Quiz 20: The Digestive System

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Food in a semiliquid state that leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum is called


Gastrin and cholecystokinin are


How many canine teeth does a ewe have?


Identify the portion of the stomach labeled B in the diagram. This is the ________________ of the stomach.


Identify the portion of the stomach labeled C in the diagram. This is the ________________ of the stomach.


Identify the portion of the stomach labeled D in the diagram. This is the ________________ of the stomach.


Identify the portion of the stomach labeled E in the diagram. This is the ________________.

greater omentum

Identify the portion of the stomach labeled F in the diagram. This is the ________________ ________________.


Identify the structure labeled 2 in the diagram. This is the _______________.


Identify the structure labeled A in the diagram.


Identify the structure labeled A in the diagram. This is the ______________


Identify the structure labeled A in the picture. Note: The stomach, duodenum, and jejunum have been removed.


Identify the structure labeled B in the diagram.

ascending colon

Identify the structure labeled B in the diagram. Note: The stomach, duodenum, and jejunum have been removed.


Identify the structure labeled C in the diagram.

transverse colon

Identify the structure labeled C in the diagram. Note: The stomach, duodenum, and jejunum have been removed.


Identify the structure labeled D in the diagram.

descending colon

Identify the structure labeled D in the diagram. Note: The stomach, duodenum, and jejunum have been removed.


Identify the structure labeled E in the diagram. Note: The stomach, duodenum, and jejunum have been removed.


Identify this abdominal organ. The cardia is the opening into this organ. This is the __________________.

left lateral abdominal region

If you wanted to listen to the activity in the rumen of a cow, where would be the best area to place your stethoscope?

fermentation not mastication

In herbivores the process of converting plant material into usable nutrients is accomplished through


In ruminants amino acids are absorbed from the intestinal mucosa and transported to the __ by the bloodstream.


In the Triadan System for documenting teeth, the left mandibular arch contains teeth in the ___ series.


In which part of the large intestine does most water absorption take place?

endocrine pancreas.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the

fatty acids

Ketosis, or metabolic acidosis, is a result of excess conversion of __ to ketones.

specialized smooth muscle cells.

Muscle contractions in the stomach and intestines of a monogastric animal are regulated by


Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme that begins the chemical digestion of

amino acids.

Peptides are made up of

lymphoid tissue.

Peyer"s patches are made up of

mucosal folds in the small intestine.

Plicae are

Stage one is voluntary; stages two and three are involuntary.

Swallowing happens in three stages. Which stage(s) is/are voluntary and which stage(s) is/are involuntary?


The 'true' glandular stomach of a ruminant is the

not tongue or uvula

The __________ lies ventral to the soft palate.


The ____________ lies dorsal to the soft palate.

muscle tissue.

The body of the tongue is made up of mostly


The brush border of the small intestines is made up of

at the caudal end of the esophagus.

The cardiac sphincter is located


The cartilage that makes up part of the laryngeal cartilage and prevents food from being aspirated into the trachea is the __ cartilage.

premolars and molars.

The cheek teeth are the

esophagus to the omasum.

The esophageal groove connects the


The folds of tissue seen in the picture are found in the ________ .

to control movement of food through the GI tract.

The function of the myenteric plexus is

descending duodenum

The gas filled section of intestine on the right side of the abdomen is the


The honeycomb surface seen in the picture is found in the ________ .


The intestines are suspended from the abdominal wall by the


The largest cutting teeth in the jaw of a carnivore are known as the ___ teeth.


The largest fermentation chamber of the ruminant stomach is the


The liver is located just caudal to the


The mixing chamber of the stomach is the


The papilla seen in the picture are found in the ________ .


The part of the stomach that allows the stomach to expand to store food after a large meal is the


The part of the tooth where nerves and blood vessels enter the tooth is the


The pattern of muscle contraction that moves through the GI tract is called

to the left of the trachea.

The position of the esophagus in relation to the trachea as it travels down the neck is

outer layer of the wall of the GI tract

The serosa is the


The stomach is connected to the abdominal wall by the


The surface of the tooth that faces the animal"s lips is the __ surface.


The surfaces of the teeth that come together when an animal closes its mouth are the __ surfaces


The terminal part of the stomach that opens into the duodenum is the

mandible and temporal bones.

The two bones that are connected with the TMJ are the

the space between the outer surface of the teeth and the surrounding lips and cheeks.

The vestibule is


This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled A.

right ventral colon

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled C.

left ventral colon

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled D.

left dorsal colon

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled F.

right dorsal colon

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled G.

transverse colon

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled H.

not descending duodenum

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. Identify the structure labelled I.

sternal flexure

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. The turn between C and D is called the ________ ________.

diaphragmatic flexure

This is a view of the equine GI tract from the dorsal aspect. The turn between F and G is called the ________ ________.


This is the first section of the small intestine and is the location of bile entry. This is the _____________________.


This is the largest of the internal organs. This is the _________________.


This organ has both an exocrine and endocrine function and is often described as L shaped. It produces several critical enzymes and hormones. This is the __________________.


This section of the small intestines is know as the ____________________.

inhibits digestion

What effect does sympathetic nerve stimulation have on digestion?

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What is the correct order of the parts of the small intestine, starting with the first part?

aradicular hypsodont teeth

What type of tooth grows continually throughout the life of an animal?


When the lower jaw moves laterally and rostrally the movement is called


Where does the pancreatic duct enter the GI tract?


Where is albumin produced?


Where will gluconeogenesis most likely take place in a ruminant?


Which chamber of the ruminant stomach has mucosa that resembles a honeycomb?


Which motility movement in the small intestine mixes the partially digested food but doesn"t move it toward the large intestine?


Which one of the following animals has a dental pad?


Which one of the following species does not have a gall bladder?


Which one of the following substances gives urine its characteristic color?


Which one of these animals has the least ability to vomit?


Which part of the tooth extends above the gum line?


Which portion of the intestine is filled with barium in this radiograph?


Which salivary gland, located ventral to the ear, produces nearly half of the total volume of saliva produced?


Which species of animal uses the cecum as a fermentation chamber?

upper front incisors

Which teeth are normally missing in ruminants?

carbon dioxide and methane

Which two gases are produced during the fermentation process in the ruminant stomach?

parietal cells

Which type of glandular cells in the stomach secrete hydrogen and chloride that for hydrochloric acid?


Acute ruminal tympany is also known as

volatile fatty acids (VFAs).

Acetate, propionate, and butyrate are examples of


An example of a hindgut fermenter is a


An example of an omnivore is a


Another name for 'chewing the cud' is


Another name for chewing is

oral cavity.

Another name for the buccal cavity is the

liver gallbladder

Bile acids are produced in the ___[a]_____ and stored in the ___[b]_____ .

2 x (I3/I3, C1/C1, P3/P2, M1/M1) = 30 teeth.

dental formula for the adult cat.

2(I3/3 C1/1 P4/4 M2/3) = 42.

dental formula for the adult dog.

3 upper and 3 lower incisors, 1 canine above and one below, 3 premolars above and 3 below and finally an equal number of molars

dental formula for the adult horse.

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