Quiz 1 Business Ethics

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Immanuel Kant objected to dogmatism in ________. A)religion B)science C)both A and B D)neither A nor B

Both A and B

Which normative ethical theory supports the idea of holding multiple ethical standards? A)deontology B)utilitarianism C)virtue ethics D)none of the above

D. none of the above

A distinguishing characteristic of justice theory is that it emphasizes method over content.


True or false? A criticism of Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative is that its refusal ever to permit exceptions in acting ethically is impossible to observe in life.


True or false? Confucian virtue ethics is similar to the Aristotelian version in that both are very practical.


True or false? Family is generally a strong influence on our ethical standards.


True or false? Immanuel Kant contended that people often interpret reason subjectively.


True or false? In both East and West, the means used to achieve a certain end are often more important than the end.


True or false? It is possible to act deliberately and shrewdly in a good way or toward a good end.


True or false? John Rawls's theory of justice is mainly non-Utilitarian.


True or false? John Stuart Mill's emphasis on human rights distinguishes him from Jeremy Bentham.


What are the essential differences between John Stuart Mill's version of utilitarianism and Immanuel Kant's deontology?

Utilitarianism is a consequentialist philosophy dependent solely on outcomes. Although focused on rights, Mill's utilitarianism also depends on results. Deontology is concerned with motive, duty, and one's obligation to act regardless of circumstances or outcomes.

The Analects of Confucius ________. A)are similar to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics B)represent an oral tradition C)reflect Buddhist ideals D)codify a system of virtue ethics

codify a system of virtue ethics

The "veil of ignorance" ensures which of the following? A)mass delusion B)objectivity C)self-reliance D)Enlightenment reason


Quan means which of the following? A)adherence to the past B)philosophic tradition C)practicality D)insistence on protocol


In On Liberty, John Stuart Mill ________. A)proposes a harm principle B)exalts libertarianism C)prescribes a consequentialist answer to ethical crises D)rejects rights

proposes a harm principle

"Control" as used in this section does not refer to which of the following? A)reverence B)phrónēsis C)temperance D)Confucian self-regulation


Managerial ethics is related to which of the following? A)shareholder wealth B)righteousness C)bureaucracy D)honor


John Rawls's theory of justice is based on which of the following? A)cognitive structures B)moral duty C)social contract theory D)survival of the fittest

social contact theory

Which of the following is not an intellectual virtue according to Aristotle? A)the basic order of life B)knowledge C)wisdom D)prudence

the basic order of life

Which of these concepts relates to utilitarianism? A)consequences B)actions C)character D)duty

A) consequences

Deliberative prudence does all the following except ________. A)align ends and means B)encourage prodigality C)avoid conflict D)prevent rash behavior

B. encourage prodigality

Utilitarianism is a system that ________. A)considers historical conditions B)approaches Aristotelian deliberation C)builds on natural law theory D)attempts to quantify the good

Attempt to quantify the good

Which of the following is not a stakeholder? A)the media B)corporate culture C)the environment D)customers

B) corporate culture

How does Kantian ethics work in a business setting?

Because Kantian ethics is about treating people not as means but as ends, this philosophy can influence nearly every aspect of business, from research and development to production, manufacturing, marketing, and consumption. It may be difficult to implement, however, because many businesses are focused on efficiency and production to the near-exclusion of other factors.

How might virtue ethics apply to contemporary business?

Because virtue ethics emphasizes individual character and conscience, it can have a tremendous influence on organizational culture by encouraging individuals to stand up for sound, ethical, and responsible business practices.

Explain why ethical responsibilities go beyond legal compliance.

Behaving ethically requires that we meet the mandatory standards of the law and then go above and beyond them to recognize that an action may be legal but we personally may consider it unacceptable. Ethical reasoning often is more topical than law and reflects the changes in consciousness that individuals and society undergo. Often, ethical thought precedes and sets the stage for changes in the law.

What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

CSR is the practice of viewing a business within a broader context, as a member of society with certain implicit social obligations, rather than considering the maximization of shareholder wealth as a company's sole purpose and objective.

Does the value that John Stuart Mill placed on the deliberative process and individual expression as the main ways of arriving at truth have any relevance for political debate today?

Certainly there exists a need today to engage in political debate that includes all sides of an issue in respectful ways. Mill's teaching on the role of free speech in society can be a starting point and a reminder of the importance of civil debate and freedom.

True or false? According to Confucius, the hope for reform of Chinese society was a centralized planning system.


True or false? According to Milton Friedman, a company's social responsibility consists solely of bettering the welfare of society.


True or false? Individualism was the greatest value in Confucian ethics.


Describe the benefits of having a single ethical standard.

Having a single ethical standard maximizes ethical behavior no matter who the other party is and supports an internally consistent rule of behavior toward all family, friends, customers, clients, and others with whom we interact.

Describe a practical way to prioritize the claims of stakeholders.

In three columns, list stakeholders in order of perceived priority, their perceived interests, and the likely impact of the business decision on them. This will aid comprehension of the decision's impacts as well as provide justification for the course of conduct ultimately chosen.

Describe the difference between normative and descriptive ethical theories.

Normative ethical theories are philosophical theories based on reason that tell individuals how they ought to behave. Descriptive ethical theories are based on scientific evidence describing how people tend to behave in a particular context. The theories discussed in this book are normative.

What challenges does Rawlsian justice theory present when it comes to the redistribution of goods and services in society?

Rawls's theory has been called radical because it redistributes goods and services without regard for extenuating circumstances or historical context. It also has been accused of stifling enterprise, innovation, and investment.

Describe how a company's ethical business practices affect its goodwill.

The ethical behavior of managers has a positive influence on the value of a variety of components affecting the company's overall goodwill, including its brand, its workforce, and its customer relationships. Positive goodwill generated by ethical business practices, in turn, generates long-term business success.

True or false? According to Aristotle, happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul.


True or false? According to the Greek system of logic introduced by Socrates, normative ethical theories ultimately are grounded in reason.


How does utilitarianism affect contemporary business practice?

Utilitarianism is pervasive in contemporary business practice, management theory, and decision-making through cost-benefit analysis. Decisions are often made based on the "bottom line" of profit, numbers of stakeholders affected, or overall utility to the organization. Utilitarianism is reflected in this abiding emphasis on efficiency, often to the neglect of other factors.

How can wholeheartedness and sincerity serve as models of risk assessment?

Wholeheartedness and sincerity require not just competence but compassion when dealing with stakeholders and making executive decisions. Reflecting the overall Confucian concern for balance, they temper initiative and boldness with self-regulation.

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