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How much can a person be fined per day per violation for knowingly releasing a regulated substance that violates the Clean Air Act?


When using a recovery unit on a system containing 100 lbs. of R-410A it must be evacuated to;

0 inches of Mercury

A high-pressure appliance containing less than 200 lbs. of an HCFC or HFC refrigerant must be evacuated (recovered) to a level of;

0 inches of vacuum

A high-pressure appliance containing 210 lbs. of R-407C refrigerant must be evacuated (recovered) to a level of;

10 inches of vacuum

A low-pressure chiller used for comfort cooling must be repaired if it has an annual leak rate of ____ of the total charge.

10 percent

When pressurizing a low-pressure system for leak-detection purposes, do not exceed

10 psig

When leak testing a low-pressure chiller, the maximum pressure to use is;

10 psig.

A comfort cooling system that contains 50 pounds or more of R-410A is leaking. What will be the new maximum allowable annual leak rate starting in 2019?


After all the liquid has been removed from an average 350-ton, low-pressure appliance, approximately how much vapor refrigerant remains in the system?

100 pounds

A single chlorine atom can destroy how many ozone molecules?


A refrigerant sensor which will sound an alarm and automatically start a ventilation system in occupied equipment rooms falls under ASHRAE Standard;


System-dependent recovery methods may only be used on appliances containing;

15 pounds of refrigerant or less.

The rupture disk on a low-pressure chiller has a burst pressure of;

15 psig

When recovering refrigerant from a medium-pressure system with more than 200 lbs. of refrigerant, recover to a level of;

15" Hg

How long would an equipment owner or operator have to retrofit or retire an appliance that has exceeded the threshold leak rate if the replacement appliance uses 50 pounds or more of an exempt refrigerant?

18 months.

The EPA-required evacuation level for recovery or recycling equipment used on low-pressure systems is

25 mm of Hg absolute.

EPA regulations require that all Industrial Process Refrigeration (IPR) systems containing more than 50 pounds of refrigerant MUST be repaired when the annual leak rate exceeds;

30 %

Unless plans are made to replace a system with a leak rate that exceeds the maximum leak rate, repairs must be made within;

30 days.

Leaks must be repaired on industrial process and refrigeration units with a 50-pound charge or greater when the annualized leak rate reaches _____ or more.


When charging a low-pressure system, refrigerant should be introduced to the system as a vapor to raise the system's saturation temperature to a minimum of;

36 degrees

Reusable refrigerant containers under high-pressure must be hydrostatically tested how often?

5 years

The owner must keep records of refrigerant added to a low-pressure system during service and maintenance if the system charge is;

50 pounds or greater.

When dehydrating a system, it should be evacuated to a minimum level of;

500 Microns

With a non-operating system compressor, recovery equipment must be capable of recovering;

80 percent of the refrigerant or achieving 4 inches of vacuum.

On a system with an operating compressor, recovery equipment must be capable of recovering;

90% refrigerant or achieving 4 inches of vacuum.

If a strong odor is detected while performing a refrigerant recovery process,

A compressor burnout has likely occurred.

What conditions allow for a system to be opened and repaired without recovering the refrigerant to the required vacuum level?

A system with a large leak and internal pressure of 0 psig

Refrigerants CFC-12, HCFC-22, and HFC-134a are all classified as Type _______ substances.


Under ASHRAE Standard 34, R-134a is classified as;


Which ASHRAE classification means slightly flammable?


Which organization establishes the refrigerant safety group standard?


The Standard for machine room safety is;


Which of the following is an example of a non-condensable?


A small appliance is defined by EPA as;

Appliances manufactured, charged, and hermetically sealed in a factory that contain 5 lbs or less of refrigerant.

Small appliances are equipped with a straight piece of tubing (process stub) that is used;

As the installation location for a piercing-type access valve.

Refrigerant should be recovered from the condenser outlet if the condenser is;

Below the receiver

Which of the following has the highest Ozone Depletion Potential?


System-dependent or passive recovery equipment;

Captures refrigerant into a non-pressurized container.

Recovery equipment must be;

Certified by an EPA-approved testing laboratory.

The molecule found in CFCs and HCFCs that depletes ozone is:


EPA regulations state that removal of which component constitutes a "major repair"?


What can be used to pressurize a chiller system before opening the system for a non-major repair?

Controlled hot water

Before shipping any used refrigerant cylinders, check that the cylinder meets what standards:

Department of Transportation

Crop loss, eye disease, and skin cancer have been attributed to;

Depletion of Stratospheric ozone

Recover any remaining refrigerant and then render the cylinder useless, then recycle the metal is the proper disposal method for;

Disposable cylinders

Proper recovery techniques begin with the use of appropriate recovery equipment that has been certified by;

EPA approved laboratory

Which of the following is true regarding refrigerant leaks on small appliances?

EPA does not require repair, but leaks should be repaired whenever possible.

What is the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program?

EPA's program that identifies refrigerants with lower overall risks to human health and the environment.

Which of the following refrigerants has a safety classification of B-1

HCFC-123 (R-123)

Which type of refrigerant contains no chlorine?


Silicone elastomers, for use in seals and gaskets, are not compatible with which refrigerants?


Self-contained or active recovery equipment;

Has its own means to recover refrigerant.

Non-condensables will cause

High discharge pressure

HCFCs contain;

Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, and Carbon

When an appliance containing 50 pounds or more of a regulated refrigerant leaks refrigerant at an annual rate of 125% or more, what must be included on the leak inspections records?

Initial verification, verification tests and records of recovered refrigerant from equipment.

What happens to a refrigerant that is heated above the saturation temperature?

It remains in the vapor state.

A crankcase heater is often used to prevent refrigerant from mixing with compressor oil during periods of:

Low ambient temperature

What type of equipment can be worked on with Type III certification?


Which international agreement (Treaty) regulated the production and use of CFCs, HCFCs, halons, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride?

Montreal Protocol

When a system is in deep vacuum;

Never energize the compressor.

After the refrigerant has been recovered, which of the following can be used to flush the system?


When using a system-dependent recovery system on an appliance that has a non-operating compressor, the technician should;

Place access fitting on both the low and high side of the system.

All HVAC/R systems must be protected by a;

Pressure relief valve

Which of the following refrigerant has a GWP closest to "1"?


Which of the following refrigerants is an HFO?


Which HC refrigerant is allowed for use in NEW Domestic Small Appliances?


Which of the following refrigerants is classified as a very high-pressure refrigerant?


To process refrigerant to a level equal to new (virgin) product specifications as determined by chemical analysis defines;


Clean refrigerant for reuse by separating the oil from the refrigerant and removing moisture from the refrigerant by passing it through one or more filter driers, is the definition of;


If, after installing a fitting for the purpose of recovering the appliance's refrigerant, you find that the system pressure is 0 psig;

Refrigerant recovery is not required.

What can be done with a refrigerant trace gas and nitrogen mixture after a system leak is found?

Release to the atmosphere

When using a system-dependent recovery system on an appliance that has an operating compressor, the technician should;

Run the compressor and recover from the high side of the system only.

Small appliances in recreational vehicles may use refrigerants such as Ammonia, Hydrogen, and water. These refrigerants;

Should not be recovered.

Which of the following best describes the refrigerant recovery process from an R-123 system?

Start with liquid removal and then switch over to vapor recovery.

Where is refrigerant added to a low-pressure system during the charging process?

The lowest access point on the system such as the evaporator charging valve.

What must the equipment owners/operators include in recovered refrigerant records for equipment with refrigerant charges that range from 5 to 50 pounds?

The quantity of refrigerant (by type) added or recovered from disposed appliances in each calendar month and quantity of refrigerant (by type) sent for reclamation or destruction.

When filling a charging cylinder with a regulated refrigerant;

The refrigerant vapor that is vented off the top of the cylinder must be recovered.

Applying heat, with a heat gun, to the compressor;

can help remove trapped refrigerant vapor during recovery.

The condenser _______________________________________

changes a high-pressure vapor to a high-pressure liquid.

The compressor ____________________________________

changes a low-pressure vapor to a high-pressure vapor.

When pressurizing a system with nitrogen you should;

charge through a pressure regulator. install a relief valve in the line downstream from the pressure regulator.

A refrigerant cylinder designed to hold recovered refrigerant has a:

grey body and yellow top.

When installing more than one, pressure relief valves must be installed;

in parallel with each other.

During evacuation of systems with large amounts of water, it may be necessary to;

increase pressure by introducing nitrogen to counteract freezing.

The low-side test-pressure data-plate value should be used by a technician to determine a safe pressure for:

leak testing

Because a low-pressure system operates below atmospheric pressure (in a vacuum),

leaks in gaskets or fittings will cause air and moisture to enter the system.

To repair a chiller operating with R-22, the technician;

must have a Type II certification.

Type I Certification is required for;

persons handling refrigerant during maintenance, service, or repair of small appliances.

The most efficient method of leak checking a charged low-pressure refrigeration unit is to;

pressurize the system using controlled hot water or heater blankets.

A new split system should be checked for leaks by;

pressurizing the system with a few ounces of system refrigerant and an inert gas.

If a leaking appliance with a regulated refrigerant is not going to be repaired, it must be;

retrofitted or retired within 12 months.

In a low-pressure chiller, air and other non-condensables collect at the;

top section of the condenser.

Recovering multiple types of refrigerants in the same cylinder;

will make the reclaimed refrigerants unreclaimable.

HFCs ________;

will not damage stratospheric ozone, but have a high GWP.

The chlorine in CFCs and HCFCs

will not dissolve in water.

If regulations change after the technician becomes certified;

The technician is responsible for complying with any changes to the regulations.

Where is the purge unit located in a low-pressure system?

The top of the condenser.

An ozone molecule contains;

Three oxygen atoms

Technicians who perform sealed-system service on small appliances must have;

Type I or Universal certification.

If a strong odor is detected during the recovery process,

a compressor burn-out may have occurred.

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