Python Quiz Questions

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Two conditions that must both be true can be combined with ____ in Python.


What is the output of the following struct.pack('Q', 1)


What are the results of the following? struct.unpack('HHHH', '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')

(1, 0, 0, 0)

If a = (1, 2, 3) then b = 2 * a print (b) produces

(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)

If a = (1, 2, 3) b = (4, 5, 6) then c = a + b print(c) produces

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

What is printed by the following script? a = 2 b = 3 print (a/b)


The code: for i in range(0, 4): print(i) produces

0 1 2 3

The code: count = 0 while count < 5: print(count) count += 1 produces

0 1 2 3 4

What does print("%08.2f" % 10.50) produce?


The format specifier "B" specifies how many bytes of data?


The code: for x in range(0, 10): if x % 2 == 0: continue print(x) produces

1 3 5 7 9

What does the following code produce? def myfunc(a, b, c='c'): print(a, b, c) myfunc(1, 'of')

1 of c

What does print("%.2f" % 10.50) produce?


print( "2" * 3) produces


If a = 'Bob' b = 'Smith' then print (a+b) produces


Additional libraries must be installed to read and write files.


Dictionaries can store complex types, but every item must be of the same type.


If x = 2 then what does print(x >3) produce


Python cannot be used to read binary files.


Python does not allow you to create your own exceptions.


Python does not support inheritance.


Python is a strongly typed language.


Python supports private class instance variables.


Regular expressions are a feature unique to Python (not present in other scripting languages).


There is a pack/unpack format specifier for the 48-bit (6-byte) numbers used in NTFS.


If a = 'Bob' b = 'Smith' then print("Hello %s %s!" % (a, b)) produces

Hello Bob Smith!

What does print("Hello %s, I see you are %s years old" % ('Bob', 9)) produce?

Hello Bob, I see you are 9 years old

What does print("%5s" % 'Smith and Wesson') produce?

Smith and Wesson

The code: x = ['Bob', 'Doug'] print("The Mackenzie brothers are: ") for i in x: print(i) produces

The Mackenzie brothers are: Bob Doug

If x = 'There are %d types of people in the world.' % 10 then print(x) produces

There are 10 types of people in the world.

Exceptions are objects in Python.


Files opened for writing are automatically truncated if they exist.


Python 3 is intentionally incompatible with Python 2. (T or F)


Python except blocks can handle more than one type of exception.


Python supports class variables that are shared with all instances of a particular class.


Python supports multiple inheritance.


The following code will create a second reference to an instance of a class: a = MyClass() b = a


The regular expression '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' will match IP addresses.


If a = "Your change is %d" % 10.50 then print(a) produces

Your change is 10

If a = (1, 2) b = [ ] then b[0:] = a[0:] b.append(3) print(b) produces

[1, 2, 3]

If a = { 'First' : 'Bob' , 'Last' : 'Smith' } b = { 'First' : 'Sue' , 'Last' : 'Storm' } then c = [a, b] print(c) produces

[{'Last': 'Smith', 'First': 'Bob'}, {'Last': 'Storm', 'First': 'Sue'}]

The method used to create a new object of a particular class type is ____.


What file must be added to a directory in order for its contents to be treated as a package by Python?

What does "h" specify in pack and unpack?

a 2-byte signed integer

The "Q" format specifier corresponds to what?

a 8-byte unsigned integer

Python is named after

a British comedy group

What does the following regular expression match? \.

a period

What is the difference between a list and a tuple?

a tuple is immutable and a list is not

What is a regular expression?

a way of specifying matching patterns

To install Python on Windows

a) download and run an installer from b) download the Python source code from, then download and install a compiler, then build and install Python Answer) either a or b

Function parameters may be passed

a) in a specified order b) using names given in the declaration answer) either of the two previous methods can be used

What is the meaning of the following regular expression? abc{3}


What matches the following regular expression? a*

absolutely anything (including nothing at all)

How much of a file is read by the file read function?

all of it

If a = 'Bob' b = 2 then print(a*b) produces

an error

If a = 'Bob' b = 2 then print(a+b) produces

an error

If a = { 'First' : 'Bob', 'Last' : 'Smith' } then print(a['Middle']) produces

an error

The following code f = open('myfile.txt', 'w') f.write('foo') f.write('bar') print( produces

an error

What does the following code produce? def myfunc(a='a', b, c=4): print(a, b, c) myfunc('yes', 'you')

an error

if a = (1, 2, 3) b = (4, 5, 6) then c = a * b print(c) produces

an error

What does "I" mean in an unpack or pack format specifier?

an unsigned 4-byte integer

In a regular expression a period matches

any character except a newline by default

What matches the following regular expression? [0-9a-fA-F]

any single hexadecimal digit

Given the following code in my script from foo import bar how would I call the gamma function in the bar module?


Python can be used as

both a scripting and programming language

Which of the following is a way to tell if a file is open?

check its opened attribute

What keyword is used to define a class?


Which of the following is the correct way to extend a class?

class derived(base):

Function declarations in Python begin with what keyword?


What is the difference between a list and a dictionary?

dictionaries may have non-integer keys

What function is used to list a module's functions?


What does print('%x' % 255) produce?


Given the following code appears in my script import how would the gamma function in the bar module be called in my script?

What is the purpose of a finally block?

for cleanup code that should always run whether or not there is an exception

The file seek function is used to

go to another position in a file

What command is used to load a Python module?


To install Python on Linux

is likely unnecessary if you want a 2.x version since most versions of Linux pre-install Python

The exists function

is part of the sys module

What is the meaning of a function argument preceded by a "*"?

it represents a variable number of parameters that are passed in as a tuple

What is the meaning of "<" for pack and unpack?

it specifies little endian byte order

Given the following code, how would you create a new dog object? class Dog: def __init__(self, name='Fido'): def bark(): print('Woof')

myDog = Dog('Betsy')

What does the following code do? f = open('myfile.txt')

opens a file for reading only

Two conditions either of which must be true can be combined with ____ in Python.


print('Bob' 'Smith') produces the same output as


What does the file tell function do?

reports the position in a file where the next file operation will occur

The ___ keyword is used by a class to refer to a particular instance of that class.


Code that might cause an exception to be raised

should be contained in a try block

What is the "in" operator used for in Python?

to determine if an item is in a list, tuple, or other iterable container

What is the purpose of a "break" statement in Python?

to exit the innermost loop

What is the purpose of struct.pack?

to pack binary data into a string

What is the difference between upper and lower case format specifiers for pack and unpack?

upper case specifiers are unsigned and lower case specifiers are signed

If x = 25 then what does if x>=21: print("yes, you may have that beer") else: print("sorry buddy, you are not old enough") produce?

yes, you may have that beer

In a regular expression the asterisks (*) specifies

zero or more repetitions of the preceding RE

If a = { } then a['First'] = 'Bob' a['Last'] = 'Smith' print(a) produces

{'Last': 'Smith', 'First': 'Bob'}

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