quiz 3 sports psych

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summarize the psychological states typically associated with peak performances.

Athletes have expressed peak performance to feel like being in a cocoon, where they are completely detached from the external environment and any potential distractions, while others have summarized the peak state as being possessed, yet in complete control. Across studies, common psychological characteristics associated with peak performances include: total immersion in the activity, thoughts focused on the present moment/not distractible, feeling in complete control, time/base disorientation, which usually feel slowed down, feeling that performance was automatic and effortless/being on auto pilot, control over emotion, thoughts and arousal, highly self-confident/loss of fear... No fear of failure, physically, and mentally relaxed, limited, or no recall of the event, highly energized, and fun, enjoyable, rewarding feelings. Often associated with peak performance is the psychological construct flow defined as the state in which people are so involved in an activity, that nothing seems to matter. This psychological state is described as intrinsically, rewarding, inharmonious, where everything comes together, and clicks in the place, even during extreme challenges. Flow is not analogous to peak performance. One may be in flow and not necessarily be having a peak performance however, when an athlete experiences peak performance, she, or he appears to be in flow.

describe mental toughness and its relationship to performance

Developing talent involves viewing difficult situations as challenging and enjoying the hardships, inherent in perfecting skills. Being creative and reflective me allow athletes to view challenges more like a puzzle to complete rather than as a difficult situation. Part of enjoying sport excellence, and being mentally tough as having balance in one's life, this theme suggests that a broader view of psychological influences on peak performance must be appropriate. Mental toughness is described as an unshakable belief that one can achieve their goals, regardless of obstacles or setbacks. It is a state like psychological resource that is purposeful, flexible, and efficient in nature for the enactment and maintenance of goal directed pursuits, athletes, high and mental toughness. What's the score high on confidence consistency, control, determination, imagery, positive cognition, self belief, and self-esteem. Mentally tough athletes have an unshakable belief, they stay focused, they regulate performance, they cope well with pressure, they are aware of, and control their thoughts and feelings, and control the environment. These athletes learn from their failures and use them to motivate themselves towards future success.

what are things that coaches may do that will interfere with peak performance?

Some notable challenges for coaches include the primary source of delivery, such as lack of time in practices. Coaches can also hinder the team success by having an inability to deal with crises, having unreal expectations, over coaching and excessive interactions with team members, and inability to make decisive and fair decisions, in the end ability to keep it simple.

what is IZOF model and how does it relate to peak performance ?

The Individualized Zone of Optimal Functioning model attempts to identify emotional patterns associated with individual athletes success for performances with the goal of teaching athletes to re-create these patterns, optimal performance stage, which are unique to individual athletes can include both positive and negative emotions. This model includes four groups of emotional states: positive performance-enhancing, positive performance impairing, negative performance-enhancing, and negative performance impairing. teaching athletes to regulate their emotional state within their performance enhancing zones, may increase the likelihood of peak performance or assist athletes to perform more consistently. The IZOF approach can include the metaphor self generation method in which athletes develop a personal meaningful symbolic image that allows for understanding something unknown. When, considering their best performances, athletes metaphors were action, oriented and symbolize, strength, power, and skill. Not surprisingly when, considering worst performances, athletes generated, converse, images, reflecting weakness, and lack of readiness. Metaphors can both increase awareness of competitive emotions and be used to change dysfunctional images and beliefs.

what factors will enhance and hinder flow experiences

The nine dimension flow model has been widely accepted and used to develop popular questionnaire in sports and exercise, but researchers have raise concerns and more recent critiques of this conceptual model, because it has been accepted as true despite not being vigorously tested in ways that could do anything other than support the model. The model completes what are now recognized as two distinct, psychological states related to performance... flow and clutch. Clutch is introduced as a psychological state alongside flow associated with peak performance. Clutch is defined as any performance, increment or superior performance that occurs under pressure situation's, clutch states differ from flow states, and that they involve deliberate focus, heightened awareness of situational demands, and intense effort. Both clutch and flow states are marketed by enjoyment enhancement, motivation, perceived control, alter perceptions of time, complete, absorption, and confidence. Flow states we let it happen while clutch states we make it happen, and although clutch and flow share overlapping characteristics, individuals cannot simultaneously experience both states... This is why more research is needed on the concepts. The factors that prevent flow would be the exact opposite of: having appropriate focus, optimal, mental and physical preparation, optimal, motivation, optimal arousal, positive thoughts, positive emotions, confidence, positive feedback, good team, play in interaction, and optimal, environmental and situational concerns (enhancing features) Limitations summarized: having an inappropriate focus lack of motivation or negative thoughts.

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