PW RTQ qns

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9) What do you think can be done to further engage the target audience in the project? Explain your answer.

1. Advertisement and moral suasion can be done to clear up any misconceptions about crevasses, ultimately clearing up any incorrect information skiers might have about crevasses. 2. Advertise the usage of WatchOut, and attract more skiers to use WatchOut. 3. Increase the accessibility of purchasing WatchOut in the market. 4. Modify WatchOut such that it can be used for other snow-related accidents.

32) How would you sustain your project to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your target audience? / How would you sustain the demand for your products?

1. Advertising WatchOut to promote its existence 2. Public education to raise the awareness of crevasses 3. Constantly refurbishing WatchOut to keep to consumers needs

our grp qn 5) Who else would you consider approaching as possible partners for the project? Explain your answer.

1. Emergency services: can be contacted after skier falls into crevasses (an additional implementation to our solution) 2. Skiing equipment retailers: can use skiing equipment shops as a platform to sell WatchOut 3. sellers of avalanche air bags so WatchOut can help skiers be safe in the event where an avalanche occurs

Dylan grp qn 3) Explain how your group came to choose your research methodology.

1. Firstly, due to the limited number of people having skiing experience in Singapore, the survey was not adopted. 2. Secondly, as our product is technical, we need a professional point of view. 3. Lastly, we opted for the interview since skiing is not an activity commonly found in Singapore, it would be logical to seek people with more skiing knowledge

14) Why do you think the current measures are not effective? Explain your answers.

1. GPR is unable to detect some crevasses. 2. Skiers cannot use the skiing techniques without the awareness of a crevasse nearby 3. GPR is only used to detect crevasses

16) Which of the lessons learnt identified from the current measures is the most significant to your plan/project/strategies? Explain your answer

1. I regard crevasses locations not being relayed to skiers as a critical factor 2. the limitation of GPR was one of the significant factors for this project. 3. the human nature of skiers played a significant role in our project and our solution

26) What other possible impact(s) do you think your plan/ strategies could have on society? Explain your answer.

1. Increase in the security of potential skiers, thus increasing tourism rate as more people feel safer to ski 2. Less strain in rescue services as lesser crevasse falls would take place and less rescue will be needed 3. Improves the livelihood of ski resorts workers as with a decrease in the number of cases, more skiers will be encouraged to ski in the Alps, improving business (increase revenue, increase the salary of workers)

our grp qn 4) In what other ways would like the identified stakeholders to support the project as a whole?

1. Increased promotion 2. Provision of information of how to improve our product as we believe that WatchOut can be improved to achieve our aim of reducing crevasses better 3. Increased awareness of crevasses (with awareness increased, usage of product increases and less skiers would have chances of falling into crevasses)

22) In what way have the interviews helped to improve on your proposed solution. Explain your answer?

1. It helped to clear up all the misconceptions we had about skiing, further making our solution more feasible for skiers. 2. Interviews helped us to obtain accurate and reliable information (content) that couldn't be searched online easily. 3. also obtained research information and data from professors that can be used in the WR (eg. Dr Paul provided us research document, stating about crevasse accidents statistics and diagrams)

vic grp qn 1)

1. It helped to clear up all the misconceptions we had about skiing, further making our solution more feasible for skiers. 2. We also obtained research information and data from professors that can be used in the WR (eg. Dr Paul provided us research document, stating crevasse accidents statistics and diagrams) 3. However, the interview did not help as the primary research data contradicted sometimes, making the data unreliable and further considerations had to be made. Both interviewees were on different standpoints and this led to us comparing their opinions based on the transcription we had, to weigh on which one we thought was reliable and applicable to be considered.

our grp qn 3) Discuss the significant reasons why particular stakeholders might not be supportive of your project

1. Lack of awareness of crevasses and its dangers 2. Our project is evidently a start of a new implementation (hardly see any such things for crevasses, but compared to avalanches, airbags have been implemented to protect people experiencing them) -> worry about its success rate 3. Our project is evidently a start of a new implementation (hardly see any such things for crevasses, but compared to avalanches, airbags have been implemented to protect people experiencing them) -> worry about its success rate

10) What changes do you hope to see in the target audience following the implementation of the project?

1. More usage of WatchOut 2. Lower death rates and crevasse falls. 3. Increased awareness of crevasses.

claudia grp qn 3) Upon the implementation of the project, compare the challenges you expect to see in the short run vs the long run. Explain your answer.

short run: persuading people to know about crevasses long run: if WatchOut becomes more well known, some might replicate WatchOut since WatchOut is a new innovation 1. The short run problem would be harder to rectify than the long run problem since we intend to use public education to clear up the misinformation about crevasses. 2. if others replicate and develop the idea of WatchOut, it makes WatchOut more competitive in the market in the long run

18) How did your group overcome the difficulties or problems?

1. One of it is that due to the lack of skiing background and biasness, we decided to approach more professors to seek professional opinions. 2. for some of the information that we were unsure were, we did further extensive research. 3. An another method we considered and used was the usage of interviews transcript.

35) What problems do you foresee in the implementation of your project?

1. Skiers are still prone to falling into a crevasse despite the warning signal in place 2. Skiers might be hesitant in using WatchOut 3. There might be a lack of stakeholders

vic grp qn 5) What difficulties do you foresee in the long run after the implementation of your proposal?

1. Skiers are still prone to falling into a crevasse despite the warning signal in place 2. Skiers might be hesitant in using WatchOut 3. There might be a lack of stakeholders

12) why is this target audience chosen instead of others?

1. Skiing is a popular winter recreational activity compared to other activities in the Swiss Alps 2. Skiers travel at a higher speed. 3. Skiers direct their attention on performing skiing techniques.

17) What were some of the difficulties encountered by your group during the process of conducting your interviews? Explain your answer.

1. Some professors did not reply to our emails and were even uncontactable 2. Some of the professors we approached during the interview lacked a skiing background. 3. some of the answers we had gotten back didn't directly answer the queries that we wanted to have, answers were too complicated 4. we realised that some of these professors that we had interviewed had biased opinions (eg: prof harry) 5. Moreover, for some questions, differing points of view were given 6. Another struggle was understanding the accent.

24) How would you measure the feasibility and manageability/ sustainability of your project?

1. Sustainable: The working state of GPR will be known as it is deployed out to the Alps every month, technical improvements can be made if there are malfunctions in GPR, making the information sustainable (cos can always get accurate info) 2. Feasibility wise: The ability to detect crevasses easily by the usage of GPR-borne drones, especially areas that were previously inaccessible. The device is also small and not bulky, making its user convenient and feasible for skiers. The product is feasible as it is effective in alerting a skier in the context of skiing. 3. Manageability wise: As drones are involved in our solution and these drones are controlled to survey the Alps for crevasses (and given the technology of a drone, it would be easy to control them eg to avoid crashes) + with the drones being easy to control, it would make our overall product manageable since our product is a system whereby it's information comes from the surveillance from the drone??

3) How far do you think your project has met its aim and objectives? Explain your answer

1. The aim of our project is to reduce the problem of skiers skiing in ski resorts falling into crevasse in the Swiss Alps - the main function of our product is to warn skiers of nearby crevasses 2. met our research objectives of assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of our initial solution through interviews with dr paul wright and professor harry jol 3. partially met our proposal objective which was to introduce a system with modified infrastructure, wearables and ski board modification to reduce the number of crevasse fallings

27) What do you think is the most significant factor that determines the feasibility and manageability/ sustainability of your project? Explain your answer. (To remember to rank them in importance + comparative words eg most, best at doing___)

1. The most significant factor is the need for our product, leading to its sustainability. 2. Another important factor that determines our product's feasibility and sustainability is the cost of the product. feasible as skiers will want to buy for their safety (cost), producers will wanna invest for revenue in return as it is essential to save lives and there will be a demand. 3. feasible cos can be accessed in the market for skiers. Raise awareness about crevasses to let skier know about the possible danger and the solution to it, can do this through ski resorts too (accessibility)

25) Do you foresee any problems /challenges /difficulties /obstacles in the long run after the implementation of your proposal? Explain your answer?

1. There might be a low demand in our product due to misconceptions of crevasses, causing crevasses accidents to continue to occur. 2. In the case where our product did not manage to successfully prevent a skier from falling into a crevasse, it might result in a loss of trust and reputation of our product, leading to lower demand and the problem cannot be solved efficiently. 3. Others might think of better solutions to solve this problem, making our product less relevant in the community and higher competition in the market As the idea of WatchOut can be replicated, modified and developed, if anyone else comes out with another product with similar purpose, the competitiveness of WatchOur in the market will increase and thus leading to lower demand and earnings for our product.

34) What makes your plan to address the concerns raised stand out from other possible/ existing methods?

1. WatchOut is compressed from many components 2. WatchOut is portable 3. WatchOut uses a GPS instead

31) How would you convince your identified sponsors to fund your project idea? Explain your idea

1. WatchOut is essential as the issue involves life and death. 2. There are little to no substitutes to WatchOut yet. 3. WatchOut will never go out of trend.

29) To what extent do you think your project will be well-received in the long run? Explain your answer. (sustainability, how receptive people will be, talk about demand)

1. WatchOut's function is straightforward being a warning indicator for skiers, mainly that a crevasse is approaching. 2. WatchOut is cheap, no matter the period. 3. However, we acknowledge that there might be better solutions in the long run that make our project less well-received.

13) Why did your group choose to analyse these current measures?

1. We thought that there had to be a way to detect crevasses and that was where we chanced about GPR. 2. thought that there might be a possibility that skiers might have some prior knowledge to avoid skiing into a crevasse if they meet a crevasse halfway while skiing. 3. chose to analyse these CMs so that we can integrate these measures into one product to reduce the number of crevasse falls.

23) Do you think your primary research data was reliable? Why or why not?

1. Yes, they have qualifications, experience and studied the field extensively, they would have more knowledge and will be able to answer qns specifically that we had doubts on when finding the answers online ⇒ basically more reliable than the internet 2. Yes, both professors gave us answers required to the questions we had with detail and explanation and statistics 3. Primary research data contradicted sometimes, making the data unreliable and further considerations had to be made. Both interviewees were on different standpoints and this led to us comparing their opinions based on the transcription we had, to weigh on which one we thought was reliable and applicable to be considered.

our grp qn 2) What are the changes that you hope to see in the stakeholders that would signal the success of the project?

1. acceptance of the idea of our solution 2. Increased participation of providing information that could improve product (e.g: GPR companies we work with producing our products can provide information about improving GPR) -> signals that they place trust in our product to achieve our aims better 3. Increase promotions of our product to others (e.g their own families, who may be skiers)

20) Why did you think your research methods were appropriate to get the information you need? Explain your answer.

1. as our product is technical, we need a professional point of view. 2. due to the limited number of people having skiing experience in Singapore, the survey was not adopted. 3. we opted for the interview as since skiing is an activity commonly found in Singapore, it would be logical to seek opinions from experts that are based in Switzerland, and have experience in skiing.

Dylan grp qn 5) How could you have improved the reliability of the research methods you employed?

1. ask similar questions to different professors to ensure reliable results (can cross-check the answers) in case of biasness or lack of awareness/ knowledge gap 2. Read and compare more research articles published by university professors and researchers, instead of relying on just interview information.This is to ensure that the sources are reliable.

jaiden grp qn 5) What were your key considerations before conducting your primary research?

1. choose the method 2. choose people to interview 3. What kind of questions to ask - extensive & rephrasing/preparation 4. Preparation process leading up to interview

4) Why did your group choose to address this need of the target audience over others?

1. compared to the need of protection from collision with objects such trees or other skiers, the need for identifying crevasses is more urgent to solve as it is a life and death issue 2. although protection from avalanches are also a life and death issue, we chose the need of identifying crevasses as there are no current measures to support this need while there are existing measures to protect a skier from avalanches 3. chose this need over others as crevasse can be hidden.

33) Suggest ways to improve your project so that it has a greater impact in your target group in the long run?

1. constantly enhancing the product in any case if the relevant technologies used in our product become outdated (as tech upgrades, the product also upgrades) improve technology 2. Include instructions on how to steer away from the crevasses 3. Adding other features like contacting emergency services in the event where skiers fall into a crevasse 4. Advertising WatchOut to promote its existence 5. Public education raises the awareness of crevasses 6. Constantly refurbishing WatchOut to keep to consumers needs

1) Why is your choice of topic a pressing issue in the Swiss Alps?

1. current measures are ineffective in reducing the number of crevasse incidents. 2. resilience of skiers are being challenged. 3. crevasses are actually not that well-known, yet falling into a one can be extremely dangerous

19) Explain how your group came to choose the research methodology for the project.

1. due to the limited number of people having skiing experience in Singapore, the survey was not adopted 2. as our product is technical, we need a professional point of view. 3. we opted for the interview since skiing is not an activity commonly found in Singapore, it would be logical to seek people with more skiing knowledge

jaiden grp qn 1) To what extent is the research methodology appropriate for the scope (refers to people, place, problem) that you have chosen? (why interview over others, what did we need)

1. due to the limited number of people having skiing experience in Singapore, the survey was not adopted. 2. as our product is technical, we need a professional point of view. 3. we opted for the interview as since skiing is an activity commonly found in Singapore, it would be logical to seek opinions from experts that are based in Switzerland, and have experience in skiing.

jaiden grp qn 2) What important lessons have you learnt from the primary data collection process? Explain your answer.

1. ensure reliability by researching on interviewees? 2. cross check with other sources to further increase reliability enhance accuracy after the interview 3. need to be prepared for the interview for most efficiency

jaiden grp qn 3) To what extent can your project idea be extended to groups other than the area you've identified?

1. increase functions for like other issues like avalanches 2. other functions like rescuing ones 3. other place?

5) How will your proposed strategies affect the society as a whole?

1. less manpower would need to be employed with our proposed strategies 2. our strategies may affect the skiers by giving them more reassurance and a peace of mind 3. our proposed strategies may improve the economy of switzerland

vic grp qn 3) Which components in your proposed solution would you substitute if you were to do your project again?

1. notifier can be substituted with a better one with 3 types of alerts such as audio, vibrations and visual. 2. can substitute the watch with a programme in an app 3. UAV as a substitute for GPR

claudia grp qn 4) Which component of your proposed solution do you consider to be the most unique in solving the problem?

1. notifier cos its the thing that warns them (main purpose also) 2. high chance of notification? Because loud volume,, efficient in doing so, increasing intensity 3. use of 2 sensory system for its purpose

6) How will your project impact the community?

1. our product will keep skiers safe and prevent them from sustaining severe injuries they would have sustained if they were to fall into a crevasse 2. our product may help skiers emotionally as they have a stronger peace of mind when skiing 3. our project could possibly expand the skiing community and improve tourism in switzerland

11) What were your criteria in selecting this target group?

1. our target group was very prone to danger. 2. no successful and ineffective current measures to help them tackle the problem. 3. is in need of help to tackle the problem that they face.

7) Explain why you think your project is significant in meeting the needs of the target audience?

1. skiers may not be able to locate a crevasse in time to react to avoid them our solution is able to warn the skier of a nearby crevasse in advance 2. as skiers may not be able to discern crevasse locations at all and may get lost during skiing Our solution allows them to not only check their real time location, but also the crevasse locations. 3. there is a low failure rate

30) What do you think is the most important factor in determining the success of your proposal? Explain your answer.

1. sustainability (problem will always exist, therefore a need for it) 2. cost & accessibility (making it affordable & easily obtainable) 3. acceptance & mindset (info gap)

vic grp qn 4) What would you consider to be the most significant factor in determining the long-term success of your proposed solution?

1. sustainability in the long run (1) 2. cost of product in the market to enhance its accessibility (2) 3. mindset and fix of information gap in skiers to increase demand (3)

2) Why did your group choose to study this problem in this area? Explain your answer

1. swiss alps is rated the top spot for skiing world wide. 2. the swiss alps occupy a large amount of area 3. most crevasse incidents happen at the swiss alps compared to other places such as france

15) How would your proposed plan/ strategies/ approaches be an improvement/enhancement over the current system?

1. the usage of GPR-borne drones is an improvement over the current system. 2. the plan of live GPS tracking is an enhancement to the current measure 3. the usage of alert systems such as auditory notifications and vibrations is definitely an enhancement to the current measures.

jaiden grp qn 4) Which of your proposed strategies is the most challenging to sustain in 10 years? Explain your answer.

1. watch (1) since the watch is sold to individuals, we are unable to check its working state and in the case of a malfunction, it will not be detected and the watch cannot perform its functions 2. GPS map (2) The GPS map is crucial in the activation of the notifier to notify skiers of a crevasse 3. GPR (3) failure to detect crevasse using GPR is the lowest due to our accessibility to the drone-borne GPR

21) How did your group ensure the reliability of the information gathered?

1. we searched about the research interest of interviewees and their qualifications in verified University websites 2. we interviewed at least 2 professors for the same set of questions that we needed reliability on. 3. after the interview, we further researched things unknown mentioned in the interview.

8) How do you ensure that the proposed partners will work with you in the project? Explain your answer.

1. we would need to address the information gap about crevasses, which might be the actual reason why proposed partners would be hesitant to work with us 2. we would need the cooperation of businesses such as ski resorts and ski equipment stalls to make the product easily accessible by making the manufacturing process faster. 3. might need to convince and entice the relative proposed partners about the success rate of our product.

vic grp qn 2) How else can the project be modified so that is more significant in meeting the needs of skiers? (needs of skiers need to be defined)

3. Needs of skiers: assurance of personal safety while skiing (point 1 and 2 can cover) reliable source where crevasse locations can be found (point 3) 1. Modify the function of WatchOut such that it can help with tackling dangerous issues skiers face such as avoiding avalanches 2. Modify such that WatchOut can be used in different snow areas, not just in the Swiss Alps (making it universal) 3. With ever-changing technology, WatchOut can be modified such that the latest technology is used in the long run, constantly making WatchOut relevant as technology improves.

28) How would you rate your project feasibility & manageability/ sustainability overall on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least and 10 being the most. Explain your answer.

7 / 8 2 positive points, 1 not positive point (but make it subtle) 1. small and not bulky, feasible for users 2. feasible to use audio in the Alps as skiing involves strong vibrations, leading to enhanced notifications // drones are easy to manage technical // improvements can be made for GPR, technical checks conducted, increasing sustainability 3. As the watch is being sold to individuals, any malfunction in the functions of the watch will not be detected making it unsustainable

Dylan grp qn 2) Which of your many solutions do you think might have issues with its long-term sustainability? Explain your answer (in ranked order)

Intro: our product is heavily reliant on technology and as we all know, the functions of technology would deprove as time passes by. 1. watch (1) since the watch is sold to individuals, we are unable to check its working state and in the case of a malfunction, it will not be detected and the watch cannot perform its functions 2. GPS map (2) The GPS map is crucial in the activation of the notifier to notify skiers of a crevasse 3. GPR (3) failure to detect crevasse using GPR is the lowest due to our accessibility to the drone-borne GPR

our grp qn 1) To what extent do you think your approaches will work with the approaches that are currently in place?

Large extent since our approach is mostly integrating CMs 1. GPR, which plays the largest part of our solution is included in our solution to be drone-borne to detect crevasses in inaccessible areas that the CMs cannot achieve 2. the entirety of the implementation of WatchOut is so that skiers can use the CM of using skiing techniques to steer away from crevasses after receiving warnings from notifier 3. although it isn't mentioned in the WR, but from our interview with Dr Paul, we found out that skiers use ski maps to check for safe areas to ski in and can be counted as a current CM to keep themselves safe and this is integrated into the watch from WatchOut as a digitised GPS map

Dylan grp qn 1) In what ways did your project not meet the needs of those you intend to help?

Needs of skiers: assurance of personal safety while skiing reliable source where crevasse locations can be found 1. user dependent to move away from a crevasse since WatchOut only serves as a warning device for awareness. 2. since our product focuses on prevention of falling into a crevasse, it does not help skiers in the case they really fall into one. there is no rescue function included. 3. it does not account for the safety of skiers from other possible accidents other than crevasses, because WatchOut does not help skiers in avoiding other dangerous natural disruptions such as avalanches

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