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In the vertical, the pressure gradient force points ____ from the earth and gravity points _______ the earth.

...Away from the earth, toward the earth

Cyclonic flow means __________ ______ _ ___ ________ center in either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere

...Circulation around a low pressure

The wind around a surface low pressure center in the Southern Hemisphere blows:

...Clockwise and inward towards the center

The wind around a surface high pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere blows:

...Clockwise and outward from the center

The ________ ______ is an apparent force created by the earth's rotation.

...Coriolis Force

The rate of the earth's rotation deines the strength of the

...Coriolis Force

Which of the following forces CANNOT act to change the speed of the wind?

...Coriolis Force

Which of the following produces the strongest Coriolis force

...Fast winds, high latitude

A surface LOW pressure area that moves from south to north directly east of your home would most likely produce winds that shift from:

...From NE to N to NW

When the upward-directed pressure gradient force is in balance with the downward pull of gravity, the atmosphere is in

...Hydrostatic equilibrium

The net force on air moving in a circle at constant speed is

...Inward toward the center of rotation

A wind flow pattern that takes on a more or less north-south trajectory is called:


Pressure changes:

...More rapidly in the vertical direction than in the horizontal

If an air parcel is completely at rest, which of the following forces can make the parcel begin to move?

...Pressure Gradient

The force that would cause a stationary parcel of air to begin to move horizontally is called the

...Pressure Gradient Force

In the afternoon

...Surface winds are generally strongest and most gusty

231 mhp in 1934 on Mount Washington, New Hampshire

...The greatest wind speed ever recorded at the earth's surface occurred at:

friction with the earths surface slows the air near the ground

...The wind's speed generally increases with height above the earth's surface because:

The net force acting on air which is blowing parallel to straight contours at constant speed is:

...To the right of the winds motion in the northern hemisphere

The hydrostatic equation describes the equilibrium between the:

...Vertical pressure gradient force and gravity

When the wind blows in a more or less west to east direction, the wind flow pattern is called


A surface low pressure center is generally associated with _ _______ on an upper level isobaric chart.

...a trough

Winds blow slightly inward

...around surface low pressure centers in the Northern and Southern hemisphere

The pressure gradient force is directed from higher pressure toward lower pressure all places on the earth

On a 500 millibar chart, _______ lines are drawn to represent horizontal changes in altitude which correspond to horizontal changes in pressure.

...contour lines

The surface air around a strengthening low pressure area normally _________, while aloft, above the system, the air normally ________

...converges, diverges

During a reversible adiabatic process, the pressure gradient force is parallel to the isobars


A wind blowing at a constant speed parallel to straight line isobars with the pressure gradient force (PGF) and the Coriolis force in balance is called a

...geostrophic wind

A wind that blows at a constant speed parallel to curved isobars or contour lines is called a

...gradient wind

On an upper-level chart, normally we find warm air associated with _____ pressure, and cold air associated with ___ pressure.


A ridge on an upper-level isobaric chart indicates

...higher than average heights

Warm air aloft is associated with constant pressure surfaces that are found at ______ altitude than normal and ______ than normal atmospheric pressure aloft.

...higher, higher

Which statement below is NOT correct concerning the Coriolis force? causes the wind to blow faster

-Which of the statements below is NOT correct concerning the pressure gradient force? is non-existent at the equator

If directly above you at 10,000 feet the wind is blowing from the south, then it is a good bet that at 10,000 feet, the center of lowest pressure is ____ of you, while the center of highest pressure is _____ of you

...left , right

The "force exerted on an object equals its mass times the acceleration produced" is a description of

...newtons 2nd law

Suppose that the winds aloft are geostrophic and blowing from the north. With the same orientation of isobars at the surface, the winds would blow from the


Which of the following expresses the gas law?


The amount of pressure change that occurs over a given horizontal distance is called the:

...pressure gradient

Low _________ on a constant height chart corresponds to low ________ on a constant pressure chart.

...pressures, heights

The Coriolis force is the result of

...rotating earth

The winds aloft in the middle latitudes would not blow from the west if

...the air over high latitudes became warmer than over the equator

-If the earth stopped rotating which of the following would NOT be true?

...there would still be a Coriolis Force

Buys-Ballot's law states that, "In the Northern Hemisphere if you stand with your back to the surface wind, then turn clockwise about 30°, lower pressure will be your left

Clear air turbulence often occurs near a boundary of high wind shear


The vertical pressure gradient force is directed


If in the Northern Hemisphere the upper level winds above you are blowing from the south, then it is a good bet that a trough of low pressure is to the

west of you

The coriolis force only affects the

Direction of the wind, not the speed

Geostrophic wind

Motion that arises when the pressure gradient force and the coriolis force act together

The main cause of wind is

Pressure differences of adjacent geographical areas

Horizontal temperature differences cause

Pressure gradients

The acceleration of air depends on

The ratio of pressure difference between two geographical locations and the distance between them

Which of the following can influence wind direction


The contour lines drawn on a 500 mb chart are lines of constant:


The surface pressures at the bases of warm and cold columns of air are equal. Air pressure in the warm column of air will _________ with increasing height ____ ______ than in the cold column.

decrease, more slowly

-If, at your home in the Northern Hemisphere, the surface wind is blowing from the northwest, then the region of lowest pressure will be to the ____ of your home.


Suppose that the winds aloft are geostrophic and blowing from the north. Low pressure is located to the


The Coriolis force is the force that causes the wind to blow


Surface winds blow across the isobars at an angle due to

frictional force

The winds aloft in the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere generally blow:

from west to east

Which of the following forces does not have a direct effect on horizontal wind motions?

gravational force

The atmosphere around the earth would rush off into space if the vertical pressure gradient force were not balanced by


If the earth's gravitational force were to increase, atmospheric pressure at the ground would


Suppose a parcel of air has a given temperature, pressure, and density. If the parcel's size remains the same while its temperature increases, then the air pressure inside the parcel will


Lines connecting points of equal pressure are called


The surface pressures at the bases of warm and cold columns of air are equal. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

pressure will decrease with increasing height at the same rate in both columns.

We can generally expect the air to be ______ above areas of surface low pressure and _______ above areas of surface high pressure.

rising, sinking

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