QHSE Management System

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MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Corrective Actions & Continuous Improvement:

'no-blame' culture promoted; all problems, non-conformance, non-compliance, non-ethical behavior to be reported (best practices, lessons learned)

MS 4 C&SM - Expand on C Qualification & Selection:

(Approved S List, External Audits Schedule). Ensure C & S has ability to deliver product or service in ethical, professional, & HSE acceptable manner

Substance Abuse Policy - Laws and regulations

-Administered & enforced in accordance with local laws -In case of conflict between this policy and laws, applicable laws apply

Substance Abuse Policy - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

-All employees have access -Sel-referral, strictly confidential -Must be requested prior to positive test or possession

Driving Policy - Journey Management

-All locations must have in place. This addresses local driving conditions and needs

Business Ethics - Conflict of Interest

-Avoid situations that involve conflicts b/w person & SLB interests -Cannot receive personal benefits as a result of position with SLB -SLB property for SLB purposes only -No personal loans from SLB to employee unless approved by Area controller

MS 4 C&SM - Expand on C Management:

-C Audit, C Management Std. Manage C & S to ensure QHSE performance adheres to contract and ensure good communication between two parties

Business Ethics - Business Gifts

-Cannot accept gifts >= $200 -Avoid giving unreasonably generous gifts (cash, loans, excessive entertainment/travel, substantial favors)

Driving Policy - Seat Belt

-Condition of employment

What do the Feedback Loops include?

-Conformance check on day-to-day standards and procedures (control) -Conformance checks on the management system (correction) -Modifications to the management system (improvement)

QHSE Policies

-Continually improving the quality of products and services while protecting people and the environment. -Protect, and aim to improve, the Health, Safety, and Security of our people at all times -Eliminate QHSE incidents (non-conformance and accidents) -Set QHSE objectives to continually improve processes, services and products -Monitor, evaluate, continually improve results vs objective -Plan for emergency situations -Reduce environmental impact -Apply our technical skills to all aspects of HSE -Educate others -Communicate openly with interested parties to ensure understanding of our policies and standards -Renforced by use of QHSE programs and initiatives

Driving Policy - Substance Abuse

-Driving under the influence is strictly prohibited

Sexual Harrassment

-Encourage fair employment practices worldwide -Treat each other with mutual respects, trust, & individual dignity -Harassment: behavior that is offensive, unwelcome, or unreasonably disrupts another person in his or her work

Driving Policy - Driver Training and Qualification

-Everyone needs approval to drive -Defensive driving course every 3 years, commentary assessment annually

Employee Security Policy - Actions

-Guidelines on good security practices for employees and families -Assessment of hazardous situations w/ customers -Definition of risk level and security audit by 3rd party if required -Preparation of protection and evacuation plans -Coordinated response in the even of security related incidents -LM responsible for implementation - QHSE supports

Risk Management Policy -

-Identify & assess risks & opportunities -Use appropriate tools, training, and techniques to facilitate and enhance decision making -Use cost-effective control measures to reduce loss or colatility -Encourage entrepreneurial spirit to get away from natural aversion towards risk & awareness that taking risk is important to profitability -Implement risk financing and transfer strategies (i.e. insurance) so the lowest sustainable cost of risk is obtained long term -Challenge decisions (new business) must be supported with risk analysis -GM Managers & Area business managers have responsibility & accountability for identifying and assessing risk -Implement risk control measures -Involves QHSE, Risk mgmt, legal A7 contract mgmt, risk and insurance team, finance function

Driving Policy - Driver Improvement Monitors

-Must be in all vehicles -Data must be reviewed for driver improvement

Driving Policy - Cell Phones

-No talking on cell phone while driving, not even w/ hands free device -Phone may be on while driving, but must come to complete stop before answering.


-Protect SLB info & info entrusted to us (do not share w others) -^Can be physical, electronic, or intellectual (i.e. tool design, reservoir data, financial operating results, marketing plans) -Do not disclose deliberately in day-to-day operations & social settings

Confidentiality & Information Security Policy

-Protect information entrusted in us is essential to our reputation & business survival -Information can be physical, electronic, know-how -Adhere to Information Security Standards -Avoid both intentional and accidental disclosure -QHSE function to participate -Peronnell: creating and terminating user accounts, employee education -Ultimate responsibility lies w/ line management of each Product Line -Provide leadership and resources -Ensure compliance -Voilations could result in termination

What are the functionalities of QUEST?

-Reporting of hazards and undesired HSE & SQ events (RIRs) -Recording of audits, inspections, & RWPs -Documenting meetings & exepmtion requests -Reporting improvement suggestions -Posting recognitions -Managin and recording QHSE training -Posting monthly safetynet reports -Data analysis and reporting

Journey Management

-Time of day drive will take place - 24 hr lifestyle -Time & distance of drive -How long people have been on-duty -Hours rest prior to coming on duty -Familiarity w area & route taken -Defined route & planned stops, proximity to hazardous/dangerous areas, cities, unfamiliar roads, road construction, roads w/o shoulders -Planned regrouping area -Convoy leader, position in convoy, # of vehicles in convoy -How alert/tired drivers feel -Communication w each vehicle in convoy & w dispatch/district -Weather conditions, hazardous conditions for driving -Review speed limits for trip - highway, lease road, SLB requirements, night-time driving, bad conditions -16 Hour rule: cannot drive if employee has been on duty >=16 hours before trip -Minimum 8 hrs sleep in 24 hr period prior to trip w/o being on call >=16 hours -B/w 11:00 PM & 5:00 AM need to call every hour for check up, otherwise call every 2 hours for check up

Driving Policy - Disciplinary Actions

-Violations can result in termination

Substance Abuse Policy - When and what can be tested?

-You can be tested at any time without any notice -Any personal items can be tested (lockers, vehicles, quarters) -Pre-employment, after accident, reasonable suspicion, compliance with law or regulation, under client program, after rehabilitation program

Business Ethics - Personal Interest in Other Companies

-You/Family shouldn't have interest in competitors unless you receive prior approval from senior mgmt -Stock ownership of any clients or customers isn't allowed -Get mgmt approval for outsider to access SLB assets -Authorization for transactions carried out on SLB behalf -Deal fairly w/ customers, suppliers, competitors, colleagues -Don't take advantage of business situation -Be aware of appearance of our actions -Working w/ competitors to "fix" market prohibited (collusion) -Obey financial laws of countries we operate in

What was Denton's AAR?


List all 8 elements of the MS

1. Commitment, Leadership, & Accountability 2. Policies & Objectives 3. Organization & resources 4. Contractor & Supplier Management 5. Risk Management 6. Business Processes 7. Performance Monitoring & Improvement 8. Audits & Reviews

Driving Policy - 7 Elements

1. Driver Training & Qualification 2. Seat Belt 2. Journey Management 4. Substance Abuse 5. Driver Improvement Monitors 6. Cellular Phones 7. Disciplinary Action

Substance Abuse Policy - What are the 2 exceptions

1. Prescribed drugs that do not affect a person to perform duties normally. 2. Moderate & responsible consumption of alcohol at business or social functions, or w/ travel, entertainment, if local law and customs permit, allowed under control of local management.

MS 3 - O&R - IT Top 12

1. Protect computer at all times 2. Classify and handle client and corporate data properly 3. Protect your password and other access credentials 4. Use both startup and screensaver password 5. Ensure antivirus and patches are current - green "S" 6. Ensure critical data is backed up 7. Use only approved and licensed software 8. Restrict access to share files 9. Limit non business use of corporate email address 10. Limit personal use of SINet as per user standard 11. Properly store and dispose of removable media 12. Report IT Security & incidents via QUEST

MS3 - O&R - LRA (Local Registration Authority) - What are their responsibilities?

1. Verify identity of the person before digital certificates & corporate badge are issued. 2. Un-taint user's corporate directory record 3. Request, approve, & deliver corporate badges 4. Approve user's certificate request 5. Request certificate revocation

What was Denton's CLTIF (Cumulative Lost Time Incident Frequency)


How many mechanisms are in the MS?


Code of Ethics - Explain

Broad outline, used to guide more decision making with regard to handling business situations professionally & fairly. -Supports company policies, std's, guidelines, processes & procedures

MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Event Reporting & Management:

Accidents Investigation, Red MOney. Encourage non-conformace reporting, recording, & follow-up. A common business information system shall be used to record this so knowledge and experience is shared.

Substance Abuse Policy - What is forbidden?

Alcohol, controlled substances, & drugs

MS 8 - A&R - Expand on MS Audits

An evaluation of the implementation of a management system. Adherence to management systems and associated requirements to be assessed by internal & external audits (Produces RWP addressing identified non-compliances)

MS 6 BP - Expand on critical processes:

Critical Processes: purchasing, design, maintenance, emergency response

What was Denton & El Reno's TRIF?

Denton - 7.98 El Reno - 5.68

What was Denton & El Reno's overall training coefficient?

Denton - 94% El Reno - 89.9%

What was the Denton & El Reno's HSE RIR rate/employee vs. Goal?

Denton: Rate - 16.78 RIR/employee Goal - 33.34 RIR/employee Didn't make it El Reno: Rate - 68.57 RIR/employee Goal -

What was Denton & El Reno's 2017 RWP Closure %?

Denton: SQ RWP Closure - 99.62% HSE RWP Closure - 99.88% El Reno: SQ RWP Closure - 95.34% HSE RWP Closure - 94.38

What activity presents the greatest potential risk for accidents in SLB?


MS 5 RM - Expand on Prevention & Mitigation measures:

HARC assessment, HSE Alerts, WorkSMARRT. Measures to reduce the level of risk

MS 6 BP - Expand on Processes:

Health management process, planning, etc. Having processes in place to support and develop the business

MS 5 RM - Expand on HARC:

Identify, assess, prevent & mitigate risks to an acceptable level.

MS 1. CLA - Expand on commitment & leadership:

Managers will show strong, visible commitment & leadership to all activities & developing the corporate culture in terms of QHSE, as well as showing personal involvement. (Lead by example)

MS 3 O&R - Expand on Information Management:

InTouch, Hub. Effective 2-way communication internally (employees) & externally (clients, contractors, suppliers, etc.), documentation control, communication of policies & standards & procedures, bridging documents between all parties.

MS 3 O&R - Expand on Organizational Responsibilites:

Job descriptions, SLP3. Assign job descriptions that match job responsibilites, and clearly communicate these to employees

MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Performance Review:

KPIs identified, targeted, measured & reviewed to monitor continuous QHSE improvement

MS 4 C&SM - Expand on C Performance:

Key Performance Indicators, C Reviews. QHSE performance expected & recognized, contractors actively involved in CIP process

MS 5 RM - Expand on Management of Change:

MOC & Exemption Stds. Processes to manage deviation from norms, policies & standards. Exemption - is a clear deviation from the standard or policy MOC - is a deviation from the documents lower than standards, like procedures & work instruction. It is also more general, for something not really in the standards. Expert approver of exemption could be "any" expert, the final approver has to be a line management. Once you generated exemption, first it goes to your direct manager and then further up if needed, according to the matrix (Std. 10) which based on the risk level.

MS 1 CLA - Expand on Accountability:

Managers are accountable to provide necessary resources to maintain performance expectations (QHSE objective), and employees are accountable for their action.

MS 3 O&R - Expand on Organizational Structure:

Organograms, LPTeams (Loss Prevention Teams), QHSE organization in place to support managements QHSE role and responsibilites

MS 3 O&R - Expand on Standards & Guidelines:

Overview: Standards are minimum requirements to follow up the policies & the guidelines come after, and finally after guidelines in comes to Processes & Procedures, defined & maintained for all activies & compliance ensured. i. Standards - sets of rules for implementing policies that define the requirements and minimum acceptable criteria ii. Guidelines - companion documents to standards (Aviation, HIV/Aids)

MS 8 - A&R - Expand on MS Reviews

Periodic management reviews of QHSE MS to evaluate effectiveness of system and identify & implement improvements (review the status)

MS 2 P&O - Expand on Policies:

Policies are clear statement of what is required and what is acceptable, management responsible to ensure compliance, make sure employees know the direction of the company (or company's statements and intentions on how it will be managed to meet it's obligations - legal, ethic, etc.)

What's the difference between a Standard & a Policy?

Policies are the mission or vision of the company that do not change. These are the overall statements issued at the highest level. Standards are the sets of rules to implement the policy that may have to be adapted to location. Defines the minimum acceptable criteria and the steps of implementation.

MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Recognition Programs

QHSE Pays, performed by SLB. Encourage employees to participat actively in QHSE.

MS3 - O&R - Documentation Hiearchy Policy

QHSE Policy & SQMS - management system audit verification & system level RWP. Owndership: CEO SQ Standards - Assessment verification & system or task level RWP. Owndership: Segment HQ Operating Procedures - Inspection verification & task level RWP. Ownership: Local

MS 3 O&R - Expand on Training & Competence:

QUEST, iLearn, Orientations. Recruiting & training programs to ensure employee competence to perform responsibilities (e.g. new hire orientation, on-the-job & formal training)

MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Records

QUEST. Maintained to assess compliance with policies, standards, etc.

Substance Abuse Policy - Disciplinary Action

Refusal to search or test, or ciolation of policy - up to and including termination

MS 3 - O&R - SSO (Site Security Officer) - What are their responsibilities?

Responsible for administering the site's security procedure. By default, the location manager is the SSO -Create & maintain site security procedures -Responsible for local security awareness program in conjunction with Personnel & QHSE -Periodically instigate an IS audit of the site against the site security procedures. Resolve discrepencies -Periodically instigate an inventory of information assets and their security classification -Process site RIRs -Actively develop & maintain knowledge of security policy, procedure & practice as recommended by SL-IT & QHSE -Actively participate in security evolution (policy, response, coordination) & promote standards -Untaint corporate directory records -Perform local Registration Authority functions for PKI (Public key infrastructure) & Directory identity validation.


S - Seach the horizon M - Maintain space & visibility A - Always move your eyes RR - Recognize & Respond T - Take control - be seen

What is SLB management System? How is it applied?

SLB QHSE management system defines the principles by which we conduct our operations worldwide with regard to the quality of our services and products; the health and safety of our employees, customers, contractors & communities where we work; and protection of the environment.

What was my number of quest reports in the last year?

SQ Reports- 12 HSE Reports- 12 OI's- 39 Meetings - 6 Audits - 5

MS 6 BP - Expand on Assets, Products & Systems Integrity:

STEM, RITE, Equipment Safety&Asset Integrity Std., design, procurement, implementation & use of these must comply & incorporates QHSE requirements

MS 2 P&O - Expand on Objectives:

Set objectives & expectations to align personal with corporate objectives. Systems in place to assess compliance & performance (Objectives: Corporate, GM, Segment, Team, Personal)

MS 6 BP - Expand on Business Continuity:

Spill Drills, exercises etc. Having plans in place to cope with aspects of business continuity, i.e. emergency/security plans, drills.

Well Services Standards

Std 1 - Service Delivery Std 2 - Safety Shower & Eyewash Station Std 3 - Maintenance Std 4 - Equipment (Facilities & Workshop) Std 5 - Wellsite Operations Std 6 - Industrial Services Std 9 - Pumping CO2 Std 11 - Pumping Nitrogen Std 12 - Permit to Work Std 14 - Power Winches Std 15 - Lockout / Tagout Std 16 - Tree Savers & Downhole Tools Std 17 - Storage & Handling of Oxidizers Std 18 - Material Handling & Chemical Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Std 19 - Barge & Vessel Operations Std 20 - Offshore Safety Std 22 - Coiled Tubing Safety Std 22A - Coiled Tubing for Coiled Tubing Drilling Operations Std 23 - Testing & Inspection of Treating Equipment Std 24 - Laboratory Operations Std 25 - Confined Space Operations Std 26 - Air Tanks & Receivers Std 27 - Inspection & Testing of Pressure Relief Valves & Gauges Std 28 - Pressure Management Operations Std 30 - Pumping Combustible & Flammable Fluids

OFS QHSE Standards

Std 1: Journey Management and Driving Std 2: QHSE Reporting SQ & hSE Std 3: Personal Protective Equipment Std 4: Emergency Response Std 5: Passport Std 6: Health Std 7: QHSE Management System Audit Std 8: Environment Std 9: Loss Prevention Team (LPT) Std 10: Exemption Std 11: Personal Security Std 12: Contractor & Supplier Management Std 13: Mechanical Lifting Std 14: Pressure Std 15: H2S Std 16: Fire Prevention & Mitigation Std 17: Injury Prevention Std 18: Radiation Std 19: Explosives Std 20: Risk Analysis & Risk Control Std 21: Data Quality

MS 7 - PM&I - Expand on Compliance Monitoring:

Systematic ASSESSMENTS & INSPECTIONS to ensure compliance with all company policies, standards, etc., laws & regulations. Assessment - An evaluation of a location's compliance with specific company standards, by and external or internal team, using specific protocol tools. Produces RWP Inspections - a formal verification to measure compliance with a procedure or a specification. Generall done by using a checklist and often producing a RWP.

How are the 8 QHSE MS elements continuously improved?

Through the Feedback loops

MS 8 - A&R - What is the purpose?

To determine how the management system is working and what can be done to improve it

MS 7 - PM&I - What is the purpose:

To find out how well we are doing, what we should be doing, and measuring management system performance.

MS 4 C&SM - Expand on the purpose of this:

To make sure that 3rd party's products and services meet applicable OFS QHSE standards

What is QUEST?

Web-based application used in Schlumberger to collect Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment information.

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