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A person will behave the same under the cover of anonymity as he/she would behave clearly identified.

All of the following are true about de-individuation except one statement. Which one is FALSE?

is opposite from you.

All of the following are true about liking someone except one statement. Which statement is FALSE? You are more likely to like someone who.....

It underestimates the extent to which others agree with us.

All of the following are true about the false consensus effect except one statement. Which one is FALSE?

They allow us to process simple information after thinking hard.

All of the following are true about the mental shortcuts we take in social cognition except one statement. Which one is FALSE?

Self-efficacy, self-concept and self-esteem all mean the same thing.

All of the following are true statements about self-efficacy in Bandura's theory except one. Which one is FALSE?


What is motivation that stimulates interest by relying on personal factors within self like values, knowledge, needs, curiosity and enjoyment?

conditional praise

What is reserved for successes and honest attempts and must be earned to be credible?


What is the developing human called during the 3rd through the 8th week of prenatal development?

to develop critical thinking skills

What is the hidden bonus of studying psychology?


What is the intentional infliction of physical or psychological harm on others?


What is the oldest part of the brain containing the hindbrain and the midbrain?

research via the scientific method

What is the primary way psychology achieves its goals to describe, explain, predict, and control or influence behavior?

implicit personality theory

What is the type of mental shortcut or heuristic being described here--"assumptions that people have specific traits and behaviors according to the type of person we perceive him/her to be"?


What is the neurotransmitter involved in Parkinson's (too little) and schizophrenia (too much)?


What is the nurturing parenting discipline technique that places limits and monitors behavior but which allows rebuttal, discussion and explanation?

They disagreed with Freud on everything.

All are true statements about neo-Freudian views of psychoanalysis except one. Which statement is FALSE?

their environment can be said to be the same.

All of the following are true statements about the environment's interaction with behavior genetics except one. Which one is FALSE? If children are raised in the same family by the same parents, then ----

The higher needs have to be satisfied first.

All of the following statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Type A behavior causes heart attacks, not the anger and hostility related to it.

All of the following statements about Type A behavior are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

To increase coping skills, a person must have professional counseling.

All of the following statements about coping with stress are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Implicit personality theories allow you to make the right decision about people every time.

All of the following statements about implicit personality theories are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Concentrate on others, leaving self out of the equation.

All of the following statements about increasing optimism are good advice except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Optimism prevents bad things from occurring.

All of the following statements about optimism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

It is the amount or intensity of stress that is most influential.

All of the following statements about stress are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Corticosteroids are always negative, weakening body systems, lowering immunity to disease, and increasing the risk of illness.

All of the following statements about the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Negative reinforcement focuses on stopping bad behavior.

All of the following statements about the crucial ingredients of optimism are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Psychoneuroimmunology teaches that the immune system is totally independent of the rest of the body systems.

All of the following statements about the immune system and the stress response are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

The central nervous system does not have fibers that directly connect it with the organs of the immune system.

All of the following statements about the immune system's involvement in the stress response, are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Trait theories focus on ways that all people are similar.

All of the following statements about trait theories of personality development are true except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. As long as the parent loves the child or teen, it does not matter what kind of discipline is used.

All of the following statements are true about Baumrind's parenting techniques except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. As long as the parent loves the child or teen, it does not matter what kind of discipline is used. b. Authoritative parents balance the teen's need for autonomy with the need for restrictions and limits. c. Those exposed to authoritarian parenting are often anxious, less intellectually curious, and have poor communication skills. d. Those exposed to permissive parenting may demonstrate social incompetence, irresponsibility, behavior problems and lack of self-control.

c. For maximum development, the positive choice of each crisis must be chosen and never the potentially negative alternative.

All of the following statements are true about Erikson's psychosocial development theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Erikson was one of the first researchers to stress the importance of the entire lifespan. b. All people in all cultures have the same basic emotional needs. c. For maximum development, the positive choice of each crisis must be chosen and never the potentially negative alternative. d. Each of the 8 stages has a specific developmental crisis, a critical period in the formation of the personality.

a. Divide mental age by chronological age and multiply by 100. This works well for children and for adults.

All of the following statements are true about IQ tests except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Divide mental age by chronological age and multiply by 100. This works well for children and for adults. b. Interpret IQ test scores with much caution and never use them as a sole evaluating measure of a person's intelligence. c. Now IQ is calculated by comparing a person's score with the scores of others in the same general age group. d. IQ tests do not measure intelligence.

c. Progression to higher levels is automatic.

All of the following statements are true about Kohlberg's moral development theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. In the conventional stage, "good" is what pleases, helps or is approved by others. b. "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is the reasoning behind the pre-conventional stage. c. Progression to higher levels is automatic. d. The highest level of the post-conventional stage stresses individual conscience and its abstract concepts of justice, human dignity and equality.

This experiment proved that personal conscience over-ruled obedience to an authority figure.

All of the following statements are true about Milgram's study on obedience except one. Which statement is FALSE?

c. Adaptation is the tendency to chunk thinking processes into coherent patterns called schemes.

All of the following statements are true about Piaget's cognitive development theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Assimilation is the adaptive process that happens when a person uses existing schemes or structures to make sense of the world. b. Children are more able to reach equilibrium with school material if the material relates to something tangible from their own experience. c. Adaptation is the tendency to chunk thinking processes into coherent patterns called schemes. d. Schemes provide us with the structure necessary to understand and interact with our world.

b. Quantitative is understanding that objects still exist even if they cannot be seen.

All of the following statements are true about Piaget's cognitive development theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Conservation is the principle that some characteristics of an object remain the same despite changes in appearance. b. Quantitative is understanding that objects still exist even if they cannot be seen. c. Egocentric means the child assumes that others experience the world the same way he/she does. d. The ability to use symbols to represent actions or objects mentally is called semiotic or symbolic function.

c. It requires that each special needs student be educated in a special school.

All of the following statements are true about Public Law 94-142 except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. This law was needed because children were systematically denied an education due to their disabilities. b. In 1990, PL 94-142 was renamed IDEA using people first language and "disability" instead of "handicap". c. It requires that each special needs student be educated in a special school. d. It took until the mid to late 1980's for a real push to include children with severe disabilities.

There have been extensive controlled validity studies.

All of the following statements are true about The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Paper and pencil are never required.

All of the following statements are true about a self-report inventory personality test except one. Which statement is FALSE?

b. Intellectual decline is inevitable with aging.

All of the following statements are true about aging except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Eating nutritiously minimizes decreases in physical or mental abilities due to aging. b. Intellectual decline is inevitable with aging. c. Staying mentally and physically active slows aging. d. There is a decrease in the speed of reasoning with aging.

You can only be a high self-monitor, not a low self-monitor.

All of the following statements are true about aspects of the self except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. ADHD interferes with school learning more than with any other area.

All of the following statements are true about attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. ADHD interferes with school learning more than with any other area. b. ADHD victims do not get along well with children their own age. c. Many illnesses and reaction to drugs give ADHD-like symptoms. d. Emotional, social and family problems of ADHD victims can become more of a disability than the ADHD itself.

Usually, people carefully analyze their beliefs when determining the cause of the behavior of others.

All of the following statements are true about attributions except one. Which statement is FALSE?

c. Locus of control is an attribution where people locate responsibility for success only and not for failure.

All of the following statements are true about beliefs and attributions except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Focusing on what to change to do better next time is the mark of a successful student with internal locus of control. b. With internal locus of control, students believe they are responsible for their own fate. c. Locus of control is an attribution where people locate responsibility for success only and not for failure. d. With external locus of control, students believe forces outside of themselves control what happens to them.

There are no periods of normalcy in-between the extremes of depression and mania.

All of the following statements are true about bi-polar disorder except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Cognitive dissonance is pleasant.

All of the following statements are true about cognitive dissonance except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Conformity is confined to simply acting like others are acting.

All of the following statements are true about conformity except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Negative reinforcement subtracts something unpleasant after a behavior to discourage the behavior.

All of the following statements are true about consequences except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Negative reinforcement subtracts something unpleasant after a behavior to discourage the behavior. b. Punishment refers to using any consequence that weakens or suppresses the behavior it follows. c. When training seeing-eye dogs, punishment is never chosen as a consequence. d. Reinforcement refers to using any consequence that increases the chances that the behavior will occur again.

Sufferers are very aware that their problems are not physical.

All of the following statements are true about conversion disorder except one. Which statement is FALSE?

It only affects a small minority of people.

All of the following statements are true about depression except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Hypnosis can produce superhuman acts of strength.

All of the following statements are true about hypnosis except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Hypnosis can produce superhuman acts of strength. b. Hypnosis does not greatly improve memory but it can uncover more information. c. Hypnosis increases false memories more than true ones. d. Hypnosis can help reduce pain.

a. The majority of intellectual disability (also known as mental retardation) cases are due to known causes.

All of the following statements are true about differences in ability except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The majority of intellectual disability (also known as mental retardation) cases are due to known causes. b. If the individual needs of children are neglected over long periods then they will stop trying. c. The best environmental predictor of student achievement is teacher support, attention, and encouragement. d. Look for and see the humanity of children and respect all of them regardless of disability or exceptionality.

Multiple personality disorder is accepted by all as a bona fide psychological disorder.

All of the following statements are true about dissociative disorders except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Curing an eating disorder is simply a question of will-power.

All of the following statements are true about eating disorders except one. Which statement is FALSE?

b. Gender role begins at birth because of body part differences not differential treatment by adults.

All of the following statements are true about gender except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Gender refers to the cultural, social, and psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity or femininity. b. Gender role begins at birth because of body part differences not differential treatment by adults. c. Part of our sexuality is determined by gender roles we assume early in childhood. d. Sexuality is part of self-concept and refers to a person's psychological sense of being either male or female.

a. You can control what happens to you (trauma) but you cannot control your ultimate response.

All of the following statements are true about happiness except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. You can control what happens to you (trauma) but you cannot control your ultimate response. b. The quality of personal relationships is the most crucial factor in determining life satisfaction. c. Life satisfaction and positive emotions, like cheerfulness, are 2 basic elements of happiness. d. Happiness involves a conscious choice.

c. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy used when most active.

All of the following statements are true about hunger and weight except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Increased insulin levels increase feelings of hunger. b. The hypothalamus is a small brain structure that plays an important role in eating behaviors. c. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy used when most active. d. CCK is a hormone (cholecystokinin) that signals that you are full and are no longer hungry.

b. Growth spurt in 1st year allows baby to triple his/her height.

All of the following statements are true about infant development except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Securely attached infants tend to grow up to be more pro-social, have fewer problems, and more school success. b. Growth spurt in 1st year allows baby to triple his/her height. c. Separation anxiety peaks at 12 to 18 months. d. Temperament though relatively stable, can be altered by experience and child-rearing practices.

Go overboard with compliments and flattery.

All of the following statements are true about ingratiation except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. You study the last chapter for your exam, and realize you have forgotten the 1st chapters. This is an example of proactive interference.

All of the following statements are true about interference except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. You study the last chapter for your exam, and realize you have forgotten the 1st chapters. This is an example of proactive interference. b. Interference causes forgetting in long-term as well as in short-term memory. c. Some lab and technician jobs are best filled by inexperienced people who have no interfering old ways that must be unlearned. d. Interference is the process that occurs when remembering is hampered by the presence of other information.

b. Babies are able to speak before understanding simple commands.

All of the following statements are true about language development except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There is a biological predisposition to learn language. b. Babies are able to speak before understanding simple commands. c. Using 1 word as if it were a whole sentence is called a holophrase. d. The first word is usually from a favorite babbling syllable and happens at age 1 year.

c. Lack of control due to external forces is worse than lack of control due to self or internal reasons.

All of the following statements are true about learned helplessness except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It is giving up even though success is possible because failure is believed to be inevitable. b. If a situation is believed to be temporary, a child is less likely to fall victim to learned helplessness. c. Lack of control due to external forces is worse than lack of control due to self or internal reasons. d. Emphasis should be on learning, trying and effort rather than on final goal performance and innate ability.

a. Speaking, writing and listening are all associative tasks for children with learning disabilities.

All of the following statements are true about learning disabilities except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Speaking, writing and listening are all associative tasks for children with learning disabilities. b. Learning is optimized using a different approach. c. Learning disability is not retardation. d. Victims are distractible which means they pay attention to everything, unable to filter out interfering stimuli.

a. Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol helps memory.

All of the following statements are true about memory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol helps memory. b. Smell and anxiety also play roles in memory. c. For lasting understanding of learned material, studying in different moods and places spaced over time is better. d. State-dependent learning says that memories are recalled easier when the learner is in the same or similar place or mood as when the memory was first formed.

d. Infantile amnesia is surely due to a memory deficit rather than an undeveloped self-concept or an immature hippocampus.

All of the following statements are true about memory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Learning with distributed practice is more effective than learning with massed practice. b. Mnemonics have an initial advantage over rote memorization, but after a week, this added advantage is gone if the material is not used or applied. c. Massed practice leads to fatigue and lagging motivation. d. Infantile amnesia is surely due to a memory deficit rather than an undeveloped self-concept or an immature hippocampus.

b. Memory is a passive reservoir of knowledge and facts.

All of the following statements are true about memory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Without memory you would have no identity, no knowledge, no life history and no recall of family or friends. b. Memory is a passive reservoir of knowledge and facts. c. Information learned after an incident is blended with original memories to make eye-witness testimony inaccurate. d. Memory is the capacity to retain and later retrieve information.

b. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is an example of loci mnemonics.

All of the following statements are true about mnemonics except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. FOIL, the order of operations when multiplying binomials, is an example of acronym mnemonics. b. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is an example of loci mnemonics. c. Make the information to be remembered meaningful in some way. d. Hook new info with familiar things that mean something.

b. Moral behavior depends solely on more advanced moral reasoning and abstract thinking.

All of the following statements are true about moral behavior except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Moral development progressed, according to Gilligan, from a self focus, to a focus on a specific individual, to a focus on all people. b. Moral behavior depends solely on more advanced moral reasoning and abstract thinking. c. Internalization is more likely to happen if reasons are given for rules so that children can see their relevance. d. Children, exposed to harsh, unreasonable punishment and family violence, are more apt to solve their own problems with aggression.

d. Moral issues are activities which are only wrong if there is a rule forbidding them.

All of the following statements are true about moral reasoning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Moral reasoning is a cognitive development issue. b. Kohlberg's theory focuses on the ability to adopt the viewpoint of another person (perspective taking). c. Moral reasoning is a social development issue because right and wrong are decided in large part by society and others. d. Moral issues are activities which are only wrong if there is a rule forbidding them.

d. Motivation can arouse, direct, and maintain behavior that is not yet learned.

All of the following statements are true about motivation and arousal except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Lower levels of arousal lead to better performance for complex tasks like taking exams. b. Anxiety improves performance on simple tasks or well-practiced skills. c. Doing something, or not doing something, because of social pressure or to please others is extrinsic motivation. d. Motivation can arouse, direct, and maintain behavior that is not yet learned.

b. When deficiency needs are met, the motivation to satisfy them increases.

All of the following statements are true about needs except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Maslow's model looks at the whole person whose physical, emotional and intellectual needs are all interrelated. b. When deficiency needs are met, the motivation to satisfy them increases. c. Self-actualized persons are comfortable with life, accept self and others, believe in a larger good, are inner-driven and have a sense of humor without hostility or criticism of others. d. A need is a state of deprivation that motivates a person to take action

b. Children copy everything they watch or observe.

All of the following statements are true about observational or social learning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. A basic principle of this kind of learning is that a behavior can best be learned by watching someone else perform it correctly. b. Children copy everything they watch or observe. c. Bandura's Bobo doll experiment demonstrated that children learn just by watching the behavior of others. d. Observational or social learning is behavior acquired through exposure to others and to the consequences they experience.

Caffeine has no effect on the disorder.

All of the following statements are true about panic attacks except one. Which statement is FALSE?

These are temporary habits of thought and behavior.

All of the following statements are true about personality disorders except one. Which statement is FALSE?

With audiences holding views contrary to yours, it is better to present only one side of an issue.

All of the following statements are true about persuasion except one. Which statement is FALSE?

They are irrational fears but they do not interfere with normal daily life.

All of the following statements are true about phobias except one. Which statement is FALSE?

d. We notice information more if it does not fit our stereotypes and schemes.

All of the following statements are true about prejudice except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Children do not instinctively dislike or mistrust a whole group of people. b. Prejudice is difficult to fight because it is a part of our heuristics or cognitive shortcuts. c. Prejudice is prejudging an entire category of people. d. We notice information more if it does not fit our stereotypes and schemes.

d. The placenta filters out everything harmful.

All of the following statements are true about prenatal human development except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. By the 3rd week, a heart has formed and begun beating. b. Newborns have been shown to recognize stories read to them in utero. c. Teratogens are environmental factors that can harm the developing embryo or fetus. d. The placenta filters out everything harmful.

The MMPI is an example of a projective test.

All of the following statements are true about projective personality tests except one. Which statement is FALSE?

d. A child must be at or near the preoperational stage in order to make sense of reading technique.

All of the following statements are true about readiness to read except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. An "a" is still an "a" even if the sound it designates is different. b. When slower children are made to feel inferior, their reading competence may be negatively affected even when their timetable is ripe for reading readiness. c. Until a child is able to classify, seriate, reverse and conserve, he/she is not ready to read. d. A child must be at or near the preoperational stage in order to make sense of reading technique.

d. There are 8 possible reinforcement schedules---four continuous and four intermittent schedules.

All of the following statements are true about reinforcement schedules except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The variable-ratio reinforcement schedule is the one considered to promote the highest response rate and is the most effective. b. Working on salary uses a fixed interval reinforcement schedule. c. Reinforcement based on responses promotes faster performance than reinforcement based on time. d. There are 8 possible reinforcement schedules---four continuous and four intermittent schedules.

Appropriate emotions that fit the situation.

All of the following statements are true about schizophrenia symptoms except one. Which symptom does NOT belong with the others?

c. The gonads or sex glands are different in males and females from conception.

All of the following statements are true about sexual development except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. At 12 weeks, if no Y is present, ovaries develop. b. Females have XX sex chromosomes and males have XY. c. The gonads or sex glands are different in males and females from conception. d. Early brain organization and subsequent sexual orientation are affected by prenatal hormone levels.

only involve too much interest in sex rather than a lack of interest in sex.

All of the following statements are true about sexual disorders except one. Which statement is FALSE? Sexual disorders.....

c. Testosterone influences sexual motivation in men not in women.

All of the following statements are true about sexual motivation except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. A lack of estrogen due to menopause does not appreciably alter sexual desire. b. What is considered normal and accepted sexual behavior within a culture can change over time. c. Testosterone influences sexual motivation in men not in women. d. Reproduction is not the primary sexual motivator for humans as it is for simple animals.

a. Homosexuality is a preference or voluntary choice.

All of the following statements are true about sexual orientation except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Homosexuality is a preference or voluntary choice. b. Homosexuals who are comfortable with their sexual orientation are as well-adjusted as others. c. Sexual orientation is the emotional and erotic attraction toward members of the opposite sex, the same sex or both sexes. d. Children raised by homosexual parents are no more likely to be gay or lesbian as adults than children raised by heterosexual parents.

d. SES has a notable negative correlation with school achievement.

All of the following statements are true about socioeconomic status (SES) and achievement except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Low SES parents command more and teach less. b. With low SES comes poor health care, more school interruptions, discrimination for non-cool clothes, low expectations from teachers and more learned helplessness. c. Attitudes and behaviors of family life seem to be more important than income or lack of it. d. SES has a notable negative correlation with school achievement.

a. Children can learn quite a bit when they are in pain, in fear, confused or feeling humiliated.

All of the following statements are true about spanking except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Children can learn quite a bit when they are in pain, in fear, confused or feeling humiliated. b. Spanked children learn that physical force is an appropriate early response to select when frustrated. c. Spanked children are more likely to accept bullying behavior in other relationships. d. Spanking makes children rebellious, withdrawn or more clever and deviant.

Stress does not make it easier for us to catch a cold.

All of the following statements are true about stress studies except one. Which statement is FALSE?

It still uses Roman numerals and has 5 axes.

All of the following statements are true about the DSM-5 except one. Which statement is FALSE?

b. It focuses on content and the different abilities underlying problem solution.

All of the following statements are true about the process approach to intelligence except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It includes "street smarts" and common sense or practicality. b. It focuses on content and the different abilities underlying problem solution. c. It includes the ability to handle novel problems creatively and quickly. d. It includes the ability to shape the environment to maximize opportunities.

b. Vygotsky's theory is a qualitative stage theory.

All of the following statements are true about the Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Since private speech helps children to guide their thinking, you should not insist on total silence in instances where others are not inconvenienced. b. Vygotsky's theory is a qualitative stage theory. c. The zone of proximal development cannot be predicted or measured and should never be underestimated even for severely disabled children. d. Vygotsky emphasized the contribution of culture and interaction with others in a child's cognitive development.

d. Parents display insensitivity and negligence if they do not correct a toddler's awkward attempts to dress self.

All of the following statements are true about the autonomy/shame stage of Erikson's theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Children can develop shame and doubt if they are not allowed to do things they are able to do or if they are pushed into something they are not ready for yet. b. Child asserts independence from adult. c. This is the time of the "terrible 2's". d. Parents display insensitivity and negligence if they do not correct a toddler's awkward attempts to dress self.

By blaming the victim, people are accepting the reality that the same fate could happen to themselves.

All of the following statements are true about the blaming the victim except one. Which statement is FALSE?

The greater the number of people present, the more likely each person is to help a person in trouble.

All of the following statements are true about the bystander effect except one. Which statement is FALSE?

d. A child uniformly advances so that the formal operational level is reached in all areas.

All of the following statements are true about the formal operational stage except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Child becomes more scientific in the way he/she thinks and uses hypothetical-deductive reasoning. b. The focus of thinking is not limited to what "is" but includes what "might be". c. There is a surge of interest in science fiction. d. A child uniformly advances so that the formal operational level is reached in all areas.

The focus is on the dim side of human nature like the psychoanalytic approach.

All of the following statements are true about the humanistic, existential, phenomenological approach of personality development except one. Which statement is FALSE?

Actual received support is more important than perceived support.

All of the following statements are true about the impact of social support on the immune system and stress response except one. Which statement is FALSE?

d. Intimacy does not necessarily mean psychological intimacy but does mean sexual intimacy.

All of the following statements are true about the intimacy/isolation stage of Erikson's theory except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There is a willingness to relate to another person on a much deeper level than mutual need. b. Deep and lasting personal relationships require establishment of a strong identity first. c. This is the stage at which most people marry. d. Intimacy does not necessarily mean psychological intimacy but does mean sexual intimacy.

a. Basal metabolic rate gradually increases during adulthood.

All of the following statements are true about weight factors except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Basal metabolic rate gradually increases during adulthood. b. Set point can be lowered with exercise, making it easier to maintain a lower weight. c. Those who exercise regularly have more effective coping skills with stress. d. Besides lowering the set point and increasing metabolism, aerobic exercise prevents heart disease.

The endocrine response to stress accounts for the importance of cognition.

All of the following statements are true, except one, about the endocrine response to stress. Which statement is FALSE?

Natural disasters are more stressful than those caused by human error or maliciousness.

All of the following statements are true, except one, about the factors influencing stress. Which statement is FALSE?

They are usually inappropriate and unhealthy.

All the following are true about psychological defense mechanisms except one statement. Which statement is FALSE?

There's a constant struggle among the Id, Ego and Superego with the Superego mediating between the other two.

All the following are true about the three structures of personality according to Freud except one statement. Which statement is FALSE?

Discover core beliefs and life goals AFTER commitment.

To insure that you do not fall out of love, you should do all of the following but one. Which statement does NOT belong?


What is helping another with no expectation of personal benefit?

inclusive education

What is individualizing education to meet every student's needs, regardless of abilities?


What is moralistic conscience?


What theories of personality focus on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences?

a. Psychology is just common sense.

All of the following are true statements about psychology except one. Which statement does NOT belong with the others? a. Psychology is just common sense. b. If psychologists wish to know something about someone, they have to ask the person, just like anyone else. c. Experimenting on people is ethical if dignity, safety and confidentiality are maintained. d. Animals share some of the same receptor sites and can tell us a lot about humans.

c. To prevent becoming a skeptic.

All of the following phrases describe the bonuses of studying psychology except one. Which phrase does NOT belong with the others? a. To define an issue or problem clearly. b. To avoid over-simplification and over-generalization. c. To prevent becoming a skeptic. d. To develop critical thinking skills.

c. Everyone should sleep 8 hours a night.

All of the following statements are true about sleep except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There is a sleep-inducing chemical that builds up, not in the blood, but in the brain and spinal cord. b. Dolphins sleep but only 1 hemisphere at a time. c. Everyone should sleep 8 hours a night. d. Delta waves are very large and slow and come with deeper sleep.

c. Graded potentials are found in axons.

All of the following statements are true about a graded potential except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Messages are combined and cancelled. If enough un-cancelled messages are left over to reach threshold, then the all-or-none action potential is triggered in the axon. b. More neurons fire at a faster rate with a strong stimulus. c. Graded potentials are found in axons. d. Dendrites of one neuron may receive contrasting chemical messages from thousands of other neurons, some commanding excitation and others commanding inhibition.

b. Potassium ions enter the neuron explosively resulting in an energy spike known as an action potential.

All of the following statements are true about an action potential except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. An action potential either takes place or it does not, and all at the same magnitude or intensity. b. Potassium ions enter the neuron explosively resulting in an energy spike known as an action potential. c. An action potential is electrical conduction. d. The action potential travels through the myelinated axon, not jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier.

b. A viewmaster toy presents totally different images to each eye which the brain fuses into 1 producing a 2-dimensional flat look.

All of the following statements are true about binocular cues except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Convergence: The more the eyes converge or rotate inward to focus on nearer objects, then the greater the strength of the muscle signals and the greater the strain. b. A viewmaster toy presents totally different images to each eye which the brain fuses into 1 producing a 2-dimensional flat look. c. Binocular cues require information from both eyes. d. Disparity: Eyes are set a couple of inches apart, so the image on the retina is different for each eye. The greater the difference in the 2 images, the closer the object is. The more identical the 2 images, the farther away the object is.

b. Plasticity enables the brain to recover from damage only in adults.

All of the following statements are true about brain damage except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Persons with right brain damage may comprehend what is said but be totally oblivious of the emotional content. b. Plasticity enables the brain to recover from damage only in adults. c. Persons with left brain damage may not understand what is said, but be well aware of the emotional tone accompanying the words. d. Damage to the motor areas of one hemisphere may result in paralysis on the opposite side of the body.

c. An EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain and is painful.

All of the following statements are true about brain imaging except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. For a CAT scan the patient is placed inside a large, donut-shaped structure where an X-ray tube encircles the whole head. b. The PET scan is less available, more expensive and gives less sharp images than the functional MRI. c. An EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain and is painful. d. An MRI allows doctors to look into the living brain almost as if it were transparent.

d. The occipital lobe is the brain area in back of the brain most responsible for hearing.

All of the following statements are true about brain structures except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The cerebellum allows walking in a straight line or touching the tip of the nose without even thinking about all the steps involved. b. The medulla controls autonomic functions like breathing, heart rate, digestion, blood pressure, and vital reflexes like swallowing, coughing, vomiting, sneezing. c. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher mental processes of language, memory and thinking. d. The occipital lobe is the brain area in back of the brain most responsible for hearing.

a.It happens because people care less.

All of the following statements are true about bystander apathy except one. Which statement is FALSE? a.It happens because people care less. b. It is far more likely if there are many others around. c. There is a diffusion of responsibility. d. People feel less responsible if other possible saviors are near.

a. There are only 2 bodily processes that rhythmically rise and fall daily.

All of the following statements are true about circadian rhythm except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There are only 2 bodily processes that rhythmically rise and fall daily. b. Bright light discourages the release of melatonin, the hormone which makes you sleepy. c. Circadian rhythm is controlled by a cluster of neurons called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). d. Shift work is especially disruptive because it requires constant resetting of internal clocks.

c. Generally the conditioned response is more intense than the unconditioned response.

All of the following statements are true about classical conditioning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Eventually the conditioned stimulus can elicit the conditioned response on its own without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus. b. A conditioned stimulus is a neutral stimulus at first until paired repeatedly with an unconditioned stimulus. c. Generally the conditioned response is more intense than the unconditioned response. d. An unconditioned response is a naturally occurring emotional or physiological response that does not have to be learned.

c. Classical conditioning can be used to learn, but not to unlearn or reverse inappropriate habits, fears or emotional reactions.

All of the following statements are true about classical conditioning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. To prevent conditioned taste aversions in chemotherapy or radiation patients, eating should be done at as long an interval from the treatment as possible. b. Teachers can use classical conditioning to override a student's fear of math and numbers by associating math and numbers with success and understanding. c. Classical conditioning can be used to learn, but not to unlearn or reverse inappropriate habits, fears or emotional reactions. d. Even the immune system can be classically conditioned.

b. Snorting coke takes 20 or 30 minutes for effects to be felt.

All of the following statements are true about cocaine except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Just one exposure of cocaine to a fetus can cause defects. b. Snorting coke takes 20 or 30 minutes for effects to be felt. c. Euphoria is replaced by equally intense depression, agitation, and severe craving for more. d. 30 to 90 % of cocaine addicts who remain in treatment programs succeed.

c. Marijuana permanently lowers sperm production in males.

All of the following statements are true about marijuana except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. With regular use, marijuana causes chronic bronchitis and pre-cancerous changes in lung cells. b. THC can suppress the body's immune system, making the smoker more susceptible to disease. c. Marijuana permanently lowers sperm production in males. d. Marijuana smoke contains 50% more cancer-causing hydrocarbons than does plain tobacco smoke.

d. Correlations not only allow for general predictions to be made but they also prove cause and effect.

All of the following statements are true about correlations except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There may be a third variable, hidden and unaccounted for, that changes either or both of the 2 variables in the correlation. b. Correlations are statistical descriptions of how closely 2 variables are related. c. The relationship between smoking and life expectancy is an example of a negative correlation. d. Correlations not only allow for general predictions to be made but they also prove cause and effect.

a. Tranquilizers are associated with temporary, not permanent, memory impairment.

All of the following statements are true about depressants except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Tranquilizers are associated with temporary, not permanent, memory impairment. b. Mixing barbiturates and alcohol can be fatal. c. Women get drunk from less alcohol than men do because of faster absorption and slower metabolism. d. At high doses, inhalants can cause hallucinations and unconsciousness.

d. Descriptive research manipulates phenomena and records the changes found.

All of the following statements are true about descriptive research except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The famous Kinsey Report sex survey was flawed because the poor and the elderly were underrepresented, and male interviewers were used with female subjects b. Phineas Gage's tragic railroad accident provided an excellent case study. c. Descriptive research collects detailed information using observation, case studies, surveys, interviews, and recordings. d. Descriptive research manipulates phenomena and records the changes found.

b. A sign of alcoholism is low tolerance with small amounts of alcohol bringing severe symptoms.

All of the following statements are true about drugs except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Caffeine and alcohol are 2 of the most widely-used psychoactive drugs. b. A sign of alcoholism is low tolerance with small amounts of alcohol bringing severe symptoms. c. Psychological dependence is an intense craving for a drug and its rewarding properties. d. Physical dependence is a strong need for a drug with withdrawal symptoms if the drug is stopped.

d. Once a study is found to be statistically significant, it is accepted as credible.

All of the following statements are true about experimental research except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Randomization assures that each subject has an equal chance to be in any group and that the groups are thus comparable. b. The double blind study eliminates the placebo effect and power of suggestion. c. Some variables are held constant while others are manipulated. d. Once a study is found to be statistically significant, it is accepted as credible.

a. Introspection was as important as direct observation.

All of the following statements are true about functionalism except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Introspection was as important as direct observation. b. Mental processes operated to allow adaptation and survival. c. Consciousness and mental processes were not rigid and fixed. d. Consciousness was fluid and continuous like an ever-changing stream.

d. Habituation has the same effect on behavior that sensitization does.

All of the following statements are true about habituation except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Habituation allows an organism to ignore a stimulus that has lost its importance. b. It is a process whereby an organism stops responding reflexively to an unconditioned stimulus that has been presented repeatedly. c. The simplest form of learning is called habituation. d. Habituation has the same effect on behavior that sensitization does.

b. THC accumulates in the brain and reproductive organs, but only if smoked every day.

All of the following statements are true about hallucinogens except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Ecstasy (MDMA) is more toxic than other hallucinogens. b. THC accumulates in the brain and reproductive organs, but only if smoked every day. c. Hallucinogens distort or produce sensory perceptions for which there are no external stimuli. d. Tolerance occurs after heavy use of LSD, but not physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms.

c. Left-handed people are naturally more clumsy.

All of the following statements are true about handedness except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Two times more men than women are left-handed. b. To force a left-handed child to use the right hand may invite speech or reading problems. c. Left-handed people are naturally more clumsy. d. Archaeologists say the predominance of right-handedness is evident in skeletons several thousand years old.

a. Sound can travel through the nothingness of outer space or a vacuum.

All of the following statements are true about hearing except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Sound can travel through the nothingness of outer space or a vacuum. b. If your headset can be heard by the person next to you, the volume is too high and is damaging your ears. c. The cochlea is a snail-shaped, fluid-filled, bony organ in the inner ear that contains the receptors for sound. d. Hair cells are not replaceable.

d. The cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical in how they function.

All of the following statements are true about hemispheric specialization of the brain except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Typically a split-brain person acts completely normal and one hemisphere overrides the other. b. In most people, both Broca's area and Wernicke's area are found in the left hemisphere. c. The cerebral hemispheres appear symmetrical in shape. d. The cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical in how they function.

b. It is a change in a stimulus that can be detected every single time.

All of the following statements are true about just noticeable difference (JND) except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It is proportional to the original stimulus intensity, which is Weber's Law. b. It is a change in a stimulus that can be detected every single time. c. A 20% change is necessary to produce a just noticeable difference in taste. d. If you hold a heavy rock and a pebble is added, you will not likely notice the difference.

b. Learning is the nature side of the nature/nurture interaction.

All of the following statements are true about learning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. "Relatively permanent" excludes temporary changes in behavior due to fatigue, illness or mood. b. Learning is the nature side of the nature/nurture interaction. c. "As a result of experience" excludes basic motor skills that are biological, predetermined and dependent on maturation. d. Learning cannot be measured directly, only indirectly through behavior observation.

a. Relative size says that if 2 similar sized objects appear together, the larger object is perceived as farther away.

All of the following statements are true about monocular cues except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Relative size says that if 2 similar sized objects appear together, the larger object is perceived as farther away. b. Motion parallax has closer objects whizzing by in the opposite direction when you're in motion (car, train), and distant things like the skyline going slowly. c. Monocular cues are depth cues that can be processed by either eye alone. d. Linear perspective involves parallel lines which seem to meet in the distance.

a. Glial cells are types of neurons.

All of the following statements are true about neurons except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Glial cells are types of neurons. b. The distinctive feature that separates neurons from other cells is their shape. c. Neurons specialize in communication via electrical and chemical forms. d. Neurons have 3 main components: soma, dendrites and axon.

c. They are limited to affecting a neighboring synapse.

All of the following statements are true about neuropeptides except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Neuropeptides regulate the activity of other neurons. b. Opiate-like neuropeptide endorphin is involved in positive emotions as well as pain perception. c. They are limited to affecting a neighboring synapse. d. Enkephalin suppresses the activity normally carried on by neurons which pass along pain messages.

b. GABA is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter and controls anxiety.

All of the following statements are true about neurotransmitters except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Glutamate is the most common excitatory messenger and is released by 40% of brain neurons. b. GABA is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter and controls anxiety. c. They travel across the synapse until they reach special receptor sites meant for them in the membrane of the next cell. d. The most common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate and GABA.

c. Damaged receptor cells for smell cannot be replaced.

All of the following statements are true about olfaction except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Humans can only smell molecules with a molecular weight (sum of atomic weights of all atoms in the molecule) of 15-300. b. Losing your sense of smell in old age is strongly predictive of age-related memory problems. c. Damaged receptor cells for smell cannot be replaced. d. Olfactory receptor neurons are found at the back of the nose in 2 one-square-inch pieces of tissue called the olfactory epithelium.

c. Operant conditioning is learning in which involuntary behavior is strengthened or weakened by consequences or antecedents.

All of the following statements are true about operant conditioning except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Shaping is a powerful operant conditioning paradigm that rewards small steps to a final goal instead of insisting on a finished product immediately. b. Operant conditioning is responsible for almost every learned skill or ability acquired since birth. c. Operant conditioning is learning in which involuntary behavior is strengthened or weakened by consequences or antecedents. d. There are 4 types of consequences ---2 are called reinforcements and 2 are called punishments.

d. A full moon near the horizon is larger and takes up more space on the retina.

All of the following statements are true about perception except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. People bend reality to make it fit their expectations. b. Perception is influenced by prior expectations and culture. c. Those who are very confident in their testimony are no more reliable than those who express doubts. d. A full moon near the horizon is larger and takes up more space on the retina.

c. Rolling electrical messages on signs are words moving left to right.

All of the following statements are true about perception of motion except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Motion perception requires the integration of eye muscles, retina and environment. b. Induced motion is a motion illusion that assumes the background is stationary. c. Rolling electrical messages on signs are words moving left to right. d. Stroboscopic motion is a motion illusion in which the image doesn't move across retina.

a. Your hand is larger than a fire truck in the distance, so the fire truck is perceived to be much smaller than it really is.

All of the following statements are true about perception of shape except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Your hand is larger than a fire truck in the distance, so the fire truck is perceived to be much smaller than it really is. b. The figure-ground principle has the figure as the object and main focus, and the ground as the background and less distinct. c. The grouping principle groups items in the easiest and most simple way. d. We perceive objects as constant or unchanging in shape, size and brightness.

b. REM sleep does not occur in sleeping pets.

All of the following statements are true about rapid eye movement (REM) sleep except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. During REM sleep, muscles become momentarily paralyzed. b. REM sleep does not occur in sleeping pets. c. REM sleep is emotionally charged and increases following a day of stress. d. Dreams are cognitive events, vivid and disconnected, that occur usually during REM sleep.

a. Humans can even detect physical energies for which they have no receptors.

All of the following statements are true about sensation except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Humans can even detect physical energies for which they have no receptors. b. Humans have no receptors for detecting sound vibrations that are too high or too low. c. Humans have no receptors for detecting bands of electromagnetic waves that are shorter than or longer than the visible light spectrum. d. Sensory receptors receive incoming information and change it into nerve impulses.

a. Preemie babies, who were massaged for 15 minutes 3X daily, did no better than other intensive care unit babies.

All of the following statements are true about skin senses except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Preemie babies, who were massaged for 15 minutes 3X daily, did no better than other intensive care unit babies. b. Pain can be reduced by distraction, thinking about better things, using mild pain to block more intense pain (like biting lip or digging nails into palm), laughter, sense of control and positive self-talk. c. Pacinian corpuscles beneath the skin respond to pressure. d. Skin senses are senses of touch, pressure, pain, heat and cold detected by our skin, the largest organ of the body.

c. Emotional excitement can trigger narcolepsy in which the victim instantly enters non-REM sleep and continues activity as if awake.

All of the following statements are true about sleeping disorders except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Insomnia is an inability to fall asleep or remain asleep, and includes not feeling rested after sleeping. b. Night terrors may include panic, violent body movement, inability to be calmed, hallucinations, drenching perspiration, and amnesia for the event. c. Emotional excitement can trigger narcolepsy in which the victim instantly enters non-REM sleep and continues activity as if awake. d. For most infants, the safest sleep position is on the back or side which has been credited with a 50% drop in deaths from SIDS.

d. Cocaine is slowly metabolized and is physically as well as psychologically addictive.

All of the following statements are true about stimulants except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Caffeine should not be used at all during pregnancy. b. A burning cigarette releases more than 6800 different chemicals, many of which are cancer-causing. c. In high doses (100 mg), amphetamines cause confusion, extreme fear, delusions, anti-social behavior and paranoia. d. Cocaine is slowly metabolized and is physically as well as psychologically addictive.

a. There was little variability among trained people or within the same person to the same stimulus.

All of the following statements are true about structuralism except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. There was little variability among trained people or within the same person to the same stimulus. b. Animals, young children and the insane could not introspect. c. The human mind had a blueprint and lost its uniqueness. d. The very act of introspection changes the experience.

b. Backward messages in rock music have been shown to have dramatic effect.

All of the following statements are true about subliminal perception except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Subliminal stimuli are weak stimuli. b. Backward messages in rock music have been shown to have dramatic effect. c. Subliminal perception is perception of a stimulus below the threshold for conscious recognition. d. Loud, clear, and attention-demanding stimuli work far better.

d. The sympathetic nervous system is a subdivision of the central nervous system.

All of the following statements are true about sympathetic nervous system except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It activates internal organs for vigorous activity like stepping up cardiac and respiration rate. b. It mobilizes the organism for fight or flight reactions in emergencies. c. Goosebumps when frightened and the Halloween cat are examples of sympathetic nervous system activity. d. The sympathetic nervous system is a subdivision of the central nervous system.

b. This study is a good example of descriptive research.

All of the following statements are true about the Sam Stone study except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Even young children can accurately report an event. b. This study is a good example of descriptive research. c. Accuracy depends on the absence of added information and suggestive, leading questions. d. Children's memories can be influenced by the suggestions of an adult.

c. It is faster than the communication of the nervous system.

All of the following statements are true about the endocrine system except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It depends on the circulation of the blood. b. The main link between the endocrine system and the nervous system is the hypothalamus. c. It is faster than the communication of the nervous system. d. It uses chemical messengers called hormones to transmit information.

d. The motor strip is at the front of each frontal lobe and controls involuntary movement.

All of the following statements are true about the frontal lobes of the brain except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The frontal lobe is a brain area associated with the control of movement and higher mental functions. b. There is a frontal lobe in each hemisphere. c. Broca's area is found in the left frontal lobe and controls the production of speech sounds. d. The motor strip is at the front of each frontal lobe and controls involuntary movement.

a. Control means being able to manipulate people.

All of the following statements are true about the goal of control except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Control means being able to manipulate people. b. Control introduces behavioral changes to better the quality of life. c. Personal freedom is not lost. d. Conditions are changed to influence behavior in predictable ways.

c. Gestalt psychology stresses the perception of component parts of conscious experiences rather than the overall total experience.

All of the following statements are true about the history of psychology except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Psychoanalysis emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behavior and personality. b. Behaviorism focuses on observable activities that can be measured with no room for thoughts, feelings and intentions. c. Gestalt psychology stresses the perception of component parts of conscious experiences rather than the overall total experience. d. Humanistic psychology emphasizes self-determination, free will, and human potential.

d. It is controlled by the pituitary gland of the endocrine system.

All of the following statements are true about the hypothalamus of the brain except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It is a tiny, peanut-sized structure in the forebrain. b. It regulates motivated behavior like eating, drinking, mating, and aggression. c. Neurons in the hypothalamus trigger all those physical changes you feel with strong emotions. d. It is controlled by the pituitary gland of the endocrine system.

c. Cognitive psychology stresses the passive, involuntary mental processes involved in developing language, solving problems and thinking.

All of the following statements are true about the major perspectives of modern psychology except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The 6 major views are behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, biological, cognitive and cross-cultural. b. Biological psychologists believe that human and animal behaviors are the result of internal physical, chemical, and biological processes. c. Cognitive psychology stresses the passive, involuntary mental processes involved in developing language, solving problems and thinking. d. Cross-cultural psychology stresses how culture influences behavior and our sense of personal identity.

a. It is involved with analysis, logic, and breaking information into parts.

All of the following statements are true about the right hemisphere of the brain except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. It is involved with analysis, logic, and breaking information into parts. b. It is better at processing music and detecting and expressing emotion. c. Prosody or the changes that add emotional meaning to words and speech, appear to be controlled by the right hemisphere. d. It is better at recognizing patterns, faces, and melodies.

a. Dogs are color-blind.

All of the following statements are true about vision except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. Dogs are color-blind. b. Acuity is sharpest in the middle of the retina (fovea). c. The most common form of color-blindness in the U.S. is with red and green. d. To see an object best at night, like a dim star, look not at it but next to it.

c. Cones work well in darkness and dim light and rods are for color and daylight vision.

All of the following statements are true about vision except one. Which statement is FALSE? a. The point on each retina, where there are no rods or cones, is called the blind spot. b. The retina is the size of a small postage stamp on the inner back surface of the eyeball and contains the receptors for sight. c. Cones work well in darkness and dim light and rods are for color and daylight vision. d. Nothing can be seen unless light is reflected from or given off by whatever object we are observing.

immune system

Lymphocytes are specialized white cells produced by what system?


The A in OCEAN stands for _____________.


The brain recovers from some injuries by allowing some areas to compensate for the damaged area. What is this process called?

zone of proximal development

What is Vygotsky's potential of learning where a child can be successful with appropriate help, support and guidance?

cerebral palsy

What is a catch-all category due to brain damage that involves a range of motor or coordination difficulties from mild to severe?


What is a disruptive behavior disorder marked by excessive difficulty sustaining attention, increased impulsiveness, increased restlessness, and oftentimes overactivity?


What are cells that specialize in communication via electrical and chemical forms?


What are the basic blocks on which we build our thinking-- the basic building blocks of knowledge?


What are the processes through which we seek to determine the causes behind others' behavior-- the WHYS?


What brain lobe is most responsible for vision?


What can increase the metabolic rate and help to burn calories even at rest?

superiority complex

What complex exaggerates strengths and importance while it denies the reality of weaknesses and limitations?

panic disorder

What disorder is marked by frequent brief panic attacks which are marked by overwhelming fear, unbearable intense anxiety and even terror?

secondary sex characteristics

What do we call the physical characteristics not directly involved in reproduction but which develop at puberty and are associated with sexual maturity?


What involves commitment (staying power, persistence, not giving up), control (confidence and in charge attitude), and challenge or effective problem solving?

conversion syndrome

What involves sensory or motor deficits like blindness, deafness or paralysis with no organic causes?


What is a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding our resources or coping abilities?


What is an ancient surgical procedure in which holes were drilled or cut into the skull to permit escape of evil spirits and to treat head injuries?

cognitive dissonance

What is an unpleasant state of psychological tension which happens when there is an inconsistency between 2 thoughts or perceptions?


What is the value placed on the picture we have of ourselves?


What kind of interference is it when new info interferes with old?

state-dependent learning

What kind of learning says that memories are recalled easier when the learner is in the same or similar place as when the memory was formed?


What kind of research observed and describes phenomena that already exist?


What means stop making worst case scenarios and worrying about things ahead of time?


What refers to using any consequence that weakens or suppresses the behavior it follows?

classical conditioning

What type of associative learning involves the pairing of an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus to produce a response?

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

What was formerly known as multiple personality disorder?


What was published by the American Psychiatric Association in May 2013 to replace The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)?

Stanley Milgram

Who did an obedience study in 1963 to see if a person could be pressured into obeying an authority figure even against his/her own conscience?

Martin Seligman

Who is credited for the learned helplessness phenomenon?


William James (1890) supported what approach?

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