Psychology Mid-Term

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In observational learning, a person who engages in a response that is imitated is a model.


Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) can occur via the action of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and glutamate, at synapses.


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment.


Nicotine, alcohol, and many other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of _______.

Greater Incidence of poor health and pain

Older adults are more likely than younger adults to have insomnia because of a


PCP, or phencyclidine, is an opioid whose name is an acronym for its chemical structure.


Recall is the easiest type of memory task, making multiple-choice tests easier than fill-in-the-blank.


Telling your young child on Monday that their good behavior will be rewarded on Saturday is more effective than giving them an immediate reinforcer.


The Weschler intelligence scale yielded the mental age score.

are prone to fantasy

The best individuals for hypnosis are people who ________.


The somatic nervous system controls activities such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils.


Tiffany asks her son to reorganize groups of letters such as "skosc," "odg," "imal," and "orod" into words. In this scenario, Tiffany is using _________ of the words socks, dog, mail, and door.


When a child utters the word "mama," it may signify meanings as varied as "There goes Mama," "Come here, Mama," and "You are my Mama." Such single words used by children to express complex meanings are known as _________.

We work to bring about the events we believe in.

Which of the following is a reason for overconfidence?

Sympathetic Nervous System

While returning from the grocery store, Bob was held at gunpoint by two men who wanted to rob him of his belongings. Bob had never been in a fight before, yet he could feel his heartbeat rapidly rise, along with a sudden urge to fight the two men. This involuntary increase in Bob's heartbeat and his immediate urge to fight the men are controlled by the __________.


A composite of studies of the relationship between IQ scores and heredity suggests that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to IQ scores.

Semantic Memory

A person's ability to recall a historic event, like the American Civil War of 1861-65, would be an example of _________.


B.F. Skinner was known for training animals in operant conditioning.

Learning Associations

Classical conditioning is essentially _________.


Dizygotic twins are formed when a zygote divides into two cells that share the same genetic code.

Implicit Memory

How to perform different skills and actions is a component of _________.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep

Adam, a sleep researcher, noticed that his sleeping patient had a high level of neurological arousal. The patient is most likely in _______ sleep.


Emily suffers from insomnia. When she went to see a doctor, she was told that her sleeplessness was caused by the deficiency of a particular hormone. The doctor then gave her sleeping pills containing the deficient hormone. Emily has _______ deficiency.


The human ability to store information is limited.

Direct Inner Awareness

The knowledge of one's own thoughts, feelings, and memories without the use of sensory organs is known as _______.


The left hemisphere of the brain is relatively more involved in tasks that require logic and problem solving than the right hemisphere.

Negative Adaptation

When Darren first started working in the poultry plant, he found the smell from the chickens to be overwhelming. However, he gradually became accustomed to the smell, and now it no longer bothers him. This scenario illustrates an instance of ________.

Punishment is not another term for negative reinforcement.

Which of the following statements about punishment is TRUE?

It is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive."

Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory?

It is involuntary, automatic learning

Which of the following statements is true of classical conditioning?


__________ is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.

Continuous Reinforcement

__________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced.


__________ is the ability to generate novel and useful solutions to problems.

Transcendental Medication

__________ is the simplified form of meditation brought to the United States by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is used as a method for coping with stress.


According to Freud, we are motivated to forget painful memories and unacceptable ideas because they produce anxiety, guilt, and shame.


According to the American Lung Association, the hydrocarbons, or tars, in cigarette and cigar smoke lead to lung cancer.


According to the law of__________, there is a tendency to perceive a series of points or lines as having unity.


An association among variables is known as __________.


The audience was very impressed by the singer's ability to hit the high and low notes. This most closely refers to __________.

they can represent visions of things that never were measured.

Which of the following statements is true of concepts?

Brightness Constancy

_______ is the tendency to perceive an object as being just as luminous even though lighting conditions change its intensity.

Having Dyslexia

Being left-handed appears to provide a somewhat greater-than-average probability of _______.


Humans can detect the odor of 1 one-millionth of a milligram of vanilla in a liter of air.


In the context of classical conditioning, the term _______ is defined as a simple unlearned response to a stimulus.

infantile amnesia

Dana always hears stories about how extravagantly her first birthday was celebrated, but she is unable to recall the events of that day. Dana's inability to recall the events of her first birthday is known as _________.


One of the concepts of evolutionary psychology is that not only physical traits but also many patterns of behavior, including social behavior, evolve and can be transmitted genetically from generation to generation.


As Donna is answering this very question, she is aware of her environment. This awareness is referred to as __________.


Alicia was recently in a car accident. Since then, she cannot retain memories of events that occurred after the accident. However, she can recall events that took place before the accident. She recognizes her family and friends and important dates, such as her birthday and her marriage anniversary, but has to be constantly reintroduced to the new people in her life. Alicia has most likely sustained damage to her _______.

Primary Reinforcer

Dana learned to cook by watching her mother cook rather than by means of direct experience. In the context of observational learning, Dana's mother was a _________ for her.

about 12 seconds

How long can information be stored in short-term memory without being rehearsed?

Learn More Slowly

People deprived of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

Central Nervous System (CNS)

The brain and the spinal cord make up the _______, which controls and commands bodily functions.

It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found.

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold?


____________ refers to the perception of objects that do not stimulate the known sensory organs.


__________are mental categories used to group together objects, relations, events, abstractions, or qualities that have common properties.

Vestibular Sense

__________tells us whether we are falling and provides cues to whether our body is changing speed.

Classical Conditioning

Benjamin entered a pizza-eating contest when he was in college. He finished five large pizzas by himself, but he felt nauseated and threw up a few hours later. For several years, the sight and smell of pizza made him feel sick. In this scenario, Benjamin's aversion toward pizza occurred through ________.

Rochelle feeds her cat every morning before leaving for work and cleans its litter box after getting back from work.

In the context of prospective memory, which of the following scenarios depict event-based tasks?

It reflects the relationship between a child's mental age and his or her actual age.

In the context of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS), which of the following statements is true of intelligence quotient (IQ)?

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