Psychology FInal Exam

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Which of the following statements is true of social facilitation?

It is the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior.

Which of these is a function of prolactin?

It regulates maternal behavior in lower mammals.

__________usually stems from damage to the structures of the inner ear, most often the loss of hair cells. People with this condition tend to be more sensitive to some pitches than others.

Sensorineural deafness

Dreams are most likely to be vivid during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, whereas images are vaguer and more fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep.


Hypnosis impairs the functioning of the immune system.


In retrograde amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma such as a blow to the head, an electric shock, or an operation.


In the context of humanistic therapies, client-centered therapy is directive in nature.


Nicotine increases the appetite and reduces the metabolic rate of a person.


Parents help children develop conditions of worth when they show them unconditional positive regard.


Prospective memory involves recalling information that has been previously learned.


Telegraphic speech is brief and grammatically incorrect.


The attraction-similarity hypothesis states that people with opposite natures find each other attractive.


Unlike babbling, crying and cooing are inborn and prelinguistic.


Unlike client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy__________.

is directive in nature

Which of the following statements is true of alcohol?

it dilates blood vessels

__________are specialized cells of the nervous system that receive and transmit messages.


Nightmares, like most pleasant dreams, are products of _____.

rapid eye movement sleep

The humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers defined the__________as the center of experience.


In humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called__________.


In _____, a person cannot move during the transition from consciousness to sleep, and hallucinations occur.

sleep paralysis

n the context of sources of prejudice, when people view those who belong to their own groups more favorably than those who do not, they are involved in _____.

social categorzation

Observational learning is one of the foundations of__________.

social cognitive theory

According to Durlez and Stangor & Crandall,__________is a source of prejudice.

social conflict

Which of the following Freudian psychic structures is present in a person at birth?

the ID

Studies show that__________is connected with aggressive behavior in monkeys, cats, and other animals.

the amygdala

Aaron Beck's methods of cognitive therapy focus on arguing clients out of beliefs that are making them miserable and exposing them to situations they avoid because of irrational fear.


Attitudes with a strong emotional impact are more accessible.


Behavior therapists see the effectiveness of behavior therapy as deriving from specific, learning-based procedures.


Carl Rogers believed that we all have unique frames of reference.


Client-centered therapists believe in viewing the world through a client's frame of reference.


Cochlear implants contain microphones that sense sounds and electronic equipment that transmits sounds past damaged hair cells to stimulate the auditory nerve.


In the Milgram studies on obedience, lack of social comparison was a factor contributing to why people complied to perform immoral tasks.


Research suggests that people who have reported greater feelings of happiness and well-being are likely to score more highly than other people on scales that measure emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion.


The hippocampus does not become mature until we are about two years old.


The preconscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them.


When you are given a new phone number and you write it down or immediately dial the number, you are retaining the number in your short-term memory.


Which of the following statements is true of the scientific method?

Psychologists are guided by principles of critical thinking as they try to draw conclusions from research evidence collected through the scientific method.

In the context of psychotherapy, which of the following statements is true?

Psychotherapies influence clients' thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

__________is the failure to remember events that occurred prior to physical trauma because of the effects of the trauma.

Retrograde amnesia

Which of the following statements is true of interference in short-term memory?

The appearance of new information in short-term memory displaces the old information.

Which of the following theories proposed that there are three types of color receptors, but they are not sensitive only to red, green, and blue?

The opponent-process theory

Which of the following causes Down syndrome?

The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair

_____ propose reasons for relationships among events and allow us to derive explanations and predictions.


Which of the following is true of the learning theorists?

They emphasize the importance of environmental conditions as determinants of behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of heuristics?

They permit more rapid solutions than algorithms.

Which of the following factors decreases the tendency to conform?

Valuing being right over being liked

The _____ groups test questions into a number of separate subtests where each subtest measures a different intellectual task.

Wechsler scale

Jane is a ten-year-old girl with a mental age (MA) of twelve. Jane's intelligence quotient (IQ) calculated using Wilhelm Stern's formula is _____.


Which of the following situations best describes Watson and Skinner's beliefs regarding behaviorism?

A teenager keeps his room clean because his parents appreciate it.

Prefrontal lobotomy was pioneered by__________.

Antonio Egas Moniz

Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform?

Belonging to a collectivist society

Which of the following statements is true of group psychoanalysis?

Clients in a group are allowed to interpret one another's dreams.

__________takes the form of a double helix and contains the genetic code of an organism.

Deoxyribonucleic acid

__________is the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli.

Echoic memory

__________intensifies most emotions and is central to the experience of fear and anxiety.


__________showed that people tend to perceive separate pieces of information as integrated wholes depending on the contexts in which they occur.

Gestalt psychologists

__________remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system.

Glial cells

Identify a true statement about problem solving.

Heuristics are often based on strategies that worked in the past.

Which of the following is true of the method of free association?

In this method, clients are made comfortable and asked to talk about any topic that comes to mind.

Which of the following statements is true of catharsis?

It helps alleviate some of the forces assaulting the ego.

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, which of the following is true of passion?

It involves preoccupation with the loved one.

Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis?

It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction.

Which one of the following is a criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

It was too vague to scientifically measure the psychic structures.

Which of the following statements is true of language?

Language makes it possible for one person to communicate knowledge to another.

Vibrations in the fluids within the chambers of the inner ear press against the__________.

basilar membrane

Most antianxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as__________.


Stimuli suggestive of depth that involve simultaneous perception by both eyes are known as__________.

binocular cues

Steve's physician has prescribed him valium for his anxiety attacks. This drug will _____.

depress the activity of the central nervous system

A landlord refuses to rent his vacant apartment to college students. He believes that students throw wild parties and disturb others. In the context of behavior, the landlord's refusal is an example of _____.


Nearsightedness can result when the eyeball is elongated such that the images of:

distant objects are focused in front of the retina

__________is the first stage of information processing.


The _____ is an assumed electrical circuit that corresponds to a memory trace.


According to psycholinguistic theory, _____.

environmental influences affect language acquisition

When Shaina is about to begin her speech in class, she notices that a few of her classmates are whispering among themselves. She becomes nervous that she might be boring to her audience and gets distracted. In this scenario, the presence of the classmates is not likely to facilitate her performance due to _____.

evaluation apprehension

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, consummate love is romantic love plus infatuation.


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the central route associates objects with positive or negative cues.


According to the linguistic-relativity hypothesis, language does not affect the way we perceive the world.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed.


It takes children longer to learn new words than it takes apes to learn new signs.


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment.


Celia is taking an interest inventory. One of the questions asks her to select her preferred activity from among traveling, reading books, and cooking. The question does not give her a "none of the above" option. What is the format of the interest inventory called?

force-choice format

In the context of psychosurgery, in__________, physicians beam streams of radiation deep into the skull, destroying spots of tissue believed to be overactive in severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

gamma knife surgery

Christopher is skilled at problem solving and possesses broad reasoning abilities. According to Charles Spearman, Christopher's abilities are indicative of _____.

general intelligence

In 1904, British psychologist Charles Spearman suggested that the behaviors we consider intelligent have a common underlying factor called__________, which includes broad reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

general intelligence

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which of the following is an oral trait?


When a child utters the word "mama," it may signify meanings as varied as "There goes Mama," "Come here, Mama," and "You are my Mama." Such single words used by children to express complex meanings are known as _____.


Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development states that:

human development involves the transfer of libidinal energy from one erogenous zone to another.

In Gestalt psychology,__________is a sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution.


Which of the following statements is true of telegraphic speech?

its brief but grammatically correct

In the context of psycholinguistic theory, the inborn tendency to acquire language is referred to as a(n) _____.

language acquisition device

In the context of the nativist approach to language development, the _____ prepares the nervous system to learn grammar.

language acquisition device

The _____ is the view that language structures the way we view the world.

linguistic-relativity hypothesis

To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the names several times. This scenario illustrates__________.

maintenance rehearsal

Greg, a 27-year-old man, has a habit of biting his nails. He developed this habit when he was young. Now he wants to stop it, but has no control over himself. He starts biting his nails unconsciously whenever he is anxious or bored. According to the psychosexual stages of personality development, he is fixated at the _____.

oral stage

Evan and Amy are physically attracted to each other and cannot stand being apart. However, they do not have future plans for their relationship. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, this demonstrates__________.


Historically speaking, "treatments" of psychological disorders tended to involve cruel practices such as exorcism and execution. This reflected the assumption that:

people who behaved in strange ways were possessed by demons

According to Freud, during the__________of psychosexual development children may develop strong sexual attachments to the parent of the other gender and begin to view the parent of the same gender as a rival for the other parent's affections.

phallic stage

Which of the following represents an interaction of one's nature and nurture?


__________is a factor that contributes to attraction.

physical appearance

Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her job interview. She knows that her interviewers will evaluate her based on the first impression she creates. In this scenario, the impression created by Keisha is an example of the_____.

primary effect

Ryan, a psychiatrist, has recommended that his patient, who suffers from generalized anxiety, stop the use of antianxiety drugs. After two weeks, the patient complains that her anxiety symptoms have become worse. Ryan tells the patient that her feelings are an expected response to stopping antianxiety medication. What is the patient experiencing?

rebound anxiety

In the context of the Milgram studies,__________were the real participants.


Jenny is preparing for an English test, and her brother is playing music loudly in the next room. She focuses on reading her English text books and ignores the music. In this scenario, Jenny is using _____.

selective attention

Chris, a high school student, is looking up the profiles of various colleges to make a decision about which one he wants to attend. Being a confident person, he believes that he will do well at a prestigious university. His belief in his success is called _____ by social cognitive theorists.

self-efficacy expectations

The group effect called__________is likely to lead the group to make more risky shifts in decision making.

social facilitation

Which of the following is a focus of Erikson's theory of personality and development?

social relationships

In operant conditioning, the method of__________involves a series of behaviors that gradually become more similar to a target behavior.

successive approximations

The pain message is relayed from the spinal cord to the__________and then projected to the cerebral cortex, making us aware of the location and intensity of the damage.


In the context of the theories of intelligence, which of the following statements is true of creative people?

they appreciate art and music

Loya, who is suffering from depression after her boyfriend left her, consults a therapist. During their sessions, she often talks to her therapist in a manner similar to how she spoke to her ex-boyfriend. This best exemplifies__________.


The Hering-Helmholtz illusion is a visual illusion.


The__________mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression.


Cognitive therapists, like psychoanalytic and humanistic therapists:

aim to foster self-insight, but they mainly aim to help make people more aware of their current cognitions.

A(n)__________is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


Episodic memory is also referred to as _____.

autobiographical memory

The brain and the spinal cord make up the _____, which controls and commands bodily functions.

central nervous system

In the context of humanistic therapies,__________encourages self-exploration and self-expression, and aims to provide insight into the parts of us that we have disowned so that we can feel whole.

client centered therapy

According to__________, we are motivated to make our cognitions or beliefs consistent with each other and with our behavior.

cognitive-dissonance theory

Freud theorized that the human mind is composed of three parts, namely _____.

conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

_____ is conducted only with groups.

couple therapy

Which of the following statements is true of neurotransmitters?

"Loose" neurotransmitters are either broken down or reabsorbed by the axon terminal.

Which of the following fractions is known as Weber's constant for light?


Which of the following pituitary hormones regulates the adrenal cortex?

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

__________primarily study the changes—physical, cognitive, social, and emotional—that occur throughout the life span.

Developmental psychologists

Which of the following is true of Aristotle's contribution to psychology?

He argued that human behavior is subject to rules and laws.

Which of the following statements is true of psychoanalysis?

It aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs.

Which of the following is a function of the reticular formation?

It is vital in the functions of attention, sleep, and arousal.

Which of the following best defines the term preconscious?

It refers to material that is not in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing one's attention.

Which of the following statements is true of prospective memory?

Moods and attitudes affect prospective memory.

__________is produced largely by neurons in the brain stem and acts both as a neurotransmitter and as a hormone.


In the context of the difference threshold, identify the correct statement.

On average, people can tell when a tone rises or falls in pitch by an extremely small one-third of 1 percent.

In the context of prospective memory, which of the following scenarios depict event-based tasks?

Rochelle feeds her cat every morning before leaving for work and cleans its litter box after getting back from work.

__________is the view that the perception of sensory stimuli involves the interaction of physical, biological, and psychological factors.

Signal-detection theory

Identify a true statement about forensic psychologists.

They deal with legal matters and evaluate eyewitness testimonies.

What is the purpose of a split-brain operation?

To confine epileptic seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex

In contrast to structuralists, Gestalt psychologists claimed that one cannot explain human perceptions, emotions, or thought processes in terms of basic units.


A(n)__________is the lingering visual impression made by a stimulus that has been removed.


Brandon is a psychologist who is studying the relationship between heredity and mood disorders. He strongly believes that behavior and mental processes have a connection with the brain, hormones, heredity, and evolution. Brandon's beliefs are most consistent with the _____ perspective.


The _____ perspective works on the assumption that thoughts, fantasies, and dreams—and the inborn or instinctive behavior patterns of various species—are made possible by the nervous system and especially by the brain.


Alternating periods of wakefulness and sleep reflect an internally generated _____.

circadian rhythm

An association among variables is known as__________.


A(n) _____ expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables.

correlation coefficient

_____ are strong, slow brain waves usually emitted during stage 4 sleep.

delta waves

According to the biological perspective of psychology,__________interact with inherited factors to determine specific behavior and mental processes.

environmental factors

Alcohol enhances cognitive functioning.


Glen is an accomplished guitarist. He can play the guitar with his eyes closed. When he does this, he is quite aware of which frets his fingers are on. He does this with the aid of his vestibular sense.


Neurons carry messages from the axon terminals through the axon to the dendrites.


Psychophysicist Ernst Weber discovered that the threshold for perceiving differences in the intensity of light is about 10 percent of their intensity.


Suppression and nonconscious processes are Freudian concepts, whereas repression is a non-Freudian concept.


The pineal gland secretes prolactin.


When a nerve impulse reaches a synapse, it jumps across the synaptic cleft like a spark because of its electrical nature.


Erica is part of a research group that is studying a group of software executives. She is trying to determine the relationship between workplace stress and cancer. As part of the same study, she also advises her subjects on ways to counter workplace stress. Erica is most likely a__________. forensic psychologist

human factors psychologists

In the scientific method, a research question may be studied as a question or reworded as a__________.


The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of__________memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second.


Memory that is suggested but not plainly expressed, as illustrated in the things that people do but do not state clearly, is known as _____.

implicit memory

Sujay is conducting a research on a group of factory machinists as part of a study on workplace stress and heart disease. Before conducting his study, he explains the objective of the study to the subjects and tells them what they would need to do. He gives them the opportunity to choose if they want to participate or not. In other words, Sujay is seeking__________.

informed consent

The__________adjusts or accommodates to an image by changing its thickness.


The enhanced efficiency in a synapse after brief rapid stimulation is called _____.

long-term potentiation

Opiates are a group of__________derived from the opium poppy that provide a euphoric rush and depress the nervous system.


With__________, psychologists and other scientists can observe behavior where it happens, or "in the field."

naturalistic observation

Ned is feeling stressed because of his workload in office. He is also experiencing insomnia with rapid weight loss. Ned's condition is an example of a__________correlation.


__________is the agent that creates physiological dependence on tobacco products.


Pain results when neurons called__________in the skin are stimulated.


The first four sleep stages are considered__________.

non rapid eye movement sleep

__________are nonsense syllables presented in pairs in experiments that measure recall.

paired associates

The retina consists of cells called _____ that are sensitive to light.


__________is the memory to perform an act in the future, as at a certain time or when a certain event occurs.

prospective memory

Sean believes that many of our unconscious ideas and impulses stem from our childhood conflicts. Based on his beliefs, it can be said that Sean is a _____.


On a bright, sunny day, Manny leaves a dimly-lit movie theater and goes out into the street. The _____ in his eyes adjust to the sudden increase in light.


Memory for past events, activities, and learning experiences, as shown by explicit and implicit memories, fall under the category of__________memory.


Jonah is reading a book in a crowded bus. Some boys sitting near him are talking and laughing loudly. Jonah focuses on reading his book and ignores the noise around him. This scenario illustrates an aspect of consciousness called__________.

selective attention

The _____ considers the psychological factors that influence people and their sense of perception.

signal-detection theory

People with__________stop breathing periodically, up to several hundred times per night.

sleep apnea

The hearing or auditory area of the cortex lies in the _____ lobe along the lateral fissure of the cerebral cortex.


B. F. Skinner proposed:

that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because their behavior has a positive outcome.

Which of the following is contained in the middle ear?

the eardrum

In positron emission tomography, to track the metabolism of glucose, a radioactive compound called a(n) _____ is mixed with glucose and injected into the bloodstream.


In long-term memory, we tend to organize information according to a hierarchical structure.


In the context of withdrawal symptoms associated with substance use, cravings are typically accompanied by signs of anxiety such as shakiness, rapid pulse, and sweating.


Psychologists are thinking in terms of behavioral genetics when they ask about the inborn reasons why individuals may differ in their behavior and mental processes.


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