared stimulus than it is to an unprepared stimulus. This lack of research consistency is a problem for which of the six principles of scientific thinking?


A frequently prescribed medication for managing one's attention problems is


Which of the following represents the best summary of the relationship between one's environment and the development of their personality traits?

Shared environment plays little or no role in adult personality.

Cailee and Rick's parents take them to church every week. What type of influence on personality is being exhibited?

Shared environmental

Sue asked three of her friends after class if they thought the test they just finished taking was as easy as she thought it was. They all agreed that it was. She was surprised to find out the next day that although she and her friends had indeed done well, a majority of the class had failed. Why shouldn't Sue have been surprised?

She did not use random selection when asking people about the test.

Paulette has been asleep for only a few minutes. Her brain activity is made up primarily of theta waves. Which sleep stage is Paulette currently in?

Stage 1

Although many students attend every class and take notes, they struggle to remember everything they need to know for an exam. Where does this breakdown in memory most likely occur?


EXTRA CREDIT: Many people believe that having a good crying episode is an effective way to vent negative emotions, such as anger or sadness, and that such spells are healthy. What does the research of Rottenberg, Bylsma, and Vingerhoets (2008) say about this belief?

The research found that crying tends to increase distress and arousal in most people.

People living under stressful conditions tend to get sick more often than they would otherwise. How do researchers in psychoneuroimmunology explain this phenomenon?

The stress response reduces immune system functioning, thus making us more vulnerable to diseases

Which of the partial schedules produces the highest rates of responding?

Variable ratio

When psychologists say language is generative, they mean that

a limited number of symbols can be used to create an unlimited number of sentences

When a psychologist is discussing a heuristic, he or she is referring to

a mental shortcut or rule of thumb

The lowest level of a stimulus needed for the nervous system to detect a change half the time is called the

absolute threshold.

Dylan believes that his hard work, rather than luck or chance, resulted in his promotion at work. Dylan probably has

an internal locus of control.

The use of ________ refers to the process of finding similar structures between two problems and thus finding similarities between their solutions.


The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that consists of nerves that control all of the involuntary organs and glands is called the _________ nervous system.


When you see someone you have a crush on and your heart pounds, your hands get sweaty, and your cheeks feel hot, your __________________ is/are active.

autonomic nervous system

These therapies consistently outperform most other therapies for anxiety disorders, including phobias, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder

behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapies

In _________________, the client engages in role-playing with a therapist to learn and practice new skills.

behavioral rehearsal

A(n) ________ is a conclusion regarding factual evidence, while a(n) ________ is a belief that includes an emotional component.

belief; attitude

In detecting the source of sounds, we tend to rely most heavily on ________ cues.


In __________ processing, we construct a whole stimulus from its parts.


A biological cycle, or rhythm, that is roughly 24 hours long is called a(n) __________rhythm.


The fact that you recognize Great Danes, Dachshunds, Collies and Chihuahuas as being dogs is an example of a(n) __________


Ken is able to perform mathematical operations only if he can use real objects and familiar examples in working up his answers. Ken is in Piaget's ________ stage.

concrete operational

Last month Walter became sick after eating two chili dogs, so he no longer likes chili dogs. Walter has experienced ____________.

conditioned taste aversion

The order of the basic memory processes in which information enters the memory system and is later used is

encoding, storage, and retrieval

According to Selye, some people may develop illnesses such as organ damage, depression, anxiety, or a weakened immune system during the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome


For those people in the Middle Ages who believed abnormal behavior resulted from spirit possession, the treatment of choice was ______.


The only research design that allows one to make cause-and-effect inferences is the ________ design.


A key criticism of the trait perspective on personality development is that it

fails to explain the cause of the differences in the various trait dimensions.

For a scientific claim to be meaningful, it must be capable of being disproven. This is the critical thinking principle of


Alan always turns the aquarium light on before putting fish food into the tank. After a while he notices that the fish swim to the top to look for the food as soon as he turns on the light. In this example, the __________ is the unconditioned stimulus.

fish food

How many morphemes are there in the sentence "I wanted it"?


A set of attitudes marked by a sense of control over events, commitment to life and work, and motivation and courage to confront stressful events is known as


Burning your toast, having trouble opening an e-mail attachment, breaking a glass, and running late for an appointment are all examples of ___________.


Unlike explicit memory, implicit memory

involves no conscious attention or effort.

According to the authors, much of the knowledge from popular psychology sources

is contradicted by what psychological research has demonstrated.

Some believe that religious involvement has health benefits because it activates an internal healing energy that scientists cannot identify or measure. One conceptual problem with this hypothesis is that

it is unfalsifiable

After being referred for testing, Angela scored 102 on an IQ test. Angela is now likely to be

left with no special placement

Our memories from childhood often involve not only visual information but olfactory information as well. This is because the olfactory cortex is located near the

limbic system.

Extra Credit: Many people are familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. However, few students are knowledgeable about the fact that this popular personality assessment instrument has

low reliability and low validity

Which of the following theories of dreaming emphasizes the dreams are a meaningful product of our cognitive capacities, which shape what we dream about?

neurocognitive theory

The functioning of the human brain depends upon cross-talk among ________.


Growing up, Eric was always favored of his sister by his parents. If this unequal treatment leads to differences in the children's personalities, it would be an example of a(n)

nonshared environmental factor

The term statistical significance implies that the results are

not likely due to chance

During the day, Barb suffers from frequent, unwanted thoughts that she has left her front door unlocked and recurrent images that all her belongings have been taken. These thoughts and images are what psychologists refer to as a(n)


Which of these is the correct sequence of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs from the lowest to the highest?

physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization

Mary just received a traffic ticket but decided it is not worth being upset about. Mary just made a___________.

primary appraisal

Charlie is completing a "word search" puzzle. He first finds the word SOLDIER after looking for some time, but then is able to find the word MILITARY much more rapidly. This ability to find a stimulus more easily after encountering a similar stimulus demonstrates the process of


Working a second job to pay off your credit card bills is an example of__________.

problem-focused coping

Of the following functions, which is NOT controlled by the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex?

processing visual images

The zone of __________ development from the theory of Lev Vygotsky refers to the difference between what a child can do alone and what a child can do together with a more competent person


Which correlation coefficient is most likely to describe the relationship between brushing one's teeth and the number of cavities one gets?

r = -.62

In a study of twins reared apart in the 1980s and 1990s, a sample of identical twins who were raised in separated environments produced scores on three measures of intelligence that were as similar to each other as a sample of twins who were raised together. Though the sample sizes were relatively small, this research has been repeated with approximately the same findings. We can have some confidence that these findings are valid because of the critical thinking principle of


Because the negative reinforcement of avoidance behavior often maintains many phobias and other anxiety-related disorders, exposure therapy often involves

response prevention

The state during which a neuron contains more negatively charged ions inside the cell than outside the cell and is not firing is referred to as the__________.

resting potential

Following a car accident, Jane and Joan both suffer head injuries with resulting amnesia. Joan cannot remember events that occurred before the accident, while Jane cannot remember events that occurred after the accident. Joan suffers from __________ amnesia and Jane from __________ amnesia.

retrograde; anterograde

Aleixo just started his job as an advertising intern. When he arrived at the office, he was surprised that everyone was wearing jeans or other types of informal attire. The situation most likely violates Aleixo's __________ of office workers.


A patient in a psychiatric hospital exhibits disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, and hallucinations. This person is probably suffering from___________.


Proponents of empirically supported treatments believe that

science should inform a clinician's decision making about the most appropriate therapeutic practices.

"Becoming what one ought to be" is one way to define _______.


A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that __________.

signals the presence of reinforcement.

The overwhelming majority of U.S. prison guards during the Iraqi War did not engage in abuse, so the reasons for such abuse don't lie entirely in the ______, but in the _______ of the guards.

situation, disposition

Eric had a sleep-related experience where he reported feeling strapped down and unable to move or examine much of his surroundings. This inability to move that occurs just after falling asleep or just before waking up is called

sleep paralysis

The role of reciprocal determinism was highlighted by the

social learning theorists.

Zoe was at the border of passing the statistics course this semester. Her palms started sweating and her heart started pounding while she was to enter the instructor's office to check her final grade. Zoe might change her mind and run away because her heart was pounding too fast. This explanation is most likely based upon the ____.

somatic marker theory of emotion

Sleepwalking occurs most often during ________ sleep

stage 4

What is the correct sequence of events in emotional response according to the Cannon-Bard theory?

stimulus --> emotion AND physiological changes (simultaneous)

Which sequence of events in emotional responses is characteristic of the James Lange theory of emotion?

stimulus --> physiological changes --> emotion

Ken's mouth waters every time he hears the ice cream truck's familiar song in the distance. One day a slightly different song is heard in the distance and Ken's mouth waters. Ken's behavior illustrates

stimulus generalization

Any environmental factor that can cause a birth defect is known as a(n) __________.


The tendency to look for supportive evidence rather than actively seeking out contradictory evidence is known as

the confirmation bias

Research involving family and adoption studies have demonstrated that

the higher the percentage of shared genes between people, the higher their IQ correlations will be.

A major criticism of the use of medication for treating a child's ADHD is that

there is a potential for abuse of these medications as well as problematic side effects.

A common criticism of Adler, Freud, and Jung's theories of personality development is that

they are filled with unfalsifiable claims

Stanton is taking chemistry with Ms. Neville and has heard many negative stories about her class from his friends. The fact that his beliefs about Ms. Neville affect his interpretation of his interactions with her during the school year is an example of

top-down processing

The fact that our beliefs and expectations often influence our sensory experiences is known as

top-down processing.

If I wanted to determine, on average, how far apart any one score is from another, I should use a measure of


One biological explanation for the symptoms of schizophrenia is the appearance of enlarged _______, which are fluid-filled structures that cushion and protect the brain.


A recognition memory task is often easier than a recall memory task because

we are able to eliminate the incorrect options to get the correct answer in recognition.

Evidence suggests that when the real criminal is NOT included in a "live" line-up, most witnesses

will be inaccurate and select the person who most closely resembles the real criminal.

Which order is correct for Freud's psychosexual stages of development?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Which of the following statements about taste and smell is true?

Our nose identifies far more odors than our tongue identifies tastes

Young Jonah has an infection on his pinky finger that developed as a result of a simple cut. As the infection first penetrates the skin, what type of cell would be responsible for engulfing the offending invaders to prevent them from doing any damage?


Extra Credit: Which of the following pairs of individuals are given credit for promoting humane treatment of the mentally ill?

Phillippe Pinel and Dorothea Dix

What is the main difference between generalized anxiety disorder and phobic disorder?

Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific trigger

Young Jonah is learning to read, and his father writes MOMMY on a card and asks him to read it. When Jonah struggles, his father says "sound it out one letter at a time!" As Jonah does this, he eventually puts the sounds together and triumphantly shouts the correct word. What method has Jonah used to read this word?

Phonetic decomposition

Which of the following people is LEAST likely to become addicted to the opiate drugs he or she is using?

Phyllis, who is using morphine to help control her pain levels after a recent surgery

Carmelo is giving a report to his graduate seminar on research on the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapies. Which point would you be most likely to hear him make if you were in that seminar?

Practicing new, adaptive behaviors is more important than gaining insight into one's unconscious conflicts.

Which subdivision of the cortex is most active on tasks involving planning, impulsecontrol, and short-term memory? It is sometimes referred to as the "Command and Control" center of the brain.

Prefrontal cortex

A medical doctor believes that the presence of aromatherapy will reduce the anxiety of first-time mothers-to-be during labor and will increase their reported satisfaction with their care at his hospital. He randomly assigns mothers to give birth in a room either with or without aromatherapy. What is the independent variable in this example?

Presence or absence of aromatherapy

Which of the following professionals is trained as a medical doctor and may be found working in either private practice or in a hospital setting?


In what brand of psychotherapy would a clinical psychologist attempt to uncover the underlying unconscious conflicts and impulses that are the cause of one's psychological difficulties?


Which of the following is true concerning Tolman and Honzik's classic study of latent learning?

Rats were able to learn even when they were not receiving reinforcement

On a newly developed IQ test, an individual scores at the 110 level on the first half of the test, and 150 on the second half of the test. What does this test appear to lack?


Those who report having had out-of-body experiences often suggest that they can see or hear things that are separated from their bodies. On the rare occasion when these claims have been positively verified by research, repetitions of that research have failed to produce the same outcomes. This is a problem for which principle of critical thinking mentioned in your textbook?


Jane sees an old man driving around in a posh sports car, wearing a new Armani suit, carrying a leather briefcase, and checking the time on a gold pocket watch. She sees him entering a skyscraper and concludes that he must be a successful business man who works in the building. Which heuristic did Jane utilize?

Representativeness Heuristic

Which of the following seems least likely to have an impact on the degree of pain a person might experience?

The number of people who are around when an injury takes place.

With all the controversy that surrounds intelligence testing, what is the most likely explanation as to why it is still a good predictor of classroom performance?

The original intelligence tests were focused on predicting academic achievement.

Stage 5 sleep is often called paradoxical sleep because EEG patterns of people in stage 5 show

heightened brain activity

Rosenthal's "bloomers" study demonstrated that

higher teacher expectations of students led to higher academic performance.

The color of light is what psychologists call


The logical conclusion from years of searching for the engram is that

human memories are diffused throughout the brain in many different structures.

EXTRA CREDIT: Brain imaging studies on sexuality have demonstrated that a small cluster of neurons in the ________ is about half the size in gay men as it is in heterosexual men.


According to family, twin, and adoption studies, a person is at greatest risk for developing schizophrenia if he or she has a(n) _________.

identical twin diagnosed with the disorder

16-year old Brenda's parents are political conservatives, while she identifies more with liberal political views. When asked her political orientation, Brenda seems uncertain and does not respond. According to Erikson's theory, Brenda is dealing with the ________ crisis.

identity versus role confusion

The id is motivated by the desire for

immediate gratification.

Humanistic psychotherapists stress the

importance of assuming responsibility for decisions

Joaquin frequently experiences difficulty staying asleep through the night. He has no problem falling asleep initially, but recently he has experienced problems with waking up and then having trouble returning to sleep after receiving a new promotion at work approximately three weeks ago. Joaquin is most likely to be diagnosed as suffering from


The extent to which it is possible to draw cause-and-effect conclusions from a given research project describes the study's ________ validity


E-mail can often lead to misunderstandings. This is because

it lacks extralinguistic information.

EXTRA CREDIT: Sarah has just received her drivers' license and is now ready to drive to school. Although she's never driven to her school before, Sarah knows the way. The fact that Sarah can drive herself to school suggests that ________ has occurred.

latent learning

Major changes in sleep patterns, weight level, and a loss of interest in pleasurable activities characterize

major depressive disorder

A key idea in the discussion on the universality versus diversity in psychiatric diagnoses was that

many psychiatric disorders are similar across cultures

EXTRA CREDIT: In his research on long-term memory, psychologist Harry Bahrick found that memory declined

markedly for about two years, but only gradually thereafter

The tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called ______. This barrier to problem solving can inhibit one's ability to generate alternative solutions.

mental set

A child's ability to understand that others' perspectives can differ from theirs is called theory of __________.


Researchers asked students about their initial recollections a few days after the Challenger explosion and then 2 1/2 to 3 years later. The results showed that

most students showed changes in their memories with the passage of time and about one-third showed dramatic changes in memory

The receptors for the proprioceptive senses are located in the

muscles and muscle tendons.

The ________ speeds up the passage of electrical messages by acting as an insulator of the neuronal signal.

myelin sheath

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