Psychology FINAL EXAM Review

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Harley is exceedingly clumsy and uncoordinated. She has difficulty using a pencil or threading a needle. It is most likely that Harley's _____________ has been damaged.


In his work with rabbits, Richard Thompson showed that classical conditioning of the eyeblink response depends on the activity in the


When asked to describe a faculty office on campus, Mary seemed to do an accurate job. However, her description included a framed doctoral degree on the wall that in fact was not there. This is an illustration of

Constructive memory

Peter wants to train his parrot to kick a ball into a soccer net. What should he do?

Begin by reinforcing when the parrot goes near the ball.

Psychology is defined as the disciplined concerned with

Behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism's physical state, mental state, and external environment

An example of a biological event that follows a circadian rhythm is

Body temperature

Alana believes that her life is full of such inevitable challenges of existence as the search for the meaning of life, the need to confront death, and the necessity of taking responsibility for our actions. Which approach or tradition is she likely to agree with?


What is not a symptom of schizophrenia?

Multiple personalities

Many people respond positively to a new drug just because of the enthusiasm surrounding it and their own expectations that the drug will make them feel better. This phenomenon is called the

Placebo effect

Dr. Braddock has been treating a child with ADHD. She decides to write a prescription for Ritalin. Given this information, it is most likely that Dr. Braddock is a


Researchers are now looking for new ways to stimulate the brains of severely depressed individuals. One method called ________________, involves the use of a pulsing coil held to a person's skull at the left prefrontal cortex

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

A correlation coefficient of +1.73 means that

A calculation error has been made.

Which method would you embrace if you wanted to examine the effects of corporal punishment that a child endured for 10 years by a cruel parent?

A case study

Example of classical conditioning

A child learns to blink her eyes to a bell because the ringing of the bell has been followed by a puff of air to the eye.

After being passed up for a promotion and then getting into a heated argument with his son, a man disappears. He shows up two weeks later in another town with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He appears to be suffering from

A dissociative disorder

What is the general relationship between genes and personality?

A genetic predisposition does not necessarily imply genetic inevitability.

What view is consistent with the family-systems perspective?

A person's behavior in a family is tied to the behavior of all the other family members

Whenever Martin sees a cat, he runs inn fear. In fact, Martin can't even look at pictures of cats without experiencing intense feeling of anxiety. Martin appears to be suffering from

A phobia

A surgeon is probing the somatosensory cortex in your brain with a stimulation probe. What would you most likely experience

A tingling in the skin

Baby Joseph discovers a red chili-pepper on the floor and calls it "candy." After he puts the chili-pepper in his mouth, he realizes it is not at all like candy. According to Piaget, this experience will most likely result in


The biological and learning models of addiction differ in their explanations of drug abuse in their proposed solutions. According to the learning model

Addiction is a way of coping, and alcoholics need to find better coping methods

When Lexi went trick or treating, she was frightened when her neighbor opened the door as a monster. What brain structure is involved in Lexi's reaction?


When talking about schizophrenia, a positive symptom is

An excess or distortion of normal functions, such as hallucinations or delusions

The Strange Situation refers to

An experimental procedure for investigating attachment

My dog, Max, was excited to wear the Halloween costume I made for him. This is an example of


Which of the following would likely be the most useful in reducing a patient's agitation, delusions, and hallucinations?

Antipsychotic drug

Psychedelic drugs

Are derived from the opium poppy, which relieves pain and produces euphoria

When little Donna is given her first vitamin pill, she says, "Yay! Candy!" According to Piaget, this is an example of


The best definition of consciousness

Awareness of ourselves and the environment

Danielle's parents place a high value on academic achievement, but her peers do not. In this situation, Danielle is most likely to

Be more strongly influenced by her peers

The _________ explanation of mental disorders explains that disorder is caused by chemical imbalances, genetic problems, brain damage or dysfunction, or some combination of those causes


Young males, both human and monkey, like to play with wheeled toys rather than cuddly dolls. Young females, both human and monkey, show a variety of toy preferences. Cross-species evident, such as his, has led some researches to conclude __________ influences play a major role in gender development.


Confabulated memories

Can be just as strong, vivid, and retained for long periods of time as actual memories.

Professor Howard takes a humanist approach to personality. She would most likely agree that the most influential aspect of human personality is our

Capacity to shape our own futures

What explanation views mental disorders as the result of illogical thinking?


If Ralphonzo is asked by his therapist to write down his thoughts about his academic work, read the thoughts as if someone else had said them, and then write a rational response to each one. That treatment method is

Cognitive therapy

What is an incorrect match?

Compulsion: recurrent, persistent, unwished for images and thoughts

When Jeff kisses Mary, her heart rate increased. Jeff always wore Degree body spray. Whenever Mary smelled the Degree body spray, her heart raced. The smell of the body spray was the

Conditioned stimulus

Jethro is a Libertarian party supporter. He goes out of his way to read articles about the achievements of members of the party, but doesn't pay any attention to articles that are critical of the party and its candidates. Jethro is exhibiting

Confirmation bias

Whenever Mandy is given a slice of cheese, she folds it into four smaller squares before eating it. When asked about this habit, Mandy explains that folding the cheese into four squares gives her more cheese than she had before. According to Piaget, Mandy lacks


The cognitive skills and specific knowledge that a person acquires over a lifetime is called

Crystallized intelligence

Psychologists who practice behavioral therapy focus on the client's

Current behavior and attitudes

What occupation requires emotion work as a job requirement?

Customer service representative

According to Paul Ekman, which one of the following is an example of the universal facial expressions?


Which of the following pairs of variables are likely to be positively correlated?

Damage to a car and speed at the time of accident

A problem that cultural psychologists face is how to

Describe cultural influences on personality without oversimplifying or stereotyping

People who drink in order to ________ have significantly more drinking problems than those who drink for other reasons.

Disguise anxiety

Marcus is angry when the teacher blames him for misbehaving when it actually was the child behind him who had been acting up. As he leaves after school, he shoves another boy who gets in his way. Freud would say that Marcus is unconsciously using the defense mechanism of


In order to relieve the tension you felt last night about this exam, you spent the night binging on Netflix instead of studying. This would be an example of the __________ coping method.


What is not part of the triarchial theory of intelligence?


Virtual reality devices permit behavior therapists to conduct ______ in their offices.

Exposure therapy

Complete this dating profile: Outgoing individual who enjoys social activities; also adventurous and willing to try anything. In other words, this person exhibits

Extraversion and openness

Ada was feeling a little down in the dumps; sad, grumpy, just not herself. Her grandmother told her, "Smile, Ada; you'll feel better!" What theory predicts that Grandma is correct?

Facial feedback

What does the evidence suggest about the middle years of adulthood, between the ages of 35 and 65?

For most people, this is a period of good health, well-being, productivity, and general reflection on life.

The process by which children learn the abilities, interests, and behaviors associated with being masculine or feminine in their culture is known as

Gender typing

Carol experiences a continuous state of anxiety marked by feeling of worry and dread, apprehension, difficulties in concentration, and signs of motor tension. According to the DSM , this disorder is called

Generalized anxiety disorder

Order of the stages of prenatal development

Germinal, embryonic, fetal

Ginny's motto is "I am the master of my fate." Frieda's motto is "Whatever will be, will be." Who would you predict has an internal locus of control?


Estelle is a very outspoken person and gives her opinion about every subject. She loves parties and crowds. She also constantly worries that something bad is going to happen to people that she knows. According to the Big Five, Estelle would score

High on extraversion and high on neuroticism

A kind of "memory filing cabinet," important for the formation and retrieval of memories that might be stored in various locations throughout the brain is the


Carmen had a stroke the caused damage to her brain. As a result, she can no longer form new memories about people she meets or information she learns. Which part of the Carmen's brain is most likely damaged?


What is the key characteristic of the Type A personality that is related to heart disease?


What is true about hypnosis?

Hypnotized people cannot be forces to do something against their will

The __________ in the brain sends messages to the endocrine glands along two major pathways when you are under stress.


The relationship between intelligence and IQ

IQ is a measure of intelligence

Sara has slightly above-average intelligence, but she sets and attains daily study goals for herself, is willing to work late into the night, and maintains a positive attitude about her progress in school. What summarizes Sara's situation?

IQ is a useful measure of intellectual success, but hard work, motivation, and self-discipline also predict achievement

Difference between classical and operant conditioning

In classical conditioning, the response is reflexive, but in operant conditioning, it is typically more complex.

In Aryana's culture, group harmony takes precedence over the wishes of the individual. It is most likely that Aryana defines her "self"

In the context of her relationships.

The vulnerability-stress model describes

Interactions between upsetting events and individual vulnerability that lead to a disorder.

Every semester I have new groups of students in my classes. I notice that, after learning the names of the students in class this year, I have trouble remembering the names of the students from the previous semester. In fact, I sometimes say the name of a current student when I am referring to a student from a previous semester. This is an example of


The experience of "jet lag" is the result of a phenomenon called

Internal desynchronization

When an action potential reaches the end of the axon terminal

It causes synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitters

What is true of the behaviorist perspective?

It explains behavior in terms of observable acts and events, without reference to mental entities such as the "mind."

Laterization is defined as the

Specialization of the two cerebral hemispheres for particular operations.

James has been sleeping for about 90 minutes when his brain shows rapid, irregular waves. His blood pressure rises, his heart rate increases, and his skeletal muscles go limp. What is the conclusion?

James is experiencing physiological changes that are normal during REM sleep

If you visited a strange, exotic land and carefully observed the facial expressions of the members of that culture, about which emotion would you most likely be mistaken?


Who would most likely receive a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder?

Larry, who enjoys stealing cars and going for joy rides around the neighborhood

What is learning that has taken place but is not demonstrated called?

Latent learning

Dr. Smith approaches questions about human behavior from a perspective that emphasizes the rewards and punishments that maintain certain specific behaviors. He does not invoke the mind to explain behavior but sticks to what he can observe and measure directly. It is most likely that he accepts what psychological approach?


People suffering from bipolar disorder often are helped by taking ___________, but they must be very careful with the dose they take because too much can be toxic.

Lithium carbonate

A long lasting increase in the strength of synaptic responsiveness is called

Long-term potentiation

Jenny wants to remember the telephone number of the man she just met, so she repeats it over and over to keep it in short-term memory: 867-5309...867-5309...867-5309. What rehearsal strategy is Jenny using?

Maintenance rehearsal

Jamie's sleep patterns have been erratic over the course of the past few months, and she lacks the energy to do anything except lay on her couch. Jamie also feels completely hopeless, and she wonders if life is worth living anymore. Jamie is most likely suffering from

Major depression

A major criticism of humanist theories of personality is that

Many of the humanist assumptions are untestable

Based on the ______ perspective, one's personality is influenced by the stories individuals create in order to make sense of their lives.


Jona begs her father for a chocolate cupcake at the bakery but he refuses to buy her one. Jona continues to whine and complain until finally he breaks down and gets her the cupcake. For her dad, the cessation of Jona's whiny behavior is a

Negative reinforcer

Armando is constantly worrying about things, even though he really doesn't have anything to worry about. He constantly complains about his coursework and gives up on difficult projects easily. According to the Big Five, Armando is best described as highly


A research hypothesis proposes that consuming low carbohydrate diets result in increased weight loss. One group of participants follows a low-carb diet for 4 weeks, whereas a second group follows a high carb diet containing the same number of calories for 4 weeks. The average number of pounds lost for each group is then compared. What is the dependent variable?

Number of pounds lost

After Sarah does laundry, she feels compelled to check the dryer 6 times to make sure she hasn't forgotten any socks. In addition, Sarah must turn the lights on and off 3 times before entering the laundry social room. Sarah is likely suffering from


Hugo's psychologist asks him to take a personality test. The test consists of a series of standardized multiple-choice items. The test also includes a section where Hugo is asked to rate himself on a series of scales. It is most likely that is a(n)

Objective test

After watching her father slide through pictures on his smartphone using his index finger, Lucy, a 5-year old, learns to use her finger to slide the screen on his smartphone. Lucy acquired this behavior through

Observational learning

Researchers use descriptive statistics when they want to

Organize and summarize research data

After surviving a commuter train derailment, Justin experienced frequent, vivid thoughts and images of the accident for several months. He also had problems sleeping and was irritable and withdrawn. Justin is suffering from


Marcie went to the emergency room for the second time in a month complaining of difficulty breathing and chest pain that had come on suddenly. She thought she was having a heart attack and was afraid she was dying, but the doctor could not find anything wrong. She may be suffering from

Panic disorder

the ________ model of memory represents the contents of memory as connections among a large number of interacting processing units

Parallel distributed

Developmental psychologists have attempted to identify the effects of many specific childrearing practices on children's personality traits. The problem with this line of research, which was discussed in the textbook is that

Parents are inconsistent from day to day and over the years.

_____________ is defined as a distinctive and relatively stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that characterizes an individual.


George's friends tease him for visiting the public library during summer holidays. As a result, George stops visiting the library. In this example, the teasing acted as a

Positive punishment

Lauren's physician refers her to a medical center in order to have the biochemical activity in her brain analyzed. She is given an injection of a glucose-like substance containing a radioactive element and her brain is then scanned. The technique being used is called

Positron-emission tomography

Parts of the ____________ are involved in the regulations of emotions, keeping us on an even keel and responding appropriately to others.

Prefrontal cortex

The __________________ is the most recently evolved part of our brains and is associated with such complex abilities as reasoning, decision making, and planning.

Prefrontal cortex

What treatment is least likely used today?

Prefrontal lobotomy

What approach to explaining dreams is best supported by the fact that students who are worried about getting a good grade in a class often have recurring dreams of running out of time on exams, oversleeping and missing class, or suddenly realizing that a paper deadline was just missed?


Carlos wants to reduce stress in his life, so he makes a list of all the events that cause him stress, identifies three strategies for dealing with each item, and disciplines himself to pursue at least one strategy each day. What kind of coping scheme is he using?

Problem-focused coping

What is considered to be an implicit memory?

Procedural memory

A representative instance of a concept is called a


The primary purpose of the DSM is to

Provide descriptive criteria for diagnosing mental disorders

Ralphonzo is a bright student but he procrastinates. He procrastinates doing his work and his academic performance is suffering. After exploring his early childhood memories with a therapist for almost a year, Ralphonzo comes to the insight that he procrastinates as a way of expressing anger toward his parents. the treatment method used to help Ralphonzo deal with his problem is most likely

Psychodynamic therapy

Tony is a charming and manipulative man with an ambition to become rich and powerful. He use his charm and manipulates rich women to marry him. He emotionally exploits them and gets all their assets transferred to his name. Then, he disappears without regret, leaving them penniless, Tony is showing the characteristics of a


In operant conditioning, when a response is first acquired, learning is usually most rapid if the response is reinforced

Randomly on an intermittent schedule

What is not one of the phases of Hans Selye's general adaption syndrome?


A person's personality can affect the way they perceive an experience. Conversely, different experiences can change the way a person's perceptions take place. This is an example of what concept?

Reciprocal determinism

Under most circumstances, which is an easier memory-retrieval task to perform?


Shanita takes a moderate dose of a tranquilizer. She is likely to experience

Reduced anxiety and tension, sedation

Sam thinks politicians have too much information on people's daily lives, and Josh thinks they have too little. "Well," says Sam, "I suppose there are many ways to look at this issue. The important thing is that we're both thinking it through and offering cohesive arguments for our points of view." Which of King and Kitchener's types of thinking describes Sam's statement?


Empirical findings are those that

Rely on observation, experimentation, or measurement

If the frustration, conflict, and anxiety associated with a particular psychosexual stage are not properly resolved, Freud believed children may

Remain fixated, or stuck, at that stage

Every week, Janet spends her allowance on sour gummy worms even though they always make her mouth water. One day, as she is walking down the street, Janet sees a girl carrying a little white bag that looks like a candy shop bag! Janet notices that her mouth is puckering and overflowing with saliva. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is the

Sour gummy worms

Regina suffered brain damage in a car accident. As a result, she can longer breathe on her own and needs the help of a respirator. Which structure was most likely damaged?

Reticular activating system

According to the sociocognitive explanation of dissociative identity disorder, therapists have

Rewarded patients with attention and praise for revealing more and more personalities

In the first few weeks of life, babies' actions are dominated by involuntary, unlearned reactions. For example, when an infant turns its mouth toward a finger or nipple that touches its cheek, it is showing the ________ reflex.


Seth is asked to report what he sees in a series of cards presented with symmetrical abstract patterns. It is likely that Seth is being given the

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Carly remembers that St. Paul is the capital of Minnesota. Shannon remembers that she lived in St. Paul when she was 9 years old. Carly is demonstrating ___________ memory, whereas Shannon is demonstrating ___________ memory.

Semantic; Episodic

The "magic number seven, plus or minus two" refers to the storage capacity of

Short-term memory

Display rules involve

Social or cultural guidelines that regulate when, how, and where a person may express emotion.

Dr. Leon studies the impact of societal norms and values on human decision-making behavior. It is most likely that she endorses which psychological approach?


Carlos trains his cat Mr. Whiskers to salivate to the sound of a bell. He rings the bell every 15 minutes and doesn't follow it with food for Mr. Whiskers. It salivates less and less and finally stops salivating at the sound of the ringing bell. A week later, he finds Mr. Whiskers salivating at the sound of a ringing bell. What terms explains this response?

Spontaneous recovery

Making a vow of celibacy was difficult for Anderson when he became a priest, but he remained true to his vow. On his 25th anniversary, the congregation held a reception and displayed several pieces of liturgical art that Anderson created over the past two decades. According o Freud, Anderson's artistic creations might be the result of


TRUE OR FALSE: Our experiences can change the "wiring" of our brains.


Latazia sees an iPad sitting on a park bench. According to the psychoanalytic view, if her superego had a voice, it would probably tell her

That stealing is wrong and you should keep the iPad where it is

Jimmy is asked whether English words that end in -ing are more common than words that have n as the second-to-last letter. He mentally generates a long list of -ing words (running, jumping, reading, laughing) but can only think of a few that have n as the second-to-last letter (drink, second). Which barrier to rational reasoning did Jimmy fall prey to?

The availability heuristic

The nervous system is divided into two main parts

The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system

Professor Baker wants her students to conduct a study to examine how people reason, recall, and understand language in order to apply moral standards. She has instructed her class to infer the mental processes of their participants. What psychological perspective is she attempting to teach her class?

The cognitive perspective

Franco and Carla are walking down the street when they spy a paper bag. Carla is the first to pick it up, and discovers 20 one-dollar bills inside. "This is great!" says Carla. "Here; you take $5 and I'll keep $15." Franco indignantly huffs, "You're nuts! Either give me half or put the bag back down. I'd rather have nothing than your lousy offer!" Which barrier to rational reasoning is Franco illustrating?

The fairness bias

Inga listens intently as her economic professor describes the 4 percent unemployment rate in her county. Troubled by this statistic, she later talks with her friend Marlo, who is enrolled in a different section of the same economics course. "Unemployment in our county is horrible!" laments Inga. "What do you mean?" replies Marlo. "The professor clearly told us that 96 percent of people in our county have a job, which sounds pretty good to me." What barrier to reasoning rationally could be influencing Inga's and Marlo's conclusions?

The framing affect

_____________ is defined as a general intellectual ability assumed by many theorists to underlie specific mental abilities and talents.

The g factor

What is true about an individualist culture?

The independence of the individual often takes precedence over the needs of the group.

Jazmyn has been studying day and night for so many weeks that she is chronically sleep deprived. What symptoms is Jazmyn at the greatest risk of developing?

The loss of mental flexibility and creativity

Nerve impulses travel more slowly in babies than in older children and adults because

The myelin sheaths on axons are not yet fully developed in infants.

Developmental psychology is best defined as the study of

The social, cognitive, and physical changes that occur over the course of the lifespan.

What is one part of the peripheral nervous system?

The somatic nervous system

In a laboratory, smokers are asked to drive using a computerized driving simulator and cover the maximum distance possible, while avoiding rear-end collisions. Some volunteers are given a real cigarette to smoke immediately before the test. Others smoke a fake cigarette without nicotine. The number of collisions the two groups make it to be compared. In this study, the independent variable is

The use of nicotine

__________ allows one to form conclusions about intentions, beliefs, and feelings held by others

Theory of mind

To test whether people in bars drink more when they are in groups than when they are alone, researchers visited all pubs in a city. They ordered beers and recorded observations on napkins and pieces of newspaper. Why did they keep their identities in disguise?

They wanted the people they were observing to behave naturally

Jeanetta is startled when her 6 year old daughter, Lori, sleepwalks into the family room. It is most likely that Lori is experiencing stage ___________ of the sleep cycle.


Resolution of the first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development involves a baby receiving consistent quality attention to their needs. This stage is known as

Trust versus mistrust

If a psychological test measures what it is supposed to measure, it has what property?


________________ established the first psychological library in 1879.

Wilhelm Wundt

The part of your memory system that allows you to manipulate the information held in your short-term memory is known as _________ memory.


A researcher wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. Some participants are given three bars of chocolate to eat and some are given no chocolate at all, and then all of the participants are tested for nervousness an hour later. In this experiment, the amount of chocolate eaten

Would be an independent variable

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