R&A Test 3

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If the price of a product ranges from $59 to $179, the range of these prices is _____


If the population mean is assumed to be 20 and the sample standard deviation is 5, a score of 15 would have a Z-value of _____.


If the average units produced in a month by a Ford Motor Co. plant for Ford Explorers is 22, but only 18 Explorers are produced on a given day in that same month, the deviation score for this one day is _____.


If 60 males are asked if they recognize the brand name, "Focus," and 35 of them correctly identify the product as a model of Ford's product line within Ford Motor Co., the proportion of males in the sample who recognize this brand name is approximately _____.


If 206 people in a sample of 560 people say that they "liked a product" that they purchased during a test market study in Cincinnati, the proportion of people in this study who said that they liked this product was about _____.


Internet surveys probably should remain active for a minimum of _____ hours.


Find the approximate standard deviation of the following set of scores: 3, 6, 2, 7, 8 .


If a researcher wants to summarize the responses of subjects by gender and awareness of a particular brand ("Yes" or "No"), he or she would use a ______ contingency table.


If 35 percent of TV viewers recalled seeing an ad for a Toyota Prius on a particular television program based on a sample of 800 viewers, the 95 percent confidence interval for this study would be between approximately _____.

32 percent and 38 percent

Find the median of the following scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7


If the sample standard deviation is 10.5 and the sample mean is 48 based on a study with a sample size of 120, the 95 percent confidence interval about the mean is between approximately _____.

46.12 and 49.88

Find the mode of the following scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7


Find the mean score of the following set of scores: 2, 5, 7, 4, 8 .


If a researcher wants to select 50 customers from a sampling frame of 250 customers who have purchased at least $10,000 worth of products from his company within the past six months using a systematic sampling technique, after a random start, the researcher should select every ______ name


Codes are rules for ______ data. a. interpreting b. classifying c. recording d. all of these choices

All of these choices

Which of the following is a measure of the central tendency of a set of scores? a. mode b. median c. mean d. all of these choices

All of these choices

Which of the following is a step in determining sample size? a. estimate the standard deviation of the population b. make a judgment about the allowable magnitude of error c. determine a confidence level d. all of these choices

All of these choices

Which of the following is used to simplify and clarify data? a. tables b. graphs c. charts d. all of these choices

All of these choices

All of the following are stages in the selection of a sample EXCEPT _____. a. analyze data b. select a sampling frame c. determine sample size d. conduct fieldwork

Analyze data

A researcher hypothesizes that males and females differ with respect to attitude toward sports sponsorships. To investigate this hypothesis that these two groups' attitudes differ, he will use a _____.

Bivariate test of differences

An investigation of all the individual elements that make up a population is called a(n)


When a company decides to send an Internet survey to all of its 127-member sales force to determine their morale, this is an example of a


Which theory states that as sample size increases, the distribution of sample means of size n, randomly selected, approaches a normal distribution?

Central-limit theorem

Multiple Choice

Chapter 12

Coding that assigns numbers to categories in an arbitrary way merely as a means of identifying some characteristic is called _____.

Class coding

If a researcher for Procter & Gamble selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarket chains within each of these states to call for a phone survey for research regarding a new shampoo, what type of sampling procedure is being used?

Cluster sample

Which sampling technique is an economically efficient sampling technique in which the primary sampling unit is not the individual element in the population but a large cluster of elements?

Cluster sampling

Assigning males the value of zero and females the value of one in a database to record the gender of the respondents is an example of _____.


The assignment of numbers to edited data is known as _____.


When a researcher combines the "Strongly Disagree" and "Disagree" responses on a Likert scale item to a single "Strongly Disagree/Disagree" percentage, this is an example of _____.

Collapsing the data

All of the following are reasons for using a sample EXCEPT _____. a. complete enumeration b. pragmatic reasons c. accurate and reliable results d. destruction of test units

Complete enumeration

When a local television station sends a crew to interview joggers in the city park on a beautiful spring day, this represents what type of sample?

Convenience sample

When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them, what type of sampling procedure does this represent?

Convenience sample

Which of the following is the symbol for the population standard deviation?

Cursive o

Another name for data transformation is _____.

Data conversion

When a respondent's answers to ten Likert-scale items are added up to form a total subtest score for these questions, this is an example of _____.

Data transformation

When a researcher has made the decision to conduct a survey using a sample of the population, the FIRST step in the selection of the sample is to _____.

Define the target population

The transformation of raw data into a form that makes the data easier to understand and to interpret is called _____.

Descriptive analysis

A stratified sample in which the sample size for each stratum is allocated according to analytical considerations is called a(n) _____.

Disproportional stratified sample

Assigning a "1" or "0" code where each number represents an alternate response such as "yes" or "no," is an example of _____.

Dummy coding

Which of the following is an alternative to dummy coding using the values of -1 and +1 to represent two categories of responses?

Effects coding

Breaking down the answer to the question: "Have you ever purchased a ticket online for an American Airlines flight?" into subgroups based on gender and zip code is an example of _____.

Elaboration analysis

A confidence range is a specified range of numbers within which a population mean is expected to lie.

False A confidence interval estimate is a specified range of numbers within which a population mean is expected to lie

To use the chi-square test, both variables in a 2 x 2 contingency table must be measured on a ratio scale.

False A frequency count of data that nominally identify or categorically rank groups is acceptable

A frequency distribution of a sample is called a probability distribution.

False A frequency distribution of a sample is called a sample distribution

A researcher must calculate the population mean to calculate the confidence intervals.

False A researcher must calculate the sample mean to calculate the confidence intervals

When no direction of a relationship is stated in the hypothesis, a one-tailed test is appropriate.

False A two-tailed test is appropriate

All statistics that are appropriate to use for higher-order scales (ratio scales are the highest) are also appropriate to use with lower-order scales (nominal scales are the lowest).

False All statistics appropriate for lower-order scales (nominal is the lowest) are suitable for higher-order scales (ration is the highest)

One hundred percent of the scores in a normal distribution fall within plus or minus two standard deviations of the mean.

False Almost all (99.7 percent) of its values are within +/- 3 standard deviations from its mean

Cross-tabulation allows the inspection and comparison of differences among groups based on interval or ratio measures.

False Cross-tabulation allows the inspection and comparison of differences among groups based on NOMINAL or ORDINAL categories

Discrete coding can be used for dichotomous responses like "yes "or "no."

False Dummy coding is used for this type of data

The average deviation score is frequently used in marketing research studies.

False It is never used. Positive deviation scores are canceled out by negative scores, leaving an average deviation value of zero no matter how wide the spread may be

The term p-value stands for power-value.

False It stands for probability-value

The t-test for comparing the means of two groups assumes that the data are in nominal scales.

False It tests a dichotomous (two-level) independent variable associated with changes in continous dependent variable

Multivariate statistic analyses require five or more variables.

False Multivariate statistical analysis test hypotheses and models involving multiple (three or more) variables or sets of variables

One way to test the significance of contingency tables is by means of the t-test.

False One way to test the significance of contingency tables is by means of the chi-squared test

As sample size decreases, random sampling error decreases.

False Random sampling error decreases as sample size increases

A Z-test for differences of proportions requires a sample size greater than 100.

False Requires sample size greater than 30

In stratified sampling a subsample is drawn using judgment sampling within each stratum.

False Subsamples are drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum

Systematic errors are due to chance fluctuations.

False Systematic (nonsampling) errors result from nonsampling factors, primarily the nature of a study's design and the correction of execution. These errors are systematic in some way and not due to chance fluctuation.

The availability of sampling frames is fairly consistent around the world.

False The availability of sampling frames varies dramatically around the world.

The confidence interval increases as the sample size, n, increases

False The confidence interval DECREASES as the sample size increases

The chi-square test requires that the expected frequency in each cell of the contingency table be at least 30.

False The expected frequency in each cell should be at least 5

The first stage in the selection of a sample is to determine the sampling frame.

False The first stage is to define the target population

If between 125 and 150 units of a product have been produced each day during the past month, the range of this production is 150 units.

False The range of this production is 25 units, which is the difference between the highest and lowest units

The standardized normal distribution has a mean of 1.0 and a standard deviation of zero.

False The standardized normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation on 1

The standardized normal distribution is a purely theoretical probability distribution and is of little use in inferential statistics.

False The standardized normal distribution is a purely theoretical probability distribution, but it is the most useful distribution in inferential statistics.

The researcher using sampling runs the risk of committing two types of errors: primary errors and secondary errors.

False The two types of errors are TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 errors

Monovariate statistical analysis tests hypotheses involving only one variable.

False These are called univariate statistical analyses

The row and column totals in a contingency table are called subtotals because they are less than the total.

False They are called marginals because they appear in the table's margins

Researchers usually are most interested in the marginals in a contingency table.

False They usually are more interested in the inner cells of a contingency table

When a data set is bimodal, a median split of the data will lead to error.

False This approach is best applied only when the data do indeed exhibit bimodal characteristics. When a data set is unimodal, a median split of the data will lead to error

Judgment sampling ensures that various subgroups of a population will be represented on pertinent characteristics.

False This describes quota sampling. Judgement sampling is a nonprobability sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects sthe sample based on his or her judgement about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample memebr

A poll is an investigation of all the individual elements that make up the population.

False This is a census

A planogram is a graphical way of showing the frequency distribution in which the height of a bar corresponds to the frequency of a category.

False This is a histogram

A convenience sample is a type of probability sampling method.

False This is a method of nonprobability sampling

A census is any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics.

False This is a population (universe). A census is an investigation of all the individual elements that make up the population.

If a researcher is interested in whether adult males purchase a product more frequently than adult females, this is an example of univariate statistics.

False This is an example of bivariate statistics

A category split means respondents below the observed median go into one category and respondents above the median go into another.

False This is called a median split

The total mean is the mean of a variable over all observations.

False This is grand mean

Percentage frequency is the long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur.

False This is probability

The reference base is the number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages in a cross-tabulation.

False This is referred to as the statistical base

The first basic step in interpreting t-test results is to find the p-value associated with a particular t and the corresponding degrees of freedom.

False This is the 3rd step First step is to examine the difference in means to find the direction of any difference

The midpoint of a distribution, above which and below which half of the scores fall, is called the mode.

False This is the median

A 3 x 4 table represents a contingency table with twelve variables.

False This represents a two-way contingency table displaying TWO variables - one with three levels and the other with four levels

Three factors are required to specify sample size: (1) the variance of the population; (2) the population mean; and (3) the confidence level

False Three factors are required to specify sample size: (1)the variance of the population; (2) the MAGNITUDE OF ACCEPTABLE ERROR; and (3) the confidence level

Systematic sampling is a type of true random selection procedure.

False While systematic sampling is not actually a random selection procedure, it does yield random results if the arrangement of the items is not some sequence corresponding to the interval in some way

The t-test assumes that the two population means are equal.

False assumes population variances are equal

Arranging data so that the number of times each category occurs is called a _____ table.


A set of data organized by summarizing the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs is referred to as a(n) _____.

Frequency distribution

Hank has developed a set of data organized by summarizing the values resulting from rolling a pair of die. He constructed a table of his data and found that five was the most common result. This is an example of a _____.

Frequency distribution

A researcher is creating a table to present to a client that gives the number of respondents selecting the various product concepts of interest in the study. The client will use this information in the decision of which product concept to pursue. This table is referred to as a _____.

Frequency table

All of the following are characteristics of the standardized normal distribution EXCEPT _____. a. symmetrical about its mean b. has an infinite number of cases c. mean identifies the normal curve's highest point (the mode) d. has a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0

Has a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0

Which of the following is a graphical way of showing the frequency distribution in which the height of a bar corresponds to the frequency of a category?


As sample size ______ , random sampling error ______.

Increases; decreases

If the price of Brand A is transformed to a value of 100 and Brand B's value is 75, indicating its price is 25 percent lower than Brand A's price, 100 and 75 represent _____.

Index numbers

Scores or observations recalibrated to indicate how they relate to a base number are referred to as _____.

Index numbers

When a researcher wants to estimate national market share based on the results of the test market for a new product in St. Louis and Kansas City, this is an example of _____.

Inferential statistics

When a marketing vice-president tells the marketing department to schedule a test market in Dallas because he feels that this city is "typical" of the composition of the target market for a new product nationally, this is an example of what type of sample?

Judgement sample

Which of the following is a nonprobability sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member?

Judgement sample

All of the following are advantages of quota sampling over probability sampling EXCEPT ____. 1. convenience 2. lower error 3. lower cost 4. speed of data collection

Lower error

All of the following are advantages of quota sampling over probability sampling EXCEPT ____. a. lower cost b. convenience c. speed of data collection d. lower error

Lower error

A researcher is examining the row and column totals in a contingency table of stores shopped at by gender. What are these called?


The arithmetic average of a set of numbers is referred to as the _____.


The value below which half the values in a distribution fall is the _____.


Dividing a data set into two categories by placing respondents below the median in one category and respondents above the median in another is called a(n) _____.

Median split

The measure of central tendency that identifies the value that occurs most often is called the _____.


It is hypothesized that an individual's style of processing information (i.e., verbal or visual) will influence the impact an advertising execution will have on attitudes toward the brand advertised. Style of processing, then, is considered which type of variable?

Moderating variable

When a third variable is included in the analysis that is studying the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable, and this third variable changes the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in an important way, this third variable is called a(n) _____.

Moderator variable

If a national political pollster selects ten states randomly, then randomly selects five counties within each state, then randomly selects five voting precincts within these counties, then randomly selects five blocks within these precincts, then randomly selects five households for door-to-door interviews about their voting intentions in the next Presidential election, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure?

Multistage area sampling

One of the most common probability distributions in statistics is the _____ distribution.


The _____ distribution is a symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution that describes the expected probability distribution of many chance occurrences.


Janet has agreed to participate in online research studies. She signed up to receive emails inviting her to participate in various applied research studies, such as the one that asked her questions about dinner preparation. Janet is part of a(n) _____.

Online panel

Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with the e-mail contact information for these individuals are called _____.

Online panels

Claire has agreed to participate in surveys online. Every few weeks, she is sent an email requesting her to participate in an online survey. What did Claire do to become involved in these research studies?

Opted in

An estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value, usually the sample mean, is called a _____.

Point estimate

Refers to any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics?


A frequency distribution of the population elements is called a _____.

Population distribution

_____ is the long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur.


In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection?

Probability sampling

The percentage of elements that meet some criterion is called a(n) _____.


A stratified sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is in proportion to the population size of that stratum is called a(n) _____.

Proportional stratified sample

When the head of the marketing research department instructs field interviewers to interview parents at a soccer tournament such that they each interview 10 truck owners, 10 SUV owners, 8 sedan owners, and 4 owners of sports cars, this represents what type of sampling procedure?

Quota sample

The difference between the sample result and the result of an accurate census is called _____.

Random sampling error

Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?


Index numbers require which level of measurement?


When the probability of a Type II error is ______ , the probability of a Type I error is _____.

Reduces; increased

A telephone directory that lists the people in the phone book by their street address instead of by their last name is called a _____.

Reverse directory

Which of the following is the symbol for the sample standard deviation?


A(n) _____ is a subset, or some part, of a larger population.


The formula below is used to calculate the _______ . Greek symbol with x/n

Sample Mean

A frequency distribution of a sample is called a(n) _____.

Sample distribution

The formula below is used to calculate the ______ . (ZS/E)2

Sample size

Measures computed from sample data are called _____.

Sample statistics

A list of elements from which the sample may be drawn is called a _____.

Sampling frame

When a researcher wants to study the members of the American Marketing Association and selects a sample from its membership list, the membership list is an example of a _____.

Sampling frame

Which type of error occurs when certain sample elements are excluded or when the entire population is not accurately represented in the sampling frame?

Sampling frame error

A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a _____.

Sampling unit

If Delta Airlines selects randomly a set of 40 flights on a given day, and then selects randomly a group of ten passengers on each of these flights to participate in an in-flight survey, the passengers are _____.

Secondary sampling units

Which of the following becomes a key indicator of whether or not a hypothesis can be supported?

Significance level

When a researcher puts the name of each person on a sampling frame list on a 3" x 5" card, shuffles the cards thoroughly, and then selects 35 names from the top of the pile of cards for a phone interview study, this is an example of what type of sampling procedure?

Simple random sample

A sampling procedure that assures each element in the population of an equal chance of being included in the sample is called _____.

Simple random sampling

All of the following are common sampling criteria EXCEPT _____. a. degree of accuracy required b. size of the population c. resources available d. time available to conduct the research

Size of the population

A marketing researcher wants to put together four focus groups of 18-24 year-old males who are "heavy downloaders of music" (defined as downloading 50 songs per month). He finds one person in the target market who qualifies and then asks that person to suggest the names of two other males between the ages of 18-24 who download music so that he can invite them to participate in the focus group. These people, in turn, are each asked to suggest two others similar to themselves to participate in the focus group study. This procedure represents what type of sampling procedure?

Snowball sample

Which type of sampling procedure selects initial respondents using probability methods and selects subsequent respondents from information provided by those initial respondents?

Snowball sample

The following formula is the formula for calculating the ______ . S=Square(S^2)=

Standard Deviation

Which of the following eliminates the drawback of having the measure of dispersion in squared units rather than in the original measurement units?

Standard Deviation

Which of the following represents the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?

Standard error of the mean

In which type of sampling is a subsample drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum of the population?

Stratified sampling

A sampling procedure in which a starting point is selected by a random process and then every nth number on the list is selected is called a(n) _____.

Systematic sampling

Which type of sampling error is primarily due to the nature of a study's design and the correctness of execution?

Systematic sampling error

Arranging data into a table is called _____.


A _____ is an investigation of a hypothesis stating that two (or more) groups differ with respect to measures on a variable.

Test of differences

A survey question asked respondent how much of the Super Bowl they watched by asking them to check one of the four following choices: "all of it," "most of it," "some of it," or "none of it." How many dummy variables would a researcher need to dummy code this question?


Which of the following refers to the proportion of respondents who choose the most positive choice in a multiple choice question?

Top-box score

"As sample size increases, the distribution of sample means of samples of size n (when randomly selected) approaches a normal distribution" is a fundamental assumption of the central-limit theorem.


A Type I error occurs when a condition that is true in the population is rejected based on statistical observations.


A bigger sample is needed if the elements of the population are quite diverse compared to if the elements of the population are quite similar.


A common form of elaboration analysis is to do cross-tabulation of data within subgroups of the sample under study.


A contingency table is a data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables.


A cross-tabulation is a simple way to describe the relationships between two groups.


A list of all of the members of the San Diego chapter of Notre Dame alumni is an example of a sampling frame.


A paired-sample t-test is an appropriate test for comparing the scores of two interval variables drawn from related populations.


A point estimate is an estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value.


A pooled estimate of the standard error is a better estimate of the standard error than one based on the variance from either sample.


A primary sampling unit (PSU) is a unit selected in the first stage of sampling.


A reverse directory provides, in a different format, the same information contained in a telephone directory.


A sampling procedure ensuring that each element in the population will have an equal chance of being included in the sample is called simple random sampling.


A significance level is a critical probability associated with a statistical hypothesis test that indicates how likely it is that an inference supporting a difference between an observed value and some statistical expectation is true.


A simple tabulation of a variable's frequency distribution is sometimes called a marginal tabulation


A statistical test's significance level or p-value becomes a key indicator of whether or not a hypothesis can be supported.


A t-test is not appropriate and should not be used when the sample size is greater than 30.


Coding is the process of assigning a numerical score or other character symbol to previously edited data.


Coding using the rule that a male appearing in an advertisement is coded as "1," a female is "2," a child is "3," and an animal is "4," is an example of class coding.


Combining the data from adjacent categories of a Likert-scale item is a common form of data transformation.


In most cases, the size of the population does not have a major effect on the sample size.


In practice, computer software is used to compute the t-test results.


Index numbers allow researchers to track a variable's value over time and compare a variable with other variables.


List brokers rent lists of names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of specific populations.


Multistage area sampling is a cluster sampling approach involving multiple steps.


Population parameters are measured characteristics of a specific population.


Randomness characterizes a procedure whose outcome cannot be predicted because it depends on chance.


Sampling involves using a small number of people in the target market to make conclusions about the entire target market population.


Snowball sampling involves using probability methods for an initial selection of respondents and then obtaining additional respondents through information provided by the initial respondents.


Stratified samples can be proportional or disproportional.


Tabulation refers to the orderly arrangement of data in a table or other summary format.


Tests are bivariate tests of differences when they involve only two variables: a variable that acts like a dependent variable and a variable that acts as a classification variable.


The chi-square test requires the researcher to compare the observed frequencies of the groups with the expected frequencies of the groups.


The degree of accuracy required in sampling may vary from project to project.


The independent samples t-test tests the differences between means taken from two independent samples or groups.


The mean is simply the arithmetic average.


The mode is the measure of central tendency that identifies the value that occurs most often.


The normal distribution is represented by the normal curve.


The primary purpose of inferential statistics is to make a judgment about a population.


The process of changing data from their original form to a format that more closely fits the research objectives of the research study is called data transformation.


The reason that means that appear to be not so close could be concluded to be statistically the same is due to the variance.


The researcher examining descriptive statistics for any particular variable is using univariate statistics.


The sampling frame is also called the "working population."


The standardized value of Z is computed by the formula: Z = (X - u)/crooked a.


The t-test is most appropriate for small samples (e.g., smaller than 30).


The type of measurement scale used in the research study determines the possible statistical tests that can be used appropriately with the resulting data.


The type of measurement, the nature of the comparison, and the number of groups to be compared influence the statistical choice.


The variance, or heterogeneity, of the population refers to the standard deviation of the population.


Website Internet surveys use unrestricted samples.


When a third variable inserted into the analysis changes the results when two other variables were studied previously, this third variable is called a moderator variable.


A top-box score refers to the top quartile of responses.

True A top-box score generally refers to the portion of respondents who choose the most favorable response toward a company

An area sample is the most popular type of stratified sample.

True An area sample is the most popular type of cluster sample

A common practice in marketing research is to use the 75 percent confidence interval about the mean in research studies.

True The common practice is to use the 95 percent confidence interval

Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14- Basic data analysis


Chapter 15


The standard deviation eliminates the drawback of having the measure of dispersion in squared units rather than the original measurement units.


When a researcher sets an acceptable significance level a priori (), he or she is determining how much tolerance he or she has for which type of error?

Type 1

Which type of error occurs when the researcher concludes a relationship exists when in fact one does not exist?

Type 1

The two types of errors researcher run the risk of committing when sampling are _____.

Type 1 and Type 2 errors

Failing to identify a hypothesized difference using a sample result when one really does exist in the population is which type of error?

Type 2

The researcher examining descriptive statistics for any particular variable is using which type of statistics?


Which type of statistical analysis test hypotheses involves only one variable?

Univariate statistical analysis

The formula below is the formula for the ______ . S^2=


Data with which type of distribution are appropriate for division based on the median split?

bimodal distribution

A researcher interested in a data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables should construct a _____.

contingency table

If a business wants to know if more males or females purchase their product or a competitor's product, which of the following answers this question?


Which of the following is the appropriate technique for addressing research questions involving relationships among multiple less-than interval variables?


An analysis of the basic cross-tabulation for each level of a variable not previously considered, such as subgroups of the sample, is referred to as _____.

elaboration analysis

In statistical terms, ______ the sample size ______ the width of the confidence interval about the mean at a given confidence level.

increasing; decreases

Counting the number of responses to different parts of a question in a survey and arranging these responses in a frequency distribution is called _____.

marginal tabulation

The confidence interval for a proportion uses which of the following formulas?

p +-ZS(little p)

A researcher is testing a hypothesis and is examining the data to determine whether or not the observed relationship between a salesperson's age and sales are significantly related. Which of the following will he use to determine the significance level of the results?


All of the following are examples of descriptive statistics EXCEPT _____. a. p-value b. average c. range d. standard deviation


The number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages in a contingency table is referred to as a(n) _____.

statistical base

Which test is appropriate for testing hypotheses involving an observed mean against a specified value?


Counting the number of responses to questions in a survey by hand is called _____.


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