Quality ch.6

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Which of the following determinants of service quality means approachability and ease of​ contact? A. tangibles B. access C. courtesy D. security


Which of the following determinants of service quality means the firm performs the service right the first time and that the firm honors its​ promises? A. reliability B. credibility C. competence D. responsiveness


Which of the following is an award for quality achievement in​ Japan? A. Tokyo Medal for Excellence in Quality B. Deming Prize C. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award D. ISO 9000


scatter diagram

A graph of the value of one variable vs. another (recall that we used this tool in associative forecasting)

PARETO chart

A graphic way of classifying problems by their level of importance. "For many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes." - Vilfredo Pareto

SPC chart

A process used to monitor standards, make measurements and take corrective action as a product or services is being produced.

cause and effect diagram

A schematic technique used to discover possible sources of quality problems.

A device or technique that ensures production of a good unit every time is a A. ​fail-safe. B. zero defect. C. control chart. D. ​poka-yoke.


Managing quality helps build successful strategies of A. ​differentiation, time and response. B. ​differentiation, low cost and service. C. ​differentiation, time and service. D. ​differentiation, low cost and response


One hundred percent inspection A. catches all of the defective parts. B. is practical and an excellent fit for​ world-class manufacturers. C. means that every part is checked to see whether or not it is defective. D. means that only good parts will be shipped to a customer.


Which of the following is NOT an external failure​ cost? A. lost goodwill B. returned goods C. costs to society D. scrap


Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques for building employee​ empowerment? A. Build​ high-morale organizations. B. Develop​ open, supportive supervisors. C. Build communication networks that include employees. D. Eliminate formal organization structures such as teams and quality circles.


Steps in TQM

Identify the Root Cause to determine the true source of the quality issue "ask why five times" Implement Corrective Actions to both fix the issue and prevent re-occurrence "treat the disease not just the symptom"

techniques for building employee empowerment:

building comm networks tht include employees, dev open supportive supervisors moving respon from both mngrs and staff to production employees building high morale org creating such formal org struct as teams and quality circles

JIT: After inventory is lowered

can focus on process improvement to decrease variability and reduce risk. REMOVE VARIABILITY

TQM tools tht generate ideas incl

check sheet scatter diagram cause and effect diagram

variable inspection

classfications of inspected items like meas dimensions like weight, speed, size, strength to see if item falls within an acceptable range

why quality is important

co rep product liability global implications

managing quality builds a successful strategy of

differentiation, low cost, response

employee fulfillment ex..what it yields

empowerment, org commitment employee attitudes that can accomplish whats important

ISO stand encourages

est of Q mgmt procedures, detailed documentation, work instructions, record keeping

mngr must expect...

exceptions initiated by cust or off operating conditions

note 7 known for spontaneously catching on fire

ext failure did not conduct root cause analysis right just swapped batteries-still caught on fire - took 10 billion hit to end note 7 line

__ ___ __ are a better solution than trying to find defects by inspection

good processes, employee empowerment, source control

quality circle

group of employees who meet reg to solve work rel probs. members rec training in group planning, prob solving, statistical quality control. rec recog from firm

improved quality means

happier cust and increased profits

Which of the following DOES NOT increase profit by improving​ quality? higher warranty costs flexible pricing improved reputation increased productivity

higher warranty costs

tools for iding problems

histogram and SPC chart

each of 10 dec made by op mngrs deals w some aspect of

iding and meeting cust expectations, req TQM

better Q means less inven and a better easier to employ jit system

if consistent Q exists, Jit allows firms to reduce all costs assoc w inven

org practices ex...and what it yields

leadership, mission statement, effective op procedures, staff support, training : whats important and whats to be accomplished

Q loss function QLF

measure to est cost of deviating from target val to est Q costs of diff processes determine if this added cost is worthwhile a simple quadratic equation ids all costs conn w poor qual and shows how these costs increase as output moves away from target val


measurement, tasting, tasting touching weigh, or testing of prod goal to detect bad process immediately doesnt correct deficiencies or change a prod or increase its val only finds def and defects expensive dont add val to prod ensure op prod at qual lvl expected

service Q is judged on basis of whether it... mngr may be able to influence both the ___ of serv and the ___

meets expectations Q and expectation


mgmt of entire org so it excels in all aspects of p/s tht r important to cust if firm wants to compete in leader in world markets

six sigma is __directed, ___based,___approach

mgmt, team, expert led

Quality services

more intang perceptions responsiveness courtesy credibility

Quality goods

more tangible metrics conformance perf useful life easier to track for goods

ext failure costs and ex

occer after delivery of defective parts / s rework, returned goods, liabilities, lost goodwill, costs to society hard to quantify

successful quality strat:

org culture that fosters quality, understanding of the principles of quality, engaging employees in act to implement quality which satisfies customers and obtains a competitive advantage

flow of act to achieve TQM

org practices - quality prin, employee fulfillment, cust satisfaction

quality in technical usage can mean

p/s free of defiencies

TQM tools for organ data

pareto chart and flow chart

JIT just in time

philosophy of continuing improvement and enforced prob solving. to prod/deliver goods just as they're needed. driving optimized inventory levels, improved quality, and lower costs.


popular meas scale for serv qualty compares serv expectations w serv perf focuses on gaps bt those on 10 serv Q determinants

Q robust

products that can be prod uniformly and consistently in adverse manf and environmental conditions. remove effects of adverse conditions instead of removing the causes, bc cheaper and more effective in prod a robust product consist. built to meet cust needs despite adverse conditions in prod process

high quality p/s are the most




ethical conduct for a questionable product introduced


appraisal costs and ex

rel to eval products, processses, parts/s testing labs, inspectors reasonably est

determinants of serv Q

reliability responsiveness competence - having req skills access- ease of contact courtesy- respect communication- keeping cust informed in lang they understand credibility security- freedom from risk, doubt, danger understanding/knowing cust tangibles - phy evidence of serv

SERVQUAL 5 collapsed serv Q determinants

reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, responsiveness

the characteristics that connote Q must first be identified thru

research (a user based app to Q)

Support Serv

How were problems handled after the sale?

To develop a standard or​ benchmark, firms need to start with A. determining what to benchmark. Your answer is correct.B. forming a benchmark team. C. collecting benchmarking information. D. identifying benchmarking partners.


perf measures used in bming

% of defects, cost per unit, processing time per unit, serv response time, ret on I, cust satisfaction rates, cust retention rates


*Statistical definition of a process that is 99.9997% capable, 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO)

six sigma statistical sense program definition

-describes process, p/s with v. high capability -program to reduce defects to help lower costs, save time, improve cust satisfaction, improve qual

DMAIC improvement model steps

1.defines proj purpose, scope, outputs, ids req process info, keep in mind cust def of qual 2.measure process, coll data 3.analyze data, ensure repeatability and reproducibility(others get same result) 4.improves by modifying or redesigning 5.controls new process to make sure perf levels are maintained

Attribute inspection measures A. if the product is good or bad. B. whether or not the product attributes conform to the​ inspector's personal tastes. C. such dimensions as​ weight, speed,​ size, or strength to see if an item falls within an acceptable range. D. if cause and effect are present.


What is training and empowering frontline employees to solve a problem​ immediately? A. service recovery B. quality circle C. courtesy D. employee empowerment



American made mgmt accept reson for building good system Deming prize in Japan

The American Society for Quality defines quality as A. how well a product fits patterns of consumer preferences. B. the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. C. even though it cannot be​ defined, you know what it is. D. the degree of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost.


flow chart

Block diagram that graphically describes a process or system.

Inspections should NOT take place A. at your​ supplier's plant while the supplier is producing. B. at your facility upon receipt of goods from your supplier. C. after costly or irreversible processes. D. during the​ step-by-step production process.


The objective of a statistical process control​ (SPC) system is to A. provide a statistical signal when natural causes of variation are present. B. provide a statistical signal when assignable causes of variation are present. C. assess customer expectations. D. eliminate natural variations.


Which of the following costs is NOT a cost of​ quality? A. rework B. lost goodwill C. research and development D. scrap


Which of the following is the Japanese term used to describe continuous improvement​ efforts? A. kanban B. ​poka-yoke C. kaizen D. six sigma


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the importance of the role that an operations manager plays in addressing service​ quality? A. Managers must expect exceptions. B. The tangible component of many services is important. C. The manager may be able to influence the quality of the service but has little control over the​ customers' expectation. D. The operations manager should realize that the​ customer' expectations are the standard against which the service is judged.


​Taguchi's quality loss function is based on a A. linear equation. B. binomial distribution. C. quadratic equation. D. negative exponential distribution.



How did the product perform versus intended use? User based

TQM Philosophy

Encompasses entire organization from supplier to customer Stresses a commitment toward excellence in everything important to the customer

JIT high inventory does what?

High inventory levels conceal costly process issues Reducing inventory forces process improvement holding inventory = cost scrap setup time late del qual probs process downtime

Psychological benefits

How did I "feel" about the experience - am I satisfied?

conformance to specif ?

Manf based Did product/service meet targets and tolerances?

continuous improvement

PDCA model of ongoing, unending incremental process improvement 4 stages: Plan do check act: shewhart

val for price paid?

Product based Were expectations met based on price paid?


Q a total field tht integrated pthe processes of a co how to learn from otheres successes led to field of cross functional teamwork

used based quality

Q lies in eyes of beholder marketing ppl like this and cust higher Q means better perf, nicer feat

manf based quality

Q means conforming to standards making it right first time production mngrs

product based quality

Q precise, measurable variable

user based

Qual lies in eye of the beholder Used by marketing ppl and customers high Qual means better perf, nicer feat, oother costly improvements


Show the range of values of a measurement and the frequency with which each value occurs.

check sheet

Super simple data collection tool used to quantify the extent of quality problems Often used to collect raw data as first step in an analysis

quality categories:

User based manufacturing based product based

founding father of tqm "The prevailing system of management has crushed fun out of the workplace!"

W Edwards Demining


a spec trained team member helps train members and keeps meetings running smooth

service industry inspection points can be assigned at...

a wide range of locations

tangible component of many services is important ex

accurate bill at hotel, warmth of food, how well car runs after picking up from shop

employee empowerment

added respon, authority moved to lowest level poss involve employees in every step of production process Jack Welch at GE called it "high involvement"

Q control system must ___ and have a set of ____ ____ for less than optimal ____ ____

alt plans, op conditions

A successful quality strategy begins with an understanding of the principles of quality. satisfying customers and obtaining a competitive advantage. an organizational culture that fosters quality. engaging employees in the necessary activities to implement quality.

an org culture that fosters quality

then the manf process is organized to ensure tht products

are made precisely to specifications (manf based app to q)

jit improves Q

as jit shrinks lead time, keeps evidence of errors fresh and limits # of pot sources of error. creates an early earning syst for Q prob within firm and w vendors

ISO is like Baldrige bc is unlike baldridge bc

assment includes self appriaisal and problem identification org must be reaudited every 3 yrs

prevention costs and ex

assoc w reducing pot for dfective parts/s training, qual imporvement prog reasonably est

where to inspect:

at suppliers plaint while supplier is producing at ur facility upon receipt of goods from ur supplier before costly processes during step by step production process when production is complete before delivery to cust at point of cust contact

when inspections take place, Q char may be meas as ...

attributes or variables

op mgnmr objective

build a TQM system that identifies / satisfies cust needs

source inspection

consistent w concept of employee empowerment, where indiv employees check own work each supplier, process, and employee treats the next step in the process as the cust assisted by used of controls such as poka yoke controling/monitoring at the point of prod or purchase, at the source

the cost of poor quality is...bc..

consistently underestimated bc est costs hard to quantify

kaizen zero defects TQM

cont improvement efforts

target oriented Q

cont improvement to bring prod exactly on target.

7 effective TQM concepts program from Deming 14 points

continuous improvement six sigma employee empowerment benchmarking just in time taguchi concepts knowledge of TQM tools

COQ cost of quality categories

cost of doing things wrong: price of nonformance leaders in field of Qual mgmt: deming, juran, crosby prvention costs, appraisal cots, int failture, ext failure

improved quality allows....as

costs to drop .. productivity increases and lower rework scrap and warranty costs

qual prin ex..what it yields

cust focus, continuous improvement, benchmarking, just in time, tools of TQM how to do whats important and to be accomplished

quality is the ability of a p/s to meet

cust needs

differentiation, low cost, and response example

defining cust quality expectations, efficient processes, quality systems

keys to Q serv:

designing the product managing the service process matching cust expectations preparing for exceptions

steps for benchmark dev

determine what to benchmark form a benchmark team id bming parterns collect/analyze bming info take action to match/exceed the bm

intang differences __ ___ expectations __ __ __ __ attributes __ __ __ __

differences bt products expectations cust have of products attributes may not be defined (unspoken imgs in mind)

increase sales by

improved respon flex pricing improved rep

taguchi concepts

improving both prod/process Q: quality robustness, target oriented Q, Q loss function target oriented Qual

latest modification of ISO

in 2015 makesmore compatible w other mgmt systems greater emphasis to risk based thinking to provent undersirable outcomes


in the trad trade off bt cost of improving Q and cost of poor Q cost of poor Q is understated, cost of poor q should incl all things not involved in not doing job right the first time coined zero defects no reason for having errors or defects in any p/s

poor q prod is bc of .....and results in...

inadequate deisgn/production processes higher production costs injuries, lawsuits, increased gov reg

the var in Q can be expected to ___ _ as the item __ _______ ___ from its target value

increase costs, output moves away

improvements in quality..which..

increase sales and reduces costs..increases profitability

Which of the following could reduce costs and increase​ profit? improved response flexible pricing improved reputation increased productivity

increased productivity

lower costs by:

increased productivity lower rework and scrap fewer warranty claims

a vehicle for improving the syst


Quality failure costs

int and ext failures cost more than Q controol costs


is the management of an entire organization so that it excels in all aspects of products and services that are important to the customer

attribute inspection

items are good or defective, doesnt address degree of failture

poka yoke and ex

literal trans: mistake proofing device/tech ensureing prod of good unit enery time foolproof tech ensures production of good units every time avoid errors and provide quick feedback of problems diesel gas pump not fit into unleaded gas tank mcdonalds french fry scoop hospitals prepackaged surgical coverings w exact items needed for procedures

implementing six sigma requires

major time commitment esp from top mngers

char tht connote Q must first be identified through .... a .... app to quality. these char then translated into .... a .... app to Q. then the manf process is org to ensure that ... a ... app to Q.

research, user based spec product attributes, product based products are made precisely to specifications, manf based

int failure costs and ex

result from production fo defective parts/s before delivery to cust rework, scrap, downtime reasonably est

2 ways quality improves profitability

sales gains via improved response, flex pricing, improved rep and reduced costs via increase productivity, lower rework, scrap, warranty costs

jit cuts cost of quality bc of

scrap rework inven investment and damage costs are dir rel to inven on hand. less inven on hand: costs are lower. inven hides bad qual, jit exposes bad q


sel a demonstrated stand of perf tht rep v. best perf for a process serv, costs, practices that rep very best perf for processes or activities very sim to own. dev a target at which to shoot and then dev a stand against which to compare ur perf. Technique for identifying, understanding, and adapting best practices of other organizations (internal or external) and applying them to your own.

9/10 of determinants of serv Q are rel to..

serv process

ISO 9000 int Q stand prin

set of qual stand dev by Int Org for Standardization (ISO) only qualty stand within int recog, critical to be on list if want to do bus globally top mgmt leadership cust satisfaction continual improvement involvement of ppl process analysis use of data driven dec making systems app to mgmt mut beneficial supplier rel

these char are then translated into

spec product attributes (prod bsaed app to q)

increase in sales occurs when..

speeds response, increase/lower sp, improve reputation for quality products

six sigma is a system of

strategy: bc focus on cust satisfaction discipline: follows DMAIC.. set of 7 tools

to create a quality g/s op mngers need to know what..

the cust expects

quality by American Society for Quality def

the totality of feat/char of a p/s that bears on its ability to satisfy/stated or implied needs

when nonconformance occurs

the worker is seldom at fault

2 diff failure w batteries led to root cause after samsung loss

then finally overhauled its safety testing process

manf based

thought by prod managers believe Q means conforming to standards and making it right the first time

knowledge of TQM tools

to empower employees and implement TQM as a cont effort, everyone in org must be trained in TQM tech.

idea of source inspection poka yokes and checklists is..

to guarantee 100% good p/s at each step of a process


top mgmt commitment, support, inolvement in Q effort. teams to cont raise Q stand Q as fitness for use and cousing on cust

service recovery strat

train and empower frontline employees to immediately solve a problem


type of poka yoke ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task ex: software q assurance lists

malcolm baldrige national quality award

us est for quality achievement named after former secretary of commerce

inspection process has


Product based

views Q as a precise and measurable var Ex really good ice cream has high butterfat levels

op mngers need to know critical points in the system:

when to inspect, where to inspect

ultimate goal

win cust

cust satisfaction ex..what it yields

winning orders, repeat cust an effective org w a competitive advantage

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