Psychology test 2

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Which of the following is a primary reinforcer?

A glass of water

When Carla was a child, she ate too much cotton candy at the fair and got very sick. For many years she avoided cotton candy and even the smell of it made her feel sick. This example demonstrates: A. taste aversion B. stimulus generalization C. operant conditioning D. incremental learning

A. taste aversion

The "law of effect" states:

Any behavior that leads to a positive state is likely to be repeated.

When exposed to adults who say one thing and do another, children will tend to: A. say the same things but do the opposite of what the adults did B. say the same things and do what they observed the adults did C. neither say nor do what they heard or observed the adults did D. behave with no predictability as to what they say or do

B. say the same things and do what they observed the adults did

Which of the following is an important difference between classical and operant conditioning?

Classical conditioning is learning by association whereas operant conditioning is learning by consequence

A Pavlovian conditioned response elicits: A. salivation B. a voluntary response C. the single reflex that is measured D. a whole system of responses in which some are more easily measured or observed

D. a whole system of responses in which some are more easily measured or observed

Jessy was speeding on his motorcycle when he saw another person pulled over by the police. This made Jessy slow down because he was reminded through watching another person what the punishment of his behavior would be. What is this specific process of observational learning called? A. vicarious punishment B. vicarious conditioning C. operant conditioning D. vicarious reinforcement

D. vicarious reinforcement

Peter gets his toy taken away when he misbehaves. This is an example of

Negative punishment

Fear conditioning can play a role in creating __________ in humans.


Richard, an institutionalized schizophrenic patient has poor personal hygiene. He is given a token each time he completes a personal hygiene behavior (e.g., brush their teeth in the morning). At the end of the week Richard can exchange these tokens for his favorite snack. The token acts as a:

Positive reinforcement

In a "Skinner box" experiments with rats the rats can learn:

To press a lever when reinforced with a food pellet

In classical conditioning, the response is ________ by a stimulus that comes ________it.

elicited; before

If a tone is sometimes preceded by a light, and always followed by a shock, an animal will likely learn to fear:

the tone, but not the light

Mr. Sampson's mouth always waters when he sees a donut. He nearly always orders a coffee when he has a donut. One day, he orders a coffee and a chocolate donut. He is served the coffee right away, but told that the donuts are still being made and he will have to wait a few minutes. He takes a seat while he is waiting and takes a deep sniff of his coffee. As he does so, he begins salivating. In terms of classical conditioning, why did this happen?

It happened because the coffee is acting as a conditioned stimulus.

If Jack confiscates his son Joshua's video game console to stop him from misbehaving, what technique is Jack using to modify Joshua's behavior?

Negative punishment

Kelly is grounded by her father, until she sits down and completes an important homework assignment. Which technique has her father used to try to alter her behavior?

Negative reinforcement

Kurt's mom was so upset when she overheard him swearing that she made him clean his room! This is an example of:

Positive punishment

In classical conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________ with a significant event. In operant conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________with a significant event.

Stimulus; behavior

Three years ago, Nasim ate a burger and was violently sick a few hours afterwards. Even though it was the only time up to that point that he had had this reaction to burgers, he cannot even look at a burger without feeling sick. Why is his conditioned taste aversion puzzling from the perspective of the general principles of classical conditioning?

The association that Nasim made between eating the burger and feeling sick required only a single US-CS pairing.

Which of the following examples is consistent with the Law of Effect?

The more you win at soccer, the more likely you will continue to play soccer.

The technical definition of a reinforcer is:

any consequence of a behavior that strengthens the behavior or increases the likelihood that it will be performed again

When Nora goes into a cupcake bakery, she is surrounded by cues associated with cupcakes. Her response elicited by these cues is to expect a very delicious dessert. When she waits until she gets home to eat the cupcake, that's exactly what she experiences. However, when she eats the cupcake at the bakery it is not as delicious as she predicted. Which concept can explain this phenomenon of cues reducing the strength of the unconditioned response (i.e. enjoyment of the cupcake)?

conditioned compensatory responses

Effects that increase behaviors are __________; effects that decrease them are ____________.

reinforcers and punishers

In classical conditioning the unconditioned response is:

the biological response triggered by the unconditioned stimulus

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