Relationships - Chapter 3

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In the context of attraction, the instrumentality perspective proposes that: A) most people do not expect anything when they enter a relationship. B) people are attracted to others based on the extent to which they help them fulfill their goals. C) relationships and their dynamics are heavily dependent on cultural forces. D) direct rewards are more fulfilling than indirect rewards in a relationship.


Liking those who like us is known as: A) tit-for-tat. B) reciprocity. C) propinquity. D) similarity.


Which of the following is true about playing "hard to get"? A) Individuals who appear aloof and largely uninterested are most likely to get dates. B) Individuals who are selectively hard to get—an easy catch for a desired partner but difficult for everyone else to catch—are most attractive to their desired partner. C) Playing hard to get is always a bad strategy; those who are hard to get have few dates. D) Some individuals find those who are hard to get interesting; others don't. The success of the strategy depends on the personality of the other person.


According to the stimulus-value-role theory, role compatibility: A) is important from the outset of the relationship. B) is important even before the relationship begins. C) becomes important after one is attracted but before values have been discussed. D) becomes important after attraction and similar beliefs have been established.


Alex is a strong Republican from South Dakota with a bachelor's degree in business. He enjoys fishing and snowmobiling. He's generally a happy person, with some tendencies toward an avoidant attachment style. Which of the following women is he likely to form a relationship with? A) Sally from North Dakota. She is a Republican who majored in economics in college. She enjoys snowmobiling and has an attachment style best described as avoidant. B) June from Alabama. She is a Republican who majored in art history. She's never been on a snowmobile in her life (and doesn't want to be). She tends to be a bit of a pessimist and would best be described as anxiously attached. C) Lucy from California. She is a Democrat. She did not complete college, hates fishing, and tends to be a bit of a grumpy person. D) None of these women are likely to appeal to Alex.


Analisa has three brothers. Her best friend, Jordan, also has three brothers, and they bonded over this fact when they met for the first time. In this case, Analisa was most likely experiencing ________ in her relationship with Jordan. A) an indirect reward B) a direct reward C) complementarity D) reciprocity


Cute opening lines work ________ on men and ________ on women. A) well; poorly B) well; equally well C) poorly; well D) poorly; poorly


In Festinger, Schachter, and Back's (1950) study of students living in campus housing at MIT, they found that those most likely to be friends were living: A) one door away from each other. B) one floor away from each other. C) one building away from each other. D) in no predictable location.


In countries where women experience greater equality with men: A) women tend to attach less importance to wealth in a romantic partner. B) women still show an evolutionary tendency to seek a partner who can care for them economically. C) women and men show equal interest in the financial prospects of their romantic partners. D) men attach more importance to wealth in a romantic partner.


In established romantic relationships, people are likely to end up with partners who are: A) as attractive as they are. B) more attractive than they are. C) less attractive than they are. D) in no particular pattern with respect to attractiveness.


In men, the most physically attractive waist-to-hip ratio is: A) 0.9 B) 0.8 C) 0.7 D) 0.6


In the stimulus-value-role theory of attraction, agreement on parenting, careers, and life tasks become important: A) last in the development of relationships. B) first in the development of relationships. C) in the middle of the development of relationships. D) throughout the development of relationships.


Peter is very attractive. He is more likely to believe a complimentary work evaluation from: A) an off-site colleague who has never seen him before. B) a male colleague. C) a subordinate. D) an equally attractive female colleague.


Research on the connection between attractiveness and health has found that: A) fertility and physical health are associated with a number of markers for attractiveness. B) fertility and physical health have almost nothing to do with attractiveness. C) fertility and physical health are related to attractiveness in women but not in men. D) fertility and physical health are related to attractiveness in men but not in women.


Research shows that ________ and ________ work together to shape our collective judgments about who is pretty. A) human nature; environmental conditions B) human nature; biology C) emotional love; environmental conditions D) human nature; pop culture


What is physically attractive in men (as judged by women): A) depends partly on the woman's menstrual cycle. B) is similar to what is physically attractive in women, namely, large eyes, small nose, small chin, and full lips. C) is more dependent on culture than what is attractive in women. D) matters little to women in their choices because women don't care much about physical attractiveness.


When seeking long-term mates, women look for men who show ________. In short-term mates, women look for men who show ________. A) warmth, loyalty, and status; physical attractiveness B) physical attractiveness; warmth, loyalty, and status C) physical attractiveness; physical attractiveness D) popularity and vitality; loyalty and kindness


Which concept opposes the notion "familiarity breeds contempt"? A) The mere exposure effect B) The cohort effect C) Out-group bias D) Justification of effort


Dissimilarity is often particularly attractive in a partner when it: A) represents a taboo. B) relates to our ideal self. C) makes us feel attractive. D) makes us look better by contrast.


Joe is a moderately attractive man. He is dating three women. Penelope is a very attractive woman, Susanna is moderately attractive, and Wanda is relatively unattractive. All else being equal, who is he most likely to end up with? A) Penelope. Attractive women tend to end up with men less attractive than they are. B) Susanna. People tend to end up with those who match them in attractiveness. C) Wanda. Men of moderate attractiveness tend to end up with women less attractive than they are. D) We don't know. There is no strong connection between the attractiveness of one partner and the attractiveness of the other partner.


On average, which of the following is likely when people who have met online get together in person for the first time? A) They find each other more appealing than they did online. B) They are mildly disappointed, and their liking for each other goes down. C) Men are more likely than women to find the meeting better than their online interaction. D) Women are more likely than men to find the meeting better than their online interaction.


Partners who are obviously dissimilar, such as an old rich man with a beautiful young woman: A) prove that sometimes opposites do attract. B) are actually matching in a broad sense by trading one asset for another. C) illustrate the fact that some people can overcome the tendency toward matching given the right incentive. D) are actually extremely rare.


Repeated contact with someone usually increases our liking for him or her. This concept is known as ________. A) reciprocity B) the mere exposure effect C) complementarity D) reactance


Research suggests that physically attractive people are ________ complimentary, flattering evaluations than unattractive people. A) more likely to believe B) less likely to believe C) more likely to give D) less likely to give


The "what is beautiful is good" bias is: A) true across cultures, and the characteristics that are associated with being beautiful are the same across cultures. B) true across cultures, although what characteristics are associated with being beautiful may be slightly different. C) only true in Western cultures such as in the United States. D) only true in cultures where "love" marriages occur, and it disappears in cultures where arranged marriages are the norm.


The physical attractiveness matching process in relationships: A) is less obvious in long-term, committed relationships. B) seems to operate as a screening mechanism whereby people end up with others who will have them in return. C) is less pronounced when one person in the couple has average looks. D) All of the answers are correct.


What does research suggest about the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder"? A) True: Long-distance relationships are more costly but more rewarding. B) False: Long-distance relationships are more costly and less rewarding. C) True: Long-distance relationships are less costly but more rewarding. D) False: Long-distance relationships are less costly and less rewarding.


Which curve best describes the relationship between attitude similarity and attraction? A) A flat line suggesting no real relationship between the two B) A straight upward-sloping line suggesting that as similarity increases, attraction increases C) A curve that initially goes up, showing that up to a point similarity enhances liking, but then becomes flat D) A curve that goes up but then turns down a bit, showing that at very high levels of similarity, liking decreases


Which of the following formulas describes how individuals evaluate a potential partner's desirability? A) His/Her Level of Extraversion + His/Her Probability of Accepting the Individual B) His/Her Physical Attractiveness × His/Her Probability of Accepting the Individual C) Amount of Time Spent So Far × His/Her Probability of Accepting the Individual D) Number of Mutual Friends + His/Her Probability of Accepting the Individual


Which of the following is true of American marriages? A) Nearly one-half of them result from the spouses meeting on a dating website. B) More than one-third results from the spouses having met online. C) Those that result from an online relationship are less satisfying than those that begin offline. D) Those that result from online relationships are twice as likely to break up.


Regarding short-term mates: A) men are less selective than women. B) women are less selective than men. C) both men and women are less selective than when choosing long-term mates. D) both men and women are quite selective because even short-term affairs contribute to happiness and fulfillment.


The idea of complementarity shows that: A) in several cases, opposites do attract. B) assertive people often prefer submissive partners. C) partners can use their different skills to the couple's advantage. D) warm and humorous people often prefer partners who are aloof.


There is an attractive woman in Liam's sociology class whom he would like to ask out on a date. He is more likely to do so if: A) he has a secure attachment style. B) he perceives that she is more financially well-off than him. C) he thinks she'll say yes. D) she plays hard to get.


Which of the following is true of our conceptions of beauty? A) Young children have no conception of beauty; they respond to "beautiful" and "unattractive" faces similarly. B) There is no consensus of beauty across ethnic groups; Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans disagree about what is beautiful. C) In women, feminine and youthful features are commonly viewed as beautiful across cultures and ethnic groups. D) Computer "averages" of a number of faces are more unattractive than any single face that makes up the composite.


Which of the following is true when a culture's food supply is unreliable and people are hungry? A) Short men are considered more attractive than tall men. B) Highly educated men are considered more attractive than less educated men. C) Heavy women are considered more attractive than slender women. D) Tall women are considered more attractive than short women.


Who seeks partners who offer warmth and kindness, desirable personality characteristics, and acceptance? A) Men B) Women C) Both men and women D) Individuals high in self-esteem who think they can have it all


According to the stimulus-value-role theory, which of the following are couples most likely to discover last? A) Whether they find each other physically attractive B) Whether they share the same taste in music C) Whether they like the same type of food D) Where they would like to settle down


Donna's husband often brings her flowers, leaves her little love notes, and buys her expensive jewelry. These are all examples of ________ in her relationship with her husband. A) reciprocity B) indirect rewards C) complementarity D) direct rewards


In speed dating, the most desirable people are usually: A) the most outgoing. B) the least discriminating. C) already taken. D) the choosiest and most discriminating.


In the discussion of close relationships, the concept of "fatal attraction" has been used to refer to: A) some people's chronic tendency to pick the wrong partners. B) attraction to partners who are abusive and physically violent. C) attraction that becomes enmeshing and gets partners too involved with each other. D) qualities that are initially a source of attraction but become obnoxious and irritating with time.


In which of the following aspects are similarities most conducive to the long-term success of a relationship? A) Income B) Age C) Personality D) Gender roles


Shari is going to a club with her friends and hopes to meet a man there. According to research, she should wear a(n) ________ outfit to increase her chances. A) yellow B) green C) orange D) red


Similarity in which of the following factors increases the chances of liking a person? A) Attitude similarity B) Demographic similarity C) Similarity in values D) All of the answers are correct.


The biggest influence on one's liking for another in speed dating is the potential partner's ________. A) wealth B) political attitude C) education level D) outward appearance


Which of the following features do men generally consider attractive in women? A) Strong jaws B) A big nose C) Small eyes D) Prominent cheekbones


Which of the following is true of how people evaluate their similarity to others? A) Most people can tell, with a high degree of accuracy, how similar they are to a potential romantic partner within the first couple of minutes of meeting the other person. B) Even after years of marriage, people tend to think they have less in common with each other than they really do. C) The more two people overestimate their similarity, the less likely it is that they will form a long-term relationship. D) People's perceptions of how much they have in common affect their attraction to each other more than their actual similarity does.


________ is the pattern of people of similar levels of attractiveness establishing romantic relationships. A) Love B) Proximity C) Reciprocity D) Matching


Which of the following is true of attractive people? A) They are more trusting of other people than less attractive people. B) They tend to get more dates than less attractive people. C) They tend to be more socially skilled than less attractive people. D) They are less lonely than unattractive people.


Which statement is valid regarding cross-cultural attitudes toward beauty? A) People all over the world show agreement on facial characteristics they consider attractive. B) Infants agree with adults on who is attractive. C) People who are considered attractive are likely to be more popular than people who are not considered attractive. D) All of the answers are true.


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