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When certain combos of wire, such as iron and constantan or chrome and albumen are joined into a loop with two junctions a ________ is formed

I dont know this one either

Ni-cad batteries are more expensive to maintain. Because ni-cads develop a condition called _________, the maintenance personal must periodically erase this


You have an alternator failure with a 35 amp-hour battery, you refuse some power, how long do you have?

1.25 hours

Regarding plane discussion. While the airplane batteries are rated at 12 or 24, airplane electrical systems are rated for _____ or _____ volts.


A solenoid may be described as an electromagnet, which has a fixed core that attracts movable armature


AC current is most commonly found on small general aviation aircraft and up to most business jet aircraft


According to your textbook, manual waste gate control on turbocharged engines is normally found on general aviation aircraft manufactured as original equipment direct from the factory


An overshoot is a condition in which manifold pressure far exceeds the limits for a given RPM prescribed for a particular engine operation and can cause serious damage


Conductive material are those which have atoms with tightly held electrons. These electrons can be made to move easily through the conductive material in response to an electromotive force.


DC current is the most common type of electrical energy used in large passenger type aircraft, because of the large quantities of of D power required and because DC power is relatively easy to generate and requires lighter weight cabling to carry the power.


During de-ice operation in the winter time the airliner aircraft normally pushes off the gate or taxied to a specific area for de-ice operations. Often in the US there is only one de-ice truck with the bucket containing the spray operator, working the hose.


Economy cruise is defined as 85-95% power setting


Fuses protect most aircraft circuits. They will automatically pop/open/extend if the current become extensive and thy may be reset


If a pilot must reposition the propellor during preflight it is best to move the prop in the direction of normal rotation


If the battery fails in flight, the aircraft engine will also fail and stop running


If the turbocharger fails in flight, the engine will act exactly like as if it was a normally aspirated engine and would have all the power of an non-turbo engine


In a situation where the engine power is set for take-off... A typical intake system will lose 7-8 in. Of ambient pressure at take-off RPM and full throttle


In regards to the turbocharger systems, the differential pressure controller regulates he position of the waste gate valve to maintain a setting which prevents/limits the deck pressure within the aircraft induction manifold, to STOP OVERBOOSTING BECAUSE OF EXCESSIVE MAP.


Materials which have atoms with tightly bound electrons are said to be conductive...


Most normally aspirated reciprocating engines in general aviation produce good power at cruise settings of 90%


Nickel-cadmium batteries are less expensive and easier to maintain the lead acid


Power losses of 15% in reciprocating engines are not uncommon in warm air


Static discharge wicks found on aircraft structures protect the aircraft from lightning


Static electricity ALWAYS serves useful purposed and is valuable in electrical circuits


The energy to drive the magneto and cause it to produce electricity for the spark plugs come from the aircraft battery.


The generally accepted rule as recommended by the FAA for the aircraft is to reset a CB only two times


The ignition leads carry the electrical energy from the magnetos to the spark plugs. These leads are shielded with a metal construction to protect the leads from from lightning strikes when flying near thunderstorms


The impulse coupler is normally found on the right magneto.


The most common type of of pump used to power flight instruments is wet vacuum pump.


The most commonly used battery in general aviation is the Ni-cad battery because they are cheap and accept high charge rates.


The wastegate controller uses engine air pressure to position the wastegate valve...


Turbonormalizing engine systems may be defined as a system which increases the MAP above sea level to typically values of 6 or 7 inches, all through 10 ins are possible


Water vapor in the air will cause a significant reduction of power output from reciprocating engines and power loses of up to 5% are not unusual in warm air having 100% relative humidity. The FAA provides charts to make a correction in these situations.


A ________ is a devise which will store an electrical charge. These devices do many things in airplanes and in most electric circuits

B. Capacitor

Amps are a measure of __________ flow

B. Current

Regarding light plane discussion. Most general aviation airplane operation manuals suggest that after approximately _______ of cruising flight, the ammeter needle should return to with in a two needle -width deflection from center on the positive or charging side

30 min

The altimeter setting at Flagstaff AZ field elevation of 7000 ft is 30.12. What should MAP be?

A 21 HG

Regarding plane discussion. 35 amp batteries should provide ______ amps of continuous current for one hour

A. 35

Regarding light plane electrical systems as discussed, load meters provide important indications about the health of the airplanes electrical system. Unlike charge-discharge ammeters, they are calibrated to reflect the annual _______ loaf places on the alternator.

A. Ampere

_____ converts DC to AC power

A. Inverters

Regarding plane discussion. A zero reading on the load meter means the alternator ________ providing electricity to th primary bus or there is ______ electrical current drawn by the electrical equipment. This can happen when the _____________ fails or is turned off.

A. Isn't, no, alternator

Air in certain turbo-charged inductions systems is cooled by an __________,

A. intercooler

Regarding light plane electrical systems, if the aircraft battery is dead, the _____ is t going to work.


Regarding class discussion. Turning of the alternator half of the master switch on many airplanes will shut off the ______ field current flow, thus deactivating th _______.

Alternator, alternator

Regarding light plane electrical systems, load meter needle deflections less than the summer amperage of active and properly working electrical equipment imply that the _______ will eventually be ________.

B. battery, drained

Regarding plane discussion. Excess voltage resulting from a battery overcharge can _______ battery fluid, damaging the battery and possibly causing a battery _______

B. boil off, fire

Regarding light planes electrical systems as discussed in class. A zero reading on the load meter means that the alternator ______ providing electrons to the primary bus.

B. isn't

A ____ _____ is a physically convenient place to terminate many wires neatly and safely

Bus Bar

A ________ is a physically convenient place to terminate many wires neatly and safely


Alternators need a little bit of electricity running through them before they'll start producing electricity. This small amount of electrical prime is called the _________

C. Alternator field current

Regarding class discussion. A negative needle deflection on the charge-discharge ammeter usually imply that the _______ is supplying the primary bus with electrical current.

C. Battery

The de-ice fluid used by airlines that is the most expensive is

C. Type-IV

Regarding light plane electrical systems discussed in class. It's the ________ which allows you to operate the airplanes electrical equipment when the engine isn't running or when the alternator fails in flight

C. battery

what does permeability mean with respect to magnetism?

D. All of the above

Regarding AC power, the number of complete cycles per second is the frequency of the AC, and it is expressed in ______

D. hertz

__________ is a condition less severe then bootstrapping. It is concerning to a pilot who selects a manifold pressure setting only to find it has changed in a few seconds and must be reset.


75 is labeling parts


The ignition lead carries the electrical energy from the magneto to the spark plugs. What is the primary reason these spark plug wires are shielded

Protect from abrasion and radio interference

Crystalline materials such as quartz has a characteristic that when it is deformed or bent by a mechanical force, an excess of electron will accumulate on one surface. Such material is called ___________

Starts with a P someone look it up

Air in certain turbocharged induction systems is cooled by an intercooler


Aircraft magnetos provide a good hot spark at idle, cruise and high speeds


As a further aid in preventing radio interference the control surfaces of general aviation aircraft are bonded to the main structure


Bootstrapping is an undesirable cycle of turbo-charging events causing the manifold pressure to drift in an attempt to reach equilibrium


By far the most popular magnetos in use today have fixed Cole and capacitors and rotating permeant magnets


Excess air produced by some of the turbocharger installations can be considered as an available source of air used for de-ice boots


Nickel- cadmium batteries have become more popular in the past many years because of there ability to accept high charge rates and to discharge at equally high rates without the voltag drop associated with the lead-acid battery.. operate range: -65 to 165 F


Nickel-cadmium batteries have the possibility of a thermal run-a-way situation developing...


Pilots should remember that power is taken from the engine to drive the alternator, only when the alternator is pumping electrons.


Regarding class discussion. The electrical ground is not the ground upon which you stand.


Since the power required to drive the supercharger is taken from the crankshaft, the net gain in horsepower obtained by supercharging is redused


Solenoids are send when it is necessary to open or close a circuit carrying a large amount of current from a remote location and with a small switch


Superchargers and turbochargers enable pilots to fly at higher altitudes without losing power, therefore the aircraft can fly above icing conditions, turbs, and find beneficial winds


Superchargers are usually built internally within the engine and are powered by mechanical gears driven off the crank shaft


Supercharges usually compress the fuel/air mixture after it leaves the carburetor


Temp affects the density of the air


The MAP/RPM power setting chosen by a charter pilot during his flight planning might be based on the shortest amount of time of flight if his customer was in a hurry


The impulse computer is installed on the drive shaft of a magneto and is designed to give the mag a momentary high rotational speed


The main purpose of supercharging/turbocharging an engine is to increase MAP above the pressure of the atmosphere in order to provide max high power for takeoff and sustain max power during climb and cruise at high alt.


The most commonly used and least expensive de-ice is Type I


The starter motor circuit is the only circuit in general aviation aircraft that is not protected by a circuit breaker or fuse


The turbocharging of an aircraft engine allows the ``boosted`` engine cylinders to be filled with fuel/air mixture which improve efficiency


The waste gate controls the volume of the exhaust gas that is directed onto the turbine rotor and thereby regulates the speed.


To avoid high cylinder head pressure the pilot should always keep RPM higher when refusing power


Today's modern automatic turbo chargers systems usually utilize a density controller and a differential pressure controller to regulate the wastegate position.


Turbochargers are designed to deliver compresses air to the inlet of the carburetor of fuel/air control unit of an engine


When making power increases with MAP and RPM controls the pilot first moves the RPM higher then the MAP


When the throttle is opened fully for takeoff, the large pressure drop across the throttle is removed, so the MAP will rise


When the waste gate is completely closed, critical altitude for a particular MAP setting has been reached. Further climb will result in reduction of MAP


When the waste gate is fully open, all of the exhaust gases pass overboard through the exhaust pipe and do not drive the turbine wheel


pilots of an aircraft equipped with turbocharged engines must realize that these engines operate under maximum stress.


A ________ is a link made of a low-melting point alloy enclosed in a glass tube and is used as a simple and reliable circuit protection devise


A ________ is a type of electromagnet switch that has a fixed core which attracts a moveable armature and is used to close multiple circuits


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