Pysch Exam

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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, what is the developmental disorder characterized behavioral or cognitive issues with inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity?


What conclusions can be drawn from infant-attachment and adult relationship studies?

Early attachment is likely to predict adult relationship styles.

Which of the following is TRUE about conception?

It is the fertilization of the female egg by the male sperm.

Which of the following is true of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?

about 5% of children have it it is twice as prevalent in boys the age of onset is usually before 12 years

. _____ is a strong affectionate bond with special others that endures over time.


Mr. and Mrs. Miaki think that children should be seen and not heard. They stress obedience, physical punishment and mature behavior in their children. Baumrind would classify the Miakis as _____ parents.


According to Baumrind, the _____ parenting style is most likely to produce self-reliant and high achieving children.


The study of age-related changes in behavior and mental processes throughout the lifespan is called _____.

developmental psychology

. Teratogens are _____ that can cause birth defects.

environmental agents

developmental psychology

examines growth, maturation, early experiences, and varies of states of cognitive behaviors ,

Jeremy was born with serious heart, face, and finger deformities. He is also showing signs of delayed motor development and lowered intelligence. Jeremy is most likely suffering from _____.

fetal alcohol syndrome

. In Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a sense of self and a role in society is dependent upon successfully resolving which of the following challenges?

identity vs role confusion

Robert is an adolescent who is sullen and withdrawn. He doesn't seem to know where he fits in society. As a result, Robert may have difficulty resolving the _____ developmental stage.

identity vs role confusion

The ability to empathize with others and distinguish between right and wrong is called _____.


Synaptic pruning refers to the _____ that helps strengthen connection between neurons.

natural reduction of unused synapses

The use of _____ during pregnancy is most associated with premature birth, low-birth-weight infants, and fetal death.


This refers to biological changes during adolescence that lead to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity.


According to Ainsworth's research using the strange situation procedure, _____ infants used the mother as a safe base from which to explore the environment.

securely attached

An infant's inborn disposition is known as _____.


This is a person's innate behavioral style and characteristic emotional response.


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