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What three NT texts are associated with the community in the Gospel of John?

1,2,3 john

Which of the following is NOT a catholic epistle

2 Thessalonians

The book of Daniel appears to have been written approximately how many years after it alleges?


Matthew traces Jesus' lineage to


Two texts that starkly disagree on female leadership are

Acts of Paul and Thecla & 1 Timothy

In Mark, what is Jesus' response to his impending death?

Anguish and apparent doubt

Which of the following is a major part of the Sermon on the Mount


All are thrown into the fiery furnace in the book of Daniel except:


At the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew, Mary and Joseph live in


Opponents of Christianity suggested all of the following except

Christians committed deicide

Which of the following likely influenced the pagan persecution of Christians?

Christians refusal to participate in sacrifices honoring the emperor

During the New Testament period, ____________.

Christians were occasionally persecuted by provincial authorities

These two philosophical groups incorporated female members

Cynics and Epicureans

The book of Revelation was probably completed during the reign of which Roman emperor?


All of the following are included in Matthew's infancy narrative except

Gabriel's appearance to Mary

The New Testament Gospels belong to which genre?

Greco-Roman biography

Matthew's genealogy refers to all of the following women except


Where was Q finally discovered?

It has never been found

In Mark, the Temple curtain rips at

Jesus' Death

The Gospel of Mark begins with

Jesus' baptism by John

The Gospel of Thomas does not mention which of the following?

Jesus' resurrection

Q contains mostly

Jesus's sayings

secessionists are

Jews who failed to believe Jesus was the messiah

All of the following figures recognize Jesus in Mark except:

John the Baptist

Matthew's birth narrative centers mostly on


According to the four-source hypothesis, the Gospel of Matthew used all of the following sources except:


Which female follower of Jesus had a long tradition that held she was an important leader in the Jesus movement?

Mary Magdalene

The argument of "patterns of agreement" shows that when all three Synoptic Gospels contain the same story, all of the following occur regularly except

Matthew and Luke agree in the wording of a story against Mark

Matthew portrays Jesus as the new


In Matthew, Jesus' birth story is most reminiscent of whose birth


According to Mark, Jesus is from


In Luke, Jesus's hometown is


In Matthew, Jesus explicitly teaches against

Pharisees' hypocrisy

Which of the following occurs only in Matthew?

Pilate's washing his hands of Jesus' blood

All of the following Gospels have survived except


In first-century apocalyptic Judaism, the term "Son of Man" referred to

a cosmic king

An epistle is

a letter

Lukes gospel begins with

a preface

The book of Revelation is written in what genre?


In Nero's persecution of Christianity, Christians were accused of ____________.


In the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Jesus does all of the following except:

become a Pharisee

At Jesus' trial in Mark, the Sanhedrin charges him with


The best method to study epistles is


Hebrews was probably written in order to

convert jews

Phoebe was a


What text is the passover story found in the Hebrew bible?


At least one Gospel author claims to be an eyewitness to the events he narrates


Based on the method of contextual analysis, we know for sure there were docetics in the Johannine community.


In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus begins his ministry by cleansing the Temple


Jesus says it is impossible to follow the Law perfectly in Matthew.


Marcion believed Jesus was flesh and blood


Most scholars believe John used Mark, Q, and the signs source


Most scholars believe that Daniel is a prophetic work.


Most teachings about Jesus took place publicly.


Revelation was written about a future time long after the author's own life


Scholars today believe the author of the gospel of John is the same as the author of the Johannine Epistles.


The Gospel of John is the final Synoptic Gospel.


The book of Daniel may be an etiology explaining the origins of Purim.


We know who the authors of the canonical Gospels are


Scholars refer to Matthew's use of Hebrew Scripture to show Jesus is the messiah as

fulfillment citations

This NT text levels the distinction between men and women.


The bizarre symbolic visions in apocalypses are often interpreted by all of the following except


The word "gospel" means

good news

The Gospel of Matthew was written in


In John, Jesus' teachings focus primarily on

his identity

The Gospel of Peter was found

in a cemetery

The Epistle to the Hebrews depicts the Law as


One way that Revelation is different from most apocalypses is that it ____________.

is not pseudonymous

Luke is different from the other Gospels because

it has a sequel

Which of the following figures in the prologue is not mentioned until its last verse?


Which part of the Gospel of John is most like the Synoptic Gospels?

jesus's passion

What is the context of the Johannine community?

jewish factions splitting

The fourth gospel that changes the events surrounding the passover meal


gnosis means


When Mark and Matthew tell the same story, Mark's story is


Which of these Gospels states that there were other Gospels written?


Those who performed baptisms in the community were probably

male leaders

Methodical character development of the central character of a biography would be expected by readers of

modern biographers

The Gospel of Thomas is

no ordered in a recognizable form

According to the Gospel of Thomas, the kingdom of God is

not a future event

Chapters 13 through 19, the second part of the Gospel of John, take place over

one day

The Gospel of Matthew was probably written

outside Palestine around 80-85 c.e.

Those parties who promote equality for women and those who argue women should be subordinate both appeal to this writer


The Gospel of Luke came to be attributed to a man who was thought to be

pauls companion

The book of Revelation depicts the Christian church as ____________.


All are features of apocalyptic literature except

pessimism about the future

Ancient biographies are most concerned with which of the following?

portraying essential character traits

From the beginning, Luke's Jesus expects to be


A name for the Jewish council is


The Gospel of Thomas was most likely written in the

second century CE

All these themes are present in both the Gospel of John and the Johannine epistles except


By writing pseudonymously in the name of a famous person of the past, the author of an apocalypse is able to do which of the following?

seemingly predict the future with accuracy

"Synoptic" means

seen together

Hebrews was most likely a(n)


In Revelation, all of the following initiate disasters in the world except:

seven horsemen

According to Mark, the messiah must

suffer and die

In Matthew, Jesus

teaches that his followers should fulfill the Law

A docetist believes that

that Jesus was not actually flesh and blood but only appeared to be

Luke suggests that the gospel came to the Gentiles because

the Jews rejected it

The Johannine community may have been founded by

the beloved disciple

In early Jewish traditions, Babylon is code for ____________.

the chief political enemy of God

For Matthew, the core of the Law is

the commandment of love

In many gnostic myths, Ialdabaoth is associated with

the creator God

Who is the author of the Johannine epistles?

the elder

Luke does not believe Jesus will return immediately because

the gospel must be spread throughout the world

In John, Jesus tells the disciples that after he leaves

the holy spirit will come to instruct them

Biographies written by Christians put a significant amount of emphasis on what event in Jesus' life, which is very unusual for ancient biographies?

the humiliation of his death

The Marcionites believed Jesus came to save people from

the jewish god

How far into the narrative would ancient readers/listeners of the Gospels have expected to get before they would be able to discern Jesus' character and identity?

the opening scenes

Scholars refer to the first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John as

the prologue

In the Gospel of John, Jesus is explicitly called all the following except

the suffering servant

What gave rise to the promotion of female leadership?

the use of house churches

In Mark, when Mary, Mary, and Salome discover the empty tomb, they

they say nothing

How many times does Jesus explicitly predict his death in the Gospel of Mark?


Ancient biographies were usually arranged in chronological order


Apocalyptic literature apparently developed out of preexilic prophetic literature.


Both Matthew and Luke contain versions of beatitudes


Matthew and Luke follow Mark's sequence of stories throughout their narratives


Matthew and Luke follow Mark's sequence of stories throughout their narratives.


Most Romans did not take notice of "Christians" until the 2nd century.


Penetration was a sign of masculine dominance in the ancient world.


Revelation is an example of a Christian apocalypse


Stories passed by word of mouth tend to change over time.


The book of Daniel is probably the last written of all the books in the Jewish canon.


The book of Daniel provides the longest apocalypse in the Old Testament.


The curtain rips before Jesus dies in the Gospel of Luke


To best understand the meaning of language, we must first understand the context.


Women financially supported the Jesus movement.


Women were frequently patrons of synagogues


gnosis means knowledge


gnosticism is known as a Christian heresy by orthodox Christians


The word catholic means


According to Marcion, the Jewish Law

was evil

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