Public Speaking Final

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A listener was thinking about what to say in response to a speaker prior to the speaker finishing his/her point. What barrier of ineffective listening was demonstrated?

Articulate (True)

A measure of perceived intellect or education is how well we what?

Reacting Emotionally

A speaker gives a speech about removing all cats from Earth. However, you really love cats and stop listening to the speaker because you become upset. What type of barrier to effective listening are you likely experiencing?

False. Encoding

True of False? Decoding is when the communicator constructions the message to be delivered to the listener. (Figures out what and how to say something)

True. Everyone can

True or False/ Anyone can learn to give an effective presentation?

80 to 90 %

what percentage of eye contact should a speaker give during the presentation?

False. A receptive audience

A hostile audience already knows something about your topic and is generally supportive of, or open to, the point you are trying to make.

phsyiological noise

A student is unable to listen effectively to a teacher because he/she has a headache. The student is experiencing what type of noise?

Richard Strauss

According to _______, "The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play."


According to the text, practicing in front of a mirror is an example of a gimmick that does not help reduce communication apprehension.

Osborn and Osborn (True)

According to who, the definition of persuasion is "the art of convincing others to give favorable attention to our point of view."

False. Read/Write learners

An Aural learner is likely to enjoy reading essays and reports.

kinesthetic learner

Field trips, hands-on projects, sensory stimulations, laboratories, recipes and solutions to problems, and collections of samples will help a.....


If the verbal part of the message does not align with the non-verbal part of the message, which part of the message is the audience most likely to believe?

False, they should be objective

Informative speakers should be biased, credible, make the topic relevant, and knowledgeable.


It a good idea to keep a special occasion speech short you so do not overshadow the event that others have gathered to celebrate.

Causal Fallacy

It is cloudy outside, and I feel sick. Cloudy days make me sick" is an example of what type of fallacy?


It is easy for a listener to become impatient because the average person speaks about ____words per minute, yet we can process up to 500 words per minute.

False (It is necessary to cite sources throughout and one works cited page is not sufficient. )

It is not necessary to cite sources throughout the PowerPoint. Only having a sources page at the end is sufficient.


Listening to a song is an example of what kind of listening?


Memorizing the entire speech is one of the techniques for building confidence.


Newscasters are known for using which type of delivery method


Of the four delivery styles, which style is recommended for a public speaking course?

Short and eloquent

One characteristics of a tribute is that they are

address the obvious not ignore it

One of the four general guidelines of a speech is to ?


PowerPoints with graphs, maps, and pictures will help a visual learner.

Attention, Attitude, Adjustment

Select all elements included in the the three A's of active listening.

No you should not.

Should you consume alcohol to help calm your nerves when giving a speech?

claim, data, warrant

Stephen Toulmin explained that basic arguments tend to share these three elements:


The delivery method that is not completely written out but uses keynotes for reference is called?

Communication Apprehension

The fear of public speaking is also known as

true (intensity, novelty, contrast, activity, and humor)

The five attention getting techniques include intensity, novelty, contrast, activity and humor.

1. Definitional Speeches 2. Descriptive Speeches 3. Explanatory Speeches 4. Demonstration Speeches

The four primary types of informative speeches include what?

True. Main points

What are key pieces of information or arguments contained within the talk or presentation?

Anticipating, judging, or reacting emotionally

What are the three barriers to effective listening?

Proposition of fact, proposition of value, proposition of policy (False)

What are the three types of persuasive speeches?

True To convince and to actuate

What are the two functions of persuasive speeches are speech ?

Antecedent and Consequent

What are the types of credibility?

Mispronouncing words (True)

What can ruin a speaker's credibility? Mispronouncing words can ruin a speaker's credibility.

Communicator, Context, Noise, Message, encoding and decoding, channel, worldview

What elements are included in the communication process?


What encapsulates the main points of a speech in just a sentence or two, and it is designed to give audiences a quick preview of what the entire speech will be about.

Trait Anxiety (False)

What is a type of anxiety that is aligned with an individual's personality.

(True) Getting rid of distractions

What is an example of ethical listening.

non-verbal communication (true)

What is one way to incorporate repetition into your speech?

True The difference between hearing and listening is that hearing is an unintentional physiological response to sound waves that cause our eardrums to vibrate. Listening requires conscious effort to pay attention.

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

persuasion uses an argument to compel power to give way to reason while coercion uses an argument to compel reason to give way to power. (true)

What is the difference between persuasion and coercion?


What is the only liquid that should be provided to a speaker to drink


What organization style is useful when the main points focus on location or directions?

70 percent

What percentage of jobs today requires some form of public speaking?


What persuasive speech strategy (not pathos) focus on credibility

False (Pathos)

What persusasive speech strategy, focus on using emotion in a speech

True. To encourage effective listening, the speaker should tap into the audience's intrinsic motivation, by appealing to curiosity, challenging them, or providing contextualization.

What should a speaker do to encourage effective listening?

commemorate or entertainment speech

What speech is a commencement speech at graduation

Ethical Feedback (True)

What type of feedback always provides an explanation for the response to the speaker.

Informational Listening

What type of listening is required when a student is trying to gain knowledge from a teacher's lecture?

persuasive speech

What type of speech is a debate during a public forum

Commencement speech

What type of speech is considered a type of ceremonial speech.

informative speech

What type of speech occurs when a teacher presents information to the class

True. Critical listening

When listening to a debate, we are engaged in what type of listening?

Linear Model

Which communication model took a more simplistic view of communication?


Which delivery method is unprepared and unrehearsed?


Who is considered the central figure in the development of ethics that is discussed in the communication discipline today

Marcus Aurelius

Who is the person that stated, "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."?

D.H. Lawrence

Who stated, "Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot."

Cultural noise

Your message was not received by an audience member because she is from a different part of the world. What type of noise was the audience member likely experiencing?

Cognitive Restructuring

___________is an internal process through which individuals can deliberately adjust how they perceive an action or experience.


_________are used to help prove the main points.


________are words and gestures that allow you to move smoothly from one idea to the next throughout your speech, showing relationships between ideas and emphasizing important points.


________learners enjoy reading textbooks and printed handouts have.

global plagiarism

the most obvious form of plagiarism (not patchwork) is


the three goals in developing informative speeches include 1) arousing the interest of your audience, 2) presenting information in a way that can be understood, and 3) helping the audience remember what you have said.

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