Questions for Stranded

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Who says "People do fine in life if all the knots they tie is good?

" Nickeljack, p. 42

What does Koby answer when Nickeljack says, "Take good care of yourself"?

"'Cause nobody else will", p. 45

What does Dutch call lobsters?


How does Nickeljack explain his name?

"It's better than Dollar Bill", p. 39

How far away is the nearest phone from the stranded whales?

10 minutes, p. 71

Hold old is Koby when the story begins?

12 years old

How many stranded whales does Koby find?

3, p. 70

How long is Dream Chaser?

50 feet

How many lobster traps has Dutch lost?


How old was Koby Easton when she lost her foot?

8 years old

What shape is Koby's bedroom/cabin?

A V-shape

What type of dog is Squid?

A basset hound

What is the whale cream in?

A bread bag, p. 66

What kind of light is in the rescue kit?

A chemical light; shake to activate, p. 76

What kind of fish does Koby clean on the stern?

A cobia

What kind of hairstyle does Max Grogan have?

A crew cut, p. 84

What is the first sign of help coming for Koby?

A flicker of green and red light, p.78

What's the only thing to get Dad excited?

A hurricane, p. 73

Why was it dangerous for Koby to touch the whale calf?

A mother whale could attack anything touching her baby.

What snags Koby's ankle and scares her?

A piece of seaweed, p. 77

What was tied around the whale's flipper?

A piece of shrimp netting.

What is a titmouse?

A playful bird

To what does Dutch compare life?

A poker game, p. 75

What smell does Koby notice before spotting the whale?

A rotten smell

What did Koby think was attacking the whale's belly?

A shark

What shape is the moon the night Koby stays alone with the whales?

A sliver, p. 76

What is Titmouse?

A small inflatable boat/dinghy

What is Charlie?

A white heron at the harbor dock.

What does Koby put over her swimsuit when looking for the whales?

A windbreaker, p. 48

Who does Koby think is perfect?

Becky Norman

What came out of Lady's blowhole after being slapped?

Blood and mucus, p. 72

What colour is the cream Nickeljack gives for whale wounds?

Brown, p. 66

How does Koby travel to school?


What do the marine sanctuary patrol wear?

Colorful wetsuits, p. 84

What was for Koby "the ultimate dark attic"?

Colter's Cut

What does Koby eat early in the morning before going out with her dad?

Cookies and milk

Who knocked on Koby's classroom door?

Deputy Higgens, p 93

How would a whale calf usually be pushed to the surface for its first breath?


What is Dream Chaser made of?


What does Nickeljack give Koby to tie a square knot with?

Fishing line and a rope, p. 60

Why does she save the head and guts?

For crab bait

What did Koby name the green moral eel?


What is the first thing Tess Morgan suggests they should do?

Go shopping, p. 61

What does Koby eat for breakfast?

Hash browns and eggs, p. 90

Why does Koby feel responsible for her family's money problems?

Her accident gave her family big medical bills.

Why do they decide not to put Lady out of her misery?

Her calf's survival depends on hers, p. 85

Why does Koby cut the rope of the Titmouse?

Her dad had tied knots in it and she is in a hurry.

How is Lady carried?

In a large sling, p. 87

How does Koby get to the holding site?

In a police car, p. 95

Where does Koby awaken after her exhausted sleep?

In her V-berth on Dream Chaser, p. 89

Why did her Dad play the fish head in pillow prank on Koby?

It is a game they play

What held Koby like handcuffs?

Lady's faint heartbeat, p. 74

Who has "big cow eyes"?

Lady, the whale.

What did the stranded whales look like from a distance?

Logs, p. 70

Along with Florida Key (group of islands) does Koby live?

Lonesome Key

What kind of trees edge Colter's Cut?

Mangrove trees

How are Koby's parents' attitudes to risk different?

Mom is always scared/worried; Dad encourages Koby to try things on her own

Why does Squid rest some distance from his owner?

Nickeljack is working with fishing line and hooks, p. 66

How had Paige found out where to look for Koby?

Nickeljack, p. 91

Why would whales be safe in Cumberland Banks?

No sharks are there, p. 50

What time does she wake up?

Noon, p. 89

What time is it when Koby is found?

One hour before dawn, p. 81

How long had the family been living on a houseboat?

One year

What is Koby's least favourite subject at school?


What is phantom pain?

Pain from a missing limb, p. 75

Which birds is Koby amazed don't get headaches?

Pelicans, p. 56

What does Paige miss about living ashore?

Phone and TV

What is Koby's leggy made of?


What are the whales doing at the new holding site?

Ramming against the wall, p. 94

What colour is the helicopter that brings Lady to safety?

Red and white, p. 87

What does Koby lick from her lips before diving to help the whale calf?

Salt spray

Where does Koby get food to feed Charlie and Squid?

Saves bits from her lunch, p. 40

What kind of work will Paige do?

Secretarial at the Marina office, p. 47

Why does she dislike it?

She does not like changing in front of others

What does Koby do with the fish head next?

She draws a face on it and puts sunglasses and a pipe in it and leaves it for her dad to find.

Why does Koby not want to eat when she gets back from the whales?

She hates her parents arguing

How does Lady react to Koby at first?

She is in attack mode to protect her calf, p. 53

What does it mean that Koby is a Conch?

She was born in the Keys, p. 44

Why did Koby leave the whales?

She was drifting too far from her dinghy

Why does Koby take the shrimp netting into the dinghy?

So no other animal could be hurt by it.

Which class was Koby late for?

Social studies, p. 93

What did Koby wolf down before school?

Sourdough waffles

What does Tess suggest renaming Titmouse?

Sunshine, p. 65

Who do Koby and Paige stay with?

Tess Morgan, p. 47

What is the lobster boat called?

The Lazy Mae

What name does this group call itself?

The Pod Squad, p. 84

What was like a knotted telephone cord?

The calf's umbilical cord

What is the hard lump in Koby's pillow?

The cobia head wrapped in plastic.

What is the buzzing tingle Koby feels at her stump?

The whale is exploring it, p. 54

Why do people avoid Colter's Cut at night?

They are afraid of getting lost or eaten by alligators.

Why are there seagulls on Squirt's back?

They are pecking at his flesh, p. 70

What happened at Chissom Reef?

This is the place Koby first found the whales.

What is like dropping a brick quietly?

Tiptoeing with a leggy, p. 64

Where does Koby go when she can't sleep?

To her mom's bed, p. 63

Why does Koby shower after swimming in the ocean?

To wash off the salt that irritates her stump.

What is Dr. Michael's first name?

Tracy, p. 96

Who are the rescuers?

US Coast Guard, p. 80

How did Koby lose her right foot?

While riding her bike, she was hit by a car.

What does Nickeljack drink when he thinks no one is watching?


How does Koby remove the netting?

With a knife.

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