Rel-115 Mid-term Exam

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What are the three main Identities promoted threw the totem poll?

-Identities of proper marriage partners -promote collective solidarity -regulations relations with outsiders

Christianity:What is a saint

A saint is anyone who lives in the state of god's grace and more restrictively any person who is venerated publicly in the public worship of the church

Judaism: Who is Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve are the first two humans to be created

Islam:Who is allah

Allah is the Islamic version of god

Judaism: What happens in the first ten days of the new year?

It talks about the creation of the world and with in those days every human and animal comes before god to get judge for the sins that they have commited and then on the tenth day it is sealed, but then the day of forgivness happens and everyone is forgiven for there sins.

Christianity:Who is Jesus

Jesus is the teacher of the word of god and he is a healer.He confronted both priestly and roman officials in Jerusalem in an attempt to make worship in the temple conform to his vision

What happened to religion during the modern era?

Religion no longer played a governing role in politics,economics or education.

Christianity:What is the trinity the doctrine of

The trinity is the doctrine that god is one being in three hypostases or subsistences each of whome are the divine heads of god that are broken into three things -god the father(who is the father of jesus the son and is reserected into the holy spirit

Judaism: what are two different Talmuds called?

The two different Talmuds are called Talmud of Babylon and the Midrash

Judaism: What is the written Torah and what is it called ?

The written Torah is the hebrew bible that contains instructions revealed by god to moses in two media,writing and memory

What are the spirits that keep the indigenous people alive called

These so are called animates

How are myths and rituals closely tied to

They are closely tied to major festivals or holy days of a religious tradition that illuminate human destiny and relations to higher power

What does orthodoxy believe?

They believe that is important,but they accept that they they often have to interact with texts believe that the doctrine set forth in text and is formulated by scholars.

what do orthopraxy believe

They believe that right action is as important as religious faith

Judaism:What happens to the young boys of the decedents of Abraham due to his covenent?

They get circumcised

Judaism:How do Israelite's prepare their meat? What is this called?

They slaughter their meat by killing it with a perfectly sharp knife,swiftly to prevent suffereing, with the reaction of a blessing:the blood is drained and the meat is boiled in its mothers milk and this is called Kosher

Judaism: What is the reason for why the boys and Abraham get circumcised ?

To show their covenant with god

What is a ritual

a ritual are actions that connect an individual and the community of the sacred

What does a shaman due?

a shaman are universal ritual specialist who are intermediaries who attempt to connect this world to another realm of beginning having an impact of humanity and the spiritual world

define taboo

a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Christianity:What is Mass

is a common term for the central act of Catholics worship

what is cosmogony

is a way of explaining the origin, the history and the evolution of the cosmos or universe based on the religious mythology of a specific tradition.

Judaism: What is the garden of Eden?

the Garden of Eden is paradise,created for humanity to live with god

Judaism: what is the Midrash

the Midrash is the commentaries to books of scripture mainly the pentateuch and the scrolls of Ruth,Lamentations, song of songs and Esther

Judaism: what is the sinai

the Sinai is the mountain in the wilderness where god revealed the Torah to moses

what do the action of rituals involve

the actions often involve the symbolic reenactment of the stories that are passed on from one generation to the next

Judaism : What is the Shema?

the creed of judaism,proclaiming the unity of god and his domination over nature and history

Christianity: what are the gospels

the gospels are the teachings or revaluations of god

Judaism:What is the name of the the lunar month and what does it stand for

the lunar month is tisher and is the first ten days of the new year

how does a shaman get to this transit state of mind

the most common ways he gets in this state of mind is by either using drugs of some kind or other ways to aid his journey

Christianity:What does the word trinity mean

the word trinity means "three in oneness"

Judaism:What do the three things shema cover mean?

God is the creator of the world,god as revealar of the Torah, god is the Redeemer of Israel

Judaism: What did god promises to Abraham?

God promised to make Abraham the father of the Israelite's and his decedents must obey god in return god promised that he would guided them and protect them and give them the land of the Israelite's

What is an example of this change for religion during the modern era

seperation of church and state

What is one of the roles of a shaman?

some of the roles include -the ability to heal through the spirit flight which is achieved in a trance or a altered state of consciousness

Christianity: What are the six religious meals that came from eucharist

(1) the mean that consecrates the beginning of a holy time (2) festivity that takes he plac of sacrifices in the temple (3) the blessing of a household (4) the passover meal (5)the commenoration of a martyr's sacrifice (6) participation in the self-giving of deity

Christianity: What were the principles that defined the new testament

(1) whether they derived from one of the apostles, those delegated by jesus to deliver his message (2) wether they accepted broadly by

Judaism: what are the two things that matter when sustaining life,which is a gift from god?

1.) what are Israelite are two eat 2.) how they eat it

What is a Totem?

A group of symbols that usually consist of animal,reptile,insects or plants that represent the community and is treated as a sacred.

What is animism used to describe

Animism is used to describe a worldview in which a measure conscious life is attributed to a variety individuals.

Christianity:What does Baptism signals the beginning of in christian life

Baptism signals the beginning of christian life

Christianity:define Eucharist

Eucharist is the characteristic meal of Christianity and was celebrated in convenantal terms when when one broke bread an shared the cup

Judaism: What does it mean exile and return

Exile and return is the pattern of humanity in losing the garden of Eden and aspiring to return to paradise

What does being heretic mean to all the world's religions

Heretic in terms of all religions have a had to accept the fact that their is diversity in faith and that we have no chose but learn how to coincided with them

What does heretic mean?

Heretic means to choose

what does homo religious mean

Homo religious means religious humanity

how does animism relate to the ingenious religions

Ingenious religions believe that most everything is alive and is a collections of of living organisms in which people must relate to.

What is Religion or religious

Is an adjective that describes an attitude toward the human condition. It is way seeing,acting and experiencing all things. Trusting in high power to govern our destiny.

Judaism: What does Israel mean?

Israel means the people of god

Give an example of how homo religious has help shaped society

It has helped shape success of small-hunter and gathers groups to the domestication of plants

Judaism:What is the purpose of a bar/bat mitzvah

It is a celebration that marks rite for a young man/women to become obligated to keep the commandment

Christianity: Where is the word church first scene

It is found in the new testament

What is the importance of religion to Humanity

It is has been the center of human culture reshaping social humanity social life.Being an essential part of human evolutionary path.

Judaism: what is Shema signigicance to judaism?

It is way for them to declare their faith in god everyday.

What does being heretic mean in a post modern world

It means every religious becomes heretic, that is that one person is not simply born into a certain religion they are chosen.

Judaism:what doe Judaism call the community of the faithfull?

Judaism calls the community of the faithfull "Israel"

Judaism: How do you keep the Sabbath ? What are the three stages

Keeping the Sabbath bring the Israelites into god's Kindgom so you should say a prayer. Keeping the Sabbath is a time for the Israelites to rejoice in god Keeping the Sabbath is a time of rest

What is monotheism?

Monotheism is the belief in the oneness of god and his uniqueness

Judaism:What is the importance of Moses to Judaism

Moses brought down the Torah from Mount sinai

Judaism:Can Israelites have their meet and dairy touching and can they consume it at the same time

No, they are not aloud to have meat and dairy touching and they are only aloud to consume dairy and meat in span of time after they consumed one then they can consume the other

Judaism: What is orthodax Judaism

Orthodax Judaism accepts the received tradition of Rabbinic Judaism and practices the law

Christianity:Who is peter

Peter was of the men who were in the story fisher of men and orginally name is actually simon. Later after jesus and his interaction in callupurnia simon or now peter became head apostle after the resurection of christ, but after the resurection he moved out from there to support the emergence of believing communities as far aeay as antioch and rome

Judaism: What two holidays are celebrated during the first ten days of the new year in the Jewish calendar

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper

Judaism: What is Rosh Hashanah

Rosh hashanah is the new year and the day of judgment

Judaism: What was the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was the murder of nearly six million European Jews by Germany and its allies in 1933-45

Christianity: What is the community of the faithful called in the christian religion?

The community of the faithful is called the church

Judaism: what is Rabbinic Judaism

The Judaic religious system framed by he rabbinic Torah as interpreted by the oral Torah

Judaism: what happens to Israel on the Sabbith

The Sabbath restores the conditions that prevailed when God and Adam were last together

Judaism: what is the Talmud of Babylonia

The Talmud of Babylonia is a commentary on the thirty-seven tractates of Mishnha

Judaism: What are Israelite's aloud to eat

The are aloud to eat all fruits and vegetables are aloud and fish that have fins and scales but are not scavengers or bottom-feeders.For meat, only animals that have cloven hooves and chew the cud may be consumed.

Judaism:What does the book of Exodus present

The book of Exodus presents the story of the slavery of the children of Israel in Egypt and how God redeemed them

Judaism:What does the book of Leviticus portray

The book of Leviticus portrays the founding of the priests service of god would bring Israel

Judaism:What does the book of genesis narrate?

The book of genesis narrates the story of the creation

Judaism:what does the book of numbers provide an account of

The book of number provides an account of the wandering of the wilderness

Judais:What is new year and the day of anointment called?

The day of awe

Christianity: what is a doctrine

The doctrine is the formula expressing a core teaching

Judaism: What does Judaism portray Israel as

The extended family of Abram, Isacc and Jacob and those who excepted their place with god

Judaism: what are the first five books of the Hebrew bible called? what are there names.

The first five books of the Hebrew bible is called the Pentateuch which consists of Genius,Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers and Deuteronomy

Christianity: What does the first principle mean of the new testament

The first principle of the new testament means that from the early days of christianity believers concerned themselves with the hisotrical questions regarding how a document emerged

Christianity: what is the kingdom of god

The kingdom of god is the principal subject of Jesus preaching concerned god's transformations of the world so that god's will would be in all in all

Judaism:What do the Mishnah and the Talmud create?

The mishna and the Talmud create the code of conduct governing the community of

Judaism: what is the mishnah

The mishna is the oral explantion for the jewish law and is the first part of the Talmud

What is the modern period marked by

The modern period is marked by a tendency to view faith as a more personal faith or an opinion rather than actual knowledge.

Judaism: What do the three elements of the creed cover?

The three elements of the creed cover creation,revelation and redemption.

Judaism:What is the Oral Torah called and what does it talk about

The oral torah is called the mishna which is comprised of sixty three tractates or topical expositions is a philosophical law code that reached closure in the land of Israel

Christianity:What is the papacy

The papacy refers to the bishope of rome who is the central figure in the college of chatholics a.ka he is the pope

Judaism: What is the perfect Sabbith?

The perfect Sabbith is when god has perfected creation and Israel has recovered the garden of eden

What is the purpose of a totem?

The purpose of a totem is to establish the fundamental group Identity.

Christianity: What dotes the second principle mean of the new testament

The second principles have been named since the second century of the common era when the new testaments as we recognize it was widely accepted

Judaism: who is Yahweh?

Yahweh is the creator of the world,and oh humankind.

Judaism:What does Yahweh represent

Yahweh represents universal idea monotheism as the original one god idea to the Jewish people

Judaism: what is Yom Kipper?

Yom Kipper is the day of atonment and the day of forgiveness

Judaism: What is a covenant?

a covenant is a agreement

Judaism: define Zionism

a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.

What is indicated about a myth

a myth indicates an untrue story or a misunderstanding based ignorance on every religious tradition

What does a myth convey

a myth projects the truth on life.

Judaism:what bat/bar mitzvah

bat mitzvah is daughter of the divine commandment bar mitzvah is son of the divine commandment

Judaism: What is a conservative Judaism

conservative Jew is someone who affirms the tradition and law in practice but accepts critical historical scholarship; judaic orthopraxy

Christianity:what is divination

divination is the concept that by the incarnation of th word of god into human flesh, that which was mortal and creaturely in the human race was raised to a new ontological level of the potentiality of dicine communion a sharing in the life of god by grace the god man of jesus incarnated logos

Christianity:define eschatology

eschatology is the science or logos of the last thing (eskhata). At issue is not merely the temporal end of the world,but the purpose of human life

Give an example of a religions Orthodox beleifs

for example Muslims pray the five pillars everyday

Christianity: Who was paul

paul was one of the most influenctial thinker of the bible and before the resurection he was a sinner against god,but once he heard resurection of jesus he converted him self

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