quiz questions psych exam 2

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The restlessness and increased goal-directed activity of a person experiencing a manic episode are most likely linked to which brain change?

Larger putamen and increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex

Somatic symptom disorder can be viewed as a maladaptive behavioral response to a physical dysfunction. Which of the following best describes the physical symptoms that patients report?

The physical symptoms are real but sometimes cannot be medically explained.

In many cases, clinicians working with patients who have dissociative disorders will use questionnaires as part of the assessment process. These questionnaires give therapists a quick way to... for each patient.

assess specific symptoms -offer insight into current state


serve more as screening instruments that focus on a narrow set of topics, such as a person's physical symptoms.

Which of the following best describes the behavior of patients with illness anxiety disorder?

They are preoccupied with having a serious disorder because of a minor bodily change.

Which of the following is true of people with a bipolar disorder?

They often have several comorbid mental disorders.- substance use, eating disorders, anxiety, personality PEOPLE WAIT MANY YEARS BEFORE SEEKING TREATMENT

People with depression often have hypersomnia, or excessive sleep, but still feel tired during the day. Why might this be?

They tend to have less deep sleep and their REM sleep is less stable.

What component of David's experience most likely led to the development of dissociative amnesia?

Thinking his daughter might die Dissociation is most likely when a traumatic event involves fear of death, loss, or lack of control

family factor

A teen's parents often argue with her and demand to know every detail of her life.

Which of the following statements is a therapist most likely to make during an assessment interview with a new client if the therapist is following the guidelines for communicating with a person who has a somatic symptom disorder?

We are going to meet at the end of every month, even if you have no symptoms at the time.

As with most types of treatment, unintended consequences may occur. Which of the following is the most likely unintended consequence for patients taking medication?

The presence of side effects that include feelings of dissociation

emotional responses before period of deperseonlization

not experiencing depersonalization, his or her average heart rate would increase in response to an arousing stimulus

fatalistic suicides

result of a person no longer being in control over his or her life.

According to the permissive hypothesis, lows... may predispose a person for a mood disorder, whereas the direction of the mood disorder is determined by other...

serotonin other neurotransmitter levels

what percent of population will develop major depressive disorder during lifetime


According to research, why do people with dissociative identity disorder develop multiple personalities, or alters?

Alters are developed as a means by which to cope with abuse or trauma.

Which of the following is true about medication used to treat mood disorders?

Mood-stabilizing drugs, such as lithium, are commonly prescribed to prevent manic episodes. -decreases norepinephrine and dopamine while increasing serotonin

What sleep disturbances are characteristic of individuals with depression?

REM sleep begins earlier and is more intense.(less restful)

As with most types of treatment, unintended consequences may occur. Which of the following is the most likely unintended consequence for patients undergoing hypnosis?

Recovered memories that are distorted

Which of the following is true of people with major depressive disorder?

They often have another mental disorder.

These findings illustrate that psychotherapy helps patients... the traumatic event that likely caused their dissociative symptoms.

cope with

what percent will develop bipolar disorder


what percent of young people and adults reports symptoms of being depressed

50% and 20%

interpersonal factor

A man tends to talk to his friends almost exclusively about his personal failings and lack of accomplishment.

As with most types of treatment, unintended consequences may occur. Which of the following is the most likely unintended consequence for patients involved in psychotherapy?

A relapse toward dissociation when reliving traumatic details

cultural factor

A woman is a migrant worker who has become increasingly disconnected from other migrants and her family back home.

The level of emotional arousal experienced by a person during an episode of depersonalization does which of the following??

Allows a person to detach himself or herself from feeling the emotional repercussions of a traumatic event

Which of the following is true about antidepressant medications?

Both SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants increase serotonin in the brain, but SSRIs have fewer side effects. -SSRI dont effect other neurotransmitter systems

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) are both controversial treatments for mood disorders. How are these treatments alike and different?

Both can be effective for treating depression and mania. ECT may work by generating new serotonin-based neurons, whereas rTMS appears to work by increasing blood flow to the prefrontal cortex.

Which depressive disorder features symptoms that are milder but last longer than the symptoms of the other depressive disorders?


Researchers conduct family studies to examine the potential influence of genes on the development of mood disorders. Which of the following findings would provide the strongest evidence that there is a genetic contribution to mood disorders?

Finding 2: An individual with a first-degree relative who has a mood disorder is 2 to 3 times more likely to also develop a mood disorder. -- sharing 50% of genes Finding 1: An identical twin is 2 to 3 times more likely to have a mood disorder if his or her twin has a mood disorder; this rate is much higher than the rate for fraternal twins.

Dr. Malik's findings indicate trends similar to those found in other epidemiological studies on somatic symptom disorders. Which of the following statements is true in regard to the symptoms of somatic symptom disorders across cultures?

Gastrointestinal symptoms are least likely to be explained by a medical condition.

In addition to illness behaviors, there are illness beliefs or attributions that are characteristic of people diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder. If Bette had a somatic symptom disorder diagnosis, which of the following attributions for her lower back pain would she most likely make?

I think I am developing osteoporosis. A person diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would most likely attribute the development of his or her somatic symptom to a physical cause, rather than a psychological one. People not diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would most likely attribute the development of a pain symptom to some psychological aspect of their day, saying, "I am stressed out"

For an individual with a bipolar disorder, why can sleep deprivation from a disrupted circadian rhythm be problematic?

It can contribute to a manic episode or rapid cycling.

Which of the following provides the best evidence that the risk factor known as the negative cognitive triad is also present for Kevin?

Kevin believes that he will definitely die from cancer, that it is his own fault he got cancer, and that nobody really cares that he is going to die. pessimistic thinking about oneself, the future, and the world

If Hilary did not experience the mild depression before and after her period of severe depression, what would be the most appropriate diagnosis for her?

Major depressive disorder

If an individual experiences depressive episodes that last for very long periods of time and are accompanied by hallucinations, what would be the best description of that person's disorder?

Major depressive episode with psychotic features

How does factitious disorder differ from other types of somatic symptom disorders?

Patients with factitious disorder may deliberately injure themselves, whereas physical symptoms in other disorders are beyond patients' control. Patients with factitious disorder are often heavily attached to the sympathy and attention they receive when they have an illness or injury. In order to continue receiving attention, patients resort to either faking symptoms or deliberately making themselves ill.

Which of the following is true of people with mood disorders?

People with dysthymia and people with cyclothymia are both likely to have comorbid mental disorders.

personality assessments

Personality assessments generally focus more on identifying a patient's traits and dispositions

Which of the following best describes what occurs in patients with conversion disorder?

Psychological stress produces a loss of motor or sensory functioning. cannot be explained

According to the DSM-5, all of the following are symptoms of dissociative identity disorder except one. Which of the following is not noted as a symptom of dissociative identity disorder, according to the DSM-5?

Recurrent imagined or actual symptoms of anxiety or trauma

A depressed person's propensity for negative thinking and negligence in pursuing goals are most likely linked to which brain change?

Reduced activity in the amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and anterior cingulate cortex The amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and anterior cingulate cortex are involved in goal-directed behavior and inhibition of negative mood and troublesome thoughts

The symptoms of schizophrenia that sometimes occur in people with bipolar disorder are most likely linked to which brain change?

Reduced white and gray matter may interfere with neural connections among different areas of the brain, and this may lead to some of the disruptive thoughts and symptoms of schizophrenia

The level of emotional arousal experienced by a person during an episode of depersonalization does which of the following?

Reduces a person's emotional response, allowing the person to feel greater control over a traumatic situation Theorists argue that this inhibited emotional arousal allows people experiencing traumatic events to detach themselves from what is going on. This detachment weakens the experience of pain, allowing for a greater feeling of control over the situation.

emotional responses after period of depersonalization

Researchers have found a decrease in emotional arousal for people during an episode of depersonalization

If Hannah's depressive symptoms disappeared completely by Month 18, which of the following would be true?

She would no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for her disorder. -dysthymia lasts for 2 years

host personality

The host personality is then identified as the personality that is most often present, or the one people most often interact with

binge eating/ purging type anorexia

a drastic reduction in weight accompanied by restricting caloric intake with sporadic binging (increasing caloric intake) and purging (attempts to remove the calories just eaten)

a major depressive episode is diagnosed when a person exhibits depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activites along with 4 or more of following FOR ATLEAST 2 WEEKS

a significant change in weight or appetite, altered sleep habits, sluggish movements, a loss of energy, difficulty thinking or concentrating, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and recurring thoughts of death.


a strategy where one learns to focus on the experience without trying to change it

bipolar II

alternating major depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. Hypomanic episodes are less severe than full manic episodes.


alters distinct personalities within an individual

localized amnesia

an inability to recall all events during a certain time frame

continuous amnesia

an inability to recall all events from a time in the past to the present

systemized amnesia

an inability to recall categories of information

generalized amnesia

an inability to recall ones entire life

selective amnesia

an inability to recall some events during a certain time frame

altuistic suicides

are approved of or seem demanded by the culture in which the occur

Clancy has been through the assessment process and is now being treated for his diagnosis of illness anxiety disorder. Clancy's friends and family have been told to provide Clancy with positive reinforcement whenever he goes through a period of time without discussing the possibility that he has a serious disease. Clancy's treatment is an example of... aimed at... medical and social attention for presenting physical symptoms.

behavior therapy - If a treatment approach includes positive reinforcement for decreased signs of illness behavior, this is evidence of the use of behavior therapy. removed

bipolar disorders have a strong

biological or genetic component but environmental factors can influence the onset and duration of the disorder and its symptoms

endogenous depression

biologically oriented depression\ strong biological predisposition

If Ana's positive moods elevated to the severe range (full manic episodes), what would her diagnosis likely be?

bipolar I disorder-experiences full manic episodes

anorexia nervosa

characterized by a refusal to keep body weight at a normal level and a severe restriction on caloric intake -vomiting, laxatives

cyclothymic disorder

characterized by alternating periods of hypomania and dysthymia.

unipolar mood disorder

characterized by mood states that swing in a single direction (toward one "pole") from a normal mood state to depression. will not include fluctuations toward both depression and mania (two "poles").

A man with bipolar I disorder is taught to record his manic episodes and to examine whether his belief that the euphoria leads to great accomplishments is true.

cognitive therapy

Eleanor has been through the assessment process and is now being treated for her diagnosis of illness anxiety disorder. Eleanor was told to take note of any physical symptom she experiences and then identify all possible, everyday physical changes that could be the reason for the symptom. Eleanor's treatment is an example of.... aimed at helping a person...

cognitive therapy-If a treatment approach requires a person to try to attribute physical symptoms to something other than a serious disease, this is evidence of the use of cognitive therapy assess realistic probabilities

the medications involved in biological treatment often reduce

comorbid symptoms

bing eating disorder

consume more food than a typical person would in a given sitting. Individuals with binge-eating disorder do not engage in any compensatory behaviors, however, and as a result are often moderately or morbidly obese.`

One way clinicians assess someone with a dissociative disorder is to conduct an interview. This is often difficult when a patient has dissociative identity disorder (DID) because his or her subpersonalities may not... during the interview.

emerge If he or she is unable to access those personalities, a different disorder may be diagnosed. Even in cases where subpersonalities argue or give different responses, the clinician can still see that they exist.

exogenous depression

environmentally oriented depression weak biological predisposition

Identify those factors that have been identified as determinants of developing an eating disorder (either type of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa). Check all that apply.

having an obsessive personality distorted thinking that includes all or nothing decisions societys message that beauty is linking to being thin having a parent who endorses this message, or models unhealthy eating

A person with severe depression is likely to have...cortisol levels and ... levels of thyroid hormones.

high-released in response to stress and is found in increased amounts in people with severe depression low-interacts with serotonin and can relieve depression.


include a loss of a sense of one's own reality, causing a person to feel like an outside observer of his or her own body and mental processes


includes feeling as though surrounding events are not real. It's as if a person has lost a sense of the reality of the external world Things and people may seem to change size and shape or seem dead and mechanical.

A woman who entered a major depressive episode shortly after retiring from her very successful career in law talks to a mental health professional about how to transition to her new role and lifestyle.

interpersonal therapy

The method of employing an... will most likely be used when the goal is to gather a detailed history of the physical and psychological problems reported by a person with a somatic symptom disorder.

interview This interview will most often be conducted by a clinical therapist, whose objective is to develop a good rapport with his or her client. Often, a patient's background, current symptoms, and ability to function in daily life will be examined.

depressive disorders

involve depression but not mania -diagnosed unipolar

double depression

involves a major depressive disorder superimposed on dysthymia.

mixed episode

involves feelings of major depression during a manic episode. This often occurs when a person feels that his or her symptoms of mania are dangerous or out of control.

dissociatve fugue

involves the development of amnesia and sudden travel away from home/work - may assume a new identity in a new place


is a mild, chronic form of depression that must continue for at least 2 years to meet the criteria for a diagnosis

A manic episode includes an extended period of elevated mood, often accompanied by a sense of grandiosity, distractibility, flight of ideas, and hyperactivity. A hypomanic episode is similar to a manic episode, but it is.... A mixed episode is also similar to a manic episode, but it is different because it includes symptoms ...

less impairing major depression

hypomanic episode

less severe form of a manic episode -It does not cause significant social or occupational impairment and alone it is not problematic, but it is a component of several mood disorders.

A young married couple, both suffering from depression, visit a counselor to work on their communication skills and to schedule activities they both enjoy.

marital therapy

Dr. Jones's findings illustrate that people with a somatic symptom disorder diagnosis are.... likely to perceive bodily changes that are not actually occurring, or to falsely identify bodily changes, an indication of an overactive....

more amygdala

Dr. Malik's findings illustrate that people with a somatic symptom disorder diagnosis are... likely to participate in symptom checking behavior, an indication of a.... in communication between the brain and body.

more disruption

two way amnesiac relationship

none of the subpersonalities are aware of others

mutually aware relationship

occurs when all of a patient's subpersonalities are aware of the others

anomic suicide

provoked by highly negative social events, such as a disaster or economic collapse.

These findings illustrate that hypnosis may help patients... details of a traumatic event.

retrieve - some memories will be distorted, sometimes incororate suggestions from their clinicians into memories

Many mood disorders are characterized by the presence of one or more major depressive episodes. Identify the symptoms that are characteristic of a major depressive episode.

sluggish movements, altered sleep habits

An adolescent boy suffering from dysthymia sees a school psychologist who encourages him to smile, make eye contact, and discuss positive topics when interacting with others.

social skills training

one way amnesiac realtionship

some subpersonalities are aware of others, but this knowledge is not reciprocated

Deborah is a counselor who works with individuals with mood disorders. To assess her clients, she asks each one the same set of questions, which is a type of... The questions likely cover... mood disorders.

structured interview DSM criteria for

Illness behaviors are another component of developing a somatic symptom disorder. For example, Bette began feeling lower back pain about a week ago. When she feels the pain beginning, she usually heads to the family room couch to relax with a heating pad. As her family members walk by her, they give her attention and sympathy for her pain. What is the secondary gain in this scenario?

the attention from family members

egoistic suicides

the result of a perception that nobody else cares about one's life

suicidal ideation

thinking seriously about suicide during last depressive episode

Often, when a clinician is trying to assess a patient with a dissociative disorder, he or she will focus on a patient's... during the interview.

traumatic experiences -a key contributor to dissociative disorders primary focus will often be on the factors contributing to the disorder

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