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Knowledge based on human observation/reason/experience

Non- historical

Knowledge learned from ordinary life experience of the mature, wise person, not from the nation's special history

8. Know the approximate dates and location of the career of Isaiah, the eighth-century prophet. Review the different themes in his preaching, including

Location: Jerusalem Dates: 750-700 bce during reign of 4 Davidic kings Themes: - Transcendence of God: great distance between Yahweh and humans - Emphasis on Zion and Davidic traditions (especially syro-ephraimite war in 734 bce) -Emphasis on Yahweh's plan in world history and Isaiah's interpretation of Assyria as Yahweh's instrument/agent of wrath and judgment

13. What are the three wisdom books in the Jewish canon of the Bible?

Proverbs Job Ecclesiastes

What tier was Yahweh in?

He was in the second tier with other children of El

5. Know Amos's place of origin, the date and location of his prophetic career.

- Amos was a Shepard from *Judah* who prophesized in *Northern Kingdom Israel ca. 750 BCE*

The all powerful word of Yahweh

- exile = fulfillment of pre-exilic prophecy - future deliverance = fulfillment of second isaiah's prophecies

The two eras of the "former things and the latter/new things" from 2 Isaiah's preaching

- former things = Israeltie history from exodus to exile - latter things = era of salvation soon to come


-*Leader of group called 'company of prophets'* -Lower class jews who give eli room and board -Music induces spirit *possession*: possession produces oracles -*Military* consultant -*Medical* advice -Performs *miracles* -Role in political revolution: gives divine sanction to *overthrow* government lmmmmo

25. Read (or reread) three or four of the biblical passages that refer to idols, that is, cult images of deities, in Israelite religion.

-1 Kings 12:25-30: calf images in shrines at Bethel and Dan -1 Kings 15:13: image of the goddess Asherah -2 Kings 18:4: bronze serpent Nehushtan in Jerusalem temple -Hosea 8:4-6 the calf of Samaria -Hosea 10:5: the calf of Beth-aven


-9th century -Wears special *mantle* that legalizes/symbolizes authority and possess magical power -*"Man of God" or Divine man who performs miracles* -*Intercedes with deity*: Yahweh heeds his prayer 9MMI

41. How the Bible describe the underworld Sheol, specifically, the deepest level of Sheol? (2-3 sentences) ESSAY

-A dark silent place, -The dead rest in sheol in a weekend state - The dead lie with their ancestors - In shaeol the dead are cut off from Yahweh and they don't praise God or memorialize Him -The dead is referred to as Elohim

Know the typical iconography/imagery of Ashrah

-A humanoid form, portrayed as a nude female, the breasts and pubic triangle as a strong indicator - A sacred tree flanked by ibexes -A lion

Social Criticism from Amos's preaching

-Affluent oppress the poor and weak -Unjust judicial practices

Be able to present and explain the evidence of the Israelite veneration of Asherah

-An inscription on a storage jar found in Kuntillet 'Ajurd: "May you be blessed by Yahweh and his Asherah." This was much debated, however, some archaeologist think the deity is depicted on a lion throne behind Yahweh/El. -The terra cotta cult stand from Tanaach There were 2 pillars commemorating Ashrah, one was a female, the other was a lion.

Seer in 1 Samuel 1:9

-Clairvoyant- who perceived things that was beyond the senses of ordinary people. ("see") -Esteemed bc word comes true-Seer (sin-seer) -Usually paid for his services ($eer)

42. According J. Cook, Israelites believed that they could avoid Sheol, or at least the deepest parts of Sheol. How supposedly could they do this? Explain Cook's argument/evidence (4-5 sentences). ESSAY

-Cook provides the evidence behind the Israelite belief that they could avoid the deepest parts of Sheol by maintaining kinship ties between the living and the deceased -Biblical texts stress the importance of being buried on ancestral territory so that the dead are not cut off from the family. -Archaeology of Judahite tombs shows that people were interred near home and village in proximity to their living kin. -The tombs also demonstrate the belief that kin should lie together, where multiple family members were buried together. -Remembering the dead helps the dead to avoid the depths of Sheol. The bonds of their living kin are maintained through memory. -Rememberance sustains the deceased in death.

2. How have past interpreters of the Bible understood the Hebrew prophets? Be able to summarize briefly (1-2 sentences) the views of... (ESSAY)

-Early Christians: predictors of Jesus Christ -Traditional Judaism: interpreters of Jewish/Mosaic law -J. Wellhausen: religious geniuses who thought up ethical monotheism -G. Holscher: ecstatic poets

Emphasis on the coming judgment from Amos's preaching

-End of dynasty of Jeroboam -Oppression by an adversary - Syria - Damascus? -Exile of the population (4:23; 6:7; 7:11)

7. Know that most scholars divide the book of Isaiah into three parts: First Isaiah,Second Isaiah, and Third Isaiah. Explain this division.

-First Isaiah (1-39) - *speeches of 8th century prophet* (Isaiah) -Second Isaiah (40-55) sayings of *Exilic prophet* *540 bce* they were also polytheistic -Third Isaiah (56-66) - sayings of *post exilic prophets* they were monotheistic

33. What are the Ugaratic texts date? ESSAY

-Found in 1928, dated back to the 14th century BCE

What are the Ugaratic provinces:? ESSAY

-Found in the ancient city of Ugarit, a city on the Mediterranean Coast In north Syria

Anonymous Prophet 1 Samuel 10

-Groups -Sanctuaries -prophesying with music- induce ecstacy -Unusual behavior understood as the result of a spirit possession-anonymous prophet can be *contagious*

11. Review the different historical settings of Amos

-Historical background i. Reign of Jereboam II ii. Territorial expansion into the northern Transjordan iii. Economic prosperity iv. Widespread national and religious pride v. Economic polairization 'widening gap between upper and lower classes' vi. Judicial discrimination against lower classes vii. Counter expansion of syra-damascus ca. 755 onward viii. Anti-jero sentiment in Israel ca. 755 onward

29. Distinguish between the 2 kinds of aniconism (like the pillar cult) and "empty-seat" aniconism (like the ark of the covenant). What is the difference between them?

-Material aniconism involves featureless objects that a deity inhabits like the pillar cult. Empty-seat aniconism includes physical throne or pedestal that represents the physical resting place for the invisible deity, and here the deity does not inhabit the object (ark of the covenant)

31. Reread Psalms 29:1, 89:6-7 and 95:3. Be sure that you see how these texts envision a pantheon with Yahweh as king over the other gods.

-Psalm 29:1 Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength -Psalm 89:6-7 For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him - Psalm 95:3 For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.

Critique of the cult from Amos's preaching

-Reflection on an extravagant cult of Yahweh -Amos condemns cult when not accompanied by social justice NOTE: Amos rarely, if ever, accuses Israelites of worshiping foreign gods or idols


-Serves king as *court* prophet -Advises king on *cultic* matters -*Gives dynastic oracles that legitimate ruling dynasty by declaring Yahweh's support* -Bestows a special throne name on the heir. CCDB

3. Prophecy in ancient Israel exhibited great diversity. Know the different portraits of early prophets, including

-The Seer (1 Samuel 1:9) -Anonymous Prophet (1 Samuel 10) -Nathan -Elijah -Elisha *SANEE*

Review the following ideas and practices the Bible attributes to the Israelites cult of the dead

-The dead are divine beings ("elohim") -The dead can foretell the future -The dead can bestow fertility

What are the 2 meanings of "Ashrah" in the Hebrew Bible

-The proper name for goddess -A common noun for a wooden cult object, an asherah or the asherah. This would presumably be a tree or a wooden pole to represent the goddess of Asherah

Review the different historical settings of Isaiah, the 8th century prophet

-Theme i. Emphasis of transendance of God ii. Emphasis on zion/Davidic traditions iii. Emphasis on Yahweh's plan/counsel in history -Historical background i. Judean prophet in Jerusalem ca. 750-700 bce ii. Assyrian kings dominate Syro-Palestinian states like Damascus, Tyre, Israel, Judah, iii. Frequent revolts by anti-Assyrian coalitions of Syro-Palestinian states. None succeed.

Review the different historical settings of 2nd Isaiah

-Theme i. Yahweh steers course of history ii. Only God iii. Creator of the world iv. Cyrus = Yahweh's agent of salvation v. Deliverance from exile = new exodus -Historical background i. 597: Nebuchadnezzar and Babylonians capture Jerusalem and deport King Jehoichin and other Judeans. ii. 586: Nebuchadnezzar and Babylonians capture Jerusalem a second time and sack the city.

4. Review again the biblical portrait of Elijah. Be especially familiar with the story of the contest at Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18). How is it a "double" contest?

-Who is the true God? *Baal or Yahweh?* -Who is the true prophet that can pray and get an answer from the true God: *the many prophets of Baal or the prophet of Yahweh?* -Its a contest between *Elijah and the 450* prophets

33. What are the Ugaratic texts language? ESSAY

-Written in Sametic language similar to Hebrew called Ugaritic.

Review the different themes in the preaching of 2 Isaiah

-Yahweh as the Lord of history -The all powerful word of Yahweh -The two eras of the "former things and the latter/new things" -Yahweh as the leader of the cosmos, that is, creator of the world -Yahweh as the only deity -The Persian King Cyrus as Yahweh's agent of salvation -the return of the exile = new exodus

Emphasis on Yahweh's plan in world history and Isaiah's interpretation of Assyria as Y's instrument/agent of wrath and judgment

-Yahweh is lord of history; steering world events for a plan and purpose -Assyria = Yahweh's agent of wrath -Yahweh plan calls for punishment of Assyria and liberation of Davidic kingdom

Emphasis on Zion and Davidic traditions

-Zion/Jeru is holy city of Yahweh. He resides there and will protect them against enemies -Davidic kings chosen by Yahweh to rule and maintain their throne -Syro-ephra war i. Rezin of Syria-Damascus, Pekah of Israel, and others rebel against Assyria ii. Ahaz of Judah refuses to join the revolt. iii. Rezin and Pekah besiege Jerusalem to depose Ahaz

Be familiar with the following evidence for the cult of the dead in Judah

-bench tombs that accommodated the burial of 15-30 people, representing several generations of a family - Provisions in the tomb like bowls for food, jugs for liquid, and food remains, that suggest nourishment in the afterlife was a major concern.

Yahweh as Lord of history from 2 Isaiah's preaching

-steers course of international events

16. Review the major themes of theological wisdom in Proverbs.

-the emphasis on the "fear of Yahweh" as the essence or beginning of wisdom -stress on the limits of human reason. -wisdom comes, in part, from Yahweh. -the interpretation of personal disaster as divine punishment for human sin and folly. -the personification of wisdom as "Lady Wisdom" and her role in creation (Prov 8:22-36) F,L,P,M,L

18. Reread the prologue in chs 1-2. How does it depict Job, the Satan, and Yahweh? Why, according to the prologue, does Job suffer?

-the satan-prosecuter in God's council who scrutinizes behavior of man and punishes -Yahweh- bragging upon Job, head of divine council -Job- model of a pious, blameless man the satan says that Job is only blameless because he has a good life. If that were taken away from him, he would not be the same righteous man. Yahweh wants to prove to the satan that Job would still trust in Him, even through suffering.

15. Review some of the major themes of secular wisdom in Proverbs:

-value of prudence and self-restraint -contrast between just/righteousness/wise person and wicked/foolish person (their different ways and fate) -Idea of mechanical retribution PSCMAC

Was the veneration of Ashrah widespread among Israelites? Look at Susan Ackerman's answer.

Ackerman says that archaeological evidence supports the fact that there was widespread worship of Asherah. Thousands of female figurines with "enormous breasts" have been found at various sites in Israel. The biblical writers repeatedly condemned the worship of Asherah, which leads one to believe it was an ongoing, widespread problem.

Stress on the order of existence

Assumption that the world has a structure (an order) that has existed since creation and the wise person can see it and conforms to the structure.

28. Present Avner's interpretation of two standing stones in the temple of Arad, and explain his reasoning.

Avner says that the recurring pattern in the positioning of pairs of masseboth and in representations such as the one found at Kuntillet Ajrud lead us to conclude that the pair of masseboth at Arad represents a pair of deities. One of the deities is most likely Yahweh because many texts found in the temple mention Yahweh, so we can conclude Yahweh was worshipped at this temple. The shorter of the masseboth is thought to represent Asherah, but for the most part that is a guess.

20. What is the gist of Yahweh's response to Job's complaints, according to D. N. Freedman, and why does Yahweh's response satisfy Job? (2 sentences). ESSAY

D.N. Freedman says that the bet between the satan and Yahweh limits the amount of help or assurance Yahweh can provide. However, when Yahweh explains to Job that he is too busy right now Job is comforted just by the fact that Yahweh is still aware of his suffering, and still listening to Job, so he is not forgotten or forsaken.

According to class lecture, Israelite religion, in its earliest phase (pre- moncharial times), envisioned a four tier pantheon. Which deities were in the first tier?

El and Asherah, a divine couple

Transcendence of God: a great distance between Yahweh and Humans

God = majestic, all-powerful, holy Humans = lowly creatures with false pride

9. Explain specifically how the historical perspective of these chapters might warrant assigning them to an exilic prophet.

Historical perspective - Suffering of Yahweh's people in Babylonia assume that Jerusalem and its temple lie in ruins. -Herald Cyrus was a deliverer of the exiles -It was already expected that Babylonia was going to fall

27. According to U. Avner, the story of Jacob in Genesis 28:10-22 attests the Israelite understanding of a standing stones or pillar as a deity or the abode of a deity. Explain briefly.

In Genesis 28, Jacob dreams of a ladder ascending to heaven. When he wakes up he establishes the stone that he was sleeping on is a massebah, and he anoints it with oil and declaring that that is the abode of God. Avner thinks that Jacob thought the pillar contained God's spirit in it. So the Israelites then understand the stone as the abode of a deity.

19. Explain how Job challenges the beliefs/assumptions of the wisdom tradition set forth

Job's friends all told him that he must be suffering due to previous sin in his life, yet Job knows he did not sin and remains innocent during his trials. Job also tells his friends that evil people have good lives so their logic and theory of mechanical retribution is flawed. Yahweh says that he is busy with other humanly affairs in the world, and that suffering is a part of life.

14. Explain the distinctive characteristics of secular wisdom (1-3 sentences on each) ESSAY

Non-revelatory Non-nationalistic Non-historical Stress on order of existance Eudemonic Conservation of orientation NR,NN,NH,SO,E,CO

17. Review the structure and compositional history of the book of Job. Which parts of the book are most ancient?

Prose- epilogue and prologue; pre-exilic, most ancient elihu- added later by the editor dialouge between 3 friends-theophany, elihu, post exilic

32. Reread Dueteronomy 32:8-9. Be able to present Mark Smith's interpretation of the passage. ESSAY

Smith envisions the God, Elyon as the chief deitey in a pantheon. He believes that there is a patron god for each nation and Yahweh is the patron god for Israel.

6. Be able to explain briefly (2-3 sentences) the different themes of Amos's preaching: ESSAY

Social Criticism Critique of the Cult Emphasis on the coming judgment Reinterpretation of old national traditions of salvation in order to proclaim judgment SC, CC, CJ, RT

9. Know the approximate date of the speeches of so-called Second Isaiah. Which chapters in the book of Isaiah supposedly derive from him?

Supposedly chapters 40-55 derive from him in 540 BCE

13. To which section of the Jewish Canon do these books belong to

The Writings

Reinterpretation of old national traditions of salvation in order to proclaim judgment

There is something called the *election traditioin* and it's believed that Yahweh elected Israel to be his chosen blessed people. Now, since they've betrayed him, he will punish them even more for their sins. *The day of Yahweh* is the day Amos predicts will be the day of doom.

26. Explain (2-3 sentences) the Mesopotamian understanding of cult statues, according to the class lecture. What was the Mis Pi or "Washing of the Mouth" ritual? (1-2 sentences). ESSAY

There were biblical laws banning cult statues, and this shows us that they were present in ancient Israel. There have even been bull/calf idols found near Palestine. Human craftsmen produced the physical statue of a god, but priests then sanctified the statue in a ritual known as, "Washing of the Mouth." The ritual was believed to transform the statue into the god. Some of the words and actions in the ritual serve to distance the statue from the craftsmen, asserting that the statue is divinely, not humanly made. Worshippers knew that the statue consisted of physical materials, yet they believed that the god was really present in the statue.

How are the Ugaritic texts relevant to the study of Israelite religion? ESSAY

These texts are important because they inform us about the Cananite religion, as well as illuminate the aspects of the Israel religion

30. Why, according to V. Horowitz did some biblical writers denounce the pillar cult in Ancient Israel?

They did not think that any physical object could inhere the divinity and instead preferred the empty seat aniconism that represented a throne for an invisible god.


Ultimate goal of wisdom is human happiness, e.g., longevity, posterity, wealth, good reputation.

Conservation of Orientation

Wisdom emphasizes prudence and the maintenance of the status quo in life.

How did this organization change in early monarchial times?

Yahweh was associated with El, and thus he got moved up to first tier and became husband of Ashrah.

12. Reread passages cited

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not interested in nation Israel specifically but in universal problems

1. We divided the Hebrew prophets into two groups: the early prophets and the classical prophets. Explain this division. (maybe essay)

• EARYLY PROPHETS o Before 750 BCE: Amos o Stories found only from Genesis to Kings • CLASSICAL PROPHETS o 750 BCE onwards o they have their own books separated by speeches

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