psychology UTHS

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Beatrice and Allen Gardner taught Washoe, a chimpanzee, to communicate by-

sign language.

Which of the following scores would a person with average intelligence most score on the WAIS test?


Approximately what percentage of scores in a normal distribution fall within one standard deviation from the mean?


Which of the following best defines a psychological disorder?

A dysfunction in which behavior is judged to be atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, and unjustifiable.

According to gestalt psychology, objects that are close together are viewed as a singular group. Which of the following best represents this concept?

A group of people standing close together.

Which of the following best defines stress?

A person observes a situation as threatening or overwhelming and reacts to it.

According to Maslow, our need for _____ must be met before we are prompted to satisfy our need for _____.

According to Maslow, our need for _____ must be met before we are prompted to satisfy our need for _____.

Which of the following best defines intelligence?

An ability to learn from experience.

Which of the following best describes symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

An exaggerated sense of one's own value and self-importance.

Keith is a college freshman, majoring in mathematics, who has just moved into a dormitory. Keith is most likely to become friends with-

Bill, his assigned roommate, who is an engineering major.

Which of the following expressions is best supported by research on social attraction?

Birds of a feather flock together.

John was in a car accident and had trauma to his brain. Currently John is having trouble speaking. He cannot seem to form the words correctly. Which areas of the brain could have been affected by his accident?

Broca's and Wernicke's areas

Which theory would support that you would be able to experience emotion in the absence of any sympathetic nervous arousal?

Cannon-Bard theory

Which of the following best represents Piaget's understanding of childhood cognitive development?

Children develop by interacting with their physical environment.

Which of the following is an example of a social script?

Darla goes to the grocery store, puts food in her cart, and pays for her food in line.

Kathy does has average grades at school, but excels at tending to her family's farm. She is especially good at growing plants and herbs. Which theory would argue that Kathy's ability to tend plants is an intelligence?

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

Dr. Jones is developing a sleep study. Which brain imaging technique would be most useful for her study?


True/False: Clinical psychologists are required to have a medical degree


The first psychology laboratory was established in _____ by _____.

Germany; Wilhelm Wundt

They Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classifies people according to personality types identified by-

Gordon Allport.

Which of the following best describes Chomsky's view of language development?

Humans are biologically predisposed to acquire language.

Which of the following best describes why researchers use the double-blind method?

In order to avoid researcher and participant bias.

The level of serotonin in the brain is _____ by a diet high in _____.

Increased; carbohydrates

Which of the following is the best example of the use of an availability heuristic?

Insurance companies have people imagine their house on fire to encourage insurance sales.

The fact that facial expressions of emotion tend to intensify the experience of emotion serves to support the-

James-Lange theory.

Which of the following is an example of stress?

John is tense and anxious about an upcoming driving test.

Which of the following best defines language?

Language includes gestures, vocal communication, and facial expressions.

What was the purpose of the creation of the Stanford-Binet test?

To identify children that likely have a difficulty learning in schools.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the aptitude test?

To predict an individual's ability to learn particular skills.

Tyler is 12 years old and has uncontrollable tics in which he shouts inappropriate words. Tyler most likely has-

Tourette's syndrome.

Which of the following describes self disclosure?

Revealing intimate details about your life to someone else.

Which of the following is an example of a social role?

Samantha is a soon to be bride.

Which of the following is an example of altruism?

Samuel spends his Saturday afternoon repairing others' houses for free.

Which of the following best describes homeostasis?

The body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.

Which of the following best describes a weakness of a case study?

The participant's behavior may not apply to a larger population.

Which of the following best defines memory?

The persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information.

Which of the following is an example of cognitive appraisal?

Thomas labels the arousal he is feeling as attraction, in the presence of a pretty woman.

In the Schachter and Singer experiment, subjects were injected with epinephrine prior to spending time with a person who acted either euphoric or irritated. Which individuals in this experiment were least likely to experience the emotion demonstrated by the experimenter's accomplice?

Those who were not told about the effects of the injection.

Motivation is defined by psychologists as-

a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior towards a goal.

Which of the following best represents a culture which puts value on harmonious relationships over competition?

a collectivist culture

What is an aroused or activated state that is often triggered by physiological need?

a drive

Spearman's g factor refers to-

a general underlying intelligence.

A person who uses "he" instead of "she" when referring to a stranger, is most likely-

a man.

Elizabeth was suffering from symptoms associated with pregnancy, and concluded that she was pregnant, even though she actually had the flu. Elizabeth's readiness to assume she was pregnant illustrates the influence of -

a representative heuristic.

A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the-

action potential.

Jacob begins to sweat and his heart races as his teacher hands him his test. Which of the following best describes Jacob's stage of stress?

alarm reaction

According to Hans Selye the three stages of stress are ordered as-

alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

The tragic murder of Kitty Genovese outside her New York apartment stimulated research on _____.


George takes a test in the army to see if he would make a good engineer. This type of test is called-

an aptitude test.

Every time Joe wears his lucky red socks to his basketball game; his team wins a game. While Joe might think that wearing the socks contributes to the team winning, this is actually an example of —

an illusory correlation

It is characteristic of bears to hibernates. What is this behavior is an example of?

an instinct

Which of the following best describes the components of Sternberg's triarchic theory?

analytical, practical, and creative

Which of the following describes a belief and feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events?


The theory that we tend to give a causal explanation for someone's behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition is known as-

attribution theory.

Darcy is a ten year old girl who has a difficult time relating to other children her age. She cannot seem to read facial and social cues which impacts her ability to communicate and socialize. What issue does Darcy most likely have?

autism spectrum disorder

Which of the following is the tail-like portion of a neuron upon which electrical signals are carried?


Which type of psychologist would most likely argue that language is developed through positive and negative reinforcements?

behavioral psychologist

Which type of therapy would be most likely to use a token economy?

behavioral therapy

Even after being shown dinosaur fossils, Ingrid refused to believe that dinosaurs ever existed. This is an example of-

belief perserverance.

While James is sleeping his younger sister comes by and tells him to "wake up" multiple times. James does not wake up because the volume of his sister's voice was ______.

below the absolute threshold of hearing.

The neuroscience perspective would be most likely to emphasize that behavior is influenced by-


Erin regularly experiences states of depression that last about a month, following by episodes of extremely excited, manic thoughts. Which disorder is Erin exhibiting symptoms of?

bipolar disorder

A teacher wants to find out how student's test grades compare to each other, which of the following methods would be most helpful?

central measures of tendency

A toothpaste business uses facts about how the product helps prevent diseases. The business has chosen the-

central route to persuasion.

Neo-Freudian personality theorists were most likely to disagree with Freud about the importance of-

childhood sexual instincts.

When an animal learns to associate a squirt of water to electric shock, they demonstrate the process of _____.

classical conditioning

Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often troubled by irrational interpretations of events?

cognitive approach

The theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent is known as-

cognitive dissonance theory.

Which psychology field studies how we think?

cognitive psychology

In Ivan Pavlov's famous classical conditioning experiment on dogs, the bell, though initially neutral, became the ______.

conditioned stimulus

Somatoform disorders are ones marked with physical symptoms but no apparent physical cause. Which of the following is a type of somatoform disorder?

conversion disorder

Stressors are considered to be-

daily hassles, catastrophes, and life events.

Which of the following are a possibility of consequences for prolonged excessive stress?


Which of the following is the most common type of disorder?


Theory Y managers are more likely than Theory X managers to assume that employee are motivated by a-

desire for higher wages.

Dr. Krause is most interested in the long-term effects of child-rearing practices on children's behavior. What type of psychology does Dr. Krause most likely specialize in?


Psychopharmacology involves the study of how-

drugs affect thoughts and behavior.

Which of the following would be most characteristic of a two year old?

eat banana

A therapist who uses aversive conditioning, cognitive therapy, and psychoanalysis with a given client is using the _____ approach.


Marcus is a football player. Even though Marcus was exhausted from practice and a lack of sleep, he still managed to play well at the Friday night game. He even broke a finger during the game, but did not even feel the pain and was still in a good mood. What neurotransmitter was released to alleviate Marcus' pain?


Which of the following best defines personality?

enduring patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes

Which of the following hormones would most likely be released in the case of a stressful situation?


A hormone that increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in times of emergency is-


Women produce more _____ than men, and men produce more _____ than women.

estrogen; testosterone

Courtney has been studying for five different finals for a week. She has stayed up late every night. After she is finished taking all her finals, she begins to get sick with a cold. According to Selye, which stage of stress is Courtney?

exhaustion stage

According to Freud, during the period between age 6 and puberty, children-

experience very little sexual interest.

Dr. Mitchell is interested in finding how a new drug affects patient's energy levels. Which research method would be most appropriate?


Which of the following research methods shows cause and effect?


Contemporary psychologists would agree that the basic components of emotion are -

expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience.

The perception that one's fate is determined by luck reflects which of the following?

external locus of control

A disorder which causes physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking and in severe cases, symptoms include noticeable facial disproportions is known as _____.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Natasha tried putting a puzzle together, but kept trying to put the same piece in the wrong spot. This is an example of-


John is walking across the street when he looks up and sees a car coming right at him. Which of the following responses would be triggered to aid John in this situation?

flight or fight response

Labeling a product "75% lean" rather than "25% fat" might change sales due to-


Mr. Vale is frustrated because he cannot find his hammer and only needs to hammer one nail. He overlooks the fact that he can use an old trophy sitting nearby due to-

functional fixedness.

Jessica sees two teenagers racing down the sidewalk and assumes they are running from trouble because they are bad kids. Jessica's assumption that the teenager's were bad kids is known as the-

fundamental attribution error.

While Tara was performing in a ballet recital, she broke a toe during the performance, but didn't feel the pain until after the show. Which theory best explains Tara's lack of pain during the recital?

gate-control theory

A segment of DNA which is capable of synthesizing a specific protein is called a-


What classical conditioning principle did John Watson's famous baby Albert experiment demonstrate?

generalization of stimuli

Donald attends a therapy session with eight other fathers who lost a child to drug abuse. Each member takes a turn discussing how they feel. Which type of therapy is he attending?

group therapy

Authoritative parents are more likely to have children who-

have high self-esteem and are self-reliant.

Aggression always involves-

the intent to harm.

Which is the oldest part of the brain?


Dan is in an accident and has trauma to his brain. He can no longer remember faces of people he knew. Which part of his brain was most likely damaged?


Which brain structure is most responsible for the control of the endocrine system through the pituitary gland?


The brain structure that detects sex hormone levels and activates sexual arousal is the-


Amber closes her eyes after staring at her phone, but can still see the image of her phone for about a second. This is due to her _____ memory.


What is a common side effect of split brain surgery?

inability to identify objects in the left field of vision

Tanya wants to win the spelling bee because the first place winner gets a trophy. What type of motivation is Tanya exhibiting?

incentive motivation

Harry Harlow's work with infant monkey's and surrogate mothers suggests that-

infants seek not simply a food source but also a source of contact comfort.

John was walking down the street when he suddenly understood a joke that was told to him earlier that day. This is an example of-


Which of the following are identical twins who were reared apart most likely to have in common?

intelligence test scores

Erik Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a developing capacity for-


David Rosenhan's study in mental hospitals shed light on the issue of-

labeling people's behavior as disorders.

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?

lack of conscience

Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis emphasizes that-

language determines how we think.

Tolman's work with rats in mazes led to the discovery of _____.

latent learning

A perceived control over a stressful event tends to result in-

less reported stress.

Mr. Washington is a physical education teacher. Whenever he is teaching a new sport he demonstrates the behavior for his students. What method of learning is Mr. Washington using?


Ted is an amateur golfer who has a high need for achievement. According to Yerkes and Dodson, Ted most likely prefers playing golf on courses that for him are-

moderately difficult.

A flashbulb memory is most likely stored in the _____ memory.


A computer's hard drive mimics the brain's -


When Marla repeatedly exposed to the same song on the radio, she begins to like it more and more. What is this effect known as?

mere exposure effect

Which of the following is an example of a retrieval failure?


People who score very high on the social readjustment rating scale are more likely to have _____ that a person with a low score.

more stress related diseases

What autoimmune disorder causes the deterioration of the myelin sheath?

multiple sclerosis

Which of the following is the source of genetic diversity?


Dr. Tanner wants to research how children interact socially, which research method would be most appropriate?

naturalistic observation

Which of the following best describes a cluster of behaviors expected of those who occupy a particular social situation?


Human genetic diversity consists of the variations in the sequence of our-


Joe likes to play basketball. Joe's little brother, Jim, also likes to play basketball. Jim often dresses like his older brother Joe. Which of the following best explains Jim's behavior?

observation learning

Children first begin to use sounds to communicate meaning during the _____ stage.


Which theory best explains why people who are red and green colorblind still have the ability to see yellow?

opponent-process theory

Which branch of psychology studies telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition?


Sometimes when Jessica visits the bakery, the baker gives her a cookie, but only if they have been freshly baked. Which type of reinforcement schedule does this demonstrate?

partial reinforcement

Kara is from Germany, but moved to the United States when she was 7 years old. Kara doesn't have a German accent, even though her parents do. This is due to-

peer influence.

Dane moved to Texas from New York. He asked a student how to get to the library. The student told him the library was 10 minutes to the right. Dane was confused because expected her to tell him how many blocks away the library is. Dane's predisposition to describe directions in distance instead of time is due to his _____.

perceptual set

Lauren has loved roses every since she was a kid and had a rose bush. Amy hates flowers because she is allergic to them. Lauren and Amy have different feelings towards flowers, because of their _____.

perceptual set

While Frank was flying in a plane he noticed the houses getting smaller and smaller as they rose higher in altitude. Which best represents Frank's understanding that the houses were not actually getting smaller, but just appear to do so?

perceptual size constancy

Dr. Adams administers tests to determine traits that are unique to the individual. The test asks questions on preferences such as enjoying the indoors or outdoors better. What subfield does Dr. Adams most likely work in?

personality psychology

Adopted children are least likely to have _____ that resemble those of their adoptive parents.

personality traits

A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying the hereditary influences on-

personality traits.

Franz Gall was a scientist in the 19th century who studied the bumps on the skull which came to be known as-


Monica and Nathaniel are on a blind date. Which factor is most likely to influence their first impressions of whether they like each other?

physical attractiveness

What does a polygraph measure?

physiological arousal

Which device collects sound?


Sarah damaged a part of her basilar membrane and can't seem to hear high pitched sounds as much as she used to. Which theory best explain's Sarah's hearing loss?

place theory

Parents who disguise hostility toward their children by becoming overly protective of them are very likely using the defense mechanism of-

reaction formation.

Mrs. Gilmore is a kindergarten teacher and gives stickers to her students whenever they raise their hand instead of shouting out. What are the stickers an example of?

positive reinforcement

Mike has just returned from war and now has episodes where he hallucinates being back in battle. Which disorder does Mike most likely suffer from?

post traumatic stress disorder

According to Kohlberg, morality based on the avoidance of punishment and the attainment of concrete rewards represents a ______ morality.


Jane keeps putting in her old password on her laptop whenever she logs in. The fact that the old password is interfering with storing the new password in known as-

proactive interference.

Derek had a difficult time understanding that a seahorse is a fish, because of his _____ of a fish.


Claire has been in the all the same classes as another classmate, Jordan. After several months and sitting next to Jordan in every class, Claire begins to develop a crush. Which of the following factors most likely influenced her attraction?


Which type of therapist is most likely to interpret a client's dreams?


Which treatment involves a surgery which removes the connection between the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobe?


Which phase of life is characterized by surging physical growth and sexual maturation?


Which feature of the eye allows in light?


The process of encoding includes-

putting information into the brain.

Nancy is unhappy with her relationship with her boyfriend. She feels like she always listens when he talks, but he doesn't listen when she is talking. Nancy issue is with-


Recall is a more difficult process than recognition because-

recognition matches with something already in the memory.

Which of the following are characteristics of the sympathetic nervous system?

reduced control of bladder contraction and inhibition of salvation and digestion

If a test that is administered to a sample representative group gets similar results as the a group a few weeks later, then the test is considered to be-.


Evolutionary psychology is most relevant to a understanding of how behavior contributes to-

reproductive success.

Joshua has limited intellectual abilities and has difficulty socializing with other children his age, but he has a remarkable talent for playing the piano. Joshua most likely has-

savant syndrome.

Julie has been experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations. She says that the government is spying on her and has become increasingly paranoid. Which disorder is Julie most likely showing symptoms of?


What mental disorder is correlated with over activity of dopamine in the brain?


Whether a person perceives a stressful situation as either threatening or a challenge is called-

secondary appraisal.

Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to which of the following?

secure attachment

Ron and Arnold are watching television and playing with loud toys while their father reads a book in the same room. How is their father able to concentrate on the book while also taking in all the other senses?

selective attention

Abraham Maslow studied the lives of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Eleanor Roosevelt in order to understand the nature of-


Grammar consists of two parts; _____ & _____.

semantics & syntax

David lives near an airport and hears airplanes travel over his house every day. When his friends come over to visit they are shocked by the noise, but David doesn't even seem to notice. Which of the following best explains David's behavior?

sensory adaptation

Which type of memory holds sensations accurately for about a second?

sensory memory

Winston is looking at his phone while waiting in a busy line at the airport next to a talkative couple. He hears his friend call his name despite the distractions around him. Which theory best explains why Winston can detect the sound of his name?

signal detection theory

Andrew is a college sophomore majoring in engineering. Most of his friends are also engineering majors, but they mostly are seniors. Which factor most likely attributed to their friendship?

similar interests

Dr. Sutton wants to research what the most popular ways of communication among teens, ages 13-18. Which of the following research methods would be most appropriate?


Brianna has a therapy session where her therapist has her use virtual reality for gradually longer periods of time to help with her agoraphobia, the fear of going out in public. Which technique is her therapist using?

systematic desensitization

A side effect of long term use of antipsychotics, which produces tics, is called-

tardive dyskinesia.

A substance, such as alcohol, which can cross the placental barrier and harm an unborn child is known as a-


Lucille went to a local restaurant and ate under cooked chicken which led to food poisoning. Several weeks later when she went back to the restaurant she felt nausea as soon as she smelled the chicken. Which of the following best describes her reaction?

the Garcia effect

Where do endocrine glands secrete hormones?

the bloodstream

Though Donald was in a bad mood, a peer made a joke that made him smile. As he continued to smile, his mood began to change. This reaction is best described by-

the facial feedback effect.

Marsha asks her little sister to go get her a glass of water. When her little sister returns with the water, Marsha asks her to then get her a snack. Marsha's little sister's willingness to comply with her sister's request is known as-

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

The blind spot in our eye is caused by _____.

the lack of receptors at the spot where the optic nerve connects to the retina

At the age of 18, Eric was only 4 feet tall. Which area of the brain would have influenced his lack of growth hormones?

the pituitary gland

Psychology today would be best defined as

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

In a scatter plot graph, if the correlation coefficient is zero, then —

the scores have no relation.

Morphemes are-

the smallest unit of speech that carries meaning.

Francesca is walking down the hallway at school when her best friend sneaks up behind her and puts a letter in her backpack. Francesca does not notice the letter until she arrives in class and opens her backpack. Why didn't Francesca notice the letter?

the weight of the letter was less than 2% of the weight of her backpack

Montgomery was asked by his psychotherapist to look at some ambiguous pictures and make up a story about each. Mr. Montgomery was most likely taking the-

thematic apperception test.

Projective tests such as the Rorschach inkblot test has been criticized because-

they have low reliability and low validity.

Allen is overweight despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. Which gland might be responsible for his inability to lose weight?

thyroid gland

Arnold is asked the name of his favorite song by The Beatles, but he cannot remember it, but attempts several times to mention it because he feels like he is just about to remember it. What is this phenomenon is this?

tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

When looking at a piece of art, Julia first notices that the image is a group of people at a park. She then notices that the artwork is made out of tiny dots, a technique known as pointillism. Which type of processing did Julia first use?

top-down processing

Which technique did humanistic psychologist, Carl Rogers, utilize to develop trust and self esteem in his clients?

unconditional positive regard

Extinction occurs when a conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with a _____.

unconditioned stimulus

Coretta is quiet, pessimistic, anxious, and moody. In terms of Eysenck's basic personality dimensions she would be classified as-


Michael has been practicing baseball for eight years. When he goes up to bat, he knows exactly how to hold the bat and how much to tilt his head. Which senses does Michael rely the most on when he is taking his position at bat?

vestibular and kinesthetic senses

During prenatal development, a fertilized cell begins as a _____ and then finally develops into a _____.

zygote; fetus

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