psychology final

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______ memory is a type of long-term memory in which an individuals behavior is affected by prior experience without a conscious recollection of that experience.

echoic memory

______ refers to auditory sensory memory, which is retained for up to several seconds.

iconic memory

______ refers to visual sensory memory, which is retained only for about a quarter of a second.


_______ is the body's tendency to maintain an equilibrium, or steady state or balance.


_______ psychology is a school of thought interested in how people naturally organize their perceptions according to certain patterns.


_______Organs or tissues in the body that create chemicals that control many of our bodily functions.


_________refers to the formation of a number of different connections around a stimulus at any given level of memory encoding

flashbulb memory

________the memory of emotionally significant events that people often recall with more accuracy and vivid imagery than everyday events.

mental age

_______a concept developed by alfred binet, is an individuals level of mental development relative to that of others.

lower levels of serotonin

______have been linked to aggressive behavior

set point

______refers to the weight maintained when the individual makes no effort to gain or lose weight.

the plants

a researcher predicted that talking to plants enhances their growth. she gave 24 plants the same amount of water and sunlight. she talked to 12 of the 24 plants daily for 6 weeks and then measured their growth. in this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable?

physiological needs

according to maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the strongest human needs are _______

opponent-process theory

according to the ________ theory of color vision, cells in the visual system respond to red-green and blue-yellow colors.


after fasting for an entire day, cecilia feels absolutely hungry. she wants to have a double burrito to satiate herself. in this case, the burrito represents her______


allie has developed a theory concerning test grades of high school students. she believes that there is a strong causal relationship between students levels of happiness and their grades in school. in this scenario, her expectation that happier students get better grades is a _______ derived from her theory.


approaches that attempt to explain observable behavior by investigating mental processes and structures that cannot be directly observed by individuals fall under__________ psychology


as mitch walks through the conference hall before his conference, he greets approximately 50 new people. based on his short-term association with these people, mitch will most likely remember the names of _______ individuals.

divided attention

ashley is in the habit of listening to music while studying. she usually puts her headphones on when she's reading through a textbook. in this scenario, ashley is demonstrating_______


based on his observation of a group of patients who suffer from a psychological disorder and display immense creativity, collin develops a theory of creativity among patients with that disorder. according to the types of reasoning, it can be concluded that collin has employed ______ reasoning.

an IQ of 130 or higher

by definition, people who are gifted have_____

She will look for negative behaviors on the part of the supervisor

cathy has long believed that all her supervisors are cranky and disagreeable individuals. according to the confirmation bias, after being transferred to a new department, which of the following will cathy most likely do on her first day in the new supervisor's department?

retroactive interference

charlie has opted to study both spanish and french in school this semester. as he studies a list of words for his french test, he realizes that he has forgotten the list of spanish words he learnt the day before. in the context of retrieval failure, this is an example of_______

cognitive dissonance

chelsea is a chain-smoker. she plans to stop smoking because she knows that smoking will harm her health. in this scenario, chelsea is trying to change her behavior to fit her attitude, which will most likely reduce her________


for a research project, Joaquin observes student behavior during a learning task and attempts to form a _______, which is a broad idea or set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain observations and to make predictions and future observations.

episodic memory

hank teaches music. during a lesson, while teaching a scale, he recalls how he used the scale in one of the concerts he played. in this scenario, hank is using his ______ to recall his concert experience.

the availability heuristic

harry intends to pursue his career in the armed forces. however, his mother prevents him from applying for a position in the armed forces. she fears that she will lose her son just like she lost her husband who died during his regime in the armed forces. hence, it can be concluded that harry's mother has used _________


hiroko's fifth-grade teacher was disappointed when he performed poorly in math. she believes that asian students are academically excellent and never perform poorly. in this scenario, the teacher's beliefs best illustrate________

convergent but not standardized

if an intelligence test produces the same score over multiple administrations but does not accurately measure intelligence, then the test is _________


in the auditory system, the bones of the middle ear vibrate by vibrations of the________

groups have equal and balanced composition

in the context of experimental research, random assignment of participants is important in order to ensure that _______

observable characteristics

in the context of genes and the environment, an individual's phenotype refers to his or her________

afferent nerves

in the context of nervous system pathways, nerves that carry information about the external environment to the brain and spinal cord are known as________

can change

in the context of psychology's scientific method, a variable is anything that_______

low frequency sounds

in the context of the auditory system, one critique of place theory is that it does not explain_______

occipital lobe

in the context of the cerebral cortex, the area critical for processing visual information is the ________

papillae are the inner linings of the tongue

in the context of the chemical senses, which of the following is true of the tongue?


in the context of the organization of the brain, one of its pleasure centers is found in the _________


in the context of the organization of the brain, which part of the hindbrain regulates vital functions such as breathing and heart rate?

out of the brain and spinal cord to other areas of the body.

in the context of the pathways in the nervous system, efferent nerves carry information _______

parallel processing

in the context of visual processing in the brain, the simultaneous distribution of sensory information across different neural pathways is referred to as_______

convert light into electrochemical impulses

in the visual system, the main function of rods and cones is to _______


in the visual system, the opening in the center of the iris is known as the _______

procedural memory

ingrid works in the information technology department of a big company. whenever the company hires someone new, she has to set up a new computer for them. in this scenario, ingrid will easily be able to set up a computer because the information on how to set up the computer is stored in her able to set up a computer because the information on how to set up the computer is stored in her __________

a stimulus is recognized and labeled.

intermediate processing in memory is the level at which ______


jack doesnt need to look at his keyboard while typing. his fingers automatically move over the keys as he types information into the computer. in the context of memory storage, which part of jack's brain is active when he is performing this ?

sensory memory

june plays a game with her brother. her brother quickly shows her a picture and she has to describe the picture in as few words as possible. in this scenario, june's_______ is most likely to help her remember the picture.

lack the capacity for self-awareness

kate, a member of the sorority at quantasia state university, argues that AI machines will become intent on domination of the human race as soon as they realize that they are intellectually superior to humans. as a psychology major, laura scoffs at this position and argues that AI machines will never come to the realization that they are smarter than humans because they _______

the fundamental attribution error

kaylee is in her car at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. just as it does, a man driving a red truck goes speeding past kaylee and just about misses crashing into her car. kaylee abuses him him and thinks to herself that his license should be revoked. what kaylee does not know is that the trucks breaks have failed. in this scenario kaylee is demonstrating_______ while attempting to explain the man's behavior.

inattentional blindness

peter is driving down the highway. while trying to find his exit, he fails to notice the sign stating the detour sign near his exit. in this scenario, peter is exhibiting_______


robert wants to go out on a picnic. he packs his bag and gets ready, but at the last minute he has hunch that it might rain. he follows his instinct and drops the idea of going out on a picnic. In this case, robert used the _______ system or reasoning in his decision making.

retrograde amnesia

ryan, a high-school football player, recieved a head injury during a game. after he recovered, ryan was unable to remember anything that happened before the injury. however, he was able to form new memories. in the context of forgetting, ryans condition best exemplifies________

divergent thinking

serena, an advertising lead, is holding a meeting with her teammates regarding the development of an advertisement for a new perfume brand. which of the following processes of thinking do serena and her team mates most likely employ in this scenario?


setting goals, planning for the implementation of goals, and monitoring progress are all aspects of _______

availability heuristic

sharon had a major argument with terence, her 50-year-old general manager in her previous company, whom she perceives as being arrogant and snobbish. following the argument, she quit her job, and found a job in another company, and is currently working under ian, who is about the same age as terence. she now feels that ian is also arrogant and snobbish. accoriding to the biases and heauristics in decision making, it can be concluded that sharon is likely to employ _______ in this scenario.


shizuka administered a self-developed depression scale twice on a group of patients at a hospital. at both times, she observed that different scores were yielded by the same set of patients. from this scenario, it can be concluded that shizuka's scale lacks________

the amygdala, a part of the limbic system, its involved in emotional memories.

which of the following is true of brain structures and memory functions in long-term memory?

It is involved in the regulation of mood and attention.

which of the following is true of the neurotransmitter serotonin?

memory for pictures is better than memory for words

which of the following statements is true according to the dual code hypothesis?

it works best when a problem has only one right answer.

which of the following statements is true of convergent thinking?

they have a hereditary, biological foundation

which of the following statements is true of nerve cells ?

they are events that threaten individuals and tax their coping abilities.

which of the following statements is true of stressors?

no specific organ contains the kinesthetic senses

which of the following statements is true of the kinesthetic sense in humans?

mental imagery

while preparing for a biology test, aaron studies the human heart by closing his eyes and forming a picture of it in his mind, just as it is shown in the textbook. he also labels each part in his mind. which of the following encoding processes is aaron using in this scenario?

cody, whose chronological age is above his mental age

who among the following is most likely to have a low intelligent quotient (iQ)?

frontal lobe

zeus was injured in a mining accident and suffered severe brain damage. in time, his brain healed, and he was back to working in the mines. the only change was in his personality. from being a highly aggressive and temperamental individual, he became mild-mannered and calm, almost to the extent of being placid. in this scenario, the region of the cerebral cortex that was most likely damaged in the accident was the________

the brains resources are limited

which of the following is the reason for human attention being selective?

Eating a wide variety of fruits

which of the following is required for healthy eyes?

case study

Dr. okawa is interested in studying the effect of neurological trauma on short-term memory. first, he collects detailed information from a small number of individuals who have experienced brain damage. then, using information provided by medical records, interviews, and observations, dr. okawa attempts to create an in-depth portrait of each individual. what type or research method was used in this study?


Nathan is being tutored by one of his classmates, sarah. nathan wants to ask sarah to the prom but does not know whether she is interested in him. he looks out for signals of encouragement from her and realizes that she does not have a date for prom. he also notes that she often calls him on the telephone just to talk and joins him for lunch. this encourages nathan to ask sarah out and when he does, she says yes. according to the signal detection theory, this outcome can best be labeled as a _______

daisy's episodic memory is impaired, but her semantic memory is intact.

daisy, a sixteen-year-old, was in a car accident in which she suffered a serious brain injury. since then, daisy is unable to remember anything about her past experiences. she cannot recall what she did last week, how the accident happened, or any of her childhood experiences. however, she is able to read, write, and speak accurately and remembers the names of countries, things, places, and famous people. in the context of long-term memory, which of the following is most likely true in this scenario?

size constancy

derek checks on his new car parked on the street before he goes up to his 19th-floor apartment. from his apartment, he looks down and makes sure the car is still there, even though the image of the car on his retina is smaller from where he is looking, derek knows that the car is still as big as it was downstairs. this scenario best illustrates the phenomenon of ________


dhiraj excels at his work as a designer for the established fashion brand "vivacious". according to sternberg's theory of intelligence, it can be concluded that dhiraj has a high level of _______ intelligence.

selective attention

donna is writing a test. she is so focused on writing the test that she does not hear the invigilator remind her that she only has five minutes to complete her test. in this scenario, donna has engaged in _______

psychological state

drive pertains to a ________, whereas need involves a physiological state


each key on a touch-tone telephone makes a slightly different sound when touched. this difference is due to the pitch of sound produced by each key. the difference in pitch is determined by the ________ of the sound waves coming from each key.

memory is stored in the form of words

evidence of the role of language in cognitive activities included the fact that_____


lily and her classmates are asked to write an essay on what they want to be when they are older. although lily wants to be a florist, she does not write about it. instead, she writes about wanting to be a doctor because most of her friends want to be doctors. in this context of social influence, lily is best exhibiting ______

divergent thinking

lisa, a marketing manager, has suggested using crowdsourcing to come up with ideas for advertising. she has found a number of people who are ready to volunteer to answer a questionaire and be a part of a focus group. which of the following processes of thinking is being illustrated in this scenario?

confirmation bias

many smokers like to associate themselves to the late george burns, a famous actor who smoked cigars continuously for many years and lived to be nearly a hundred, as evidence that smoking is relatively harmless. these individuals tend to ignore the thousands of people who die every year from lung cancer. they are illustrating ______

external attribution

maria believes that her roommate did not clean the dirty dishes last night because she was exhausted after an usually busy day work. maria is explaining her roommate's behavior through

the self-fulfilling prophecy

mr. and mrs. lee warn their new babysitter that their son, dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous and must be strictly disciplined. as a result, alison is overstrict with dennis and does not let him out of her sight. this facilitates dennis's aggressive and mischievous behavior. this scenario best illustrates_______

standardized norms

norman is involved in the process of developing instructions for administering and scoring a personality scale. thus, it can be concluded that norman is in the process of establishing _______

it can cause damage to the thyroid

paris thinks her friend, nicole, may be suffering from an undiagnosed case of anorexia nervosa. she shares her concerns with nicole, but nicole insists that anorexia nervosa is a trivial issue. which of following is the most serious consequences of anorexia nervosa?

nervous system

the body's electrochemical communication circuitry is known as the _______


the concept of ________is best defined as the ability to do well on cognitive tasks, to solve problems, and to learn from experience.


the goal of the drive reduction theory is ______

the optic nerve leaves the eye

the place on the retina that contains neither rods nor cones is where the ________


the process by which individuals come to understand the causes of others behavior and form an impression of them as individuals is called______


the process of receiving stimulus energy from the environment and transforming it into neural energy is called_______

the fast pathway connects directly with the thalamus; the slow pathway goes through the limbic system.

what is the difference between the fast and slow neural pathways of pain messages?

muscle fibers and joints

what part of the body is most responsible for kinesthetic senses?


when a person's blood sugar level falls too low, he feels ______

reticular formation

when sam walks into his class, he does not have to think consciously about how to walk. when he gets there, he pays attention to the lectures even if they are boring or he is tired. in this scenario, the brain structure that is most likely causing these stereotyped patterns of behavior in sam is the _________


when shopping for their brother, jack and james are presented with a red shirt by the sales person. while jack likes the shirt, james dislikes the shirt. in this scenario. even though the color of the shirt is the same, jack and james disagree because of differences in their_______of the shirt.


whenever a dog falls into a a puddle of water, it shakes itself to dry its wet fur. which of the following best describes the dog's pattern of behavior?


whenever olivia watches a televison commercial featuring food, she is ridden by a desire to eat. these feelings of hunger stimulate olivia to go to the kitchen to search for food, olivia's behavior can be studied by conducting research in the area of ________

prefrontal cortex

which of following regions of the cerebral cortex is involved in higher cognitive functions such as planning, reasoning, and self-control?


which of the following is a way to improve short-term memory?


which of the following is most closely related to blood sugar control?

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