Python Vocabulary: Unit 1 - Unit 3
Intrepreted, interactive object oriented programming language.
What operator do you use to assign a value to a variable
What operator do you use to compare whether two things are equal
How did Python get it's name
BBC Comedy Series "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
Boolean Operators
Compare statements and result in boolean values.
Give at least two examples for how Python can be used
Creating your own game, Web application such as Instagram, or Automate tasks on our computer
Conditional Statement
Executes some specified code after checking if its expression is True.
Who invented Python
Guido Van Rossum
The possible values for a boolean
True or False
a data type that can contain letters, numbers, and symbols.
a data type. It's like a light switch. It can only have two values. Just like a light switch can only be on or off.
a reusable set of instructions that can be reused
a way of providing useful code to be used by another program. The module can contain functions we can use.
a way of storing data (i.e. number, string, boolean, list of numbers)
for loop
allow us to iterate through all of the elements in a list from the beginning (left-most or zeroth element) to the end (the right-most element)
What are the three boolean operators
and, or, not.
basic symbols used by Python to perform mathematical operations. For example, -, +, *, **, %, \
compares two values using >, < , <= ,>=, ==
Compiled Language
language is converted to machine code first ("compiled") then executed.
Intepreted Language
language statements are "interpreted" as the program is running.
while loop
repeatedly executes a target statement as long as a given condition is true.