QKnowledge 9.9 Start
Q63 Can I add a word to the spell checker dictionary?
No, but if click on "Spell Check" then you can say words are fine using the text entry box.
Q102 Anonymize Responses, Download Mailing History
" - Anonymize responses: removes all personal data, including IP address (which anonymous link does get) - Download mailing history: has response ID, last/first name, external data ref, email, status (i.e. started survey), end date, link for each respondent, link expiration"
Q42 Understand what Simple TXT used to import surveys look like
"Begin each question with a number followed by a period ("."). Place choices below the question text with a blank line between the question and the answer choices. Make a question multiple answer by adding "[[MultipleAnswer]]" on the line just below the question text. Designate a Matrix question by separating statements and scale points into two groups with a space in between. The statements are the first group of choices while the scale points are the second group. Designate a new block by adding "[[Block]]". Insert a page break by adding "[[PageBreak]]"."
What is the value of the "status" column in an email distribution download for the following scenarios? (Generate personal link and send out through personal mailer, send out through qualtrics mailer and don't click on link, partial response with 0% completion closed*, partial response with at least 1 pg of data closed, response completed by respondent)
"- Generate personal link and send out through personal mailer: Email Not Sent (if they haven't clicked on the link); if they have then it'll say Started Survey - Send out through qualtrics mailer and don't click on link: Email Sent - Partial response with 0% completion closed*: Email Not Sent if personal links, Email Sent if emailer - Partial response with at least 1 pg of data closed: Partially completed survey - Response completed by respondent: Finished Survey"
Q130 Importing responses errors
"- Incorrect delimeter (all data is displayed in the first column) - special character encoding issues (displayed incorrectly) - File could be too large (max is 100mb) - Column order could be not matching"
Q76 Partial Completion, Partial Completion and Survey Expiration & emailed link expiration
"- Partial Completion: how long respondents have before partial response is either recorded or deleted (default is 1 week, recorded) - Survey Expiration: how long before survey becomes unavailable to people who have not clicked on the link yet - Partial completion deadline overrides the survey expiration deadline once the link is clicked on - Emailed link expiration: how long before the link to enter the survey does not work"
Q82 Save & Continue, Allow authenticating respondents to retake authenticated section Options, and other authenticator options
"- Save & Continue: respondents can leave the survey, then come back where they left off - Retake authenticated section: can authenticate into the same survey to retake the same section - Reload any previously saved progress upon authentication: previously saved progress is reloaded into authenticated section; if this is enabled, you must have only one authenticator at the top of your Survey Flow; also, should disable Save and Continue or else someone can begin the authenticated section on multiple devices and then return and complete multiple responses - if distributing survey with individual links, don't need Save and Continue enabled"
Q200 I'm the Brand Administrator at a university, and one of my students accidentally created a free trial account. I'm unable to create an account for him because the username was already used to make the trial account. How do I get an account for them in my brand?
"1. Have Qualtrics support delete their trial account 2. Have Qualtrics do a user move 3. Add +1 to the username (not email)"
Q215 To which countries can you send Individual Links over SMS for participants to take on their mobile browsers? What about 2-way SMS?
"2-way SMS) Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Lithuania Malaysia Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States of America. SMS Invite (individual Links) - can be sent anywhere that accepts SMS distributions via Twilio.
Q169 What will happen if I add or delete a recipient after the survey was already sent out? Will a person I deleted be able to finish the survey? Will their survey response be deleted? If not, will their contact list information still be in their survey response?
"Add a recipient: If you download the distribution history, the link will be there. You can also get them their link by sending a reminder, or by sending out a new distribution to just them Delete a recipient: - The recipient already finished: the data will not be deleted, but they won't show up in the distribution history. The contact list info will be in the survey response - The recipient started the survey: The link would still work and they could still finish the survey - The recipient hadn't started: ""URL is incorrect"" message. The link is broken and they can't take the survey"
Q143 Stub/Banner header dropdown
"Also in Cross Tabs; stubs are horizontal, banners are vertical, add multilevel stuff, delete it, merge it, add user equation."
Q221 Who can create ticketing queues? Can a ticketing queue be made available to a specific team? To all users? When will a ticket be included in a queue?
"Click View All Tickets -- only brand admins can create a ticketing queue. Yes, queues can be assigned to a team. There is a box that says ""Enable Queue for all users"" you can check. BA goes to View All Tickets, Tools, Managing Queues Depends on the conditions you set in Managing Queues (Project, Status, etc.)"
Q115 What's the difference between a failed email and a bounced email?
"Failed: email didn't send. Email address is incorrect, blacklisted, ect. Bounced: email sent, but was rejected on the recipent end by the email server or something"
Q3 Understand the options and data output for: File Upload Question, Timing Question, Heat Map, Highlight, Signature, etc
"File Options -Has content validation for PDF, Document, Spreadsheet, Graphic, Extensions -Also has custom validation -Can view ID, Size, Name, and Type in Data and Analysis
Q61 What is a quick way in the tools menu to see all of the coded values of all of the questions at the same time?
"Hold Command-Shift and click on ""Tools"", then click on ""Support Mode"". Also could export to Word"
Q44 Multiple Match Handling, Quota Actions, and Public Quotas Dashboards. When I open up my Public Quotas Dashboard, I don't see anything. Why is this happening?
"Multiple Match Handling = ex: can customize quotas to only increment least full in a group of quotas. Go to the GROUP quota dropdown and select the option. Quota Actions = what you want survey to do once quota is met (ex: end survey, prevent all new survey sessions, nothing, etc.) Public Quota Dashboards = display your quotas on a public webpage for anyone to see. GROUP quota dropdown, select the public quota option. May not see anything because you haven't made any quotas. Or, they don't have that permission. Talk to brand admin to get the permission enabled if it's turned off."
Q75 Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing
"Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing in Survey Options is used to keep people from taking a survey multiple times; this is not foolproof though because it uses cookies, and therefore can be bypassed with an incognito window or another browser (or just clearing cookies).
Q54 I've translated my survey. How do I make sure that when a contact list member is emailed the survey, that they'll open the survey in the correct language? Is there a way for me what language the participant completed the survey in?
"Qualtrics attempts to detect language automatically depending on the browser, but to be sure: go to their entry in the contact list, click edit, then click on Language, and set their language to the language you want them to take the survey in. You can also accomplish this by putting the correct language code for each contact in a CSV file under the Language column, then uploading that contact list to Qualtrics. You can also create different anonymous links for each language by adding ?Q_Language=languagecode to the end of each link. To see what language the participant took the survey in, add Q_Language as an embedded data field to the survey flow before (or after bc retroactive) respondents take the survey. You check Q_Language in Data and Analysis to see what language they took it in."
Q204 Understand Shared Survey Users. When are they created? Why are they created? Hint: Make sure you read up on this on the Knowledge Base!
"Shared survey users are created when shared accross different data centers (true) Shared survey users are created whenever surveys are shared (false) ... Whenever a brand involved has SSO (false, only true if the originating brand has SSO) Brand administrators can see shared users (false) MBA: shared survey user type (true)"
Q170 What if I change some embedded data after I sent out the survey? Will someone who hasn't started have the survey have the updated embedded data in my data? What if they've already started survey? Will the changes be in the data?
"Someone who hasn't started the survey: will see the changes once the start the survey as long as you have published the survey. Already started: will NOT see the changes no matter what, and the additions won't be in the data"
Q199 I'm a brand administrator. I need to set up people who can approve surveys and people who need to have them approved. Please select which permissions need to be turned ON for those who can give approval and those who need approval.
"Survey approver: ""approve surveys"" enabled and ""activate surveys"" enabled. Survey approvee: ""approve surveys"" disabled and ""activate surveys"" disabled"
Q144 What is a p-value, and what does it indicate?
"The probability that the results you have are due to chance. 05 means correlation is significant 95% of the time"
QID199 I only want people who complete the survey (get to the very end) to increment my quota. (Quota logic questions are at the beginning of the survey.) How do I ensure that?
"Use branching into an End of Survey Element, and check ""Do not increment quota counts"" Add an embedded data field after the last block of the survey that indicates they completed the survey (ex: field = Finished; value = True), then add a condition to the quota saying that the quota is only incremented if, for example, Finished = True."
Q207 Where can I use the self enrollment access code? Where can I use any other upgrade code that my brand administrator gives me (which website)?
"When you create a new account, it will ask you for an access code (you usually don't actually need to enter in an access code though) You put the upgrade code into the ""Upgrade account"" section of account settings"
Q99 Can I embed my survey into my website? I don't want my respondents to have to click on the link. Rather, I want them to take it straight from my website. Is this possible?
"Yeah but you gotta be good at iframes/custom code (HTML) --> this is Site Intercept If you wanted to have a website in a survey, need: Account permissions: Allow HTML markup, allow Javascript (brand permissions: enable iFrame support) embed the survey on the website using iframe html tag (<iframe src=""survey-URL"" height=""800px"" width=""600px""></iframe>"
Q91 Can I use logic based on what they enter in the authentication field? Can I see what they entered in the results?
"Yes, you can use logic based on what's entered in the authentication field but only if you save it as embedded data. You can see what they entered in the results if you look at the embedded data."
Q74, Custom Survey Validation Messages, Replacing Default Validation Messages, Survey Title, By Invitation Only
"You can create Survey Validation messages for when stuff typed in doesn't fit custom validation. This is done in ""survey options"" The survey title can be changed by clicking on the title right above the first block in the survey, and by clicking on ""Survey Options"" and changing it there. You can check ""By Invitation Only"" in survey options to prevent people from accessing the survey from an anonymous link."
Q53 What things in Qualtrics can I translate and how? Can I use my own language when translating in Qualtrics?
"You can translate any text in the survey, including distribution messages like emails (though you'd have to translate emails manually), and reports. Yes, you can use your own language."
Hot Spot
-Add regions/graphics -Add interactivity: on/off or like/dislike a) This determines how the respondent interacts with the region: on/off allows the respondents to either select or deselect region. b) Like/dislike allows a respondent to mark a region positively, mark a region negatively, or deselect a region. -Add visibility for regions: hidden until hover or always visible -Validation options added are "at least" or "answers range". -Data: If hot spot question was set to like/dislike, a "1" indicates dislike, a "2" indicates neutral (user didn't select region), a "3" indicates like. -If the Hot Spot question was set to On/Off, an unselected region will be indicated by a "1", and a selected region will be indicated by a "2"
Timing Question
-Adds a separate question that times the participant: a) First click: seconds before respondent clicks first b) Last Click: seconds before respondent clicks last ( not including Next button) c) Page Submit: seconds before respondent clicks Next button d) Click Count: total clicks -Can also enable submit after (seconds) -Or can also auto-advance after (seconds) -Can show timer (can count up or down)
-Can edit answer choices, i.e. not just "like/dislike" text. -Can click between the words to separate, group together, or not include as interactive -Can change color schemes, reverse color order. -Can exclude "stop" words, i.e. "it", "a", "an", etc. -Can change text size -Validation options added: "Must select" - determines a max and min number of words or phrases that respondents must express an opinion for before they move forward. -Raw data depends on whether "split multi-value fields into columns" was selected -When columns aren't split, each scale point gets a column, and the words/phrases the respondent rated that scale point are listed in the column. -When columns are split, each scale and phrase combination gets a column. For example, if you have 6 phrases and 3 scale points, you will have 18 columns. Cell will be blank if the respondent assigned that scale point did not answer with that combination.
Heat Map
-Can increase the number of clicks each person gets -Add regions, so it's based on IF the respondent clicks on the region -Choose graphics -In the data set, two columns will be provided for each click participants were allowed to make on the image. One column will include the x-coordinates of each click (from the top-left of the image), and the other will include the y-coordinates of each click (from the top-left of the image) both measured in pixels.
Q25 A client calls into Quni because they're having troubles putting a video into their Rich Content Editor. What could be happening?
1) "Allow all HTML Markup" setting could be turned off on the account. 2) The URL could be wrong, the HTML could be wrong. 3) Or, if they are uploading the video, the file type could be incompatible. 4) they have a trial account. 5) allow Javascript permission is not enabled. 6) has to be 16mb or less
Q142 Data & Custom Highlighter
1) Data highlighter - used in crosstabs to highlight specific values depending on conditions set. 2) Custom highlighter allows you to highlight one box at a time.
Q10 Default Choices, Editing Recode Values, Variable Naming, and JavaScript
1) Default choices: will pre-populate the question with a predetermined answer (can also use piped text). For MC questions this is just a pre-selected answer. Will still show as respondents answered even if they didn't actually answer due to default. Recommend force response with an N/A option. 2) Editing Recode Values: numeric value assigned to each answer. Updates based on chronology as you are building, i.e. answer choice 1=recode value 1. However, recode values stop updating once you begin collecting responses. Need to manually change the point value associated with each answer. Cannot be negative values. Tools, reset recode values to reset (cannot do this with variable naming). 3) Variable Naming: rename what the data/reports will call that variable when exported. 4) Javascript: allows to add custom java code (not supported). Go to Q community. Contact AE for custom java coding support.
Q202 Is there a way that I can prevent some users in my brand from seeing identified responses? I want everything to appear anonymous to them.
1) For the users you do not want to see identified responses, turn off the "View Restricted Data" permission. Note that questions which explicitly ask for personal information will NOT be hidden. Just the personal information collected by Qualtrics.
Q185 What is the difference between group settings and division settings?
1) Group settings trump division settings and only apply to content in shared library 2) Division settings set permissions. However if there is a difference between division and user settings, the most limiting setting will take effect.
Q110 What can cause the yellow "SPF check fails" error to appear? What about the red yield warning next to the From Address in the Qualtrics Mailer appear?
1) If the yellow "SPF check fails" error appears it means the email addresss does not have SPF set up. SPF is bascially a permission slip that allows users to send from Qualtrics using their own email address. Must be set up by brand administrator. 2) The red yield warning means that the email in the From Address is not a valid email address.
Q158 Know all options to add contacts to a contact list (*Import from a Survey, Add Manually, Import from a file). Note "Import from a survey" is only available in the orginal contact feature. If you login to your AU1 account it has the new contact section called IQ Directory Lite and you'll only have the option to add manually or from a file. For the purposes of the test assume all 3 unless IQ Directory Lite is specified.
1) Import from a file: need to create a excel (CSV or TSV) with at least one column for email. Can have other columns, ie. FirstName LastName, Language, etc. Look at example document for idea. 2) Add manually: allows survey builder to manually enter in email, and other rows, etc. 3) Import from Survey, can import email and other fields if respondents answered that question in a previous survey.
If a text table has too many responses to view on one page - what are the options for showing all of the responses? (automatically create pages for additional rows - public report, split table settings, copy pasting on different pages - which ones work and when?)
1) In Table Options, select "Automatically Create Pages for Additional Rows" and publish the report to the web. 2) In Table Options, use "Number of Rows" or "Split Table Settings to divide your table over multiple pages.
Q8 Understand Randomize Choice, Random Subset, and Undisplayed Items in Advanced Choice Randomization and when you'd use each. Is it possible to have two sets of randomized choices in one question?
1) Randomize Choice: randomizes all the answer choices you put into that box. 2) Random subset: gives you a random subset of all those answer choices you put into the box. 3) Undisplayed items is a great way of hiding certain questions that you don't want to be displayed but also don't want to lose the data for that answer choice. 4) Can have two separate sets of randomized choices by adding some choices into the random choice and some into the random subset (and selecting to show all answer choices in that random subset.
Q84 Reference Surveys, Reference Surveys with Block/Question Randomization - specifically if I have block or question randomization in a reference survey can I export the randomzied viewing order of those blocks or question when I use the reference survey in the survey flow of an actual survey
1) Reference surveys - can copy survey to library (either through library tab itself or projects tab) and re-insert it using the survey flow element. 2) Can export the randomized viewing order 3) Can have block or question randomization.
Q111 What is the difference between SPF and SMTP?
1) SPF allows owners of an email domain to grant permission to certain entities to use that email domain. This allows Qualtrics to send from that email while maintaining high email deliverability (no spam). Without SPF record, more likely to be marked as spam, however, Qualtrics WILL NOT prevent users from sending emails from a custom domain regardless of SPF or SMTP. 2) SMTP - a process that allows you to transfer all Qualtrics emails to your own email server first then send the emails to your recipients. Like a third-party relay system.
Q145 I added t-test statistics to my Cross Tab and there are just a bunch of dashes. Where are all of my p-values? Understand t-tests in general.
1) The t-tests show up as dashes if they are statistically UNSIGNIFICANT 2) P-values would show up in the Chi-Squares on the bottom. 3) A t-test is the measure of the difference in means between two different data samples/groups.
Q159 Updating Contact Lists & updating embedded data
1) Updating contact lists: can manually export the file, then make changes, then re-import. DO NOT delete Recipient ID column, it will create new iterations for each new person if you delete. 2) Can go into the contact list directly and edit. 3) Can use a contact list trigger to update existing members.
Q214 Why would you use the SMS Survey Invite option?
1) Wanted to save money, because 2-way SMS requires a lot of texting back and forth (which is expensive) 2) Wanted to use more features (2-way SMS is incompatible with several Qualtrics features) 3) You don't want to the survey to be anonymous.
Q162 Group Owned Contact Lists
A contact list that anyone in a group can access
Q222 What permissions need to be enabled in order for a user to be able to use the Marketo integration?
Access API, Marketo Integration for Brand, Allow/Show Lead Generator.
Q157 I'd like to include YouTube videos in my survey and have them start playing as soon as the respondent enters the page. How can I set this up?
Add "?autoplay=1" at the end of the URL for the video. If there is already a question mark in the URL, add "&autoplay=1" instead
Q136 What's the best or easiest way to only see detractors in the Data tab of my Data & Analysis Module?
Add filter (</= is a detractor, 7-8 is neutral, 9-10 is promotor) based on the NPS question, select NPS group, then IS detractor. data will be filtered for detractors
Q198 What do the Survey Description settings in Organization Settings allow me to do?
Allows customization for the title and format of the space that comes below the project name when people create a new project. This is good if you want the to specify a course or subject for each survey.
Q148 What operators/options are available when searching in text tools?
And, Or, Not, exact operators, parentheses, ~# (order and proximity can be broadened with a number between 1 and 99),
Anonymize Responses
Anonymize Responses makes responses anonymous; it does not record personal info and removes contact association. More specifically, it removes the IP address and location data. By looking at distribution history or contact history, you can know who has already responded to your survey, but you won't know which response belongs to whom. Also, this setting can apply retroactively -- but make sure you actually want to anonymize bc the identifying info is permanently deleted!"
Q22 What does the {a} button do in the Rich Content Editor?
Piped text
Q160 Consolidating Duplicates & Members' Histories
Based on duplicate emails. One contact will be deleted, the history will be saved. cannot consolidate multiple duplicates at once
Q153 Group Libraries
Brand admin creates groups. If you're in a group, you can see the group library (which has surveys, messages).
Q5 In a Bipolar Matrix Table question, can I have words along the top of the radio buttons as well as on the sides? Is it possible to have people type in their answers instead of using radio buttons on a matrix table?
Can add labels above all the text entry boxes by clicking on "repeat headers" and "all". Yes, you change the Matrix type to "Text Entry", although you can't have a bipolar and a text entry at the same time.
Q166 Is there a way for me to see if a certain contact list member received my reminder email?
Can check the member history, will show if they received thank you or reminder emails.
Q83 Custom End of Survey options
Can set "custom end of survey message", "show response summary", "redirect to a full URL", "send additional thank you email from a library", or "anonymize response"
Q126 Explain each of the statistics found in the Survey Statistics section of Printed Reports. Can I export those statistics?
Can't export
Can I add cross tabs in my printed report?
Cannot add in cross-tabs directly to report/reports. Take a screenshot and then insert the screenshot into the document. In printed reports (classic reports) you can
Q11 Carry forward with Matrix Tables. How do I enable the option to "allow text entry" on choice that was carried forward from a previous question?
Cannot allow this, but there's a work around. Add answer choices with text entry boxes, and put in display logic so that only the selected choice from the previous answer will appear. Not using carry forward feature here
Q101 Advanced Options in the Qualtrics Emailer
Change link type and link expiration
Q119 Filtering, Variable Weighting, and time series in Results and Printed Reports. What are the limitations of these different advanced capabilities in Results versus Printed Reports?
Classic and printed reports are the same. Paginated and reports reports are the same.1) Filtering: can filter by Survey Metadata, Embedded Data, or Question answers in Results or Printed Reports. 2) Variable Weighting: allows you to change the weighting of variables so it is accurately reflected in reports. Can apply weighting in the settings of Results/Reports or for particular questions in the editing pane of those visualizations. 3) In Results, time series can be used to show graphs by date. In Reports, can also do time series, there is no weighting available.
Q6 How do I record text entry answers as numeric values instead of strings?
Click on "Content Validation" under validation type, then have the content type be "Number"
I've changed my mind. I do not want to record any responses in progress. I just want to delete them. What is the best way to delete all of the responses in progress and not record them?
Click on the "responses in progress" on the data and analysis page and click tools and then delete all the responses. The other way you can do it is in the survey options menu, go to the bottom to the partial completion section. select "delete" uncompleted responses, then you can close all the partially completed surveys, and then those responses will be deleted.
Q124 Report Options: Hide All Pages, Exporting vs Downloading your Data
Click on the settings icon, then "hide all pages". "Export raw data" takes you to data & analysis. Download data allows you to download the reports
Q208 Common API (V2) calls and an overall idea of what types of API (V2) calls there are.
Common API calls around regenenerating tokens, integrations. Allows a third-party to log into account without giving them information.
Q107 Last week, I called support and asked if themes were available for emails. The representative said no, but my colleague said she was able to customize hers with html. Where can I go to do this to mine?
Compose email -> html button
Q51 Do contact list triggers work if the response was a closed partial response? What about an email triggers?
Contact list triggers do not work if the response was a closed partial response. Email triggers do not work in this case if there is no condition (i.e. the trigger is supposed to occur on survey completion). However, if the email trigger is supposed to send based on a condition within the survey, then if that condition has been met (even if the survey has not been finished) and the response is closed, then the email trigger will send.
Q135 Custom Field types, what visualizations you can build using different field types, and why you'd use custom fields, & when you'd use custom fields
Custom Field Types: allows you to add new variables to responses after they've been created. 1) Manual: allows you to manually add tabs to whichever responses you'd like 2) Bucketing: creating a new response that gives each field a grouping based on a categorical question or field in the response so responses can be categorized for reporting or filtering. 3) Formula: creating a new field that is a formulaic combination of other fields in the survey. Types of Manual Fields: a) Date: accepts date information and allows all the breakout options. b) Number: accepts any combination of characters from 0-9 (access to statistics chart and gauge fields visualizations. c) Text: accepts any text, number, or symbol entries and has the same visualization options as text entry questions. d) Tag: allows you to enter multiple separate tags information, similar to a way that Multiple Select, Multiple choice has multiple potential values. Same visualization options as Multiple Choice - Multi Select.
Q13 Does skip logic work if I have question randomization set up?
Depends. as long as the question with the randomization in place is displayed to the respondent, the respondent will be skipped to the end of block or survey. if the question being skipped to is presented before the skip logic question, the skip logic won't work
Q177 What is the difference between disabling an account and deleting an account? Will active surveys in each situation continue to collect data? Will these users still count against the organization's user limit?
Disabling will make account inactive, but keep surveys & librarys. Deleting account deletes all of that. Disabled accounts still collect data, deleted don't. disabled still count against user count. Deleted don't.
Q108 Where can I go to see the link my respondent used to take the survey?
Download the distribution history, or see the Q_URL embedded data field
Q114 What is the circuit breaker and how does it work?
Duplicate emails thing. Prevent spam -- if same exact body/subject and same address within 12 hrs, email will fail. To get by, change subject, body, or email address (can use capitalization, or +1 if gmail)
Q40 What's the difference between duplicating a block in the Survey Flow and copying a block in Block Options?
Duplicated: You can't edit it in the survey. When you're taking the survey, your previous answers are shown. Copied: You can edit the questions in the survey. When you're taking the survey, your previous answers aren't shown and your answers are saved as separate questions in the data.
Q156 What is the best way to include a YouTube video in a survey (so that it has the fewest compatibility issues)?
Embed it using HTML
Q27 I have a video in YouTube but when I put it into my survey using the button that looks like a filmstrip it only works on some browsers. How can I make sure it works on all browsers while still hosting it on YouTube?
Embed/insert the video using the HTML of the video and insert it into the HTML view of the question. Click on the page icon with 2 arrows and paste the HTML there.
Q163 Is there a limit for number of people in a contact list?
File size limit is 100MB. Can only manually add 500 at a time
Q1 My Projects page: All of the filtering options, and the different options on the New Project menu.
Filter by: project type, project name, starred, status, last modified, created, responses, owner, group. Two different views for the projects. All folders vs. specific folders.
Q35 I have a matrix table question and I only want people to say one answer per row and per column. Can I do that?
For each statement (row), make it "make answer exclusive"
Q210 Regenerating API Tokens
Go to Account Settings, Qualtrics IDs, Regenerate token. DO NOT regenerate if you already have one - it will disrupt your current integrations. For example, if you logged into the Offline App with API then regenerated your token, you need to stay logged in but double tap the icon to enter in the new API token.
Q213 How do I distribute my survey to people by phone via 2-way SMS?
Go to the distributions tab, then click the green send SMS Distribution button. Once selected, you should see an option at the top to switch to 2-way SMS.
Q196 A student calls in and saying that they're having troubles logging into their Qualtrics account. Their username is ksmith#usu and and they're trying to login at usu.qualtrics.com. What issues may be affecting this person from logging in?
If they put www. it sometimes doesn't work. They also sometimes need to add the data center into the url (usu.co1.qualtrics.com). They could have a trial account instead of the university accont. Also, try clearing cache and cookies or using an incognito window
Q36 I've collected responses in my survey last spring. I want to send the same survey out to a new group of people but I need to change answer choices for a few of the questions. What will happen to the old data if I: 1) Delete an answer choice 2) Completely change an answer choice? And what do you recommendation I do?
If you delete an answer choice, the data for that answer choice will show up as the recode value. If you change an answer choice, the data will now show as that answer choice. I recommend that you copy the survey. Or, you could have display logic on the answer choices you don't want to display that would never occur.
Q168 What is the best way to merge two contact lists into one? Will all contact list members in the new contact list still have their histories?
If you export a list then import that list into a second one you can merge them. Histories won't be retained for people that were imported.
Q106 I'm a student doing research. I sent myself the survey, but for some reason, received the preview survey link instead of the actual survey link.
If you send a "preview email", or if you include a preivew link in your email from the piped text option
Q141 "Download all fields checked versus unchecked"
In the data exporter, you can uncheck "download all fields", and then only the checked columns will download. If you leave it checked, it will download all the columns regardles off if they're checked or not. In both instances, only filtered responses will be downloaded.
Q194 I'm the brand administrator of my brand. I want Division Administrators in Division A to be able to login to their users' accounts from the Administration section. However, I don't want Division Administrators in Division B to be able to login to their users' accounts from the Administration section. Is there a permission that makes this possible?
It's a permission for the division "allow proxy logins." first thing in the "org permissions"
Q125 What is the minimum, maximum, and mean based off of in a chart? (For example, why is my average age 3.92 for my age question?)
It's based off of the recode values, so you woud need to chaged the recode values
Q73 Which permissions are required for someone to view participant's uploaded files from a colleagues survey?
It's not a permission in the collaboration, it's under survey options -> uncheck Protect Participant Files. Also, "View restricted data" truned on in the collaboration options.
Q71 How do I add a logo to the top of every page of my survey?
Look & feel, logo, change image
Q41 Loop & Merge options and Piped Text
Loop and Merge: can pipe in fields, i.e. Field 1 and Field 2. Can also pipe in the loop counts: "Current Loop Number" or "Total Number of Loops"
Q127 I added a new datasource with a filter to my report in Printed Reports, but the filter is not showing in my graphs. What's wrong? How do I fix graphs one by one? How do I add the new data source to all my graphs at once?
Make sure the filter is applied by going to the top right and making sure the filter is selected. If it is a global setting it will apply to all visualization widgets but will not be shown explicitly. You can also apply individually by going to the editing pane. 2) You cannot add a data source to all graphs at once.
Q149 I found an extra 3 responses that I want added to a pre-existing topic. How do I do that?
Manually add them; go to D&A --> Text, then click the green plus next to a response to tag to a pre-existing topic
Q30 How can a participant uncheck a radio button of a Multiple Choice - Single Select question if they decide they don't want to answer the question?
Multiuple choice question. It needs to be a "multiple answer question". After that, you either on each answer click on the drop down menu and make it "make answer exclusive", or you click on custom validation and have a range of no more or less than 1.
Q2 Sharing permissions: User account permissions vs sharing permissions, how to share and how to see shared surveys, etc
Need permission to collaborate inside or outside of the organization. When sharing, can allow users to either edit, view reports, activate/deactivate, copy, or distribute. Share by going to the collaborate and adding the email. See shared surveys in the "Shared with Me" folder.
Q217 What permissions are required to connect a collaborated survey to Tableau?
Need the Access API Permissions on account and verify that your brand has Tableau Integration.
I have a lot of responses in progress higher than 0%. I'd like to move them to recorded responses. Is there anything special that I need to check to make sure that they are all recorded properly or does it just record them no matter what?
Need to check that you have the partial completion set to record, not delete. If you manually close them it will perform the action based in survey options. You can manually close them or wait until the partial completion deadline passes.
Can I change the emailed link expiration date after I have sent the survey out?
Q218 Can I link multiple Qualtrics accounts to one Slack account?
Q220 Without using teams, can a ticket be assigned to more than one user?
Q104 If I send a thank you distribution, will participants whose responses were closed by the partial completion survey option receive a thank you email?
No - survey doesn't register person as finished if it's a partial complete. thank you emails only go to finished respondents
Q103 When an inline question is inserted in an email, the participant can click directly on that button. The survey will pop open in a new tab. Will the response to the inline question be automatically recorded?
No - the response will be deleted unless they "submit" the first question to get above 0% completion
Q183 Is it possible for a Group to own a survey?
No, it has to be single ownership
Q165 If a contact list member unsubscribes, will he/she be unsubscribed from all contact lists that he/she is a part of?
No, just that contact list
Q78 If I password protect my survey, will respondents with unique links have to enter a password every time they click on the link?
No, only the first time (assuming they get the password right)
Q188 I'd like to change the User Type of a large number of current users. Do I have to do this one-by-one?
Nope! go to "coupon codes" make an upgrade code. (do uses per code, not a ton of individual codes), then create them and send them by email to the fools you want to upgrade. They add them in their account settings under upgrade account
Q49 I don't like the format of the response report in the email trigger. Can I edit this?
Nope, but you could creeate your own using piped text
Q113 If I put someone in a contact list twice, will they be emailed two surveys?
Not if it's the same email, it will send once (duplicate emails don't send). However, if the respondent finishes the survey, and there are reminders set up - they will still get the reminders because the system reads their second email address as if they hadn't completed the survey.
Q28 Edit Multiple?
Only works if the survey doesn't have responses on it and if the survey isn't copied from a survey that had responses. It allows you to add or edit multiple answer choices all at once. required custom code to get back (switch the Panel IDs)
Q101.5 What does Completion Rate mean that's found in the distribution summary?
Percent of recipients of the distribution that have opened it and have completed the survey (completed/opened and completed)
Q96 How do I assign each of my participants a random number, and put that random number into a contact list when they complete the survey?
Put Embedded Data in Survey Flow; create a field (ex: RandNum) and set it equal to a random integer. Make sure you have a question asking for their email. Then set up a contact list trigger that takes their email and a field that saves the RandNum embedded data field.
Q89 I have three blocks and all three will be shown to each survey taker. I need to make sure Qualtrics evenly presents the permutations of these blocks. Is this possible, and if so, how?
Put all three under a randomizer in survey flow. Make sure "Randomly select __ of the following elements" has a "3" and that "Evenly Present Elements" is checked.
Q29 Can I time my whole survey? I want to know how long it's taking people to complete the survey.
Q_Duration embedded data if you are piping the value in somewhere. If you just want to know how long it took someone to complete the survey, just go to Data & Analysis, add a column, survey metadata, and "Duration"
QID71 What is the difference between a single response report and a response summary? (Clarification: These features are found in the End of Survey element and email triggers)
Response report is the thing that gets emailed in email triggers. Reponse summary is the summary of the response that comes at the end of the survey before submission. can't show scoring
Q132 The response type is listed as spam in Data & Analysis. What does this mean?
Responses are flagged as spam if multiple identical responses are received from the same IP address within a 12-hour period
Q138 Exporting Responses in Progress
Responses in progress -> tools -> download csv
Q152 What's the best way to look at my responses that don't have an assigned topic?
Select the grayed out portion of the pie chart and it will show all the repsonses that don't have an assigned topic.
Q23 How do remove formatting from the text of one of my questions?
Select the question, click on tools, click on review, click on strip formatting. Or, click on the question text then click "Remove Formatting". For answer choices need to do this by going into Rich Content Editor, there is no "Remove Formatting" button.
Q31 I have display logic set on scale points on a matrix table question and on the ones that are displayed, I want to make sure that they answer at least 1 answer per column. I have custom validation set up for this, but if the scale point isn't displayed it always fails. How do I fix this?
Set logic so that it passes custom validation "If Scale Point is displayed" and count is greater than or equal to one or "Z Statement is selected" OR "Scale point is not displayed"
Q43 Understand the survey accessibility tool
Shows you what questions are/are not meting the web accessibility standards for the JAWS reader
Q122 In my report in Results, how do I see a full list of my text entry answers on one page? What about in Printed Reports?
Slide the number of questions per page to 100, that's the max. In Printed reports (i.e., reports reports), the max is 250
Q206 I'm the brand admin. Can you push back the expiration date on my brand's account?
Support cannot. They need to contact the AE
Q79 Survey Director
Survey Director: can have the same link but switch surveys depending on conditions. For example if you ran a clothing company and wanted to send our seasonal links for 4 surveys but only wanted to USE one link. Can link to Survey, Public Report, or User Defined URL. Can add embedded data to each action set, i.e. if it triggers for a specific location can set embedded data for that location.
Q164 If I email a survey to multiple contact lists, how can I tell which contact list the respondent came from in my data?
Survey Metadata: panel ID
QM1 - How are survey links affected when a Brand Expires? When a user account is disabled?
Survey links still work when the brand expires and a user account is disabled. However, the users in the brand will not be able to get into their accounts (samw when a user account is disabled. Data is still collected.
Q203 If the Access Mailer permission is disabled, what features don't work?
The Access Mailer permission doesn't allow users to send emails via: Distributions, Email Triggers, Actions (emails), or sending email to a contact list.
Q21 I've removed all of the formatting, but my question text is still bolded. What could be happening?
The Look & Feel tab has the setting for the question text to be bolded, and that applies globally for the entire survey. Or, you removed global formatting, but local formatting still has bold on (or vice versa)
QID217 I have a survey with two blocks and the back button option is enabled. I noticed that the back button isn't shown on the first question of block 2. How do I get it to appear?
The back button will not work across blocks with elements between them, to get this to work we would need to combine the questions into one block or utilize a table of contents. Or, delete the survey flow elements between the blocks.
Q118 I deleted a distribution. Will this delete the contact list I sent this survey to? Will the contact list members still have their histories and will the data be connected to them? Will I still be able to to create a sample based on logic of the last survey they took?
The contact list will not be deleted, the history and data will still be connected to them, and you can still create a sample based on the logice of the survey
Q14 I accidentally deleted a question after collecting responses. What are the consequences and what can I do about it?
The data will disappear. However, if you restore the question the data will reappear (as long as you don't empty the trash and the question disappears completelty). If you have the question in a different spot than when people took the survey, the recode values are what will appear in data. If you move it back to the original spot, the correct values are what will appear in the data (i.e., yes and no).
QID5 I shared my survey to someone outside of my organization and put in their email. I know they have multiple accounts. Which account will my shared survey show up in?
The first account that they log into with that email will get the survey.
Q191 Where can users go to see what Division they are in?
They can't, but the brand admin could upload a logo for each division
Q212 Does SSO affect how to log into the Offline App?
The username is different, there is a #[brand] at the end of the username. Thus, it is not always the email address. Everything else stays the same.
Q60 I am trying to generate test data using the "test survey" feature, but it keeps telling me that there is a validation error. What could be going wrong?
There is impossible validation that prevent test responses from completing the survey.
Q137 I have a lot of blank responses in progress at 0%. When I close the responses will these be recorded in my results?
They will not be recorded in any circumstance
Q85 If I reorder the questions in the Survey module, what will this affect?
This just affects the order that respondents see the questions in. As long as you don't delete anything, the data will be fine.
Q140 In my exported data, I have a 9 in the status/response type column. What does this mean?
This means that it is a possible preview spam response (1 = preview response 8 = spam) Statuses are: 0 = normal response; 1 = preview response; 2 = test response; 4 = imported response; 8 = spam response; 16 = Qualtrics offline app response; 17 = previews submitted through the offline app.
Q131 How do I delete all of my preview responses at the same time?
Tools -> delete data -> survey previews
Q45 Simple Logic Quotas vs Cross Logic Quotas
Unlike a Simple Logic quota, a Cross Logic quota uses percentages to define how respondents are distributed in your quota. This quota type is ideal when you have multiple groups of conditions.
Q90 Is there a way to tie responses to contact list members if I'm using an anonymous link?
Use an authenticator, use query strings and embedded data
Q98 I need to post my anonymous survey link on the board of my classroom. How do I make the anonymous survey link shorter so that it's easy for me to write on the board and easy for students to read?
Use bit.ly or tinyurl etc. or customize anonymous link in distributions
Q20 I want to ask for a person's email address in the survey and then have them re-enter it to confirm. How can I make sure they match?
Use custom validation on the second question that only passes if what they write in the second question is equal to the piped text from what they wrote in the first question. Or, have a text entry form question where both spots are in the same question.
Q154 Validation Messages
Use default or custom. Can store custom ones in your library
Q205 I have a student who is graduating; how can I move her survey into the account of another user in my brand?
Users tab -> email of the graduating student -> view account use info -> click on "transfer surveys" -> enter in the email of the other user
Q211 How can we test an error the client is seeing on the Offline App?
We can test ourselves in the Offline App by logging in with their username and API token. Note there are some incompatible features with the Offline App. 2) Can also get the same device and download the .qsf into your account and test from there.
Q97 I want an email to be triggered to a respondent halfway through completing a survey. It absolutely has to be in the same survey, so I can't use any redirects to use the built in email trigger function. How can I do this? I know it's possible using the survey flow.
Web service- reach out to the integrations team for this
Q55 I want to upload a translation (Chinese) but the characters aren't coming in properly. How can I bring them in correctly?
When uploading the translation, make sure the file is in in Unicode Text (Excel) format.
Q171 I sent my survey to a contact list. Afterwards, I noticed duplicate contact list members. In one instance, my colleague completed the survey twice (once from each unique link). What will happen when I consolidate those 2 panel members? Will their data still be there? What will the contact list member's history look like?
When you consolidate the two panel members, the data for the survey will still be in the data & analysis for both responses. Both histories will be there, but only the embedded data for one contact will be there.
Q129 When I share my survey with a colleague, will either the reports built in Results or in Printed Reports show up in my colleague's account?
When you share the survey, both Results/Reports and Printed Reports will be built in (Classic Reports will not). Other sharing options are Scheduled Report Email and Public Report Dashboard.
Q77 Why is it important to set the Survey Language in Survey Options to be the language you're actually using the in the Survey Module?
When you translate the survey, you want the current language to match the language that is actually in the survey under that setting (there's another FAQ like this)
Q151 I have text topics already set up in the Text tab of Data & Analysis. As people continue to take my survey, which those new responses be automatically tagged with the correct text topics? Do I need to do anything?
Will automatically be applied to correct topic or tag them but have to pull them into to text IQ. For old and new Text IQ. Press green button to update.
Q58 Can I display the participant's score of a single scoring category after each question?
Yep! Go to the scoring page, then scoring options, then Show scoring summary for category after each question
Q56 Can I score the same questions in two different ways, giving someone two different scores for the same set of questions?
Yep! Just have multiple scoring categories
Q65 As a Quni rep, you're troubleshooting a past revision of a survey. Is it possible to export the old revision, edit it, and create a new survey with that version?
Yep! go to version history, view in editor, then export the survey to a .qsf file. Import it back into your account and create a new survey.
Q223 Can you pull Embedded Data into Marketo?
Yes you can. When creating the links you can pull in the embedded data from Qualtrics.
Q100 I want to keep my survey anonymous (I plan on distributing with an anonymous link), but I need to be able to enter the respondents in a raffle, so I need to know who completed the survey. Is this possible?
Yes! At the end of the survey, redirect respondents to a URL that is the anonymous link of a different survey. That is where they will enter in their information.
Q38 Is there a way to stop collaborators from editing specific blocks in a survey?
Yes! Click on "block options" then "lock block"
Q33 Is it possible to move multiple questions into a new block all at the same time? Can I add Request Response to all of my questions at one time?
Yes! Select all the questions you want to move to the new block, then click the "move to a new block" option on the right. You can add a "Force Response" on all questions all at the same time, but not Request response
Q48 Does Qualtrics have a search and replace feature?
Yes! Tools, review, search and replace
Q120 I like how the Report Breakout works in Results. Is it possible to do something similar in Printed Reports?
Yes, apply a drill down to your data source.
Q176 A user deleted their survey. Can the deleted survey be recovered?
Yes, by BRAND ADMIN ONLY - they go to user -> view account use info -> find survey and "undelete)
QID224 Can a user type and division be set by SSO attributes
Yes, can be set up by the SSO team, it's called mapping.
Q187 Is there any way for me to determine a User Type and Division for self-enrolled users?
Yes, go to user types and check the "self-enrollment" box to the left of the user type you want. Go to divisions and do same thing.
Q94 Can I use Display Logic on questions in blocks that are included in the Table of Contents?
Yes, however, because you can switch between blocks on the Table of Contents if display logic is based between blocks then it wouldn't work if they don't see the proper blocks first.
Q201 I'm the brand admin. Can I change the logo on the bottom left corner of my account? I want to see my company logo. (Know answer both for how to change for Brand and for a Division)
Yes, you can update the logo on the bottom left hand corner. 1) For a division, this can be changed in the "Organizational Settings" tab. 2) For a brand, this must be updated by our themes team (send them the themes survey).
Q52 Can I upload translations of multiple languages into my survey at once?
Yes, you can upload a translation for every language in translation overview.
Q167 Can I send an email to a contact list without having to include a survey link?
Yes, you send the email from within the Contacts tab
Q121 Can I create a text entry table in Reports that allows me to see every person's text entry response AND the associated name side by side in the same table? If so, how?
Yes, you would need to "add an additional column", then use either a question response where they write their name or an embedded data field that captures their first name from the panel. Neither of these can be done retroactively, so you would need to set up the question/embedded data beforehand
Q72 Is it possible to change the button text on the last page of a multi-page survey to say "Submit" instead of "Next?"
Yes. Put all the questions on the last page in their own block. Click Block Options. Click Next/Previous Button Text. Then you can type in custom messages for the Next and Back buttons just on that page.
Q50 Do contact list triggers work if a survey was sent out using the anonymous link?
Yes. You would need to ask for identifying info in order to update the contact list, though. Or have an authenticator.
Q67 Is there a way to change what questions are included in the progress bar calculation?
Yes; click on Options for a Branch, then check "Exclude from progress bar calculations".
Q70 Is there a way to have a different color on every other row of my matrix?
Yes; go to Look and Feel, then click on Back to Old Editor. Click on Colors, then Alternate Rows. You can pick the color you want here.
Q57 Can I display the overall average score for all of the scoring categories?
Yes; use piped text to pipe in "Weighted Mean" for each category. Or use piped text and math operations together.
Q7 I forgot to add the Meta Info question to my survey. Everyone has already finished taking the survey. If I add the meta info question in now, will I be able to build a bar chart of the meta info?
You can add the "UserAgent" embedded data field, which captures much of the same information as the Meta Info question. However, you will not be able to build a bar chart of the meta info, because the UserAgent embedded data holds all the different info as 1 embedded data field, even though there are multiple pieces of information.
Q81 SSO Authenticators
You can authenticate respondents against a third-party system (i.e. verify that they have a legitimate user ID at your university or have a Facebook account). Options for authentication include Token, CAS, LDAP, Shibboleth, Google OAuth 2.0, and Facebook. You do not need a contact list.
Q59 Can I pipe a score into my survey? Which ways can I base logic in my survey flow on a score?
You can pipe a score into your survey: 1) in the body of an email, slack, and ticketing trigger 2) Directly into a question text or choice text 3) Embedded data fields then pipe those embedded data fields into the editor 4) Can use with branch logic by piping into embedded data field then using branch based on that embedded data.
Q55 I see that I have the ability to change the default language for my survey in the Survey Options. Couldn't I just leave it as English but write the survey in Chinese? What are potential issues when doing this? Could ghost translations be causing problems?
You could leave it as English, but write the survey in Chinese - however, it will read the default language as whatever the survey is written in. For example, if the survey is written in Spanish but the default language is English, your respondent will get confused when switching languages. Ghost translations can be checked by going to the translate survey section and deleting all the translations that have the "delete" button next to it.
Q16 I created a choice group but it's not showing up when I preview the survey. Why is this?
You have hidden the group title, or you have used display logic on all the options in the options in the group.
Q92 I have put in an authenticator but everyone who comes in is still able to see the questions even if they fail authentication. Why is this?
You probably didn't put the question blocks nested under the authenticator
Q34 When would you Allow Text Entry? What customization options are available for Allow Text Entry?
You would "allow text entry" on a multiple choice question when the option is "other", or something like that. You can customize the text entry size, and you can have validation on the text entry box.
Q117 I distributed my survey to a contact list, and have since deleted that contact list. What is the effect of this on my responses?
Your responses that have already been started or finished will be fine. Responses that haven't been started yet, the links will become inactive, so they won't be able to take the survey. (If anonymous or multiple completes links were sent out, then peeople will still be able to take the survey).
Q139 Export Data Set options
csv, tsv (good for Chinese/language stuff), XML, SPSS, User Submitted Files, Tableau
Q2M I forgot to add in a ED variable for "School" and have now finished collecting my responses. Is there a way I can add a new field for "School" to my response data and mass assign a value based on the domain of the respondents email (i.e. select all emails ending in @byu.edu and assign the value of BYU to a new field I call "School"?)
data & Analysis -> add field -> tag normal type, name it school -> filter the @byu.edu ones -> Select them -> "with selected" -> edit -> embedded data -> tag it as "BYU"
Q216 Where can you find the link that goes into the Tableau Web Data Connector?
data & analysis -> export -> Tableau
Q128 Can I pull my text topics into any of my reports in the Reports module?
embedded data -> topics
Q18 Where can I use piped text?
embedded data, question text, answer text, add default choices, email triggers, distribution messages, loop and merge. Basically, anywhere you can write text. Needs a page break to work. CANNOT use in quotas
Q181 What's the difference between groups and divisions?
groups can share libraries. Divisions can share permissions and you can have division admins to take care of brand admin stuff for a division. Can be in multiple groups, but only 1 division.
Q80 Embedded data set from a URL.
i.e., query string. Add ?EmbeddedDataTitle=Value to the end of the URL (or use & instead of ? if there's already a ?). Then put an embedded data field with the same title in Survey Flow. Its value will be set to that from the URL
Q32 I have to use custom validation on my survey question, but if validation fails, I want it to act like the "request response" feature where it asks them if they want to finish the question or move on. How do I do this?
if create a question with display logic that "checks" validation from previous question. (ex: if email isn't correct, then display question with message asking if person wants to finish or move on)
Q182 When I create a Group, what does the option mean to "give access to all users in brand?"
it's "available to all users..." and it means all users in the brand can see libary shared to the group.
Q219 Can I add more than one question in my survey within the Slack channel?
not within "one" survey. but you can just do two surveys
Q197 I just received 11,000 copies of email invitations in my inbox. They all look pretty similar but they are all addressed to different people. What is happening?
organization settings -> Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) all email to email@email.end. This will send a bcc for eVERY email sent on brand to that email
Q189 How do I change the text seen on my branded login page (underneath the login fields)?
organization settings: At bottom is text to display on login page
Q133 Retake Survey Link, Retake Survey Link & Save & Continue, Retake Survey Link & the Individual Link
retake survey link: go to data & analysis tab and click on actions dropdown. select either retake response (deletes old response) or retake as new response (keeps old response). Retake survey link is NOT an individual link. It is a link with a query string on the end pulling in the response ID. If it is a retake (not retake as new) link, it will also have Q_DEL=1, which deletes the old response after submission. Can use the same retake link twice? Maybe. If you use a retake response link, it will delete the response you took it from (if use twice it won't work). The retake as new works. Can I use retakes when by invitation only is on? Yes. Only if the response is real. Will my retake link save my progress? Across browsers? Yes, but not across browsers (based on save and continue) Will retake links off individual links reflect changes to embedded data? Yes, nifty :)
Q184 What is the difference between Sharing a Survey with a Group and copying a survey to a Group Library?
sharing the survey is normal collaborating rules. Copying it means anyone in group can use the survey but it's not one survey with one set of responses. Just like having a survey in your own library. (use it as a reference survey)
Q69 What features cause page breaks?
skip logic, page break button, new block, look and feel specifying number of questions, carry forward stuff, need page break to have piped text
Q173 As an admin, is there a way to deactivate any of my user's surveys without logging in to his/her account?
yeah, go to the user -> view account use info (at top) -> activate or deactivate survey
Q93 Will screen-outs (checked in the End of Survey Element) count towards my total response limit?
yes - unless custom end of survey element says not to record response when person is screened out
Q179 Is there a way for me (as the Brand Administrator) to download all of my users to a spreadsheet so that I can see how many surveys and responses they have used?
yes -> summary report (in admin) -> scroll to bottom ->Export Stats to CSV
Q190 Can Division Administrators create new users?
yes but they can only add users to their division
Q180 What are some benefits of using custom User Types?
you can have some people have some accesses, and others have others. without having to individually edit every user