Psychology of Gender Multiple Choice

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As discussed by Deborah Saucier and Crystal Ehresman (2010) in "The Physiology of Sex Differences", when during male fetal development are the female reproductive organs repressed by to the release of testosterone?

A) 1-2 weeks B) 1 month *C) 3-4 months* D) just prior to birth

Gender stereotypes are inaccurate for which of the following traits/behaviors?

*A) talkativeness* B) extraversion C) interruptions D) verbal ability

What best describes the similarities/differences between the love experienced by adult mates, and the love that infants form for their caregivers?

*A) The same neurological circuits regulate both types of love relationships.* B) Infants' love is characterized more by feelings of warmth while mates' love is characterized more by feelings of intimacy. C) They have similar hormonal mechanisms but different behavioral manifestations. D) Infants can grow attached to both sexes while adult mates generally only feel attachment towards one sex.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the Multifactorial Theory of Gender Identity discussed in your textbook?

*A) The variety of roles, traits, and attitudes that shape one's gender identity are independent / uncorrelated.* B) There are a narrow set of different ways gender attributes group together. C) Most people struggle to develop a basic sense of belongingness to their biological sex. D) It is common to discount gender typical traits and emphasize gender atypical traits.

Which statement, of those listed below regarding the relationship between sexual health and physical health, is FALSE.

A) Sexual satisfaction correlates with both physical and mental health. B) The importance of sexual health for quality of life decreases in old age. *C) Sexual health relates to physical health in Western but not Eastern cultures.* D) People who have regular, more enjoyable sex have lower mortality rates.

Which of the following theories depends on the assumption that occupying multiple social roles (e.g., spouse, parent, employee, church member) buffers an individual against distress?

*A) the expansion hypothesis* B) response style theory C) the transdiagnostic approach D) the gender intensification hypothesis

For what reason does evolutionary psychology argue women are more selective than men when choosing mates?

A) Women have low expectations for their enjoyment of sexual intimacy. B) Women can never be completely sure who the father of their child is. *C) Women have to invest more time and energy in producing offspring.* D) Women's roles in human societies tend to be less risky and allow for them to consider more factors when choosing a mate.

It has been argued that one of the primary motivations for sex-based harassment (i.e., why someone would opt to harass another based on their sex/gender), is ______.

A) a deficit in impulse control B) anger *C) to protect one's status and power* D) sexual desire

As discussed by Deborah Saucier and Crystal Ehresman (2010) in "The Physiology of Sex Differences", which of the following is true of female reproductive organs

A) they occur by default *B) they are determined by the presence of the FOXL 2 and FIG X proteins* C) they are determined by the absence of the SRY gene D) they are determined by the presence of estrogen and progesterone

Women are more likely to suffer from various chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, neck or back pain, and headaches. This finding rules out which of the following explanations of the morbidity-mortality paradox (i.e., that women have higher rates of sickness while men have higher rates of death)?

*A) Women over inflate their self-reported ill health* B) Men under report issues with physical health C) Women are more likely to seek medical treatment D) All of these explanations can be ruled out by this finding

Researchers have found what kind of gender differences in sexual fluidity?

*A) Women's sexual orientation changes more over their lives.* B) Men tend to be more sexually fluid than women during early adulthood. C) Women tend to be more sexually fluid than men late in life. D) Men's sexual orientation changes more over their lives.

Research shows that parents and young adults emphasize different criteria for determining when adolescents become adults. For example, parents might place more emphasis on ______ whereas young adults are more likely to emphasize ______.

*A) avoiding juvenile misbehavior; getting married* B) finishing college; having children C) biological changes; refraining from binge drinking D) having children; biological changes

Which of the following is most characteristic of a person who is gender fluid?

*A) shifting among female, male, and third gender identities* B) unusual fluctuations in hormones associated with masculine and feminine behavior C) changes in which gender they feel sexually attracted to D) never having any clear gender identity at any given time

Janet was born with AIS (androgen insensitivity syndrome), she presents as a female and has a female gender identity, but was born with an XY (male) chromosomal pattern. As discussed by Deborah Saucier and Crystal Ehresman (2010) in "The Physiology of Sex Differences", what sort of behavioral task is Janet likely to perform poorly at?

*A) task requiring mental rotation* B) task requiring aggression C) task requiring language D) two of the above

Whether or not the outcomes predicted by objectification theory generalize to non-Western cultures depends upon which of the following?

*A) whether non-Western media sexualize women to the same degree as Western media* B) how gender egalitarian the culture is C) whether or not women have access to education D) people's tendencies to hold system justifying beliefs

Alice picks a book for storytime in the classroom to be read aloud to her and her classmates. Which of the story plots below is Alice's book most like to be about?

A) A young girl strives to achieve her dream of being a pilot. *B) A young girl forms a babysitting club.* C) A young boy cheers on his male friends as they play an important basketball game. D) A young boy spends time with his sick dog wishing someone would help them.

Andre and Tasha are both in their early 20s and on their first date. Which of the following behaviors would be inconsistent with typical dating scripts for young women and men?

A) Andre selects the restaurant for the date. B) Andre picks Tasha up from her house *C) Tasha initiates sexual contact.* D) Tasha lets Andre pay for their movie tickets.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding findings related to the experiences of children who later identify as transgender?

A) As children they felt their understanding of gender was not nuanced enough to identify a lack of fit between their felt gender and assigned sex. *B) Even at a young age, they had a clear and consistent sense of themselves as belonging to a gender group that differed from their assigned sex.* C) As young children they felt they had strongly identified with the gender associated with their assigned sex, and only later recognized a mis-match between their felt gender and assigned sex. D) They felt that their parents had pushed them into having a transgender identity.

What best describes the relative contributions of biology and environment to cognitive ability according to the biopsychosocial model discussed in your textbook?

A) Biological factors cause people to select certain experiences and environments that later affect cognitive ability. B) An individual's learning experiences cause differences in biological structures related to cognitive abilities. C) Biological and environmental factors both affect cognitive abilities separately and independent of one another. *D) Biology and environment interact to cause changes in one another, mutually shaping each other to produce changes in cognitive abilities.*

What evidence has been found for gender differences in achievement motivation producing differences in math performance?

A) Boys are generally more motivated to have greater academic achievements. B) Girls are more likely to increase effort in response to academic failures. C) Boys are more likely to increase effort in response to academic failures. *D) There's no evidence that girls or boys are more likely to give up following academic failures.*

Which of the following describes how having siblings influences gender development?

A) Children without siblings exhibit the most gender typical behavior. B) Children with or without siblings exhibit the same degree of gender typical behavior. C) Children with older siblings of the opposite gender display the most gender typical behavior. *D) Children with older siblings of the same gender display the most gender typical behavior.*

Which of the following is NOT true of shared power and decision-making in relationships in Western cultures?

A) Equality in decision-making predicts higher relationship satisfaction. B) Almost half of couples report that power and decision-making are shared. C) When power imbalances occur in heterosexual relationships, partners usually agree that the man has more control over decisions. *D) Objective equality is more influential than perceived fairness in decision-making power.*

As discussed by Deborah Saucier and Crystal Ehresman (2010) in "The Physiology of Sex Differences", which of the following is NOT an anatomical sex difference between female and male brains?

A) Females tend to have more glial cells *B) Female brains are more lateralized* C) Males have slightly larger brains on average D) Male brains tend to have more cerebrospinal fluid

According to Susan Basow (2010) in "Gender in the Classroom", which of the following statements is TRUE regarding how traditional gendered messages (conveyed by teacher attitudes, curricular materials, and school structure) have changed in early education since the 1970s.

A) Gendered messages have changed substantially for both girls and boys. *B) Gendered messages have changed for girls, but not for boys.* C) Gendered messages in schools have remained fairly constant since the 1970s. D) Gendered messages expect higher levels of masculine behaviour in both boys and girls since the 1970s.

Suppose you know a man who endorses very rigid traditional beliefs about masculinity. How might you predict this to affect his behaviors relevant to seeking healthcare.

A) He will be more likely to seek female doctors. B) He will communicate more openly with doctors. *C) He will be especially likely to postpone seeking medical help.* D) He won't hesitate to ask friends about his physical problems.

Which of the following is NOT true of sex differences in brain size?

A) Male brains are on average 11% larger in volume than female. B) Women tend to have larger frontal cortexes (responsible for planning and decision making). C) Men tend to have large hippocampi (responsible for memory, learning, and emotion). *D) Women's left hemispheres are slightly larger when body size is taken into account.*

Which of the following statements regarding social dominance orientation (SDO; i.e., the belief that inequality among social groups is right and fair because some people/groups should have more status than others) is FALSE.

A) Members of socially dominant groups score higher on measures of SDO. B) SDO correlates positively with sexism and racism. *C) People who score low on measures of SDO continue to internalize cultural ideologies that justify their low status even when social hierarchies are disrupted.* D) People who score low on measures of SDO tend to prefer occupations such as social work and counseling.

How have views toward sexuality changed since the mid-1800s?

A) People now see sexuality as something more continuous than dichotomous. B) Society now views same-sex acts much more harshly than previously in history. C) People are now less likely to openly discuss sexuality than they were in the 1800's. *D) It is now common to classify people into groups based on the sex of people they desire.*

Which of the following best describes the case story of David Reimer, an XY chromosomal boy raised as a girl?

A) Reimer's story supported John Money's views on gender identity. *B) Reimer's story indicates that gender identity cannot be entirely shaped by socialization.* C) Reimer experienced no psychological trauma from being raised as a girl. D) Reimer, after learning of his true biological sex, opted to live the rest of his life as a female.

Consider stereotypes that paint female speech as expressive and male speech as assertive. Overall, to what extent does the evidence support such sex differences in communication?

A) Sex differences in the stereotypical direction are real, with effect sizes typically in the medium range. *B) Differences in the stereotypical direction do sometimes emerge, but they are small and dependent upon context.* C) Meta-analyses reveal no overall sex differences, with for instance, findings of male speech being more expressive than female speech being just as common as the reverse. D) The evidence actually supports sex differences in the opposite direction, with female speech being more assertive and male speech being more expressive

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the role of hormones in sex differentiation?

A) The genital ridge develops into female internal genitalia in the absence of androgens. B) Gonads begin producing hormones by about the eighth week of gestation. *C) In XX chromosomal females, the ovaries produce hormones prenatally, which determine the child's sex.* D) Androgens initiate the biological masculinization in male genitalia.

Susan Basow (2010) notes in "Gender in the Classroom" that while academic achievement goals have increased for girls in the early, middle and high school years, boys (particularly those with African-American and Hispanic heritage) are not achieving at the same rate (in terms of grades, graduation rates and college/univeristy attendance). Which of the below can account for this?

A) The introduction of gender-equity "female friendly" teaching programs in early education do not suit boy's natural talents, which remain undeveloped as a result. B) The higher rates of female teachers cause boys to think of academics as a "feminine" pursuit causing them to lose interest. *C) Conditions of poverty, due to lower socioeconomic status, appear to have a greater impact on boys' ability to achieve in academics than it does on girls of similar background.* D) None of the options are true.

Fred, a young boy, attends a 5th grade co-educational school. How might Fred's teachers react to him in class (generally speaking) that would differ from how they might react to Susan (one of Fred's female classmates).

A) They would be more likely to call on Susan if she put up her hand at the same time. B) Susan would receive more praise for giving a correct answer than Fred. *C) Fred would be reprimanded more for giving a "silly" answer than Susan would.* D) All of the options are correct.

Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies find what evidence against degendering theory (i.e., that as you get older you place less emphasis on the importance of gender conventions as a component of your identity)?

A) Western countries have higher rates of younger people who identify as "agender." B) Older women are less likely to describe themselves as communal. C) Sex differences increase in countries with greater gender equality for all age groups. *D) Across all age groups, women rate themselves higher in communal traits and men rate themselves higher in agentic traits.*

Which of the following statements about gender differences in social networks is FALSE.

A) Women spend more time with their social networks than men. B) Women view their networks as more emotionally available to them than men. C) By adolescence, gender differences in network size tend to disappear. *D) Men offer more responsive and attentive support to their network members than women do.*

The Chambri people of Papua New Guinea were initially believed to be a true matriarchal society. What did the anthropologist Margaret Mead (1935) overlook in her initial investigation of Chambri social structure that overturned her conclusion.

A) Women were the primary decision-makers. B) Husbands typically lived near their wives families. C) Descent was traced through the father's kinship line. *D) Women did not hold more political power than men.*

Researchers found that newspaper articles were likely to use the ______ voice when describing male-to-female partner violence, and the ______ voice when describing female-to-male partner violence.

A) active (e.g., "He beat her"); passive (e.g., "He was beaten") *B) passive (e.g., "She was beaten"); active (e.g., "She beat him")* C) active (e.g., "He beat her"); active (e.g., "She beat him") D) passive (e.g., "She was beaten"); passive (e.g., "He was beaten")

The status incongruity hypothesis argues that gender role violating women (e.g., those succeeding in the business word) are viewed negatively because they ______.

A) are less warm and affable B) justify gender hierarchies and the unjust status quo *C) do not have the low social status that women are expected to have* D) threaten men's feelings of economic security

The ______ is when the mother's body treats the male fetus as a foreign invader and activates an immune response against it. At a certain point, the mother produces enough antibodies to prevent the fetal brain from developing in the male typical fashion, resulting in male homosexuality.

A) behavioral genetics model *B) fraternal birth order effect* C) neuro-hormonal theory D) alliance formation hypothesis

Studies examining heritability estimates for gender identity (i.e., twin studies that look at how likely that it is to be due to genetics) suggest that ______.

A) biological factors primarily contribute to gender identity status B) social factors primarily contribute to gender identity status *C) the heritability of gender identity is similar to the heritability of major personality traits* D) socialization determines gender identity but only in the presence of specific chromosomal and hormonal patterns

Based on research investigating mental health help seeking behavior among men, a man from which of the following backgrounds would you expect to be most likely to seek help for a mental illness?

A) competitive sports *B) urban community* C) the military D) rural community

Imagine Linda and Bob both come into a doctor's office complaining of stress, lack of appetite, and fatigue. Doctors diagnose Linda with depression and Bob with overwork. Which of the following phenomenon likely helps explain the different diagnoses despite identical symptoms.

A) explicit physician expertise B) pluralistic ignorance C) cognitive dissonance *D) implicit physician biases*

Minority stress theory would argue that transgender individuals will be more likely to engage in what kind of health related behaviors?

A) healthcare seeking *B) unhealthy coping behaviors, such as alcohol use* C) risky leisure activities D) unnecessary medical treatments

As discussed by Deborah Saucier and Crystal Ehresman (2010) in "The Physiology of Sex Differences", testosterone affects brain areas involved in which type of non-reproductive behavior

A) higher cognitive functions B) play behaviors C) aggressive behaviors *D) all of the above*

All of the following at ages 3-4 predicted math achievement at age 10 better than a child's gender EXCEPT ______.

A) home learning environment *B) number of friends* C) mother's education D) primary school effectiveness

Which of the following is an example of a benevolent attitude toward men?

A) resentment toward men who are arrogant and power-hungry B) negative feelings toward overtly feminine men *C) beliefs that men ought to be cared for domestically by women* D) stereotypes of men as warm and caring

Experimental methods in sex and gender research can be especially challenging because ______.

A) the independent and dependent variables are difficult to operationalize *B) sex and gender identity cannot be easily or ethically manipulated* C) self-report measures of gender identity are especially unreliable D) the field is more prone to bias than other social science research

Which of the following is represented by the Cohen's d statistic?

A) the likelihood that an observed difference between two groups is due to chance B) the direction and strength of a relationship between two variables in unstandardized units C) the amount of spread, or deviations around the mean, in a variable *D) the difference between two groups in standardized units*

A researcher is administering a test on which traits are considered "masculine" and which are considered "feminine" to an individual from a collectivist culture (e.g., Japan). What kind of traits is that person likely to ascribe to men in general, from that culture:

A) the same agentic traits (e.g., autonomy and self-reliance) that someone from an individualistic culture would ascribe to men in their culture *B) traits that are consistent with collectivist cultures' core value of communal qualities (e.g., social sensitivity and connectedness to others)* C) a combination of agentic traits (e.g., autonomy and self-reliance) and communal traits (e.g., social sensitivity and connectedness with others) - i.e., androgyny D) show neither strong agentic traits (e.g., autonomy and self-reliance) nor strong communal traits (e.g., social sensitivity and connectedness to others) - i.e., agender

Gina constantly worries about other people to the extent that she neglects her own needs and rarely makes decisions with her own best interest in mind. As a result, Gina finds herself chronically in a state of high anxiety. Gina's anxiety ultimately stems from ______.

A) unmitigated agency *B) unmitigated communion* C) internalized stigma D) neuroticism

Which of the following is TRUE of sex differences in love and romance?

*A) Evidence is mixed and likely indicative of greater similarity than difference between men and women.* B) Men rate themselves higher than women on traits related to emotional investment. C) Women consistently report falling in love more than men. D) College age women and men prefer different types of "love acts."

According to research on the allies of disadvantaged groups, which of the following is FALSE regarding a vocal, male proponent of gender equality.

*A) He will be more likely to be perceived as inauthentic.* B) He will be stereotyped as highly feminine. C) He will report meeting needs for belongingness and community. D) He will gain knowledge about disadvantaged groups.

Which of the following scenarios does NOT reflect a common essentialist belief about mothers and fathers.

*A) Jim's parents are recently divorced. The courts awarded equal custody to both of Jim's parents since they are equally responsible for his upbringing.* B) Christine has 2 dads. Valerie, their neighbor, is worried because she feels that Christine will not thrive without a mother. C) Janice believes that her pregnancy and upcoming birth will alter her biochemistry and provide her with the "instinct" to parent and nurture her child. D) Frank leaves all the parenting to Linda because he feels he the lacks natural skills that Linda has.

More recent meta-analyses on relational aggression (e.g., social rejection; damaging another's reputation) find what kind of gender differences for adolescents and adults, if any?

*A) Small gender differences, but only with observational, peer report or teacher report data.* B) Small gender differences, but only with self-report data. C) Small gender differences regardless of method used to collect data. D) No gender differences regardless of method used to collect data.

What is the difference between someone who is gender schematic versus someone who is gender aschematic?

*A) Someone who is gender schematic is more likely to use gender as a way of understanding and organizing the world.* B) People who are gender aschematic do not strongly identify with any gender. C) Being gender aschematic entails holding strong, gendered attitudes that are atypical and inconsistent with gender norms. D) A person who relies heavily on gender schematic processing thinks about gender in a more logical and deductive fashion.

According to Susan Basow (2010) in "Gender in the Classroom", what sort of message does the gendered organization of school-systems convey to the students being educated in those schools?

*A) That women are more suited to teach younger children and men older children.* B) That women are too emotionally unstable to handle administrative duties. C) That men shouldn't be trusted with adolescent students because they view them romantically D) All of the options are correct.

Which of the following trends likely contributed to changes in the gender longevity gap (i.e., that women tend to outlive men) over the past few decades?

A) increased standards of living for women B) decreased tendency for men to overwork C) women becoming more likely to be targeted with violence *D) men reducing how much they smoke*

Which of the following conditions produces the largest sex differences in empathic accuracy?

*A) When participants know they are being evaluated on empathy* B) When empathy is evaluated during childhood C) In countries high in gender equality D) When examined outside the lab, in field studies

Pete has felt since he was young that his gender identity does not fit with his biological sex (XY male). As an adult he experiences intense shame and self-loathing regarding this (what would my family/friends think if they knew). He denies his true feelings and keeps them buried inside. Which of the following is Pete suffering from?

A) minority stress B) sexual anxiety *C) internalized transphobia* D) internalized homophobia

A woman asking her gay male co-worker to oversee decorations for the office party by saying "you're probably good at it," is an example of ______.

A) overt gender discrimination *B) a micro-aggression* C) verbal aggression D) explicit prejudice

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