Quiz 4

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If you wanted to set the text in a section of your HTML document to italics, what tag would you use?


The file name of a specific Web page always appears first in the URl.


Search engines do not allow users to view or change their search history information


Sessions cookies are stored on a disk or other permanent storage medium


A(n) ________ cookie is set by a site other than the one you connected to


In today's Web, most Web pages have bidirectional links.


You can create HTML documents with simple text editors such as Notepad or TextEdit


HTTP is considered to be a(n) ___________ protocol.


In an HTML document, most tags are inserted as pairs.


Which of the following would NOT be considered an essential element of a browser

Bookmark toolbar

HTML is the only markup language used on the Web.


HTTP is the markup language used to specify the contents of a Web page.


HTTP uses port 20 for communications between a client device and a server.


If you allow your browser to store passwords, you no longer need to worry about security for those passwords.


If you want to change your default, you delete the browsers that you know longer want to use.


It is not possible to delete the contents of your browser cache


Ted Nelson developed the specifications for URLs, HTML, and HTTP.


The Head section of an HTML document contains text and links to images.


Using just HTML and CSS, Web designers can create dynamic Web pages.


Web crawlers gather material from the invisible Web


Your search history is the same as your browser history


Which of the following is not used to create or edit HTML document ?

Filezilla FTP client

All of the following are search operators EXCEPT


The World Wide Web is a collection of HTML documents, images, videos, and sound files that can be linked to each other and accessed over the Internet using a protocol called __________.


If you are sending personal data such as credit card information to a Web site, which of the following should you see in the address bar of your browser?


What is the term that is used to describe a computer system that could store literary documents, link them according to logical relationships, and allow readers to comment and annotate what they read?


The ______ is a collection of HTML documents, images, videos, and sound files that can be linked to each other and accessed over the internet using a protocol called HTTP

WWW (World Wide Web)

URls contain a somain name


Which HTML tag designates links to other Web pages?

<a href>

Which of the following is NOT an HTTP method


A URL never contains spaces


When were the original HTML specifications developed by Tim Berners-Lee?


If you wanted to turn bold off the remainder of the text in an HTML document, what tag would you use?


Which of the following is a markup language?

All of the Above: XML, XHTML, SGML

Which of the following is a component of a search engine

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of the browser cache?

Any elements that it stores do not have to be downloaded again.

An HTML document begins with the DOCTYPE and <START> declarations


An HTML document consists of three sections: head, the body, and the content


Browser cache is another term for browser history list


Cookies can be stored on desktop and laptop computers but not smartphones or tablet computers.


Which of the following is data that would NOT be found in cookie?

Information it reads from your hard drive

What is the term used for when a link leads to a Web page that no longer exists


Which early browser was the first to run on multiple computer platforms including Windows?


What does the HTML tag <p> designate in an HTML document

New paragraph

Which of the following is a common use of server-side scripting

Online shopping

Which HTTP method does a browser use when you upload files to a specific Web address?


Which of the following is the technique for improving the ranking and visibility of a Web site?

Search engine optimization

A 404 status code indicates that the resource that your browser requested does not exist


Files can remain in the Web cache for days or weeks


HTML tags are instructions for a browser


Most search engines keep a record of users' search history.


Public key encryption requires one key to encrypt data but a different key to decrypt it


Web sites can be spread across multiple Web servers.


You can think of HTTP as the system that browsers use to communicate with a Web server and ask for HTML documents


You can use multiple browsers on a device.


A link contains the ________ that links to another Web page.


Every Web page has a unique address called a(n) __________.


A(n) _____________ is a company that provides space on a server to house Web pages

Web hosting service

In a browser, ________ link to pages that use the frequently

bookmarks and favorites

Which of the file extensions indicates the file in an HTML document ?

both A and B

A browser _______ adds features to a browser


A file with a .css file extension includes that it is a(n) _______ CSS


The Web is synonymous with the internet


If your device will not display a PDF in your browser, you may need to install a browser


A(n) ________ is a program designated to help people locate information on the Web by formatting simple queries

search engine

A Web __________ is an Internet-based computer that stores Web site content and accepts requests from browsers.


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