quiz 9

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Put these events in the angiosperm life cycle in the correct order, starting with the reproductive stage of the dominant generation. Double fertilization: Flowering of the sporophyte: Pollination: Production of the gametophytes: Seed germination:

4 1 3 2 5

A fern spore is _____________________________. A) haploid B) a mature gametophyte C) diploid D) a sporophyte


Is this flower perfect or imperfect? A) Perfect B) Imperfect


Which of the following types of plants would NOT be able to self-pollinate? A) dioecious B) monoecious C) Those with perfect flowers D) Wind-pollinated E) Insect-pollinated


The ancestors of modern terrestrial plants were aquatic algae. The move to land offered several advantages to these first plants. Which of the following are advantages found by these early pioneers? A) Increased sunlight for increased photosynthesis. B) Decreased herbivory as there were few animals on land at this time. C) Increased impacts of gravity. D) Increased access to moisture.

A & B

Select all that apply. During alternation of generations, a plant alternates between: A) gametophyte and sporophyte. B) diploid and haploid. C) gamete-producer and spore-producer. D) asexual and sexual stages.

A & B & C

Which of the following is true of fruits? Select all that apply. A) They are seed-bearing. B) They provide nutrition to the developing seeds. C) They facilitate the dispersal of seeds. D) All fruits have evolved to attract animals.

A & C

Which of the following plants are angiosperms? Select all that apply. A) An oak tree B) Gingko biloba tree C) True moss D) Irish moss (Sagina subulata) E) Deer fern

A & D only those w flowers

Black Walnut trees are a common tree in Central Pennsylvania; their nuts are an important source of food for wildlife. They flower in the spring. This photo shows those flowers; male and female flowers are found on the same tree. Choose all of the terms below that apply to this plant. A) Monoecious B) Dioecious C) Synoecious D) Perfect flowers E) Imperfect flowers

A & E

Choose the statement that is true. A) Homosporous plants have only one type of gamete. B) Heterosporous plants have two types of gametophytes. C) The heterosporous megaspore produces the male gametophyte. D) Homosporous plants have one gametophyte type that produces one type of gamete.


Which of the following is a defining character for a nonvascular plant? A) It is the only group that shows an alternation of generations. B) The gametophyte is the prominent (dominant) stage. C) There is no sporophyte stage. D) The sporophyte is the prominent (dominant) stage.


Which of the following is the result of double fertilization? A) Two diploid zygotes. B) A diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm. C) A diploid zygote and a haploid endosperm. D) Two haploid zygotes.


Which statement about double fertilization in the angiosperms is true? A) It refers to two bees depositing pollen on the same stigma. B) It results in two fertilization events within the ovule. C) It refers to two pollen tubes reaching the ovule at the same time and both fertilizing the egg. D) It results in more than one seed being produced from a given flower.


Which statement regarding the alternation of generations in nonvascular plants is correct? A) The prominent form of nonvascular plants is diploid. B) Spores, produced by the sporophyte, are haploid and develop into the gametophyte, which is the prominent form. C) The sporophyte is the prominent generation, but it is still completely dependent on the gametophyte. D) Gametes are produced by the sporophyte, and the sporophyte is the prominent form


This figure shows the life cycle of a moss. Match the letters in the figure with the process that is taking place at that point in the life cycle. Use each term only once. Fertilization Germination Mitosis Meiosis

B --> 2nd D --> 4th A --> 1st C --> 3rd

All of the following are characteristics of angiosperms EXCEPT: A) co-evolution with animal pollinators. B) internal double fertilization. C) free-living gametophytes. D) fruit.


In the garden peas studied by Mendel, cells of the sporophyte have 14 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus in the garden pea? A) 7 B) 14 C) 21 D) 28


In the life cycle of a gymnosperm, like a conifer, a pollen grain is the: A) sperm. B) egg. C) male gametophyte. D) female gametophyte. E) sporophyte.


True or False? Pollination and fertilization are the same process.


The seeds of a flowering plant consist of a(n) _________ embryo and _____________ endosperm. The seed coat is ____________ tissue.

diploid triploid diploid

In seed plants, the ___________________ generation is more reduced than in seedless plants.


In a life cycle that shows alternation of generations, the sporophyte produces haploid spores through ______________ , while the gametophyte produces ______________ gametes through mitosis.

meiosis haploid

In the land plants, the role of the cuticle is to _____________________ while stomata ___________________________ .

reduce water loss increase gas exchange

Which of these characteristics is found in ALL land plants? A) Seeds. B) Flowers. C) Vascular tissue. D) Jacketed gametangia.


You find a plant you have never seen before and notice the flowers are relatively small, lack any odor, and are relatively colorless. The flower is most likely pollinated by ________________________. A) flies B) hummingbirds C) bees D) the wind


This crazy looking plant (Huernia zebrina) is sometimes called the life saver plant because the flower appears to have a life saver on it. This plant is native to eastern and southern Africa and the flower produces a foul odor reminiscent of rotting meat. The flower has both male and female reproductive structures. Which of the following are true of this plant? Select all that apply. P.S. This plant is easy to grow in a pot indoors and easy to find for sale online! A) Perfect flowers B) Imperfect flowers C) Monoecious D) Dioecious E) Synoecious F) Fly pollinated G) Butterfly pollinated H) Wind pollinated

A & E & F

(oldest A B C D newest) This image shows the evolution of the main plant groups. Match the letter with the correct phylogenetic character. A: B: C: D:

A: stomata and waxy cuticle B: vasculature C: seeds D: flowers

Alternation of generations refers to life cycles that: A) do not include meiosis. B) have both multicellular haploid and diploid stages. C) include haploid and diploid gametes. D) are mainly asexual but can switch to sexual reproduction.


Find the mistake in the following statement: "Ginkgo trees are dioecious, with catkin-like flowers on the male trees and pistillate flowers on the female trees. This species may not flower until it is 20 years old." A) Dioecious plants produce male and female flowers on the same plant. B) Gingkos do not produce flowers. C) Gingkos are not trees. D) Gingkos are monoecious, not dioecious.


Fruits have contributed to the success of angiosperms by: A) nourishing the plants that make them. B) facilitating the dispersal of seeds. C) attracting insects to the pollen inside. D) producing sperm and egg inside a protective coat. E) producing triploid cells via double fertilization.


How do the ferns reproduce? A) via seeds B) via spores C) because they don't have seeds they can only reproduce asexually D) vegetatively


The evolution of vascular tissue led to an explosion in the land plants. Which of the following is an advantage that vascular tissue confers to plants? A) It can make some plants less susceptible to herbivory. B) It can make some plants less susceptible to herbivory. C) It allows some plants to grow taller than others. D) It allows the plants to produce more gametes.


What feature of chlorophytes (green algae), in contrast to phaeophytes (brown algae) and rhodophytes (red algae), is similar to plants? A) an embryonic stage protected from the environment B) an anatomy that includes a thallus (a structure similar to the stems/leaves/roots of plants) C) chloroplasts containing chlorophyll b D) multicellularity


Which of these features of land plants is a result of the selective pressures imposed by the loss of support that water provides? A) Stomata. B) Waxy cuticle. C) Vascular tissue. D) Jacketed gametangia.


Within the Kingdom Plantae, which of these characters was first seen in the seedless vascular plants? A) The alternation of generations. B) The absence of a sporophyte stage. C) The sporophyte is the prominent (dominant) stage. D) The gametophyte is the prominent (dominant) stage.


You have now learned about pollination and fertilization in the flowering plants. It is important to remember what these two processes are and how they occur. Which of the following is the correct order of events? A) sperm cells form in anthers, pollination occurs, the pollen tube reaches the ovule, the egg is fertilized B) the stigma is fertilized, the sperm cells develop, the pollen tube reaches the ovule, the sperm cells reach the egg C) the stigma is pollinated, the pollen germinates, double fertilization occurs, the seed begins to develop D) pollen is produced, the pollen is distributed to the stigma, the pollen tube grows to the ovule, the sperm cells are produced


The images above are of a plant (Monotropa uniflorum) that is common in the forests of the northeast. Which of the following are true of this plant? A) This plant has chlorophyll. B) This plant can photosynthesize. C) This plant cannot photosynthesize. D) This plant is a parasite. E) This plant is an angiosperm. F) This plant produces seeds. G) This plant requires sunlight to grow.

C & D & E & F

A difference between nonflowering seed plants and flowering seed plants is that ________________________________________. A) flowering seed plants tend to have needles B) nonflowering seed plants lack vasculature C) nonflowering seed plants lack ovules D) flowering seed plants lack flagellated sperm


Choose the statement that is true. A) Homosporous plants have only one type of gamete. B) Heterosporous plants have two types of sporophytes. C) The heterosporous megaspore produces the male gametophyte. D) Homosporous plants have one gametophyte that produces both types of gametes.


Of the unifying features of plants, which is found only in plants and is NOT present in their green algal relatives? A) The presence of chlorophyll b in their chloroplasts. B) Cell walls made of cellulose. C) Storage of energy as starch. D) The protection of gametes and zygotes by parent tissue.


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