RE Fundamental Quizzes .. 1

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What is the maximum slope of a ramp under the ADA guidelines?

1 inch vertical rise for every 12 inches in length

With only a few exceptions, structures built with only wood have a maximum height of...?

2 floors

A territorial subdivision is six miles long, six miles wide and contains ............ sections, which are each one-mile square.


What is the maximum allowed buildable square footage on a property if the property measures 10,000 square feet, and the maximum permitted floor area ratio is 4.0?

40,000 sq.ft.

If a building totals 5,000 square feet, and the building covers 100% of the property, what is the floor area ratio if the property measures 1,000 square feet?


John is looking for an existing multi-story building zoned for mixed-use. He wants to open a small, by-reservation-only restaurant on the lowest floor. Local code requires 15 square feet per person in a commercial setting with non-concentrated seating. What is the minimum square footage he needs to serve 50 people?

750 sq.ft.

What percentage of government land assets, including lakes, rivers, and streams, are set aside as public lands designated for recreational use or managed to protect natural resources?

95 Percent (%)

Preliminary plans are ...?

A Developer plans that have not been platted and recorded

What determines a brownfield site?

A brownfield site is an area that is, or could be, contaminated and has the potential to be reclaimed and developed to achieve its highest and best use.

What happens if there are two deeds for the same parcel of land?

A court decides ownership.

What is a trade fixture?

A fixture used in commercial property for business or industry.

What is a landfill?

A landfill is where trash and waste are buried, and it is usually designed to have a liner and procedures in place to prevent contamination to the surrounding environment.

The most accurate way to officially identify real estate is...?

A legal description

The makeup of asbestos is ...?

A mineral fiber

Mold is...?

A naturally occurring element, made of microscopic-sized spores, found everywhere, in dust and floating in the air.

James is a real estate investor who is looking to build a speculative home. Which location would most likely yield the highest value?

A popular residential neighborhood with good schools and transportation.

What is a comprehensive plan?

A set of regulations that dictates how development and expansion occur in a city, county or other region.

Which of the following improvements will most likely increase a home's value?

Adding a garage in the rear yard. Adding solar panels to the property. Adding a bedroom to the house.

Lead is a naturally occurring element found in ............., ............, and ..............

Air, water, ground

Brenda is buying a house. She loves the furniture and decorations in the house. How should she write the contract?

All personal property stays with the house.

If you see a map that has grid lines and the land is cut into squares, this would be ...?

An example of a government survey

If a proposed building does not comply with the dimensional requirements of the zoning resolution, which of the following must be obtained?

Area variance

Freon was created by the DuPont Company, and it has been used...?

As a refrigerant in air conditioners, some freezers and dehumidifiers, as well as aerosol cans.

When compared to the number of people who get lung cancer from smoking, radon ranks...?

As the second-leading cause of cancer, and smokers exposed to radon have even higher rates of lung cancer.

Which of the following is a naturally occurring mineral fiber sometimes found in older homes?


Which of the following is an example of a friable substance?


Terry had questions for her real estate agent, Ted. She didn't know very much about asbestos and homes, so she wanted to know more. During their conversation, Ted wanted to reassure her with the facts, so he told as much as he knew, including ...?

Asbestos was used most often in homes that were built before 1980 because people didn't know the risks

A buyer purchases a property in the country with a septic system and well. The buyer, having only lived in the city, knows nothing about either, and is concerned about the quality of the well water. To practice due diligence, the buyer should...?

Ask for the driller's well log and have a water analysis test done.

Early building code development and enforcement was driven by a need to protect...?


Because of the potential dangers of UFFI, the government...?

Banned the sale of it, but that law was revoked soon after due to lack of evidence documenting proof of the dangers, however, it's not used much in the United States anymore.

Radon is undesirable because...?

Based on human and animal studies, radon has been determined to be harmful to people and animals.

Which land is likely to have the highest monetary value?

Beachfront property in a warm climate.

Fire stairs in a building will typically exit to the...?

Building's lobby

The .............dictate the allowed building envelope for a building on a property.

Bulk regulations

When testing houses that sit side-by-side, the radon levels...?

Can vary dramatically, because it moves through the water that travels underground.

Which document signifies a building is ready for habitation or commercial use?

Certificate of occupancy

Leslie is a new real estate agent, and she's just listed her first house, but she thinks there is a Superfund Site somewhere nearby. She's not sure, but she thinks it's important to find out. What can Leslie do?

Check with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has a list of Superfund Sites.

Hospitals, jails, libraries, and public schools are all considered ............ in the comprehensive plan.

Community facilities

Before advising a buyer-client to sign a contract to purchase a lot in a subdivision under development, real estate agents should help them obtain a ............ which discloses valuable information about the developer's obligations and construction timelines.

Comprehensive report

The right to sell real estate is also called the right to...?


When a person owns land, what does that include?

Everything from the surface to "heaven" and down to the center of the earth.

Copper wiring in a house is generally considered what?


Which of the following is a moderately toxic gases or liquids, which have typically been used as refrigerants (in air conditioning units) and as aerosol propellants?


When a commercial property owner sells his building, display cases for jewelry that are not nailed down generally...?

Go out with the seller as trade fixtures.

The Interstate Federal Land Sales Full Disclosure Act requires developers to provide certain disclosures to...?

Government agencies and private buyers

Congress passed the Interstate Federal Land Sales Full Disclosure Act in response to...?

Growing concerns over fraudulent and deceptive marketing practices by developers

People who are exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide can experience...?

Headaches, drowsiness, nausea, or dizziness, and people with heart problems can feel chest pain, with prolonged intense exposure, possibly leading to death.

Radon is ............. than air.


Lead hazards are most often found in...?

Homes built prior to 1978.

To increase housing values, a town might try what?

Improve highways to local commercial centers to make it easier to get to work.

Newer USTs are better today because...?

Improved design incorporates leak detection, spill and overfill controls, and stricter technical specifications that aim to minimize leakage.

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas that is considered a probable human carcinogen, which enters the body through breathing it in, and it's found...?

In paint, carpets, particle board, and some furniture.

James is considering building an architecturally beautiful house on his land. But what will that do to the value of the property?

Increase the value.

Otto is considering building a house on his raw land. What will the house do to the value of the property?

Increase the value.

Carol, a new homeowner, is looking for ways to lower the levels of formaldehyde in her home. These are three of the things she can do to help avoid exposure...?

Increase ventilation, ban smoking in the building, keep the temperature and humidity down.

Land is considered...?


When a landfill is closed...?

It will be monitored, and the groundwater around it will be monitored for decades to ensure there are no leaks or contamination.

Tom has popcorn ceilings in his home, which he suspects could contain asbestos. He is a do-it-yourself guy, so he spends the weekend scraping the ceilings and repainting. When Jeff, the buyer, asks about it, Tom assures him there is no further need for testing, because he's removed the problem. As the real estate agent for the buyer, Sam suggests ...?

Jeff should have a professional test the rooms since fibers could now be loose and create issues

When land only is listed for sale, what is included?

Land and everything underneath the land

When a great deal of accuracy is required, the boundary lines of a property are described using metes and bounds, which refer to...?

Length or measurements, which are metes, and boundaries, which are the bounds.

Reducing lot sizes, increasing density, and rezoning some districts are all solutions for cities or counties with...?

Limited land for expansion

The Interstate Federal Land Sales Full Disclosure Act regulates all of the following, except?

Local transactions between residents of the same county

Subdivisions are usually described by the...?

Lot and block system

What acronym can be used to determine if something is a fixture of moveable property?


The oldest system of land measurement in the U.S. is...?

Metes and bounds

Major sources of lead contamination come from...?

Mining and manufacturing, and recycling of old materials can contribute to lead levels.

Which is chattel?

Movable property

The ............. helped the insurance industry develop a survey for municipalities to establish building guidelines in the early 20th century.

National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU)

Which of the following locations will produce the highest home values?

Near a commercial center with jobs.

Are street addresses the best way to legally identify a property?

No, because while they are convenient, street addresses are not always reliable.

People who are exposed to radon...?

Often show no symptoms, but might have respiratory issues.

Government survey is a method of describing the location of a piece of land using ...?

Prime meridians, base lines, standard parallels, guide meridians, townships, and sections.

In addition to disclosing what they know about lead hazards, sellers must...?

Produce any records or reports they have about lead-based paint or related hazards.

If we were to survey a property by beginning at the southwest corner and going 120 feet north, then turn at a 90-degree angle, heading east, and going 160 feet, then take another 90-degree angle, going south, for the next 120 feet, and a finally make a 90-degree turn, going west for 160 feet to the POB, we would have described ...?

Property that is a 160 foot by 120 foot rectangle.

The buyers of a brand-new house like the fact that it's airtight, which cuts down on heating and cooling costs. They figure that by keeping it closed, they will not allow radon to enter the house. The real estate agent explains...?

Radon commonly enters the house through the soil, and newer homes, with air-tight construction can have increased levels because the radon gets trapped.

High priced neighboring properties tend to do what to the value of properties around them?

Raise the value.

Five acres of land with a house, barn, and 2 acres of crops are best described as...?

Real Estate

Which ISLA exemptions apply to individual lots?

Regulatory exemptions

What are restrictive covenants?

Restrictions on the use of land that stay with the property from owner to owner.

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was amended in 1972 and became known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), and it...?

Sets standards for wastewater, establishes standards for contaminants, and regulates pollutant discharges into the water.

Which of these is an emblement?


Under what circumstances could a developer with a total of 38 lots qualify for a full statutory exemption?

Subdivisions with more than twenty-five lots may qualify if fewer than twenty-five lots are offered for sale because some lots are offered for sale or lease under the common promotional plan.

Student dorms, nursing homes, and on-campus fraternity houses are considered...?

Temporary housing

Which agency establishes and enforces regulations to ensure safe removal and disposal of lead during rehabilitation projects in the United States?


Which EPA regulation covers water sources like lakes, rivers, springs, streams, and underground wells?

The Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA)

A survey can mean two things: one, the way land is measured and the area that is established, and two, ...?

The actual blueprint showing the measurements, boundaries, and area.

Certain industrial and commercially zoned properties are exempt from ISLA rules, providing all of the following conditions are met, with the exception of...?

The buyer agrees to pay an exemption fee in the amount equal to 5% of the purchase price.

A comprehensive plan may be modified to accommodate changes in...?

The local economy, social and cultural norms, or net migration.

In most states, the assessed value for taxes is determined by...?

The most recent sale of the property, with an annual inflation adjustment

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), originally funded by taxes collected from ............., established a superfund to clean up uncontrolled hazardous waste at sites identified by the EPA as priorities in need of immediate attention.

The oil and gas industry

Which document establishes the mechanism for transferring ownership to the first buyers, and all subsequent buyers?

The plat

Kitchen cabinets are likely to be considered fixtures because...?

They are attached to the wall.

Sellers only have to disclose information about USTs when...?

They are selling the house, because sellers always have to disclose anything and everything they know about USTs on the property.

The buyers have decided to get the property they are purchasing inspected for EMFs. They ask their real estate agent who they should get to do the inspection, and she tells them...?

To get an expert who is trained in the detection of EMF and radio frequency (RF) to do the inspection.

This refers to a tank, and any underground piping connected to the tank, that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground?

Underground storage tank

The authorization to improve or develop a particular property in a manner not authorized by zoning is known as a/an...?


2nd National Bank has a mortgage on Victor's home. Victor doesn't pay his mortgage and 2nd National Bank forecloses. The bank knows Victor has a valuable record collection in his home and wants to keep it after the foreclosure. Victor files a lawsuit. The mortgage says nothing about the record collection. The bank says it's part of the house. Who wins?

Victor. The records are not fixtures.

Real estate professionals, like Zoning Office officials and commissioning boards considering subdivision project plans, know that population dynamics influence expansion. Along with monitoring migration patterns, deaths, and births, both groups study all of the following demographic data points, with the exception of...?


Municipal building code enforcement regulates buildings and other structures to protect the health, safety, and...?

Welfare of the general public

Glen wants to leave his real property to his son in his will. Can he do this?

Yes, the right to devise and inherit are among the bundle of rights.

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