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Coalition tactics

After trying unsuccessfully for months to get your supervisor to change the company vacation policy, you decide to drum up support from all of your coworkers who are unhappy with the policy


Alicia is leading a task force on increasing customer satisfaction. She takes the time to learn about her teammates' views and suggestions and incorporates their input into her final decision.

Personal factors in the integrated model of motivation

personality ability core self-evaluations emotions attitudes needs values work attitudes


planning, organizing, directing, controlling


putting customers first - responding to and acting for customers


putting people first - responding to and acting for followers


the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired

Job enrichment

the process of building into a job such motivating factors as recognition and achievement


the value on places on the outcome

Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory

Employees are motivated at their jobs because they are given a lot of discretion about how to do their work, and their supervisor doesn't micromanage them.

decreases employee engagement

Feng's job is monotonous and offers him very little in terms of variety of work tasks

Herzberg's two factor theory

Focuses on motivating and hygiene factors in a job

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Focuses on needs such as love, esteem, physiological needs, safety, and self-actualization

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Focuses on needs such as power, affiliation, and achievement

Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory

Focuses on the three needs of relatedness, competence, and autonomy

Inspirational appeals

The ASPCA influences consumers to donate by showing heart wrenching commercials that feature animals in shelters


mistakes can happen when managers don't appreciate people are the key resource, underfed by treating people like other resources, or fail to be held accountable

an example is responsibility

motivating factors

positive task-oriented traits

intelligence, conscientiousness, open to experience, emotional stability, positive affect


managing people


managing resources

higher-level needs

motivating factors

related to job content - what you do

motivating factors

related to satisfaction

motivating factors


people-oriented behavior

Positive/negative interpersonal attributes

-Extraversion (+) -Agreeableness (+) -Communication Skills (+) -Emotional Intelligence (+) -Narcissism (-) -Machiavellianism (-) -Psychopathy (-)

contextual factors in the integrated model of motivation

-organizational culture -cross-culture values -physical environment -rewards and reinforcement -group norms -communication technology -leader behavior -organizational design -organizational climate -job design


A supervisor told a salesperson who had not made any calls to clients and therefore did not make quota, "Well, if this continues in the next 30 days, you'll probably be let go." The supervisor provides an example of

core self-evaluations

All of the following are contextual factors in the integrated model of motivation EXCEPT

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

An employee continues working at a job because it allows him to put a roof over his family's head.

Herzberg's two factor theory

An employee hates going to work because the air conditioner has been broken for weeks and it is extremely hot in the office.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

An employee seeks out a promotion because it will allow him or her to have authority over more workers.


Andre is great at taking plans and putting them into action with his staff


Angelo's boss frequently exhorts his subordinates to work harder by promising them a substantial bonus at the end of each quarter. However, bonuses are only sporadically awarded regardless of meeting performance goals. As a result, Angelo's ____________ may be low.


As a leader you try to avoid influencing others with your title or ability to punish them. Instead, you think it's a much better strategy to gently coax people using objective facts.

Integrating tacticts

Before asking you to take on a particularly difficult and thankless assignment, your boss spends a few minutes praising gall of your recent successes at work.

Personal factor

Camila has a natural gift for math and numbers, and her work performance at her accounting firm is top notch.

hygiene factors

Collin is a branch manager for a large freight company. He has noticed low morale lately, perhaps because of the cramped quarters, stricter policies, and lack of raises this year. According to Herzberg, Collin should first concentrate on


Destiny has a knack for inspiring employees to be their best selves and to commit fully to the organization's objectives


Dick is a customer service representative for William's Global Paints in New York City. Dick enjoys living and working in New York City because of the availability of public transportation as he does not own a car. William's Global Paints recently announced that they are giving a free monthly parking space to the worker with the highest level of customer service. This announcement does not affect Dick's level of motivation due to the impact it has on his


Elisa is the kind of person that workers are drawn to. When she speaks, people are engaged


mistakes can happen when leaders choose the wrong goal, direction, or inspiration; over-lead; or fail to implement the vision

Contextual factor

Hakeem's engineering job is extremely motivating because it allows him to constantly switch projects and use a variety of his many skills and talents.

contextual factor

Henry's job is extremely high risk and he sometimes has a hard time focusing on his work because he's too busy worrying about his safety.


In order to make a decision that will affect your entire team, you discuss the options with several of your team embers and seek their input and advice

Personal factor

Ivan has a Type A personality—he always likes to be busy accomplishing something. Because of this, he tends to be a good performer at work.

decreases employee engagement

Juliet doesn't trust her employees and therefore tends to micromanage them


Kameko is very organized and efficient when getting things done.

Personal factor

Keenan cares quite a bit about accuracy and will thus stay at work for as long as it takes to be sure all of his reports are precise before he submits them.

contributes to employee engagement

Keiko makes it a point to give her employees regular feedback about their performance.


Kenneth makes important decisions for his firm quickly and confidently


Manuel does a great job budgeting financial resources for his group of workers

A need for achievement

Noreen likes it when her boss recognizes that she met the deadline and tried her best, even if what she gave him was not exactly what he was expecting. Noreen is motivated by

Personal factor

Nudara is driven to excel in her leadership role because she has a high need for power.

Contextual factor

Rachel's boss always goes the extra mile to be sure his employees have what they need to be successful. Her boss' dedication to his employees makes Rachel want to do a great job.


Sal knows that he can aggressively push his sales team to meet their goals in the last few days of this month, but he realizes also that doing this will likely cause them to sell less next month due to fatigue.

Rational Persuasion

To influence your boss to give you a raise, you prepared a presentation that showed your productivity and output over the past five years compare to your coworkers


Using self-determination theory to motivate employees at Cloud Space, a data storage company, the vice chair makes 10-20 phone calls a day to thank special employees "caught doing something right." The vice chair is fulfilling her employees' ________ needs.


Vanessa is skilled at guiding her employees' behaviors, providing input on their work projects, and motivating them toward accomplishing tasks.

Contextual factor

Viola and her coworkers pretty much all earn the same pay regardless of their performance. This makes it hard for Viola to want to put her heart and soul into her work.

Intrinsic reward

When you got to work yesterday there was a note on your desk thanking you for your dedication. This made you feel satisfied with your work.

contributes to employee engagement

Willis is well connected in the organization's social environment

Intrinsic reward

Winning employee of the month made you feel that you were special and that your work was valued.


Yasir can take an idea for the future and articulate it in a way that makes everyone in the company want to get on board


You are feeling incredibly defeated after losing out on a promotion to another team member. Your mentor spends a lot of time discussing this with you and explaining the objective reasons the other person got the promotion and the opportunities you can look forward to in the next year.

relationship-oriented leadership

You are the team leader and your opinion is highly respected by your workers. Recently there's been a great deal of fighting among everyone on the team regarding how they'd like to approach the current project. Sometimes you wish you could get them to stop arguing by threatening to kick the troublemakers off of the team, but you don't actually have the authority to make that decision.

Legitimating tactics

You didn't earn as much bonus money as you think you should have, so you speak to your boss and remind him about the company policy regarding how much money you should have earned based on your performance this past year.


You didn't meet your sales quota last quarter. Luckily you have an understanding manager who understands your shortfall was largely the result of things beyond your control

Pressure tactics

You don't want to teach an extra class at your university next semester, but you boss subtly reminds you that if you don't do it, your colleagues may rate you poorly on your next performance evaluation

Extrinsic reward

You get to use the best parking spot as a reward for being this month's star employee.

Extrinsic reward

You moved to a bigger, much nicer office when you got promoted.

Extrinsic reward

You received a $100 gift card to your favorite restaurant after being named employee of the quarter.

Intrinsic reward

You use the free employee financial advisor regularly, and each time you do, you feel good about choosing to work there.


Your boss congratulates you on the great job you're doing with the company's international divisions. She reminds you that one of the main reasons she hired you was for your international experience, which is something she lacks.

Building community

Your boss does an excellent job bringing people together, helping them to realize their common goals, and getting them to cooperate at work.

Exchange tactics

Your boss tells you that if you are willing to work Thanksgiving week without any days off, she will guarantee that you don't have to work during the next major holiday week.

Commitment to the growth of people

Your company leaders offer an extensive leadership development and executive education program to employees.

Personal appeals

Your coworker wants you to cover his shift later this week, so he reminds you that the two of you are close and that this is what friends do for one another

Extrinsic reward

Your favorite perk at your company is the complimentary membership to your local health club—it would otherwise be really expensive to join.

relationship-oriented leadership

Your followers are bitter because you were promoted to lead the team and they weren't. They all feel confident in their work because their roles and job duties are very well defined. Although you are the official team leader, you don't have a whole lot of power to reward or punish anyone.

task-oriented leadership

Your followers don't see the need to have you leading them on the current project. In addition, each person on the team is advocating for a different "best way" to achieve the team's goals. Your current position doesn't include very much formal authority that would allow you to direct team members' behaviors

Intrinsic reward

Your new promotion includes a fancy title, which makes you feel like you are valued in your job.


Your parents are leaving town for two months. You are in college and mature, and they are confident in your ability to run the family business in their absence.

Task-motivated leadership

Your subordinates are thankful to have you as their leader and their job roles are clearly defined and understood. You also have complete authority to evaluate their performance and to reward and/or punish them.


Your supervisor has a knack for balancing short-term objectives with the company's overarching goals.


a person's belief that the effort they put into completing a task will lead to performing at a desired level


acting decisevly


acting responsibly


being conscientious


being inspirational (charismatic)


being inspiring, setting the tone, and articulating the vision


being visionary


executing plans and delivering goods and services

Bill has low self-efficacy. As a result, his __________ tends to be low.


Everyone on Jackson's team knows he is in charge, but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy spending time with them. Jackson can often be seen joking and laughing with his team members, who are individuals with standardized tasks, which can often be boring. Based on this information, Jackson has ________ situational control.


an example is interpersonal relationships

hygiene factors

lower level needs

hygiene factors

related to dissatisfaction

hygiene factors

related to job context - working conditions

hygiene factors

If followers lack both motivation and ability, then leaders should engage in activities emphasizing

initiating structure and consideration

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