Q/World History - Unit 5: Growth of World Empires

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Approximately, how much did it take to build the Versailles?

$100 million

Prince Henry initiated a program of exploration to find a route to the East Indies, by sailing around _____.


Portugal's only colony in the New World was:


The Act of Union united:

England and Scotland constitutionally

The Long Parliament passed the _____, which called for Parliament to meet at least once every three years.

Triennial Act

The War of Devotion was also known as the _____.

War of the Spanish Netherlands

Christopher Columbus

discovered the New World

Louis XIV did not believe in the divine right of kings.


When you export more goods than you import, you are said to have a(n) _balance of trade.


Henry VII

first Tudor king

What gold was to Spain, _ was/were to France.


Philip II

king of Spain

Hernando Cortes


By accepting the Petition of Right, Charles I agreed to:

no taxation without Parliament consent no one could be imprisoned without trial no soldiers would be quartered in homes in peacetime

Charles I was supported by _ England.

north west

William Cecil

prime minister

Three reasons Philip II sent the Spanish Armada include:

resented English intervention and aid to the Netherlands ,wanted to return England to the Catholic Church ,wanted to stop English interference with Spain's New World trade

The French settlements were _ than the English settlements.


Parliament was supported by _ England.

south east

In the seventeenth century Caribbean colonies were more important because of the (, , , ) located there. _


The three issues of the English civil wars included:

supremacy of king or Parliament new economic groups wanted role in government national church or freedom for several Protestant groups


supreme power or authority


tax on the offices of state


A Spanish province in Latin America administered by the crown or the Council of the Indies

In 1487 Bartholomew Dias discovered the tip of Africa, which he called the:

Cape of Storms

Spanish Latin America was governed by the king or the _____.

Council of the Indies

Admiral Howard

English commander against Spanish Armada

Sir Francis Drake

English pirate

The French legislative body was known as the:

Estates General

The official language of many royal courts was:


Control of the Ohio valley was the issue of the:

French and Indian War

The English and French colonial rivalry climaxed with the:

French and Indian War

The Gunpowder Plot was led by:

Guy Fawkes

Two important developments of Charles II's reign included:

Habeas Corpus Act Whig Party and Tory Party

The eastern country in which both France and England were interested was:


Established in 1607, what was the first permanent English colony?


John Cabot, an Italian sailor, was sent by Henry VII to the new world. What was he seeking?

Northwest Passage

Parliament voted tunnage and poundage as a means of income for only one year because

Parliament distrusted Charles.

Established in 1608, what was the first permanent French settlement?


Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury who suppressed the Puritans?

Richard Bancroft

In searching for a sea route to the East, England first tried to find a route around _____.


France was established as the strongest nation in Europe as a result of the:

Thirty Years' war

Causes of the Fronde included:

bad harvests discontent of provincial governors and officeholders- encouraged by English civil wars decline in grain prices

Henry IV

began Bourbon dynasty


city of Mexico

Francisco Pizarro

conquered the Incas

England's first and only constitution is known as the _ of Government.


Royal officials who were directly responsible to the king were called .


England and France both wanted to break up the monopoly of the Mediterranean trade that was controlled by which country?


Portugal had difficulty colonizing because they:

lacked resources, population, and size


land tax on the peasantry

The economic policy which included the idea that all colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country was:


In 1480, to divide the new lands between Spain and Portugal, the pope drew the first:

papal Line of Demarcation

Elizabeth I

stabilized English government


the Incan Emperor

One reform wanted by the Puritans and allowed by James I was:

the King James translation of the Bible


the great blond god of the Aztecs

Who was the first Englishmen to sail around the world?

Sir Francis Drake

Which was NOT a method Charles used to raise money?

Sold kingdom land

What countries or areas did Portugal contact, colonize, or establish posts in?

Sumatra Africa China Java Japan the New World

Iberian peninsula

a peninsula in southwestern Europe consisting of the countries of Spain and Portugal


a person having one white and one Negro parent; being of white and Negro blood


a person of Spanish and American Indian descent.


a policy whereby a certain number of Indian slaves were granted to landowners by the king


an Aztec king and warrior


an ethnic group of mixed Berber and Arab stock living in northwestern Africa

Henry III

assassinated in 1589

The second Navigation Act required that exports go to England first before continental ports.


Ferdinand Magellan

wanted to sail around the world


wealth; riches

The Dutch War lasted from 1672 to:


Maximilian de Bethune

Duke of Sully

Founded in 1600, the _____ gave effective mercantile organization to England's enterprises in India.

East India Company


a Spanish conqueror in North America or South America


a member of certain religious orders of the Roman Catholic Church

Portugal was the first European nation to:

contact Japan and China

The English took colonies from the _ and later re-named them New York and New Jersey.


When the _ was abandoned because of a declining Indian population, a system of _was formed.

encomienda, peonage

The first Navigation Act in England required that all colonial exports be carried in _ ships.


The Commonwealth was supported by Ireland, but not by Scotland.


The Test Act and Disabling Act required officeholders to be practicing Catholics.


Edict of Nantes

granted freedom of worship and political rights to Huguenots


the attacking of cherished beliefs or traditional institutions regardless whether based on error or superstition


the condition or service of a person doing work that requires little skill

Andes Mountains

the home of the Incas

Richelieu's two goals were:

to make the king all powerful in France to make France supreme in Europe


to sail around

Portugal's main source of economic support came through the business of _____.


A storm, a strong current, and swift vessels helped the British defeat the Armada in 1588.


Both Louis XV and Louis XVI enjoyed absolute power.


By circumnavigating Africa, Vasco da Gama became the first European to reach the East Indies by sea.


Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire and Charles I of Spain were the same man.


Charles V succeeded in uniting church and state.


Cromwell's government failed because it never had support of the majority of England.


England became a republic after the death of Charles.


France was brought to bankruptcy by war and extravagance.


Louis persecuted the Huguenots.


One of the features of mercantilism is the acquisition of more gold and silver.


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