REAL Art Final 100 (Quiz 1&2 terms)

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Why does Mary Anne Staniskewki theorize that objects created before Modernity are not works of art?

-Because paintings made for religious purposes are not art, but have a practical use -To challenge students to react, and thus become aware of their critical thinking potential. -Because art is a Modern invention and the status of art is conferred upon objects by institutions created in the Modern era.

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Artemesia Gentileschi. Judith and Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes.


select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options.Jacques-Louis David. The Death of Socrates.

Classical Line.

Which phrase best describes Visual Texture.

Visual texture appears to be actual, but is an illusion

Select the correct definition for signifier and signified from the choices offered.

What is a signifier? → Part of a sign; a thing that refers to a concept when read as a sign., What is signified → A concept referred to by a signifier when read as a sign.

Artists sometimes choose to paint objects using colours that are not "true" to their optical or local colours. This is an example of the expressive use of _______

arbitrary colour

When a style of line becomes associated as an artist's work, we say it is ___________.


What is the avant-garde? Why does the public often react negatively to avant-garde artworks?

avant-garde refers to innovative artwork that pushes the boundaries of what is familiar and recognized within society and experiments with the unknown. The public often reacts negatively to avant-garde works of art because they often have little context to be appreciated. Picasso, for example, requires a deeper understanding and knowledge of his motivation and creative process to be appreciated. The public often takes works of art at its face value and does not look for a deeper meaning. Thus evoking the credibility gap: they see something and do not understand it because it does not fit into their belief of art.

A picture drawn in perspective that employs a single point of vision is called ___________.

monocular vision

Proportion is defined as ____________

the relationship between the parts to each other and to the whole in a composition.

What type of line is created by movement or direction, such as the line established by a pointing finger, the direction of a glance, or a body moving through space?

implied lines.


is based in realistic elements, its composition is formulated or imagined.


is portraying objects in recognizable form


is so realistic that it seems like a photograph

The figurine has been named 'Venus' by archeologists and historians. Why is it problematic to call it this and to treat it as an art object?

-It is much older than our (modern) definition of art/art did not exist 30,000 years ago -we do not know what the intended purpose of the piece is, it likely serves a practical, religious or ritual purpose; it likely was not created to be an artwork and to express the artist's individual point of view -the word 'Venus' is an attempt to relate this work to Greek sculpture and place it in a pantheon of ancient Greek gods (referred to by the Roman name). The naming of this to a paleolithic object and placing it with a Museum and art historical context is to project the values of one time and context on to another

In art, what does the term form refer to?

-The ways in which art materials are used to make a composition. -The shape and mass of an object or figure. -The materials used to make a work of art.

Which of the following is a denotative sign?

-the word "cat" -waving "hello" -a stop sign

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Raphael, School of Athens.

1 point analytical perspective

Henry Sayre suggests seven steps for questioning, observing, investigating and understanding artworks.

1.Tolerate uncertainty. - the critical process is one of discovery, to uncover possibilities, not necessarily truths. Asking good questions can be more important than arriving at the right answers. 2.Don't oversimplify or misrepresent the art object. - Art is complex: to thinking critically about art is to look beyond the obvious 3.Ask questions. Be curious. - What's the title, what does that tell you about the piece, is there written material; how does the context or location inform the work; is there anything you can learn about the artist that can be helpful? 4.Identify the artist's decisions and choices. - Recognize that artists make decisions and choices (formal, material, conceptual). Important to consider why these choices were made: that they were made with intention. 5. Describe the object. - With a careful description of both subject matter and formal realization, you can discover much about the artist's intention. 6. Avoid an emotional response. - Emotions can get in the way of clear thinking. Analyze your own emotions: what in the work sets them off. Is that the artist's intention? 7.Question your assumptions. Especially if you dislike an artwork. Someone must like the work if you are seeing it in an art institution. Ask yourself why, and why you think this way. Questioning your own biases and prejudices, and those of the work can help you understand the deeper

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Gustave Caillebotte. Place de l'Europe on a Rainy Day.

2-point linear persepctive

What is the second role of the artist, word for word, using punctuation, according to Sayre?

Artists make a visual record of the people, places, and events of their time and place.

What is the third role of the artist, word for word, using punctuation, according to Sayre?

Artists make functional objects and structures (buildings) more pleasurable and elevate them or imbue them with meaning.

Which role of the artist is Renzo Piano fulfilling?

Artists make functional objects more pleasurable, imbuing them with meaning.

Choose the correct definition for denotative and connotative signs.

A connotative sign refers to a signifier's associative and less conventional meanings. Not all members of a society agree with the meanings associated with a particular signifier or have the same associations. A set of literal and direct meanings that a social group agrees are conventionally associated with a specific signifier. Membership in a social group is dependent on one's knowing and using these signs

In the first class, I mentioned what Danielle Rice calls the "credibility gap" in her essay "What to do when people talk back! Questioning modern art." Which BEST describes the credibility gap when viewing art?

A viewer's personal definition of art comes into conflict with an institution's definition of art.

Explain the concept of arm's length funding for the arts in Canada. Why is arm's length funding vitally important?

Arm length funding refers to the way in which artists receive money from the government through an art funding organization and not directly from the government. This way of monetary distribution allows an artist to remain free to express themselves and be critical of social context through their art without fear of political repercussions. Thus, political figures have no power over the art being displayed in institutions.

What is the fourth role of the artist, word for word, using punctuation, according to Sayre?

Artists give form to the immaterial - hidden or universal truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings.

What is the first role of the artist, word for word, using full punctuation, according to Henry Sayre.

Artists help us to see the world in new or innovative ways.

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. J.M.W. Turner. Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway.

Atmospheric perspective

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Theo van Doesburg and Cornelius van Eesteren. Contra-Construction project

Axonometric Projection

Why did Chris Ofili's The Holy Virgin Mary outrage people when it was exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum in 1999-2000? Who was outraged and what actions were taken? What incident marked the climax of the controversy about this painting and what was its ultimate fate?

Catholics were outraged over Ofili's choice of materials which seemed to them disrespectful when representing such a revered religious icon. The Holy Virgin Mary became a target for outrage especially for its inclusion of elephant dung in the depiction of a religious figure. he Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights encouraged people to picket the museum and mayor Rudolph Giuliani threatened to cut off the museum's city subsidy. Dennis Heiner, a 72-year old Christian who was incensed by Ofili's painting, eluded guards and smeared white paint across the work. Charged with second-degree criminal mischief, he was fined a mere $250. It has since entered a private collection. cutouts of bums from porn magazines adorn the painting, referencing putti (bare bottomed angels of the Rococo period) in religious art.

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen. Spoonbridge and Cherry.

Relative Scale.

select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options.Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. Female Nude, Back View.

Contour Line

What does ethnocentric mean? Explain some of the problems with ethnocentrism, and suggest a way to overcome it in life and when we look at and think about art.

Definition of ethnocentric: judging anothers' culture by the standard of ones own culture. Some of the problems with ethnocentrism: making assumptions, misinterpretation, disrespectful, and judgemental. Suggestion for overcoming ethnocentrism: Ethnocentrism can be avoided by recognizing ones own biases, keeping an open mind, and by learning about another culture to avoid assumptions and judgements.

Describe what Rene Magritte's The Treachery of Images means. Explain what the cursive sentence the artist has labelled the painting means, then explain what this painting tells us about our understanding of the world and other images.

Describe what Rene Magritte's The Treachery of Images means. Explain what the cursive sentence the artist has labelled the painting means, then explain what this painting tells us about our understanding of the world and other images.

select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options. Beverly Buchanan. Montro County House with Yellow Datura.

Expressive Line.

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Andrea Mantegna. The Dead Christ


What reasons (minimum 4) could you present for Marcel Duchamp's Fountain's status as art? (Use Staniszewski's definition of art, institutional theory or Sayre's roles of the artist to explain why Fountain is an artwork.)

Marcel Duchamp's fountain is a work of art because it has no function, it was not commissioned, it was an original idea, and it is also in an institution.

select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options. Frank Auerbach. Head of Catherine Lampert VI.

Gesture Line

Explain what ideology is. Provide two examples of ideology from the present and the past. Give an example of an artwork that critiques ideology.

Ideologies are our lived relation to the real: the way things should be. Ideologies are part of our culture that we treat as invisible because they are accepted and part of the social structure. But ideologies are always changing and are often shaped by historical perspectives. An example of an ideology from our past is slavery. Slavery was accepted as a natural part of society and went unquestioned for a long time. Another example from the past is women's rights. Women had to fight for the right to vote and to have equal rights, which they won for the most part. Women still struggle for equal rights today as the ideology that men are better than women is still part of our modern society, but we are better off than we were in the past. Modern ideologies that are beginning to shift and change are the idea of gender, and gay rights. Both are still met with a lot of backlash, but the ideologies are shifting.

select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options. Jacques-Louis David. Oath of the Horatii.

Implied Line

How is narrative related to motion in visual art?

It creates a sense of time and causality from one event to another.

What is the subject matter of Shirin Neshat's Rebellious Silence?

It depicts a Muslim woman in a black chador, a rifle dividing her face, and a Farsi text inscribed over her face

Give two reasons why LHOOQ by Marcel Duchamp is art. Your reasons should apply Staniszewski's definition of art and Institutional Theory.

LHOOQ by Marcel Duchamp is art because it is recognized as art by an institution. It was also not commissioned, thus making it an original piece of work by an artist.

When a work of art such as Jackson Pollack's Composition 17a shows no reference to the natural world of images, it is usually called:


Describe this artwork, entitled Nude Descending a Staircase. What is the name of the artist? What is the medium (type of art)? What is the subject matter? What is the content? (Was the artist influenced by other artists or researchers or commenting on society?) Did people like and value this artwork when it was first exhibited? Why or why not?

Nude Descending a Staircase is a 1912 oil painting on canvas by artist Marcel Duchamp and depicts a naked woman walking down a flight of stairs. Duchamp was influenced by stop-motion photography, and wanted to create the feeling of a time-lapse. The painting faced heavy criticism when it was revealed due to its shocking contrast to what was socially acceptable as a painting during that time. The painting faced a good deal of mockery from the public, being compared to an explosion of a shingle factory by one critic.

and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. The Three Sacred Shrines at Kumano: Kumano Mandala

Oblique Projection

Bridget Riley's paintings make use of physical characteristics of formal elements (especially colour) are manipulated to stimulate the nervous system into thinking it perceives movement. What is this type of painting called?

Optical painting (or "Op Art")

select the approach to line best exemplified from the provided options. Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. House.


and the many ways that artists represent the three-dimensional world in two-dimensional form. For each image below, select the approach to space and its representation that is best exemplified. Jasper Johns. Three Flags.


What did the artist Georges Seurat call his style? What was special about how he created his paintings? How did he apply paint and mix colours? What was the name of visual effect, the way our eyes perceive colour, that he sought to take advantage of? In what way did the resulting paintings fail to achieve what the artist had hoped for?

Style: pointilism He used complementary colours in individual dots to create his artwork. Optical Blending. This makes the viewer optically mix the colours together when they stand far enough away, rather than the painter having to mix the colours together himself. People did not enjoy it because the colours were too murky and dull.

Jan Vermeer's Woman Holding a Balance is a perfect example of _________________.

an asymmetrically balanced composition.

What social change occurred in Northwestern Europe at the close of the 18th Century and beginning of the 19th Century that coincided with and informed changing ideas about art as an expression of an individual with genius?

The end of the 18th century saw the fall of monarchies during the French Revolution and the rise of Industrialism and the avant-garde. The social and cultural changes during this time shaped the meaning of art to how we define it today.

In art, what does the term content refer to?

The meaning of the work of art, beyond its overt subject matter.

In semiotics, a sign is:

The moment of reading when the signifier and signified are connected.

Chuck Close is the artist and the name of the painting is Stanley II. What is this technique of painting and blending colours called? What is the process the artist uses to create his paintings?

The technique is called optical mixing. Up close, it looks like ovals depicting different colours and is an abstract painting. From further away it mixes together to create an image. He used a grid method to break up the painting into smaller, manageable portions.

We discussed Plato's Form of Good in class. Choose the ranking (ordered from highest to lowest) that most closely matches Plato's Hierarchy.

Top: realm of forms; Middle: material objects, Bottom: images

The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh, is known for its line. What TYPE of line does The Starry Night exemplify?

expressive line.

With atmospheric perspective, objects further from the viewer appear ______

cooler and less distinct.


does not refer to the natural or objective world at all

Staniszewski argues that art does not become Art until it is accepted within institutions of art. Name three different types art institutions (not the names of art institutions).

museums OR art galleries OR artist run centres art histories textbooks publications OR journals OR magazines OR exhibition catalogues *in print or online* universities OR schools OR colleges OR art class collections auction houses art fairs art critics OR curators


occurs when the image resembles what the eye sees

What type of line is described by the words and phrases below? Mathematical. Rational. Rationally organized. Precise. Grid-like. Vertical and horizontal grid. Deliberate. Precise. Controlled.

rational line

What does the word Renaissance mean? (Not what "Renaissance" refers to, but what is its literal meaning.?)



resembles its real-world subject less

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