race and ethic test 2

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what is the cultural bond that spanish speaking folks share that states GOD has planned a great destiney yet to be realized

"La Raza Cosmica" (The Cosmic Race)

1970-2005 prison grew _____%


major way to describe Latino adaption

Cultural pluralism- their influence long last in US culture

which Latino group has the highest povety rate


2 sterteotypes of jews

christ killers too intelligent

In the 19th century, education for Native Americans was

offered by white‑controlled schools as a way to civilize Native Americans.

1915 U.S. Supreme Court began slow swing to protection of black civil rights in what 2 ways

- end of grandfather clause - voter registration rises

3 things about family in PR culture

- identity - sense of purpose - extends to dating( not 2 indivuals but 2 familes)

the immigration reform and immigant responsibility act did what 2 things to restirct legal and undocumented immigration

- increased board patrol - income requirements for families sponsoring

Government employed three steps to reduce federal control and subsides for native americans

- indian claims commissions -termination act -employment assistance

3 reasons why native americans sued the us department of agriculture

- indian farmers discouraged from applying for disaster assitance and loans - fill out more complicated forms or less assistance -guidlines interpreted more harder

what kind of conditions in Jewish home country contributed to their success(3)

- learned self sustained jobs - merchants scholar - skills usesful in industrial US

4 negative powers of BIA

- which tribal groups are officially goverment acknowledged - defines who is indian - oversea land sales - oversea banking highway and utilities

3 options to do with PR

-Independence -51st State -Leave things the way they are (i.e., US Colony)

4 factors that contributed to Jewish upward mobility

-Skilled laborers -Values (delayed gratification, seriousness of purpose, patience, perseverance) -Entire family unit -Education

3 Latino cultural attibutes

-casual attitude toward time - lack of eye contact - little physical space

Indian Reorganization Act (1934) did what 6 things

-indian civil and culture rights - semi autonomous tribal government - economic development for reservations - end land allotment - BIA supervision of land sales -preferential hiring of indians in BIA

Jewish education attainment today (2)

-much higher than US population as a whole - schooling in Jewish religion and culture persist

jewish defense league 2 goals

-reinvigoration of ethnic pride - arm control to protect communities

Five Conditions of Slavery

-slavery was for life - slavery was inherited - slaves were considered property - slaves were denied rights -coercion used to maintain

type of Jews in 1st wave 2nd wave 3rd wave

1- Sephardic 2- Ashkenazi 3- eastern Europe

3 primary difference from cubans vs whites

1- jobs is not life itself 2- more collectivism 3- actions reflect group over individual

the amount of black labor that was stolen between 1620-1865 is projected to be about

1-97 trillon

about how many indian marriage involve non indian spouse


the number of African american who attend college is about _____ of whites


what number of Jewish have interfaith marriages


only ___ of native americans live on reservations the rest live on _____

1/3 town and cities

what percent of populatio is lations


slave trade was abolished in


3.The largest group of Jewish immigrants to the U.S. came during which period? 1750 1800 1800 1840 1880 1920 1920 1940


under which act could a native american ward of the government become a citizen if they showed themselves competent in managing individual land allotment

1887 dawes act

which year had the most number of lynchings?


what year did us annex PR


3 peak immigration periods for mexican

1910-1930 1942- 1954 1965- now

year to PR recieve citizenship


which Jewish immigration wave had marranos


4 major cuban immigration

1st elilte 2nd- professional upper and middle class teacher doct etc(light skin) 3rd- working class and small buisness 4th- mariel immigrants

about what percent of the population is Jewish


how many latinos are mexican


that sector characterized by job instability low wages and little mobility and few white workers

2ndary labor market

black unemployment rate is _____ than whites


during all years of stop and frisk white were ______ likely to be found with weapons


native american unemployment is______ as high as overall population and to live below poverty line


povery is _____ higher on the PR mainland


What percentage of land is currently controlled by Native Americans in the continental United States?


blacks make up ____ of population yet _____ of imprisoned

30 % 60 %

education was not a priority for Jews until

3rd wave of Eastern immigrants who established schools and taught Jewish practice

blacks are _____ likely to live in poverty compared to white


PR population today

4.7 million, high fertility rates

drop out rate for latinos living in central cities


of the senior officials of the U.S. Government economic, financial, and monetary institution Jewish represent what percent


who controls most US media

7 Jewish men

about what percent of black population is made up of immigrants


what percent of Native Americans live off reservations or in urban areas

78%(NY #1 city)

3 characteristics of the Marianismo

Accept male dominance family responsibilities Nurturing role

In recent decades, opinion polls have found that Jewish views on racial matters are most similar to which of the following groups? a. African Americans b. white Protestants c. white Catholics d. Irish and Italian Americans

African Americans

movement for native americans that was used to combat Police, housing, employment discrimination Alcohol rehabilitation

American Indian Movement (AI

Amended in 1994 to permit the right to use, transport, and possess peyote for religious purposes

American Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978)

which type of Jew is represented most in Government economic, financial, and monetary institution

Ashkenazi Jew

what was founed in 1961 for PR which offered Guidance, encouragement, and financial assistance Culture pride, self-confidence, further education


Which collective term recognizes the shared origins of Americans of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban origin and best emphasizes their cultural pluralism and cultural maintenance? a. Spanish Americans b. Latinos c. Braceros d. Chicanos

B- latinos

laws that required businesses to close on Sundays and who did they affect

Blue laws Jews

top 2 latino religions and percent

Catholic 68 Protestant( pentecostalism)

what was once a derogatory term but now a powerful mexican movement

Chicano power

stated that reservation lands should be divided among individual families

Dawes Act

what is the basic of latino cultural interaction and states all humans deserve measures of respect


3rd wave of Jewish immigrants from? experienced? pro? problem?

Eastern Europe pogroms most influential new and old Jew conflict

which wave of Jewish immigration has the largest group of immigrants

Eastern Europe- 3rd wave

3 ways in which the latino experinece varies

Ethnic group Area of country Period of time

between cuban generations you see a

Ethnocultural identity

T/F The term "Indian" is the name several major Native American groups called themselves at the time of their first contact with Europeans.


how did native americans feel about the land

Harmony with the land

what was estbalish to deal with native american treaty violations

Indian Claims Commission (1946)

top 3 countries in order of highest Jewish population

Israel united states France

which group does Not a specific religious grouping


which group has played a critical role in perserving the 1st amendment right and seperations of church and state


only battle that native americans won

Little Big Horn (1876) - Montana

Jews who were forced to covert publicly to Christianity during Spanish inquisition under threat of death but who privately maintained allegiance to Judaism


least segerated non european group

NA ( spatial assimilation)

Largest advocacy group

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

Traditional Jewish religious ritual and theology are the strongest in which of the following? a. Reform Jewish congregations b. Orthodox congregations c. Conservative congregations d. equally strong in Conservative and Orthodox congregations

Orthodox congregations

which latino group has the highest poverty rate

Puerto Ricans

which act spent 10-years restoring black-white relations

Reconstruction Act of 1867

4 NA enviromental justice problems

Reservations as radioactive dumps Reservations as garbage dumps Water rights Strip mining

Racially segregated railroad cars, churches, cemeteries, schools, and hospitals are examples of a.Jim Crow laws. b.only prejudice. c.isolate discrimination. d.contemporary ethnic framing.

a. Jim Crow laws.

Which is NOT a major reason that Jewish Americans have opposed Affirmative Action programs in the last several years? a.They feel that nonwhite minorities do not deserve the jobs they are likely to get under such programs. b.Such programs violate the principle of merit to which Jewish leaders have long been committed. c.Such programs recall memories of quota restrictions against Jews in earlier decades. d.Such programs may disproportionately affect Jewish Americans' access to college degrees and perpetuate the effects of past anti Jewish discrimination.

a. They feel that nonwhite minorities do not deserve the jobs they are likely to get under such programs.

When it comes to the mass media, a. only around 2 percent of regular television characters are Latino. b. the percentage of Latino characters has increased substantially to around 20 percent. c. there are not enough Latino actors to accept television roles. d. Latino viewers feel satisfied with the amount of Latino actors in the media.

a.only around 2 percent of regular television characters are Latino.

9. Puerto Ricans on the mainland a. prefer to live in central cities because of the proximity to job opportunities. b. have been excluded from most decent housing markets. c. are not "steered" by real estate agents to housing areas that are already predominantly black or Latino. d. as a group have suffered much less housing discrimination than African Americans.

b have been excluded from most decent housing markets.

Which statement does NOT describe Cuban Americans today? a. Cuban Americans are more prosperous than other Latino groups. b. Poverty is almost unknown among Cuban Americans. c. Cuban Americans have experienced discrimination from non‑Latino U.S. whites. d. Cuban Americans have experienced language discrimination in the U.S.

b. Poverty is almost unknown among Cuban Americans.

Public lynching of blacks a. was most common during the slave period. b. from the Civil War to the present--at least half have gone unrecorded. c. was most common in the decade just before World War II. d. after World War II increased dramatically.

b. from the Civil War to the present--at least half have gone unrecorded.

In the most recent school year, the majority of black students attended a. integrated public schools in urban areas. b. schools that were predominantly minority. c. segregated rural schools. d. integrated neighborhood schools.

b. schools that were predominantly minority.

An accurate description of the slave family should include a.the desire to work hard so that they could be freed. b. strong African American attempts to maintain family stability. c.the fact that African American women were allowed to protect their children by keeping them from hard labor. d.white women because they often helped African Americans escape.

b. strong African American attempts to maintain family stability.

Recent research shows two divergent patterns to economic mobility over the first few generations of Mexican American adaptation. Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to these economic mobility differences? a. immigrant status b. weakening community support structures c. level of education d. continuing discrimination

b. weakening community support structures

an inaccurate belief produced by anti semitism was that Jews were dominating and overrepresented in which industry


4 indian stereotypes

beast savage squaw drunk

Jews entering the U.S. during the third major immigration period often came a. because of government-sponsored massacres in their homeland. b. to find better educational opportunities in the U.S. c. because U.S. industrialists actively recruited them as factory laborers. d. to earn money and return to their homeland.

because of government-sponsored massacres in their homeland.

African american culture can be reffered to as 2 things

biculture, know the dominate culture as well as own oppositional culture

term white as racial self designation for europeans developed in the context of contact as africans and americans who they referred to as

black and red

cubans restored what kind of communities

blighted communities

type of mexican immigrants with short term permits

boarder crossers

for jewish Americans Religion is important ___, but not _____

bond cohesive

The Mariel immigrants were one of the most recent waves of immigrants from Cuba to the US, many considered to be a. poor and undesirable b. economically prosperous c. criminal and mentally ill d. both a and c

both a and c

type of immigrants from mexico that are there for seasonal farm workers on contract


type of religion NA use

broad world of spirituality(one that encompasses the whole of the world[animals water wind etc])

what was established to coordinate federal relations with indians and had authority supervision of reservations

bureau of indian affairs

Today, a. just over one million Puerto Ricans live on the mainland. b. fewer than one million Puerto Ricans live on the mainland. c. Puerto Ricans make up about nine percent of all Latinos on the mainland. d. fewer Puerto Ricans live on the mainland than in Puerto Rico.

c. Puerto Ricans make up about nine percent of all Latinos on the mainland.

Cuban __________________ is a religious practice, mixed with Catholicism and older African religions, which was brought to the US by many Cubans? a. Afro-Catholicism b. Cubalisimo c. Santeria d. Rastafarian

c. Santeria

In a recent Census survey, the median age of Cuban Americans was, a.younger than the U.S. population as a whole. b.younger than other Latino groups. c.higher than the U.S. population as a whole. d.about equal to the U.S. population as a whole.

c. higher than the U.S. population as a whole.

1. The period of heaviest Cuban immigration to the U.S. was a. just after Cuba became a U.S. protectorate in 1902. b. during the Batista dictatorship in the 1950s. c. in the decade following Cuba's 1959 revolution. d. since 1980.

c. in the decade following Cuba's 1959 revolution.

Which is NOT a power of the BIA today? a. to define who is officially an Indian b. to determine which tribes are officially acknowledged by the federal government c. to draw voting district lines in non‑reservation areas with large Native American populations d. to supervise tribal governments and tribal trust funds

c. to draw voting district lines in non‑reservation areas with large Native American populations

The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act a. abolished penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers. b.put an end to the immigration of Mexican agricultural workers. c.granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants who had lived in the U.S. continuously since 1982. d.allowed new and unlimited immigration of undocumented workers from Mexican cities

c.granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants who had lived in the U.S. continuously since 1982.

Traditional Native American religions a. were outlawed by Congress in 1890. b. have largely disappeared because most Native Americans are Christians. c. have coexisted with the various Christian missionary invasions. d. generally see Christianity as a superior moral and ethical system.

c.have coexisted with the various Christian missionary invasions

which 2 states have population majorites that are not european

california texas

due to what many think native americans are well off


conquest and domination of preexisting geographical group by outsiders

colonization migration

native american migration is referred to as what 2 names

colonization migration external colonialism

is the social stratification or discrimination based on skin color.

color coding

which latino group is older than the general population


___ is the stereotyped notion that poor people usually develop a defective and deviant subculture.

culture of poverty

In the spring of 2006, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators from numerous Latino and other groups participated in public demonstrations in Chicago and Los Angeles to demand all but which of the following? a. fair treatment b. social justice c. legalization for undocumented immigrant workers d. the ending of the Secure Fence Act

d) the ending of the Secure Fence Act

Which statement best characterizes the comparison of racial attitudes in Puerto Rico and on the mainland? a. Racial attitudes are virtually the same in both places. b. Acculturation on the island is generally one‑way whereas on the mainland acculturation usually involves a synthesis. c. A larger spectrum of racial categories is used on the mainland than on the island. d. Cultural and family identity often supersedes racial identity on the island.

d. Cultural and family identity often supersedes racial identity on the island.

One recent study found that many Puerto Rican workers go back to Puerto Rico periodically, a. for family reasons b. to rest from the stress of discrimination c. to obtain better wages d. both A and B

d. both A and B

Which of the following does NOT characterize the experience of blacks in the U.S.? a. institutionalized discrimination b. substantial cultural assimilation c. incorporation into the core society at lower socioeconomic levels with modest chances of mobility d. largely reciprocal assimilation

d. largely reciprocal assimilation

___________________ is the location(s) a majority of Cuban immigrants settled in. a. New York City. b. Chicago. c. New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia. d. south Florida.

d. south Florida.

IQ test scores of black children a.are almost always lower than the scores of white children. b.are almost always lower than the scores of white children living in the same geographic area. c.are almost always lower than the scores of white children from the same economic background. d.have been found to improve with better economic and learning environments.

d.have been found to improve with better economic and learning environments.

which policy resulted in large scale land sales to whites and reduced native american land

dawes act

blacks drip out rates have


the majority of immigrants from mexico

do not intend to live in US

FBI reports underestimate the number of hate crimes because most us polices agncies...

do not report hate crimes

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) 3 main focus

education legal aid progressive legislation

what type of societies did indigenous societies have

egalitarian- both men/women had respect and status

the problem of government and private dumping in communities populated by americans of color is an example of

environmental racism

european strategies for dealing with native american lands they took(5)

equal treaty deceptive treaty attempts of extermination enslavement confinement in reservations

Which of the following best fits the Jewish American experience? a. ethnogenesis b. oppositional culture c. reciprocal assimilation d. Anglo conformity in all areas


violence directed at an individual or group because of that individuals or groups racial or ethnic identity


PR are one of us racial groups that still endure

external colonialism

A recent report from a Department of Education task force found that most school systems serving Native American students now

fail to meet the needs of Native American students.

T/F Since the 1970s, one of the primary reasons Puerto Ricans migrated to the U.S. was to experience less discrimination.


T/F Because of their extreme poverty, the children of eastern European Jewish immigrants seldom attended public schools.


T/F Between 1930 and 1940 the number of openly anti Semitic organizations in the U.S. sharply declined


T/F Most Mexican immigrants pay considerably less in income and other taxes than they receive in government benefits such as social security, food stamps, or schooling for their children.


T/F Placement of children with limited English proficiency in English‑only classrooms tends to increase these children's performance and self‑confidence.


T/F The Border Patrol, created in the 1920s, has acted vigorously since that time to keep out all undocumented workers from Mexico.


T/F Today, almost all Puerto Ricans living on the mainland live in New York City.


T/F Compared with other Latino groups, Cubans have lower levels of education and income.


T/F Structural assimilation has been very rapid for most Native American tribes.


T/F Through actions, the federal government never supported the theft of Indian lands.


T/F Voting rights were a reality for all Native Americans in all states after passage of the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act.


t/f between 1600 and 1800 most whites in the north did not own slaves or considered the slave system wrong


t/f the number of indians voters has not grown significantly over past few decades

false, has grown due to registration campaigns

t/f during civil rights era proportion of black workers in professional, managerial, sales, clerical, crafts decreased

false, it increased

t/f most white families owned slaves

false, only 1/4 did

t/f today native american church riturals are restricted by federal religious freedomlefislations

false, protected

t/f the black middle class has grown since 1980

false, stayed the same and has not grown significantly

t/f in conflict indians were responsible for a great number of white deaths

false,( only 1 documeted account, usually provided food and guidance )

t/f mexicans have servered in the surpreme court

false- none

Reservation life dictated by

federal government, to a degree

native americans have seen gains in what 2 areas

fishing rights land claims

first wave of Jewish immigrants from where? type? made up of? what kind on inquisition?

from- Israel tribes in middle east type- sephardic made- Spain and Portugal inquisition- Spanish(marranos)

indian land holds what 4 minerals

gas oil coal uranium

what is the hispanic paradox

healthier than the population when entering

PR intermarriage rate


jewish intermarriage rate trend


what contributes to the challenges of health care and mortality on reservations

high crime rate

in comparison to other us minority groups latino drop out rates and college attendence

higher drop out lower college

hispanics income relative to blacks

higher median income

unique about native american in terms of age trend

highest amount of young (18- under) than any other group

what stands out about PR families compared to other latinos

highest rate of single households

why do many native american children experience high dropout rates

hostile educational experience

called for the termination of federal supervison of Indian groups and Relief of fed control and compensation

housing concurrent resolution/termination act ( reject indian reorganization act and policy of forced white conformity and cut goverement cost)

3rd larges state for mexican immigrants


as of 2010 we seen a ____ in NA population, with it around

increase 2.9-3.5 million

part of native american apparent economic improvement may be due to what

increase number of people who identify themselves as Native Americans ( those with mixed ancestry reclaim their heritage are frequently more affluent)

cultural survial of NA is evident in the persistence of

indian language

which act cause within a decade many native groups migrated to the east voluntarily or by gunpoint to lands west of mississippi

indian removal act 1830

in ny stop and frisk around what percent were innocent? what percent black?

innocent 88+% black 53+%

Which of the following best characterizes the experience of Mexican Americans? a. reciprocal assimilation b. nearly complete Anglo conformity c. internal colonialism d. full structural assimilation and absorption

internal colonialism

which group is over represented among the senior officials of the us government, financial and monetary instiutions


3 well known abolitionist

lincoln doughlas tubman

how do most na choose to identify

local tribal affiliation

mainland PR voting rates


native american primary education concern

low enrollment

which group has the lowest levels of high school and college education of any major us group

mexican americans

colonized people sometimes reacted to european oppressors by joining

millenarian movements

oriented in the golden age in which supernatural events would change their oppressive conditions

millenarian movements

white view that Blacks have illegitimately challenged white values are are making illegitmate demands for changes in racial realtions

modern racism

do jewish earn more or less than median income for US households


through the years unemployment rates for NA has been far higher than

most other groups

the only subordinated racial group whose life has been routinely administered over a long period of time a bureaucratic arm of the us government

native Americans

which groups has had the most sustained and lengthy protest of any group in the history of north america

native americans

who face the worst housing conditions of any us group

native americans

who has the highest drop out rates

native americans

what was the 1st period since reconstruction in which the federal goverment gave attention to the needs of black citizens

new deal era

t/f vast majority of native americans struggle with alcohol problems ? percent compared with white

no 5.8-NA 5.1% whites

5 type of immigrants from mexico

offical visas undocumented braceros commuters boarder crossers

what was the major tax break for corption is PR which made it a advanced industrilized place ignoring agriculture

operation bootstrap

2nd wave of Jewish immigrants origin? type? from? pro?

origin- holy roman empire type- Ashkenazi from- Germany pro-better educated

3 types of jewish religion? largest?

orthodox- largest reform conservative

the majority of mexican marriage today are with

other mexicans

organized often offcially encouraged attacks on Jews


Chicano power 2 main focus

political issues sense of peoplehood

in the split labor market which market was composed of privileged white workers, skilled jobs high wages and upward mobility

primary market

white workers sense of white superior and privilege

psychological wage

The naming of the various Native American tribes by European Americans

reflects the subordination of Native Americans

what really hurt Jewish education attainment

restrictive quotas

voter registations and turnout for mexicans has

risen substantially

in the split labor market which market was composed of workers of color, job instability, low wages and less upward mobility


when they Bureau of Indian Affairs was created how were tribes viewed

separate nations

what prevented community formation in PR communities

shuttle migration

often accompanied their economic successes (jewish)

social ostracism

3 characteristics of Machismo

strength in face of adversity Protecting/providing for family Avoiding indebtedness

what is the main reason PR came over

sugar industry

as it comes to community and union what has remained a main concern for Jewish

the survival of Israel

in 2011 ny stop in frisk more black men were stopped than

there are black men in NYC

2 of the best know forced marches by gunpoints of native americans to the east

trail of tears long walk- navajo

t/f a most traditional religious beliefs & practices of native americans are not exclusive, a person can be both christian and a tradition believer


T/F In spite of anti-immigrant discussions, recent surveys found that a substantial majority of Americans still think legal immigration is good for the country.


T/F The number of black elected officials has increased sharply since the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


T/F Until they come to the mainland most Puerto Ricans seldom have had to deal with overt and extensive color‑based discrimination.


T/F In 1860 approximately one-fourth of southern white families owned almost four million enslaved African Americans.


T/F Tensions between blacks and Cuban Americans in Florida have arisen because blacks often see Cuban Americans as taking jobs away from them.


T/F The majority of Cuban immigrants have come to the U.S. because of political and economic problems in Cuba.


t/f Some Jewish voters moved from the Democratic party to the Republican party in the 1850s because of its antislavery position.


t/f Today an increasing proportion of Jewish Americans are accepting the intermarried into the Jewish community.


t/f orginally there were various african cultures such as Ibos & Akans who became a single african american people and forged a distinctive African american culture


t/f slavery in the north was long entrenched in the economic and legal system


t/f survey has shown a decline in mexicans indentifying with catholic church


t/f the early version of the declaration of independence attacked the slave trade


t/f today more jewish define jewish as a culture and ethnic group over religion


t/f about 58% of PR think american view them as white


t/f today Jewish are more Culturally Jewish, but secular in beliefs


t/f today may jewish ameircan dont see themselves as traditionally religious


t/f federal goverment requires native american profit from gaming be used for education economic development courts policing and physical structure


t/f historic tribes differed substantially in regard to religious beliefs, practices, language, social structure, gender roles etc


t/f latinos use goverment programs much less than native borns and have higher labor force participation


t/f over the years tribal courts have had limited jurisdiction which is making them ineffective in protecting cultural identities of these communities


t/f the number of americans who claim indian ancestry has increased dramatically


t/f the number of indians running for political office has gradually increased and the number serving in state and federal has grown significantly


those with no jobs, those working part time and those making poverty wages

underemployment rate

mexican are better intergrated in mainstream society in which areas


cause of texas rebellion

us colonizers going beyond existing us boarders

mexicans are welcomed when? and deported when?

welcome- labor is short deported- labor is scarce

worldwide movement for the establishment in palestine of a national homeland for the worlds jewish communities


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