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What was the Elizbethan Settement?

A comprimse between Protestants and Catholics of England in regaurds to religious services

Elizabethan settlement

A comprmise between catholic and pretestants in england

Dissoloution of the Monasteries

A policy created by Henry the 8th in which he sold land an possisions of the english churches to wealthy land owners

The ________________________ was a religious court that enforced moral athorty and purity within the theocracy of Geneva, Switzerland.


The ____________ declared Martian Luther an enemy of the state and ored his capture and delivery to the Emperor

Edict of Worms

Henry the 8th

English king who decalred himself supreme head of the church of england

Elizbeth the 1st

English queen who created a comprmise between protestants and catholics

Mary the 1st

English queen who was a hard core catholic who issued a policy of forced conversion

Jan Zizka

General who lead the Hussites during the Hussites war.

Martian Luther

German proffecer & priest who wrote the 95 thesis

All of the following are arguments for Henry getting a divorce from Cathrine except...........

Henry was her 1st couisn


Humanist writer who was an early critic of the cathlic church

The author if the "Insitute of Christian Thought" was

John Calivn

____________ is an idea presented by the reformer Maritan Luther that stated that humans could only save their souls through pure faith

Jusification by faith alone

Charles the 5th

King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor during the protestant reframation

What is the main reason Henry the 8th wanted a divorce from his first wife Cathrine of Aragon

Lack of a male heir

The first officaial protestant in faith in Euroupe was ________________


What did the "Act of Supremacy" do?

Made Henry the 8th "suprieme head" of the church of England

__________________ is a protestant belief that God has already determined in advance who would be saved and who would not be saved


John Calvin

Priest & collage profecer who started a theocracy in Ginava, Switzerland

Ulrich Zwingli

Priest & leader of the refflection in Zerich, Swizerland.

John Hus (Jan Hus)

Proffecer & priest in Bohemia who was burned alive for speaking out agents the cathlic church

______________ was the document written by Martian Luther that protested the abuses of the catholic church

The 95 Thesis

Ignatis of Loyola

Was a former spanish knight turned priest who founded the order of the Jesuites

What was the council of trent

a meeting between Catholic Church officials to reaffirm Catholic beliefs

The ______________________ was a religious group that was a voluntaru community of adults that did not belive in infant baptism


John Wycliffe

founder of the lollard movment

An ____________________ is a payment made to the Catholic church for forgivness of sins


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