Quiz 5

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A bus driver who becomes a hotel clerk, moving from one social position to another of approximately the same social rank, is an example of:

horizontal mobility

A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on

economic position

In the model proposed by C. Wright Mills, in whose hands does power rest?

the power elite

In the social class model sociologists commonly use to describe the U.S. class system, which social class contains the smallest portion of the population?

upper class

T o F: The term "stratification" refers to social inequalities that are sufficiently durable to be considered part of the structure of the society itself


T o F: An economy that combines elements of both capitalism and socialism is known as a dysfunctional economy


T o F: Economic inequality Robert Reich's perspective has no significant impact on the shaping of democracy in American society


T o F: While income in the United States continues to be unevenly distributed, the degree of income inequality has declined significantly since 1970


When it comes to voter turnout, where does the U.S. usually rank compared to other nations?

In about the top third of all other nations

In June 2009, when General Motors went bankrupt, who became its majority stock holder?

The U.S. government

T o F: Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are held largely in private hands and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits.


T o F: From the perspective of Karl Marx all forms of social organization are the product of the underlying economic system


T o F: In general, the boundaries that separate different groups on a class system are less clearly defined than the boundaries in either slavery or caste systems


T o F: In recent national surveys of occupational prestige rankings in the United states physicians and newspaper vendors receive the highest and lowest scores


T o F: Material, social, and cultural resources all shape the positions we occupy and influence our likelihood for social mobility


T o F: Socialism is defined as an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are collectively owned


T o F: The power elite represents a small group of military industrial, and government leaders who control the fate of the United States


Which of he following is the best example of absolute poverty?

a homeless man begs int eh streets for mone and goods

Which of the following terms refers to institutionalized power that is recognized by the people over whom it is exercised?


Which of the following is part of the responsibilities of a political system?

both a and b are correct (allocating goods and deciding how to use resources)

What are the two basic types of economic systems that distinguish most contemporary industrial and post-industrial societies including the United States.

capitalism and socialism

The systematic reduction of investment in domestic manufacturing is called:


Which is the term used to describe outsourcing of work to foreign contractors?


Which term was used by Max Weber to refer to the ability to exercise one's will over others


A measure of social class that is based on income, education, occupation, and related variables is referred to as

socioeconomic status

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