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deceleration rate (ft/s2)

11.2 ft/sec2

Maximum Superelevation

12% (8% if snow/ice)

object height

2 ft

driver eye height

3.5 ft

Average walking speed

3.5 ft/s

Maximum grades according to design speed

70 mph - 5%, 30 mph - 7 to 12%

Difference and meaning between TMS and SMS

Average speed in a traffic stream can be computed in two ways: Time mean speed (TMS) - average speed of all vehicles passing a point over a specified time period. Space mean speed (SMS) - average speed of all vehicles occupying a given section of roadway over a specific time period

Interchanges can be divided into two broad categories: system interchanges and service interchanges. System interchanges connect two controlled access highways or freeways, and have no at-grade intersections at ramp terminals. Service interchanges connect a higher functional class roadway to a lower functional class roadway, and may have at-grade intersections at ramp terminals. What type are? Directional Full cloverleaf Diamond Partial cloverleaf Single-point urban (SPUI)

Both the directional and full cloverleaf interchanges are examples of systems interchanges. They provide for continuous traffic flows at relatively high speeds. The diamond, partial cloverleaf, and single-point urban (SPUI) interchanges are examples of service interchanges because some movements at these interchanges have to pass through an at-grade intersection.

On a freeway with posted speed limit of 65 mph (105 km/h), the 12 ft (3.6 m) wide left hand lane is to be closed for a construction project. How long of a taper should be used for this lane closure?

For high-speed conditions (>40 mph), lane closure taper length is: L = W x S Where W = width of lane = 12 ft S = design speed = 65 mph L = 12 x 65 = 780 ft For closing two lanes, the MUTCD indicates that the first lane be closed with taper L, then a distance of 2L is provided before the second lane is closed with taper L. Therefore the total distance for a two-lane closure is L+2L+L = 3120 ft

An intersection is STOP-controlled on the minor approach. The design speed of the major road is 50 mph. The major road is 1 lane in each directio terrain is level. What is the required intersection sight distance for a single-unit truck wishing to make a left turn onto the major road? a. 698 feet b. 423 feet c. 750 feet d. 625 feet

ISD = 1.47 * V_major * t_g Vmajor = 50 mph t_g = 9.5 seconds ISD = 698.25 ft

Incident impact on highway capacity

Incident Impact on Capacity # Lanes Each Direction Number of Lanes Blocked One Two Three 2 65 100 NA 3 51 83 100 4 42 75 87 5 35 60 80 Percent capacity reduction under incident conditions


L=W*S^2/60 for S = 40 mph or less L=W*S for S = 45 mph or more Merging Taper = L Shifting Taper = 1/2 L

Roadway Safety Audit

Road Safety Audit A formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent audit team • A formal examination with a structured process • Conducted independently by professionals • Completed by a multi-disciplinary team • Focuses solely on safety issues RSA can be performed at one or more stages of a roadway project: • Planning or feasibility • Preliminary design • Final design • Pre-opening or during construction • On an existing roadway

A traffic engineer conducted a study on a basic freeway segment. The average space mean speed was 30 mi/h. The flow rate was 1,800 veh/h. What was the density of flow?

The basic equation for uninterrupted flow is: v = S x D Where v = flow rate = 1,800 vph S = space mean speed = 30 mi/h Then D = v/S = 1,800/30 = 60 veh/mi

Five signalized intersections are spaced at 1400 ft intervals along a two-way arterial street. What would be the BEST cycle length for a coordinated signal system if the desired progression speed is 35 mph? a. 70 seconds b. 85 seconds c. 100 seconds d. 110 seconds

The best cycle length for the system is an even multiple of the travel time between intersections. Travel time = D/V = 1400/(35x1.47) = 27 sec Good cycle lengths would be 27 sec., 54 sec., 108 sec., 162 sec., etc. Of the choices available, 110 sec. is the best cycle length

Dilemma zone, signal preemption, TSP

The difference between TSP and signal preemption is that signal priority modifies the normal signal operation process to better accommodate transit vehicles, while preemption interrupts the normal process for special events such as approaching train or responding fire engine.

Transportation Demand Management strategies

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is any action or set of actions aimed at influencing people's travel behavior in such a way that alternative mobility options are presented and/or traffic congestion is reduced. Alternative modes of transportation -Carpools, vanpools -Public transit -Bicycle, pedestrian modes • Alternative work hours -Flextime, staggered hours, compressed work week, or other strategies to promote alternative work hours. • Telecommuting to eliminate trips.

LRTP, TIP, and 4 steps model (Generation, Distribution, Mode, Assignment)

Two Required Products of the Planning Process • Long-range transportation plan - Including consideration of a full range of modal choices and connections between modes to meet short and long term needs • Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Priority projects to be implemented over next three years Long Range Transportation Planning Models • Future land use forecasted for traffic analysis zones • Transportation system represented as a network • Steps in traditional modeling approach: Trip generation Trip distribution Mode split Trip assignment

Relationship among Flow, Speed, Density and their reciprocals (Headway, TT, Spacing)

Uninterrupted Flow v = S x D v = flow (veh/hour) S = space mean speed (mph or km/h) D = density (veh/mile or veh/km)

Urban areas with more than 50k population must have a transportation planning process, areas with 200k are TMAs

Urban and Regional Planning • In the U.S., every urbanized area over 50,000 population must have a transportation planning process • Local officials, in cooperation with state officials and transit operators, and other transportation providers, select the best mix of investments • Metropolitan planning organization (MPO) responsible for adopting plan and program • Long-range plan must be fiscally constrained • Plan should be consistent with air quality plan • Meaningful public involvement • Congestion management system for areas over 200,000 population and in non-attainment of air quality standards

Using the standard dual-ring phase numbering convention, what two phases could be displayed simultaneously? a. 1 and 5 b. 6 and 8 c. 1 and 2 d. 2 and 7

a. 1 and 5

For an approach to a signalized intersection with a posted speed limit of 40 mph, a cross street width of 70 feet, and level grades, what is the minimum total change period (Yellow Change plus Red Clearance intervals) using the "ITE procedure)? a. 5.5 seconds b. 4.7 seconds c. 6.1 seconds d. 3.8 seconds

a. 5.5 seconds

Which of the following is a possible example of a "system interchange"? a. Cloverleaf b. Diamond c. Partial cloverleaf (parclo) d. Single point urban interchange (SPUI)

a. Cloverleaf

A Crash Modification Factor that is less than 1.0 indicates that: a. Crashes will likely be reduced b. Crashes will likely be increased c. Crashes will likely be unchanged d. No conclusions about crashes are possible

a. Crashes will likely be reduced

Purple pavement markings may be used to supplement lane line or edge line markings for: a. Electronic toll collection lanes b. High occupancy vehicle lanes c. Bicycle lanes d. Reversible lanes

a. Electronic toll collection lanes

Which is NOT a site specific transportation demand management program element: a. Growth management b. Alternative modes of transportation c. Flextime d. Telecommuting

a. Growth management

A "short term stationary" temporary traffic control zone occupies a location for: a. More than 1 hour within a single daylight period b. Less than 1 hour c. More than 1 day and up to 3 days d. Less than 10 hours, day or night

a. More than 1 hour within a single daylight period

If a two-way arterial street is converted to a one-way arterial street, which of the following is LEAST likely to occur? a. Reduced vehicle-miles of travel b. Increased travel speeds c. Reduced left-turn crashes at intersections d. Increased lane-change crashes

a. Reduced vehicle-miles of travel

According to the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, design options for treating roadside obstacles, in order of preference, are: a. Remove, relocate, make breakaway, shield with longitudinal barrier b. Relocate, make breakaway, remove, shield with longitudinal barrier c. Shield with longitudinal barrier, make breakaway, relocate, remove d. Remove, shield with longitudinal barrier, relocate, make breakaway

a. Remove, relocate, make breakaway, shield with longitudinal barrier

What is the primary function of a traffic signal? a. To alternately assign the right-of-way to various traffic movements at an intersection b. To maximize the capacity of an intersection c. To provide protection for pedestrians and other non-motorized users d. To minimize delay and travel time to all users

a. To alternately assign the right-of-way to various traffic movements at an intersection

What are the colors most commonly used for regulatory signs? a. White, black, and red b. White, black, and yellow c. Red, white, and green d. Black, yellow, and red

a. White, black, and red

What is the present worth of a safety improvement benefit of $5,000 that will occur 5 years in the future if an interest rate of 4% is used? a. $1,000 b. $4,110 c. $5,000 d. $7,270

b. $4,110

The following 15-minute volumes were recorded in a traffic count: 300 veh 400 veh 500 veh 300 veh What is the peak hour factor? a. 0.33 b. 0.75 c. 0.90 d. 1.33

b. 0.75

For a lane group with two lanes on an approach to a signalized intersection, if the adjusted saturation flow rate is 1,700 vehicles/hour/lane and the effective time is 30 seconds out of a cycle length of 80 seconds, what is the capacity of the lane group? a. 637 vehicles/hour b. 1,275 vehicles/hour c. 1,480 vehicles/hour d. 1,700 vehicles/hour

b. 1,275 vehicles/hour

By using daily and monthly expansion factors, future raw traffic count can be adjusted to estimate AADT. If the April ADT for a road is 3078 and the AADT for the road is 3419, what is the April expansion factor? a. 0.90 b. 1.11 c. 1.53 d. 1.72

b. 1.11

On a freeway with a density of traffic flow of 60 vehicles per mile and a space mean speed of 40 mph, what is the average headway? a. 1.2 seconds per vehicle b. 1.5 seconds per vehicle c. 1.8 seconds per vehicle d. 2.1 seconds per vehicle

b. 1.5 seconds per vehicle

For a spot speed study, a sample size of how many vehicles is generally considered reliable under most circumstances? a. 50 vehicles per lane b. 100 vehicles per lane c. 200 vehicles per lane d. 500 vehicles per lane

b. 100 vehicles per lane

A roadside slope is considered "recoverable" if it is equal to or flatter than: a. 1V:3H b. 1V:4H c. 1V:8H d. 1V:10H

b. 1V:4H

When timing pedestrian intervals for traffic control signals, what pedestrian walking speed should normally be used? a. 2.5 feet per second b. 3.5 feet per second c. 4.5 feet per second d. 5.5 feet per second

b. 3.5 feet per second

On a road with a design speed of 50 mph and level grades, what is the AASHTO minimum stopping sight distance? a. 325 feet b. 425 feet c. 675 feet d. 930 feet

b. 425 feet

By U.S. federal law, every urbanized area over what population size must have an ongoing transportation planning process? a. 25,000 b. 50,000 c. 200,000 d. 1,000,000

b. 50,000

If an incident blocks one of three freeway lanes, the likely capacity reduction due to the incident is: a. 33% b. 51% c. 75% d. 90%

b. 51%

18 crashes occurred on a 3.2-mile section of two-lane road during a 2-year period. The AADT on this road is 13,000 vehicles per day. What is the crash rate? a. 43 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles b. 59 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles c. 118 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles d. 136 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles

b. 59 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles

The U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices indicates that the traffic signal WALKING PERSON indication should be displayed for a minimum of: a. 5 seconds b. 7 seconds c. 10 seconds d. 15 seconds

b. 7 seconds

A "road safety audit" is: a. A check of compliance with design standards b. A structured process by a team of qualified professionals focused solely safety c. A network screening process based on crash records d. A method for redesigning major reconstruction project plans

b. A structured process by a team of qualified professionals focused solely safety

When more than one countermeasures are being considered for implementation at a problem location (e.g., both adding a left turn lane and signalizing an intersection), the Crash Modification Factors for the individual countermeasures: a. Are added together b. Are multiplied together c. Cannot be combined d. Only the Crash Modification Factor that has the greatest impact is used

b. Are multiplied together

A roadway that is intended to provide a high level of mobility and limited access is: a. Collector b. Arterial c. Local d. Low-volume road

b. Arterial

The U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specifies that traffic control signal Yellow Change intervals should be: a. At least 4 seconds long b. In the range of 2 to 5 seconds long c. In the range of 3 to 6 seconds long d. No more than 7 seconds long

b. In the range of 2 to 5 seconds long

Which of the following is a requirement (Standard) of the U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices? a. Pedestrian warning signs shall be fluorescent yellow-green b. Lettering for names of places and streets on guide signs shall be a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters c. Symbols used on warning signs shall be identical to those shown in the Manual d. All curve warning signs shall be supplemented by an advisory speed plaque

b. Lettering for names of places and streets on guide signs shall be a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters

Which type of signs may be excluded from the minimum maintained retroreflectivity guidelines contained in the U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices? a. Speed limit signs b. Parking signs c. Street name signs d. School signs

b. Parking signs

Of all the physical characteristics of road users, which is the most important? a. Hearing b. Vision c. Strength and coordination d. Agility

b. Vision

When calculating stopping sight distance, what does the AASHTO "Green Book" use as a deceleration rate? a. 8.7 feet/sec/sec b. 9.5 feet /sec/sec c. 11.2 feet/sec/sec d. 15.0 feet/sec/sec

c. 11.2 feet/sec/sec

The AASHTO "Green Book" recommends using what value of perception-reaction time for calculating Stopping Sight Distance? a. 1.5 seconds b. 2.0 seconds c. 2.5 seconds d. 3.0 seconds

c. 2.5 seconds

Using the following Travel time study data, what is the average travel speed for the 2.75 mile route? Travel Time Study Data Test Run Travel Time 1 5 min. 40 sec. 2 6 min. 10 sec. 3 7 min. 0 sec. 4 5 min. 0 sec. 5 7 min. 20 sec. 6 5 min. 30 sec. Select an Answer from the choices below. a. 15 mph b. 22 mph c. 27 mph d. 31 mph

c. 27 mph

On a freeway with a flow rate of 3,000 vehicles per hour and a space mean speed of 60 mph, what is the density of traffic flow? a. 30 vehicles per mile b. 40 vehicles per mile c. 50 vehicles per mile d. 60 vehicles per mile

c. 50 vehicles per mile

Using the AASHTO calculation method, what is stopping sight distance for a road with a design speed of 60 mph and level grades? a. 380 feet b. 420 feet c. 570 feet d. 910 feet

c. 570 feet

Intersection departure sight triangles should be provided for drivers entering the intersection from a STOP-controlled minor road. What is the intersection departure sight distance for this condition if the AASHTO recommended time gap is 7.5 seconds and the design speed of the major road is 60 mph? a. 450 feet b. 560 feet c. 660 feet d. 750 feet

c. 660 feet

What is the minimum vertical clearance for a sign installed above a sidewalk (not a secondary sign) according to the U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices? a. 5 feet b. 6 feet c. 7 feet d. 8 feet

c. 7 feet

What is the maximum superelevation rate that AASHTO recommends for locations where snow and ice condition prevail? a. 4% b. 6% c. 8% d. 10%

c. 8%

In a temporary traffic control zone, the length of a taper to close a single lane on a freeway with a prevailing speed of 70 mph and 12-foot lane widths is: a. 550 feet b. 680 feet c. 840 feet d. 980 feet

c. 840 feet

A 16-hour traffic counts, usually 6 am-10 pm normally accounts for what percentage of daily traffic on a roadway? a. 50 to 60% b. 60 to 75 % c. 90 to 95% d. 100%

c. 90 to 95%

The U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specifies that the diamond symbol on signs is to be used exclusively for: a. Reversible lanes b. Electronic toll collection lanes c. High occupancy vehicle lanes d. Two way left turn lanes

c. High occupancy vehicle lanes

Which of the following be LEAST likely to serve as a traffic calming strategy? a. Speed humps b. Diagonal diverter c. Parking prohibition d. Cul-de-sac

c. Parking prohibition

Which of the following is NOT part of a motorist information system: a. Variable message signing b. In-vehicle guidance c. Ramp metering d. Radio messages

c. Ramp metering

What type of intersection crashes are most likely to be reduced if two-way STOP control is replaced with a traffic control signal? a. Rear-end collisions b. Lane-change collisions c. Right-angle collisions d. Fixed object collisions

c. Right-angle collisions

Sample Question 55 Which of the following is NOT considered an ITS strategy? a. Electronic toll collection b. Variable speed limits c. Service patrol vehicles d. GPS locating systems for transit vehicles

c. Service patrol vehicles

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices states that when a speed limit within a speed zone is posted, it should be within 5 mph of what? a. The average speed of all traffic b. The 15th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic c. The 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic d. The design speed of the roadway

c. The 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic

If a crest vertical curve has a K value of 250 and an algebraic difference in grades (A) of 5.0%, what is the length of the vertical curve? a. 250 feet b. 750 feet c. 1000 feet d. 1250 feet

d. 1250 feet

Under base conditions what is generally considered to be freeway capacity? a. 1,250 to 1,500 passenger cars per hour per lane b. 1,500 to 1,850 passenger cars per hour per lane c. 1,900 to 2,000 passenger cars per hour per lane d. 2,250 to 2,400 passenger cars per hour per lane

d. 2,250 to 2,400 passenger cars per hour per lane

When designing a curve on a road with a design speed of 70 mph, a maximum superelevation rate of 6%, and a side friction factor of 0.10, what is the minimum radius that can be used for this design speed? a. 1330 feet b. 1570 feet c. 1810 feet d. 2040 feet

d. 2040 feet

Although crash involvement rates (crashes per 100,000 population) are highest for the five- to fifteen-year-old pedestrians, pedestrian fatality rates are highest for what age group? a. 1 to 5 years old b. 12 to 16 years old c. 18 to 25 years old d. 70 years old and above

d. 70 years old and above

There is a sharp curve on a rural collector highway with an 50 mph (80 km/h) speed limit. The comfortable speed on the curve is determined to be 35 mph (56 km/h). What is the MOST appropriate sign display for this condition? a. One or more chevron signs b. A Turn sign with advisory speed plaque c. A 35 mph speed limit sign d. A Curve sign with advisory speed plaque

d. A Curve sign with advisory speed plaque

Which of the following statements about Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons is true? a. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons shall not be installed at locations where vehicle speeds exceed 30 mph b. A Flashing Yellow indication shall be displayed continuously unless the pedestrian pushbutton is activated c. The beacon faces shall consist of two signal sections, one with a circular red and one with a circular yellow indication d. A pedestrian signal head shall be installed at each end of the marked crosswalk

d. A pedestrian signal head shall be installed at each end of the marked crosswalk

When a lawsuit is filed against a public agency, consultant, or contractor related to a traffic crash, the claim is frequently one of "negligence." The term "negligence means: a. Failure to ensure the safety of the roadway b. Failure to correct high-hazard locations c. Failure to remove roadside obstacles d. Failure to do what an ordinary, reasonably prudent person would do under similar circumstances

d. Failure to do what an ordinary, reasonably prudent person would do under similar circumstances

The U.S. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specifies that warning and guide signs used for temporary traffic control in incident management situations may have a black legend with what color background? a. Red b. Fluorescent yellow green c. Blue d. Fluorescent pink

d. Fluorescent pink

Which of the following is NOT true about Road Safety Audits? a. It is a formal examination with structured process b. It focuses solely on safety issues c. It is conducted by a team of independent professionals d. It is limited to new or major redesign projects

d. It is limited to new or major redesign projects

The most effective means of prohibiting left turn access into driveways is: a. Pork-chop islands in driveway entrance b. No Left Turn signs c. One-way driveway signs d. Non-traversable medians

d. Non-traversable medians

The most commonly used form of traffic calming is: a. Chicanes b. Cul-de-sacs c. Curb extensions d. Speed humps

d. Speed humps

Which measure will typically provide the highest benefit-cost ratio in terms of reduced delay at a signalized intersection? a. Add a left turn lane b. Add a right turn lane c. Modernize signal control equipment d. Update signal timing and provide coordination

d. Update signal timing and provide coordination

Peak Hour Factor (PHF)

measure of the fluctuation in traffic flow during the period of analysis. [V/(4*V_15)]

Work Zone Duration

• Long Term Stationary: > 3 days • Intermediate Term Stationary: 1-3 days or nighttime work lasting > 1 hour • Short Term Stationary: daylight work, 1-12 hours • Short Duration: < 1 hour • Mobile: intermittent or continuous movement


• Most highway crash lawsuits allege "negligence" - Failure to do what an ordinary, reasonably prudent person would do

Perception Reaction Time

• PRT times of 2.5 to 14.5 seconds - (Table 2C-4, MUTCD)

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