Public Speaking: Final Study Guide

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Which of the following is usually the last step of an effective speech introduction?

Preview the key ideas of your speech.

Once you have selected your topic, what is your next step in the process of putting your speech together?

You must focus your topic

What do the authors say you could do instead of tapping your fingers on the podium to help you control your nervousness?

You should gesture appropriately.

Which of the following is an example of physiological noise?

Your stomach is growling, and it makes it difficult to concentrate on what the speaker is saying.

"To entertain" is an example of

a general purpose statement.

"Your speech was good because it gave us information that we can use to judge the qualifications of an auto mechanic." The preceding statement includes

a judgment and a reason.

The PRPSA measures

a personal report of public speaking anxiety.

Visual brainstorming is probably most helpful in preparing

a working outline.

A speech in which a speaker wants to move the audience to sign organ donor cards has a general purpose to


Ethics refers to

all of the above

Which of the following are strategies for getting your audience's attention?

all of the above

Which of the following is NOT an ethical speaker?

an accountant who gives a speech on how to take advantage of loopholes in the tax law

Criticism should

begin with a positive statement.

Working outlines are written

both B & C

What requires that you use the critical thinking skill of generating?

brainstorming for speech topics.

When an outline has ten sub-points under one main point, but only two sub-points under a second main point, the speaker should realize that the speech may be uneven in its distribution of content. This function of outlining is also known as ________.

checking balance of speech.

To answer the organizing question, "How do you bake a cake?" you would probably use

chronological division.

The following is an example of what type of transition? "Vocal cues, however, are not the only source of information that may help you determine if someone is lying. You can also look for bodily cues."

complementary transition

According to the authors, preparing an effective speech is best done by keeping in mind two principles of public speaking. The first principle is that thorough preparation leads to better delivery and greater confidence. The second principle is that every public speech is a blend of

content, organization, and delivery.

A speech in which a speaker wants the audience to agree that health care reform is needed has a general purpose to


Under the fair use provision of the U.S. Copyright Law, which of the following would be prohibited?

copying an entire textbook to distribute for students to use through the course of the semester

"I am only telling you this because 1 out of 5 households in America run the risk of experiencing a home invasion" is an example of which function of a speech introduction?

establishing the importance of the topic

While sitting in a history course, Andre quickly becomes overwhelmed by all of the dates and tidbits of information being stated by the professor. Andre can't determine what bits he needs to remember and ends up trying to write down everything the professor says. Andre is experiencing

factual distractions.

What component in the communication elements model is NOT usually immediately present in mass communication?


People getting prepared to perform often feel their bodies drawing on their resources either to perform to capacity or to get away from the threatening situation. This phenomenon is called

fight-or-flight syndrome.

The first step of an effective introduction is to

focus the attention of the audience on you and your message.

To meet the time constraints set by your host, you decide to tailor your remarks exclusively to the U.S. Senate's role in the presidential impeachment trial while omitting segments addressing the part the Independent Counsel's Office and the House of Representatives played in the impeachment process. Which critical thinking skill are you using?


Although there is no fixed rule, most speech instructors suggest you develop ________ main points in the body of your speech.

from two to five

What is a coordinate idea in regard to outlining?

ideas that have equal value in a speech

All three functions of the conclusion are important. The summary step reinforces the ________ of the speech, while the final two functions reinforce the ________ of the speech.

ideas, impact

Daryl Bem's theory of self-perception argues that

if you want to feel confident, act confident.

A speech in which a speaker wants to educate his audience about how to decorate a cake so that it looks like it's been professionally done has a general purpose to


When a lawyer meets with her client to discuss the details of a plea bargain, what type of communication is taking place?

interpersonal communication

Your authors suggest that the well-prepared speaker should

memorize the outline of the major points of a speech in the order of presentation.

The following are all components of Ogden and Richard's triangle of meaning EXCEPT


Mai Ling decides to do a speech on healthy weight loss. Her main points highlight food, appetite and thirst as the three keys to healthy weight loss. These three main points spell the word FAT. What type of organizational pattern is Mai Ling using?

mnemonic division.

According to McCroskey's "Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety," at least 90% of college students report at least

moderate anxiety

A speech on the history of the celebration of Cinco de Mayo is most likely to be an example of a(n)

occasion-generated topic.

In a survey of one-thousand randomly selected human resource managers, they indicated that the number one factor in helping graduating college students obtain employment was

oral communication skills

A speaker should begin the organizational process by creating a(n) __________________ which will indicate the ideas and information necessary to develop your topic.

organizing question

When outlining your speech, using main points that match grammatically represents which outlining principle?


The benefits of studying and practicing public speaking are three-fold. They are

personal, professional, and public.

"How many of you have considered being an organ donor? I never considered it, until I learned my kidney had failed. The doctor said a kidney transplant was my only option. That or die. This photo shows what I looked like then, 18 months ago. Pretty grim. You can see what I look like now, thanks to a new kidney. Another person's tragedy gave me life and life for four other people, as well. That's why I wanted to talk to you today about signing an organ donor card. I felt that if you could hear it from someone you know personally, you could see for yourselves just how important organ donors are to people like me. And there are 44,000 others still waiting." This speech introduction omits which function?

previewing key ideas

Adele read that Senator Smoke N. Mirrors, who had won an election and subsequent reelection on a campaign promise to serve no more than two terms in office, had decided to run for a third term. He "considered it his sacred duty to the people of the state to ensure they were properly represented on Capitol Hill." Adele decides to research both sides of the term limits issue and present her findings to the class as an informative speech. What speech division would you recommend Adele use?

pro-con division

Clint argues that the growing incidence of elementary age school children shooting other gradeschoolers with hand guns requires legislation that does the following: (1) mandates licensing of all new hand guns; (2) requires trigger locks on all new weapons; and (3) directs that all sales of firearms at gun shows undergo a 72 hour background check. Which organizational pattern is he using?


The summary step of a speech conclusion is designed to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT

to bring the speech to a psychological conclusion.

The purposes of outlining include all of the following EXCEPT

to estimate the length of the speech.

A speech on ocean life that includes as main points (1) plant life, (2) fish life, and (3)mammal and other animal life would be using which pattern of organization?

topical division

Listeners are ________ when they relate a speaker's message to their own frame of reference.


When outlining your speech, which outlining principle requires that each symbol in a sentence outline introduce a complete sentence, and that each symbol in a word or phrase outline introduce a word or phrase?


A speaker discusses the four basic food group model adopted by the Department of Agriculture in 1946 without mentioning the five-group model adopted in 1992. This speaker has violated the ethical responsibility to

use truthful, accurate supporting materials.

As a general rule, what use factor under copyright law is NOT considered an infringement on the copyright of materials?

using copyrighted material for personal, educational, or nonprofit use

Which of the following is not a source of self-generated topics?

your perception of your listeners' likes and dislikes.

The outline you actually use to deliver your speech is the

the speaking outline.

Which word best represents a signpost?


Which statement does NOT sound like a speaker is establishing their credibility?

"Today I want to talk about the problems, causes and solutions to the healthcare crisis we have in the United States."

College students spend approximately ________ of their communication time listening.

50 percent

Which of the following is a true example of criticism?

A teacher tells his student, "You did well on the test and with a little more memorization of the key terms, I think you could improve by another letter grade."

Attempting to eliminate your nervousness about public speaking is counterproductive because

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following is an example of feedback?

All of the above are feedback.

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for avoiding plagiarism?

All of these are guidelines to avoid plagiarism.

_________ enables a speaker to clarify existing information by examining parts and relationships.


Anitra has long hair that she has dyed purple. As she approached the podium to speak, several audience members started rolling their eyes. Which guideline for ethical listening were these members of the audience violating?

Avoid prejudging speakers or their ideas.

Which of the following are responsibilities of an ethical listener?

Beware of the consequence of not listening carefully.

Choosing a speech topic involves several steps: A - Selecting a topic area B - Formulating your specific purpose C - Generating a list of possible topics D - Wording your thesis statement E - Focusing your topic F - Determining your general purpose In correct order, these steps are:

C, A, E, F, B, D

Which of the following is usually the first step of an effective speech introduction?

Capture the attention of your audience.

If a speaker's final statement echoes or refers to the attention-getting step of the introduction, the speaker is employing which technique?

Circular Conclusion

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, what do employers consider the most important factor when hiring an employee?

Communication skills

Mary Cunningham observed that, "Words are sacred things. They are also like hand grenades: handled casually, they tend to go off." This statement demonstrates which guideline for ethical speaking?

Consider the consequences of your words and actions.

Which of the following is NOT true of outlining?

Each point in a sentence outline should introduce a word or phrase.

Which of the following statements is/are true about listening and hearing?

Hearing is a continuous activity.

In which of the following pairs is the second number or letter subordinate to the first?

I, A

When considering a speech topic, four questions should guide your choice. Select the question that doesn't apply.

Is this topic of interest or importance to people in general?

A well-crafted title accomplishes each of the following purposes EXCEPT which one?

It forces your audience to start thinking of questions before the speech begins.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the wording of main points in a speech?

Main points should be distinctive in wording so as not to be confusing.

________ are the values a person believes makes something good, effective, or desirable.


Which resource tends to blur the lines between intentional and unintentional plagiarism?

Obtaining information from the Internet.

What is wrong with these main points from a speech outline on "Preserving Our National Parks"? I. Our national parks are threatened, but can also be saved. II. Our national parks can be protected.

One point represents more than one idea.

Which of the following is an example of a thesis statement for a persuasive speech?

Playing the guitar reduces stress, teaches musical appreciation, and enhances self-esteem.

If you tell your audience that by listening to your speech on note-taking, they'll be able to ace the next chemistry exam, you are using which attention-getting technique?

Promise your audience something beneficial.

As a public speaker, you need to remain keenly aware of the connections between __________communication and the other four levels of communication


Which of the following is not part of the communication model?

The listener encodes the message.

With which of the following statements about ethics in public speaking would your authors disagree?

The speaker alone bears responsibility for ethics.

Select the proper sequence for preparing a speech.

Understand the assignment, develop content, organize speech, word the speech, practice, deliver, and evaluate speech.

It is the responsibility of the speaker to know the minimum and maximum time limits for their speech. This principle falls under which guideline in preparing your speech?

Understand the assignment.

Which of the following questions is rhetorical rather than direct?

What would you do if you won millions of dollars in a state lottery?

Ramone had difficulty listening to Sharhonda's speech advocating more aggressive enforcement of existing gun control laws because he is a member of the Fraternal Order of Police. Ramone experienced

psychological distractions.

When a teacher gives instructions to her large 200-student class about an assignment due the next period, what type of communication is taking place?

public communication

The responsibilities of an ethical listener include all EXCEPT

rejecting all arguments employing pathos.

Which of the following elements would NOT help you bring a speech to a satisfying psychological conclusion?

reviewing your notes before making your final statement

When you "tune out" the person behind you who is asking someone for next week's assignment and begin to focus on the voice in the front of the room, you are engaged in what step of listening?


Students who have difficulty paying attention to a lecturer because they don't understand the terminology the professor is using are experiencing

semantic distractions.

4) According to Grice and Skinner, communication can best be defined as

sharing meaning by sending and receiving symbolic cues.

What is the order of the "4 S's" as outlined by the authors?

signpost, state, support, and summarize.

A speech describing the exhibits in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) from the front door to the back exit would best be organized using

spatial division

The Book of Lists reported a survey that asked 3,000 Americans, "What are you most afraid of?" What did the survey record as Americans' greatest fear?

speaking before a group

"To persuade my audience that sexist language is psychologically, socially, and financially harmful," is an example of a

specific purpose statement.

Words—the actual words we speak—would be what component of Ogden and Richard's triangle of meaning?


In preparing your speech, you should first work on

the body.

As far as promoting better listening is concerned, you should not only pay attend to the supporting material of a speech, but also what other component of the speech?

the main ideas.

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