RAD 135 final

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Which of the following projections will best demonstrate the bony nasal septum?


Which of the following functions is not performed by the urinary system?

Producing and releasing adrenaline

Which cranial bone contains the foramen ovale?


Which cranial bone possesses the sella turcica?


Which sinus is projected through the oral cavity with a parietoacanthial transoral projection?


Which sinus often produces an air/fluid level indicating a basilar skull fracture?


The enteroclysis procedure is indicated for patients with regional enteritis.


The opening leading into the intestine for the patient with a colostomy is termed the stoma.


The patient should void before the IVU to prevent dilution of the contrast media in the bladder


The sphenoid bone articulates with all the other cranial bones


The suprarenal glands are part of the endocrine system


Artificial opening between the urinary bladder and aspects of the large intestine

Vesicocolonic fistula

Which of the following commercial contrast media would be used during an evaluative proctogram?


The rapid introduction of contrast agents into the vascular system is termed:

bolus injection.

dilation of the intestine with thickening of the circular folds


unpaired bone in the adult


Which of the following clinical indications may require a decrease in manual exposure factors?

multiple myeloma

bone tumor originating in the bone marrow

multiple myeloma

The esophagus is located ____ to the larynx.


The gallbladder is located in the ________ margin of the liver.

posterior inferior

Where does the esophagus lie?

posterior to the larynx

Where do the ureters lie in relation to the bladder?

posterlateral to bladder

The ureters enter the _______aspect of the bladder


Which of the following is not a function of the GI system?

production of hormones

opening leaving the stomach

pyloric orifice

string sign

regional enteritis

The absence of a functioning kidney is

renal agenesis

Which of the following conditions may produce hydronephrosis?

renal obstruction

horizontal portion of duodenum

third portion of duodenum

What is the primary function of bile?

to breakdown and emulsify fats

During the initial enema tip insertion, the tip is aimed:

toward the umbilicus.

Enema tip is aimed where during insertion?

toward umbilicus

Which of the following structures does not pass through the diaphragm?


A phytobezoar is

trapped vegetable fiber in the stomach

What is a phytobezoar?

trapped vegetable fibers in the stomach

CT may be performed to diagnose acute appendicitis


chronic inflammatory condition of the large intestine

ulcerative colitis

stovepipe appearance of colon

ulcerative colitis

Which of the following is not a salivary gland?


What projection can you replace a lateral rectum projection?

ventral decub

The esophagus extends from C5-C6 to


Intracranial hemorrhage in premature infants


Which of the imaging modalities or procedures is most effective and preferred in diagnosing HPS?


Chole-" is a prefix for terms pertaining to the:


middle aspect of stomach


What is another term for a laxative?


creates a hypertonic condition in blood plasma


less expensive of the two types


parent compound is a carboxyl group


uses salt as its cation


Which radiographic sign is frequently seen with adenocarcinoma of the intestine?

"Napkin ring" or "apple core" sign

Which two bones form the bony nasal septum?

Ethmoid and vomer

The normal range for creatinine in an adult is:

.6 to 1.5 mg/dL

In 24 hours, how much urine do the kidneys normally produce?

1.5 L

Which of the following kV ranges should be used for an upper GI series using barium sulfate (single contrast study)?

100 to 125 kV

Which of the following technical/positioning factors does not apply to an MD-Gastroview (double contrast) upper GI study?

125 kV

The CR and image receptor should both be centered approximately ________ higher for the 15 or 30 minute small bowel image than for the later images.

2 inches

What type of CR angulation should be used for a PA axial projection of the mandible?

20-25 degrees cephalad

What is the maximum CR angulation used for the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible?


How high should the tourniquet be placed above the puncture site?


How long should the venipuncture site be cleaned with an alcohol wipe before needle insertion?

30 seconds

A male patient comes to radiology for a voiding cystourethrogram. Which of the following projections and/or positions would be performed for this procedure?

30° RPO

How much rotation of the body is required for the LAO position during a barium enema?

35-45 degrees

What is the total capacity of the average adult bladder?

350 to 500 mL

outpouchings located in distal ileum

Meckel's diverticulum

What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for the parietoacanthial (Waters) projection?


Where does the CR exit for a modified parietoacanthial (modified Waters) projection of the facial bones?


The average adult kidney measures ____ in length.

4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 cm)

How long must a patient with acute renal injury, stage IV or V renal disease, or an estimated glomerular filtration of <30 withhold from taking metformin after an iodinated contrast media procedure?

48 hours

What is the angle between the midsagittal plane and the IR for a parieto-orbital oblique projection of the optic foramen?


The recommended digital systems kV range for the superoinferior tangential projection of the nasal bones is:

60 to 70.

What is the name of the joint found between the lateral condylar processes of the skull and the atlas of C1?

Atlanto-occipital joint

How much difference in degrees is there between the OML and the IOML?

7 to 8 degrees

How much difference is there between the OML and IOML positioning lines?

7° to 8°

The patient must be NPO a minimum of ____ hours before the small bowel series.


Patients must be NPO for

8 hours

The ideal kV range for a double-contrast barium enema is:

90 to 100.

A patient comes to radiology for a sinus series. She cannot fully extend her head and neck for the submentovertex projection. What else can the technologist do to produce a diagnostic submentovertex projection?

Angle the CR to place it perpendicular to IOML.

What can the technologist do if the patient cannot extend the head and neck adequately for the routine submentovertex projection of the zygomatic arches?

Angle the CR to place it perpendicular to the IOML.

Which positioning line should be perpendicular to the image receptor for the parieto-orbital oblique (Rhese method) projections for optic foramina?


A patient comes to radiology for an upper GI series. The patient has a clinical history of hiatal hernia. Which of the following positions may be helpful in demonstrating this condition?

AP Trendelenburg position

may be caused by cutting off blood supply to it or by infection


Complete cessation of urinary secretion


In what position is the patient placed for the enema tip insertion?


An infant is brought to the ED with a possible intussusception. Which of the following procedures may actually correct this condition?

Barium or air enema

Age-associated enlargement of the prostate gland

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

A patient comes to radiology with severe mastoiditis. Which one of the following imaging modalities will best demonstrate possible bony destruction within the mastoid region?


A patient with a possible ureteric stone comes from the emergency department (ED) for an IVU. She has a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level of 50. Which of the following imaging modalities is recommended for this patient?


Recent bleeding within the brain


Which of the following imaging modalities best demonstrates bony erosion of the maxillary sinus resulting from acute sinusitis?


Which of the following imaging modalities may be used to examine a possible cranial bleed caused by trauma?


Which hormone leads to contraction of the gallbladder to release bile?


A patient experiences a hot flash after the injection of an iodinated contrast media. What should be the next action taken by the technologist?

Comfort the patient; this is a common side effect.

The union of the left and right hepatic ducts form which duct?

Common hepatic duct

Which of the following structures are described as scroll-like projections found in the nasal cavity?


Paget's disease

Conventional radiography

Which plane or perspective is most often produced for a CT scan of the sinuses?


Which of the following structures passes through the superior orbital fissure?

Cranial nerves III to VI

chronic inflammatory condition of small intestine

Crohn's disease

A radiograph of a left posterior oblique (LPO) position taken during an IVU reveals that the right kidney is foreshortened and superimposed over the spine. What must the technologist do to correct this error during the repeat exposure?

Decrease rotation.

Metformin is a drug administered to patients with


A patient comes to radiology with possible diverticulosis. Which of the following studies is most diagnostic for detecting this condition?

Double-contrast barium enema

Where is cholecystokinin produced?

Duodenal mucosa/duodenum

Which part of the small intestine has the largest diameter?


Which part of the small intestine is the shortest?


A patient comes to radiology for an IVU. During the procedure, the radiologist suspects nephroptosis. Which of the following positions best demonstrates this condition?


A pediatric patient enters the emergency department (ED) with a small, plastic object stuck in her esophagus. PA and lateral chest radiographs fail to demonstrate the foreign body. Which of the following procedures would be most effective in demonstrating the location of the object?

Esophagogram using shredded cotton soaked in barium

Which cranial bone contains the cribriform plate?


Which cranial bone possesses the superior nasal conchae?


inflammation of the small intestine


Normal kidney that fails to ascend into the abdomen, but rather, remains in the pelvis

Ectopic kidney

A radiograph of a parietoacanthial (Waters) projection for sinuses reveals that the petrous pyramids are projected over the maxillary sinuses. What positioning error is present on this radiograph?

Excessive flexion

A PA axial oblique (RAO) barium enema projection is an optional projection to demonstrate the right colic flexure.


For a hypersthenic type of patient, a 35x43 (14x17) IR placed in portrait orientation and centered correctly generally includes the entire barium-filled large intestine on one IR


If both procedures are ordered on the same day, a barium enema must be performed before an IVU.


Infections involving the upper teeth may involve the frontal sinuses.


Lesions of decreased density are termed osteoblastic lesions.


Natural latex-based gloves are safe to be worn by all technologists


Nonionic contrast agents may increase the severity of side effects as compared with ionic contrast agents.


The ascending colon and upper rectum are intraperitoneal structures.


The height of the enema bag should not exceed 36 inches (92 cm) above the radiographic table at the beginning of the study.


The lateral margin of the stomach is called the lesser curvature


The proper name for the parieto-orbital oblique projection is the Schuller method.


The small sacculations found within the jejunum are called haustra


What is the classification of the joint found between the teeth and maxilla?


How many facial bones help make up the bony orbit?


Which sinuses are best demonstrated with the PA projection?

Frontal and ethmoid

Which cranial bones articulate with the parietal bone?

Frontal, Sphenoid, Occipital

Which three cranial bones articulate directly with the zygomatic bone?

Frontal, sphenoid, temporal

caused by a flagellate protozoan


A radiograph taken during an esophagogram using thin barium mixture demonstrates that there is very little contrast media in the esophagus. Which of the following points will improve filling of the esophagus? (The exposure was made on inspiration after the last swallow.)

Have the patient drink during the exposure.

While attempting to insert an enema tip into the rectum, the technologist experiences resistance. What should be the next step taken by the technologist?

Have the radiologist insert it using fluoroscopic guidance.

Blood in the urine


A patient comes to radiology for a sinus series on a cart. She is unable to stand or sit erect for any of the projections. Which of the following projections will best detect any air/fluid levels present in the maxillary sinuses?

Horizontal beam lateral

A patient enters the emergency department (ED) with a possible basilar skull fracture. Which of the following skull projections would best demonstrate any blood present in the sphenoid sinus?

Horizontal beam lateral projection

Along with the use of erect positions, what other factor is important to demonstrate air/fluid levels in paranasal sinuses?

Horizontal x-ray beam

Which one of the following technical considerations is most critical for demonstrating air and/or fluid levels within the cranium?

Horizontal x-ray beam

Fusion of the kidneys during development of the fetus

Horseshoe kidney

Which positioning line should be perpendicular to the plane of the IR for the AP axial (Towne) projection with a 37° caudad CR angle?


A PA axial projection with a 25° caudad angle of the cranium reveals that the petrous ridges are at the level of the superior orbital margins. Which of the following modifications are required to correct this error?

Increase extension of cranium.

A radiograph of a PA projection of the sinuses reveals that the petrous ridges are projected over the ethmoid sinuses. Which of the following modifications will eliminate this superimposition while not compromising diagnostic quality?

Increase extension of the head and neck slightly.

A radiograph taken during an upper GI series demonstrates poor visibility of the gastric mucosa. The following factors were used: 80 kV, 30 mAs, 1/40-second exposure time, and high-speed image receptors. Barium sulfate was used during the procedure. Which of the following factors needs to be modified during the repeat exposure?

Increased kV (decrease mAs as needed)

A radiograph of an AP projection taken during a retrograde cystogram reveals that the floor of the bladder is superimposed over the symphysis pubis. What error led to this radiographic finding?

Insufficient CR angulation

A radiograph of a parietoacanthial (Waters) projection reveals that the petrous ridges are superimposed over the lower 30% of the maxillary sinuses. What specific positioning error (if any) led to this radiographic finding?

Insufficient extension

A radiograph of a parietoacanthial transoral (open-mouth Waters) projection reveals that the mouth is open but the sphenoid sinus is superimposed over the maxilla and upper teeth. What positioning error led to this radiographic outcome?

Insufficient extension of the head and neck

telescoping of the bowel into another aspect of it


Which of the following symptoms is classified as a mild reaction?


Which part of the small intestine has a feathery appearance when filled with barium?


One radiograph of an upper GI series needs repeating. The technologist is unsure which projection and/or position is seen on this radiograph. The fundus is filled with barium, and the pylorus and duodenal bulb are profiled and air filled. The patient was recumbent for all projections. Which projection and/or position needs to be repeated?


What position demonstrates the right colic flexure?


Which of the following sutures separates the parietal from the occipital bone?


Which part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract synthesizes and absorbs vitamins B and K?

Large intestine

Which projection and/or position is most commonly performed during an evacuative proctogram?


Where are the ethmoid sinuses located within the ethmoid bone?

Lateral masses

A patient comes in with a clinical history of a possible pituitary adenoma. Because this is a rural hospital, CT and MRI are not available. Which radiographic projection or position would best demonstrate signs of bony erosion of the sella turcica because of the tumor?

Lateral position

Which aspect of the large intestine is located highest, or most superior, in the abdomen?

Left colic flexure

Where is bile formed?


A patient comes to radiology with a clinical history of an acoustic neuroma. Which of the following imaging modalities will provide the best assessment for this tumor?


Most sensitive modality for detecting differences between normal and abnormal brain tissues


Which of the following imaging modalities provides an excellent distinction between normal and abnormal brain tissue?


Which of the following imaging modalities should NOT be used to rule out a possible metal foreign body in the eye?


Which of the following definitions would describe a bezoar?

Mass of undigested material

What is the largest immovable bone of the face?


Which facial bone forms the majority of the hard palate?


What is the only paranasal sinus not contained within a cranial bone?


Which sinuses are best demonstrated with a parietoacanthial projection?


Distinctive lesions with moth-eaten appearance, a combination of increased density and destructive irregular border lesions


Act of voiding


Where is the CR centered for a nephrotomogram of the kidneys?

Midway between the iliac crest and the xiphoid process

Which projection best demonstrates the floor of the orbits?

Modified parietoacanthial (modified Waters)

A patient enters the ED with facial bone injuries. The physician is concerned about a possible blow-out fracture of the left orbit. Which of the following three-projection routines would best diagnose this injury?

Modified parietoacanthial, 30° PA facial bone, and lateral facial bone projections

Radiolucent areas within the bony cranium

Multiple myeloma

Which of the following terms describes the junction of the two nasal bones?


A radiograph of a lateral cranium reveals that the mentum was cut off from the bottom of the radiograph. A 24 × 30-cm (10 × 12-inch) IR was used, and it was placed crosswise. What must be altered if a repeat exposure is performed?

None of the above; all of the structures were demonstrated.

A radiograph of a posteroanterior (PA) axial projection (Caldwell method) of the cranium reveals that the petrous ridges are located at the level of the lower one third of the orbits. The technologist performed this projection with the CR angled 15° caudal to the orbitomeatal line (OML). How must positioning be altered if a repeat exposure is performed?

None of the above; positioning was correct.

How much skull rotation (from a lateral position) is required to place the ramus parallel to the IR for the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible?

None; the skull should be kept in a lateral position.

A radiograph of a PA Caldwell projection reveals that the petrous ridges are projected into the lower one third of the maxillary sinuses. Which of the following modifications should be made during the repeat exposure to produce a more diagnostic image?

Nothing; accept the initial radiograph.

Early detection of metastases

Nuclear medicine

Which of the following modalities best demonstrates early signs of Paget's disease of the skull?

Nuclear medicine

Excretion of diminished amounts of urine

Oliguria or hypouresis

Where should the optic foramen be located with a well-positioned parieto-orbital oblique projection of the optic foramina?

Outer, lower quadrant of orbit

A patient comes to radiology with a possible bone cyst within the squamous portion of the frontal bone. Which of the following projections would best demonstrate this region with a minimal amount of distortion of the frontal bone?

PA with no CR angulation to OML

Destructive stage of bony areas demonstrated by areas of radiolucency followed by reparative stages of sclerotic (radiodense) regions resulting in a "cotton-wool" appearance

Paget's disease

A patient enters the ED with a possible nasal bone fracture. The physician is concerned about a possible bony nasal septum deviation and fractured nasal bones. Which of the following routines would best diagnose these injuries?

Parietoacanthial, lateral nasal bone, and superoinferior (axial) projections

Enlarged sella turcica

Pituitary adenoma

Passage of a large volume of urine


What is the primary purpose of the membranous folds located within the cystic duct?

Prevents distention or collapse of the cystic duct

A patient comes to radiology for an IVU. His laboratory report indicates a creatinine level of 0.7 mg/dL. What should be the technologist's next step?

Proceed with the study.

Which oblique position, the LAO or RAO, best demonstrates the ascending colon and right colic flexure?


Situation- During a barium enema, a possible polyp is seen in the left colic flexure. Which of the following projections will best demonstrate it?


Which of the following is not an aspect of the maxilla?


Which of the following structures is not considered part of the colon?


Absence of a functioning kidney

Renal agenesis

Which abdominal muscles run on each side of, and medial and posterior to, the kidneys?

Right and left psoas major

A patient comes to radiology for an upper GI series. Her clinical history indicates that there may be a tumor posterior to the stomach. Which one of the following projections and/or positions will best demonstrate this condition?

Right lateral

A radiograph of a lateral projection of the facial bones reveals that the mandibular rami are not superimposed. What specific positioning error is present on this radiograph?


Which part of the large intestine is located between the rectum and the descending colon?

Sigmoid colon

Which of the following procedures is considered as a functional study?

Small bowel series

Large stone that grows and completely fills the renal pelvis

Staghorn kidney stone

What are the salivary glands?

Sublingual, Parotid, Submandibular

A patient enters the ED with a possible fracture of the right zygomatic arch. Which of the following routines would best diagnose a possible fracture of this structure?

Submentovertex, bilateral oblique inferosuperior (tangential), and AP axial projections

At what stage of respiration should the enema tip be inserted into the rectum?

Suspended expiration

Which of the following landmarks corresponds to the highest level of the petrous ridge?


Which cranial bone possesses the zygomatic process?


A nephrogram taken during an IVU demonstrates that the renal parenchyma is poorly visualized but the calyces are contrast enhanced. What is the most likely reason for this radiographic outcome?

The exposure was not taken soon enough following the injection.

What technical factors apply to lateral nasal bone projections?

The technologist should not use automatic exposure control (AEC), The technologist should use a small focal spot, The technologist should use low to medium kV.

A radiograph of a lateral projection of the cranium reveals that the orbital roofs (plates) are not superimposed—one is slightly superior to the other. Which of the following positioning errors led to this radiographic outcome?


A true allergic reaction is also termed as an anaphylactic reaction.


Adult forms of polycystic disease are inherent


All of the paranasal sinuses are contained within cranial bones, except the maxillary sinuses


All reactions, regardless to their severity, must be documented.


Bladder carcinoma is three times more common in males than females


CT (computed tomography) of the kidney for renal calculi does not require the use of intravenous contrast media.


CT may be performed to diagnose acute appendicitis.


Synthetic latex enema tips are safe to use for latex-sensitive patients.


The transit time of barium through the small intestine of the pediatric patient is usually less than that required for an adult.


Water-soluble contrast agents pass through the GI tract faster than barium sulfate


Where is the CR centered for a lateral projection of the cranium?

Two inches (5 cm) superior to EAM

During an upper GI series, the "halo" sign appears in the duodenum. Which of the following conditions will produce this radiographic sign?


Craniosynostosis (premature suture closing in neonate skull)


Hydrocephalus (in neonate)


Constant or frequent involuntary passage of urine

Urinary incontinence

Which term describes the act of voiding under voluntary control?


A patient comes to radiology for a routine study of the cranium. He is unable to flex his head and neck sufficiently to place the OML perpendicular to the IR for the AP axial projection. What should the technologist do to compensate for this problem without creating excessive magnification of the occipital bone?

Use the inferior OML and increase the CR angulation by 7°.

A patient comes to radiology for a double-contrast barium enema. The patient cannot lie on her side during the study. Which of the following projections could replace the lateral rectum projection?

Ventral decubitus

disorder of proximal small intestine

Whipple's disease

Where is the CR centered for a lateral projection of the facial bones?

Zygoma, midway between the EAM and the outer canthus

Which bone is involved with a tripod fracture?


The CR is centered to exit at the level of the ______ for a well-positioned parietoacanthial projection


The upper and lower teeth are embedded in the:

alveolar processes.

Which of the following aspects of the stomach is defined as an indentation between the body and pylorus?

angular notch

indentation found along lesser curvature

angular notch

Where do the ureters lie in relation to psoas muscles?


The posterior aspect of the orbit is termed the:


Central ray and image receptor centering for a 1-hour small bowel radiograph should be:

at the level of the iliac crest.

Which of the following veins is not normally selected for venipuncture during an IVU?


fracture evident by sphenoid sinus effusion

basal fracture

What type of radiolucent contrast medium is most commonly used for double-contrast GI studies?

carbon dioxide

found along superior aspect of fundus

cardiac notch

Radiographic examination of the biliary ducts only is termed:


Which of the following terms describes the condition of having gallstones?


A benign, cystic mass of the middle ear is a(n):


Patchy, blunting of the calyces is a radiographic sign of:

chronic pyelonephritis.

Which term describes food after it enters the stomach and is mixed with gastric secretions?


A fracture involving the facial bones where a blow to one side causes a fracture to the opposite side is termed a ____ fracture.


The glomeruli, glomerular capsule, and proximal and distal convoluted tubules are located in the ____ of the kidney.


Diatrizoate is a common anion


tangential view may help in determining extent or degree of this fracture

depressed fracture

Which type of health condition may restrict the use of glucagon during a barium enema?


inflammation of small herniations in the intestinal wall


condition of small herniations present along the intestinal wall


jagged or sawtooth appearance of the intestinal wall


What exam should be done to see diverticulosis?

double contrast barium enema

Where is CCK produced?

duodenal mucosa

Situation- A patient has a clinical history of regional enteritis. Which of the following procedures is most often performed for this condition?


Which structure in the pharynx prevents aspiration of food and fluid into the larynx?


Which of the following is the older term for GERD?

esophageal reflux

opening between esophagus and stomach

esophagogastric junction

The ____ sinuses develop last and are not fully developed until the teenage years.


cribiform plate


perpendicular plate


superior nasal conchae


Situation- a patient with a clinical history of a rectocele comes to the radiology department. Which radiographic procedure will best diagnose this condition?

evacuative proctography

Which of the following factors prevents superimposition of the ramus on the cervical spine for the axiolateral oblique mandible projection?

extend chin

Ascending colon and upper rectum are intraperitoneal


In general, all of the paranasal sinuses are fully developed by the age of 6 or 7 years.


ascending portion of duodenum

fourth portion of duodenum



superciliary arch


To which aspect of the stomach does barium gravitate when the patient is in the supine position?


Which aspect of th stomach fills with air when the patient is prone during a double-contrast UGI?


most posterior aspect of stomach


Which two structures create the "romance of the abdomen"?

head of the pancreas and the C Loop of the duodenum

Which of the following is not a recognized lobe of the liver?


help to mix air drawn into nasal cavity

inferior nasal conchae

The renal veins connect directly to the

inferior vena cava

mushroom-shaped dilation with a small amount of barium extending beyond it


A Dissociates in two separate ions after injection


located anteriorly in medial aspect of orbit

lacrimal bones

Which colic flexure (right or left) is located 1 to 2 inches higher or more superior in the abdomen?


The left mastoid fontanel becomes the ____ in an adult.

left asterion

Which of the following middle ear structures is considered the most lateral?


What drug can be added to the barium sulfate mixture to minimize intestinal spasm during a barium enema?


fracture of the skull with jagged or irregular lucent line that lies at an angle to the axis of the bone

linear fracture

Extravasation is classified as a(n) _________ reaction


unable to process certain nutrients

malabsorption syndrome

The act of chewing is termed


contains four processes


The mastoid air cells communicate with the:

middle ear.

Tachycardia (>100 beats per minute) is a symptom of a(n) ______________ type of reaction

moderate systemic

What is achalasia?

motor disorder of the esophagus

Achalasia is generally defined as:

motor disorder of the esophagus.

lie just anterior and medial to the frontal process of maxilla

nasal bones

The CR is centered to exit at the level of the ______ for a well-positioned 15-degree PA axial projection of the facial bones.


apple-core lesion


Posses low osmolality


creates a near isotonic solution


does not contain a cation


produced a less severe contrast media reaction


A patient comes to the radiology department with a clinical history of Meckel's diverticulum. Which imaging modality is most often performed for this condition?

nuclear medicine

What is the best course of action for a patient experiencing a mild systemic contrast media reaction?

observe and reassure patient



Which of the following bones is not part of the floor of the cranium?


foramen magnum


lateral condylar portions


Excretion of a diminished amount of urine in relation to the fluid intake is the general definition for:


The aditus is defined as a(n):

opening between the epitympanic recess and the mastoid air cells.

destructive lesion with irregular margins

osteolytic neoplasm

The pathway of communication between the frontal, maxillary, and ethmoid sinuses that provides drainage between them is termed:

osteomeatal complex.

condition that begins with bony destruction followed by bony repair

pagets disease

possesses a vertical and horizontal portion

palatine bones

Which of the following conditions is considered high risk for an iodinated contrast media procedure?


a new growth extending from mucosal wall


inward growth from intestinal wall


The churning or mixing activity of chyme in the small intestine is called

rhythmic segmentation

Which four cranial bones articulate with the frontal bone? (Make sure you choose 4)

right parietal, sphenoid, left parietal, ethmoid

In which quadrant is the liver located in the sthenic patient?

right upper quadrant

Which of the following positioning errors frequently results in a repeat exposure of a cranial position?


mucosal folds


The numerous mucosal folds located within the urinary bladder are termed:


Brachycardia (<50 beats/min) is a sypmtom of a(n) _________________ type of systemic reaction


Bradycardia is a symptom of a ____ systemic reaction


Hot flashes are classified as a(n)

side effect

anterior clinoid processes


foramen ovale


pterygoid hamulus


sella turcica


Which aspect of the frontal bone is thin-walled and forms the forehead?


Which auditory ossicle attaches to the oval window?


Gastritis is defined as inflammation of the:


The Greek term gaster, or gastro means


The slight depression above each eyebrow is termed the:

supraorbital groove.

The point of union between both halves of the mandible is termed:

symphysis menti.

A loss of consciousness caused by reduced cerebral blood flow is termed:




petrous ridge


zygomatic process


The structural and functional unit of the kidney is:

the nephron.

Which of the following nutrients is not digested?


A tapered or corkscrew appearance seen during a barium enema


a twisting of the intestine on its own mesentery


Situation- A patient comes to the radiology department with a clinical history of giardiasis. She is scheduled for a barium enema procedure. Which of the following precautions must be followed during the procedure?

wear gloves

One of the three constricted points along each ureter is the pelvic brim. The location of this constricted point is:

where the iliac blood vessels cross over the ureters.

forms lower, outer aspect of orbit

zygomatic bone

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