RAD Projections: finger,hand,wrist

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PA oblique hand part position and CR

45 degree angle from a PA thumb side up, CR perp and at 3rd mcp jnt. fingers may be out parallel or relaxed down if cant be extended

how do u know a true lateral digit projection

concave appearance of anterior surface of phalanges, open jnt spaces

what does the special view Roberts method demonstrate

dislocations, osteoarthritis, bennetts fractures of 1st cm jnt

ball catchers method or AP oblique bilateral hands is used for? whats the part position? and the CR

evaluate rheumatoid arthritis, also shows fractures to the base of the 5th metacarps. hands supinated in a natural flexion put hands in an oblique with 5th digits down, CR per, level of 5th mcp, also brings out the pisaform

A PA wrist has a part position of? CP? and an alternative special view of?

fingers flexed into a loose fist palm down, mcp mid wrist, perp. alternative view is a supinated hand with fingers elevated

for a lateral finger projection what is the part position and the CR

for 3-5 digit, finger out while other fingers hold them selves down with the thumb in a lateral position, second digit thumb side down for a lateral to decrease oid. CR at perp at pip jnt

for an oblique finger projection how do you know its a true oblique

lack of symmetry of phalanges

how do you know you have a good PA wrist

open intercarpal spaces,radialulnar jnt open,open metacarpal jnts at the carpals, no rotation by symmetry of proximal metacarpal and minimal superimposition of distal radiulnar jnt.

in a PA oblique hand how do you know the position is a true oblique

partial imposition of the metacarpals heads and bases 3-5, inter metacarpal spaces open. unforshortened scaphoid, open digit jnts, and uneven concavity of the phalanges.

in a PA hand projection what is the part positioned and the CR

pronated hand, palm flat on IR with fingers spread, CR 3rd mcp jnt perp CR

the roberts method is the same as an AP thumb except for?

CR is 15 degrees towards the wrist. CP at 1st cmc carpalmetacarpal jnt

scaphoid view with ulnar deviation part position and CR

a palm down position with hand deviated at the ulna, decreasing the angle on the 5th digit side. for the fist view perp CR at the scaphoid area, second view tilt tube 10-15 degrees, if wrist cant deviate the tube tilts more. seeing an unforshortand scaphoid

what should the collomation include on a hand projection

all fingers and 1 and 1/2 of the ulna and radius

for a PA oblique of digits 2-5 the part position is? the CR is?

hand in a PA position rotate up 45 degrees, CR perp, at the PIP joint (second digit do thumb side down to decrease oid)

for a PA 45 degree medial oblique thumb what is the part position and the CR

hand in a pronated PA position, thumb does a 45 degree oblique naturally when hand is in the position. the CR is perpendicular and at the 1st digit cmc jnt

a fan lateral hand projection has a part position on, and CR?

hand lateral with 1st and 2nd digit in an OK sign, hand true lateral rotate a degree or two posterior, fan fingers out and include radius and ulna, cr perp at 2nd mcp jnt

for a lateral thumb projection what is the part position and the CR

hand pronated thumb abducted, fingers and hand slightly arched , rotate medially to get a true lateral of thumb. CR perpendicular at MCP jnt

what is the part position for an AP thumb. where is the centering point

internally rotate hand, fingers extended, posterior surface of thumb is on the IR. 1st MCP metacarpophalangeal jnt

A PA oblique wrist has a part position of? CR?

move from a PA 45 degrees towards thumb, CRperp at mid carpal area

AP hand is a true AP by seeing what in the image

no rotation evident by symmetrical appearance of the concavities of shafts of the metacarpals and phalanges, open interphalangeal jnt spaces

the carpal bridge part position, and CR

posterior hand face down wrist hyperextended at 90 degrees, CR proximal to wrist, demonstrates calcifications or pathology of the dorsal aspects of the carpals

for a PA projection of digits 2-5 what is the part position, and CR

pronate hand and spread fingers, include partial sides of adjoining fingers. CR perp. at PIP jnts, some occupations may have you place the CR proximally and open to the articulating carpal.

in the clinical world where do you center for a finger position?

proximal pip

how do you know an oblique wrist is true oblique?

same as a lateral hand, see an unforeshortened scaphoid

how do you know a true lateral hand?

superimposed metacarpals, finger jnt spaces open, thumb should appear slightly obliqued, lateral wrist

how do you know if an AP finger projection is a true AP? how do you know if you have good technique?

symmetrical concavities of the phalanges, open jnt spaces. trabecuar patterns throughout the entire digit/ with a thumb also the articulating carpal.

what carpal bone needs to be included on an AP thumb

the articulating carpal, trapezium

a lateral wrist projection has a part position of? CR?

true lateral like a lateral hand, move posteriorly 1 - 2 degrees, superimposed radius and ulna. CR perp, mid carpal area

what is the SID for all finger projections


the carpal cannals other name is? part positioned, and CR?

Gaynor heart, anterior wrist down with fingers pulled back, hand a slight degree rotation internally to get a true position. CR 25-30 degree tube tilt towards palm. CR at bottom of the palm. looking for median nerve calcifications, impingement of the medial nerve, and the sulcus tunnel

lateral extension and flexion hand part position is what? CR?

extension is a lateral hand with fingers extended and thumb stacked on top, flexed is the same but with naturally curved fingers, CR is perp, 2nd mcp

when do you do a PA thumb projection

if an AP projection isnt possible

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