Relativity — Admin Essentials I

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STR Report only

One of two types of search terms reports Creates a report that includes the number of hits for each term or phrase. (A hit indicates one or more uses of the term or phrase in a document).

Email Threading Display Field

This field displays a visualization of the properties of the document, including the sender, email subject, file type icon (accounting for email action), and indentation level number. It also indicates when an email is both inclusive and non-duplicative by displaying a solid, black square.


This method of imaging is done on a document-by-document basis, from within the document viewer. With the proper permissions, a user can select an Imaging Profile, and then use that profile to image the document.

Production Workflow

1. Create saved search 2. Add a production restriction 3. Create a production set 4. Add a production placeholder 5. Add a production data source 6. Preview the production 7. Stage the production 8. View the documents 9. Run the production 10. Return errored documents

Workspace Creation

1st step in Standard Case Administration Workflow System admin creates the workspace in Relativity using a template.

Create Saved Searches — Production workflow

1st step in production workflow The first step to producing documents in Relativity is to determine which workspace documents are ready for production, and then group these documents together using one or multiple saved searches. Each saved search is an individual data source that will later be added to your production set. In Relativity, you may add one or multiple data sources to a single production set, allowing you to add sets of documents that meet different conditions to the production in just a few easy clicks.

Load Data

2nd step in Standard Case Administration Workflow System admin loads data into Relativity using Processing, Relativity Desktop Client, or Web Import with Integration Points. Before a case begins, case teams and lit support professionals work together to define the parameters of a case, establish review requirements, and decide on a delivery deadline. With this information, system admins create new objects to hold the company and issue information and then build a workspace that links to the corresponding issue.

Set Production Restriction — Production workflow

2nd step in production workflow In Relativity, you can use a saved search to perform a conflict check, which identifies incorrect document coding before production.

Workspace Customization

3rd step in Standard Case Administration Workflow Workspace admin customizes fields, choices, views, layouts, batches out documents, makes any adjustments needed to profiles, sets up search indexes, runs email threading and name normalization to organize the emails.


5th step in Standard Case Administration Workflow Reviewers look at the documents and make coding decisions.


6th and final step in Standard Case Administration Workflow A production is a response to a discovery request to produce documents. Productions can contain images, native files, certain metadata fields, or a combination of all three. Relativity helps make the production process fast and easy by allowing admins to create custom workflows to meet the needs of each unique case. Production is an application that allows you to prepare relevant and non-privileged documents to turn over to opposing counsel after review. Relativity's production application makes it easy to customize your productions, ranging from placeholders to custom branding. Workspace admin prepares a subset of the documents based on production criteria and exports them from Relativity.

Stage Documents — Production workflow

7th step in production workflow Staging the documents takes a snapshot of the data sources to prepare documents for production. Once a production set is staged, any changes made to the saved search of a data source will not result in adding or deleting documents from that data source. You will need to restage the production set to capture any changes made to a saved search or any coding changes that affect the results of a data source's saved search.

View Documents — Production workflow

8th step in production workflow Viewing the documents gives you a glance at all the documents in the production and the various format types each document is set to produce. This feature gives you the opportunity to make any last minute changes before the production is set to run.

Run the Production — Production workflow

9th step in production workflow Once a production set is created and the documents are added, you are ready to produce the documents.

Batch Unit

A grouping mechanism that keeps documents sharing the same Batch Unit field value in the same batch.

Workspace Administrator

A workspace administrator configures and maintains the workspace environment. They create and manage review workflows and workspace permissions.

Instance Details Tab

Admins can monitor some of the most basic information about a Relativity instance from the Instance Details tab. You can view, edit, and enable the Message of the Day (MotD), monitor all users within Relativity, check the license expiration date, view alerts and queue statuses, and view or edit group admin security settings.

OCR Sets

After setting up an OCR profile, you can submit documents via OCR sets. Similar to imaging sets, OCR sets use a saved search to define the set of documents that the operation will run on. However, you can also submit a production as the data source, in which case OCR will be run against every document in that production.

Reviewed Field

Allows you to select from Yes/No, Single-Choice, or Multi-Choice fields to populate a tally of documents reviewed. The tally displays on the Review Batches tab view under the Reviewed field column.

Family Field

Allows you to select your workspace Group Identifier. Documents in a family group will not be split across batches.

OCR Profiles

An OCR profile functions very similarly to the imaging and processing profiles we've encountered already: it contains the settings that the system will use when executing the OCR job. In a profile you specify the level of accuracy of the job, the languages the system will attempt to ready, and other settings. Before you can run OCR on documents, you need an OCR profile.

Email Threading Views

An email threading view reduces the time and complexity of reviewing emails by gathering all forwards, replies, and reply-all messages together to allow you to quickly analyze a conversation thread. Once email threading has been run, it can be combined with views to show reviewers the flow of the conversation thread. To accomplish this, the fields populated by the operation should be added to the view like any other field, and particular sort orders should be set.

Adding Fields

Any document field can be added to your layouts, using a simple drag-and-drop interface. These fields can be added as read-only, or editable. Invariable pieces of metadata, such as control number or custodian, should only ever be added in a read-only format, as otherwise reviewers will be able to change these values.

dtSearch and Search Terms Reports

Available on the Documents tab, you can use this advanced searching functionality to run queries with proximity, stemming, and fuzziness operators, as well as with basic features such as Boolean operators and wildcards. Relativity administrators can create a dtSearch index for a specific subset of documents in a workspace, and then assign security to it. They must manually update indexes when the document search sets used to create them are modified.


Before electronically stored information can be imported into Relativity for analysis and review, it must be processed. The primary goals of the processing phase of the EDRM are to: • Discern, at an item-level, what data is contained within the data universe. • Record all item-level metadata as it existed prior to processing. • Enable defensible reduction of data by selecting only items that are appropriate to move forward to review. With Relativity Processing, you can ingest raw data directly into your workspace for search, review, and production without leaving Relativity, allowing you to complete other setup tasks while data loads. Relativity Processing offers complete metadata extraction as well as full container extraction. Because Processing integrates with the rest of your Relativity workflow, it can reduce your total review time and consolidate your file storage.

Analytics Profiles

Before running Email Threading, you need to set up an Analytics Profile. Similar to an Imaging Profile, an Analytics Profile contains some of the settings needed to run Email Threading. In particular, here is where you tell the system which fields contain the email metadata it needs to deduce which emails are in which threads. The system is also able to parse the extracted text of an email if the needed metadata is not present in a field in the workspace.

Object Security

Broadly, you can think of this as "what you can do." These are your permissions to take action on various object types in Relativity. For each object, the following permissions can be granted: • None • View • Edit • Delete • Add • Edit security


Browsers are similar in function to tabs, in that they are locations within Relativity that users navigate to so that they can interact with certain object types. Based on their particular job role, different groups will need access to different browsers. In Relativity, there are 4 browsers that users can access: • Folders • Saved Searches • Field Tree • Clusters

Basic Imaging

By default, Relativity uses Basic Imaging. Basic Imaging does not require any additional configuration. However, the configuration options you have are very limited. Images can only be in black and white, and you have no ability to customize how certain types of documents will be handled.

Check For Conflicts — Production workflow

By running a quick conflict check, you can remove any documents that match the production restriction criteria set on the workspace. If you set your conflict check search as a production restriction, Relativity will alert you to any coding conflicts that have occurred in the workspace at the time you run your production. You can then remove conflicting documents from the data sources before finally running your production. If a conflict check is configured for your workspace, Relativity will automatically run the check each time you produce documents out of the workspace. This conflict check offers a final opportunity to spot documents that should not be produced before turning over documents to another party.


Characters that separate the column in the load file

Choice Editor

Choices are added to a field in layouts using the choice editor. This screen lets you add choices individually, or all at once. You can also nest choices here, creating parent and child choices.

Admin objects

Client Matter Group User


Clients are companies, organizations, or individuals involved in a legal dispute. When creating a client, the system admin must also define the matter associated with the client, create an identification number for the client, and define the client status.


Clients in Relativity are associated with one or more matters. Matters are used to define different cases or disputes that a firm may be involved with for a client. Within Relativity, a matter must be associated with an existing client. A matter can also be associated with one or more workspaces, but it is not required. When creating a matter, a system admin must define the Matter Name, the Matter Number, and the Status. Lastly, the system admin must link the matter with a client.

Contextual Help

Contextual help can be added to a category when configuring a layout. If contextual help has been added, a blue icon will appear on the layout to end users. Clicking this icon will display the help. Use this to assist coders with the proper way to use the layout.

Document Views

Document views are by far the most common type of view that Relativity users will interact with, as these views control which documents they are able to see and code. As such, it is crucial to have the proper views set up to ensure that your reviewers are able to efficiently complete their work. Views for other object types: Views can be created for many other types of objects as well. You can make views to display all document fields, for example. The method and options for making non-document views is exactly the same as with document views.

Relational Fields

Fields store object information, document metadata, and coding decisions within Relativity. Any fixed-length text field can be marked as a relational field. Relational fields preserve the links between document families, like an email and its attachments, or between duplicate documents. Simply set the field named Relational to Yes in the Relational Field Properties section of the field configuration layout. Once this is done, any documents with identical metadata values in the relational field will be treated as related to each other in this way.

Unique Hits

If desired, a search terms report can calculate the number of unique hits for each term. Unique hits here refers to the number of documents that return only that term, and no others. This can help you to spot potentially over-inclusive terms.

Copy from Previous

If desired, you can give reviewers the ability to copy previous coding decisions into their current document. If the previous document they were reviewing was responsive, and the current document is also responsive, they can simply copy that responsiveness value into the layout, rather than having to select it. To use this feature, you must first choose to allow copy from previous on the layout as a whole. Then you have to choose which fields on the layout should have this option enabled.

Mass Image

Imaging can be done as a mass action, from the Documents tab. Select the documents on the view that you would like to image, and then select the Image mass action from the menu. As before, you'll need to select an Imaging Profile.

Production Analysis

In addition to the charts available in your production set, Relativity automatically creates a saved search with the same name as your production to allow you to easily gather your produced documents. You can also configure a Document object view to display only produced documents. In conjunction with Pivot widgets, you can analyze the file types in the production, the central custodians in your produced documents, and the coding for the production documents.

Imaging Profiles

In order to image, you need an imaging profile, which controls the settings used to image documents. Imaging profiles contain a large number of settings, allowing you to finely-tune how different document types will be imaged. You can even set up multiple different imaging profiles to handle different types of imaging jobs.


Inclusive emails contain unique content that is not present in another email in the data set. When you run Email Threading, all emails are divided into two categories: inclusive, and non-inclusive. This result is written to a Yes/No field named "Inclusive Email" which allows this information to be used as a condition in views and searches.

Integration Points

Integration Points exports Relativity documents to a file share location. Using Relativity Integration Points, you can export case documents out of Relativity without leaving your workspace. You can also use Integration Points to transfer documents from one Relativity workspace to another.

Layouts and Choices

Layouts drive workflow. An improperly configured layout can slow review, or even to stop it all together if the necessary fields are missing from the layout entirely. Layouts have many configuration options that allow you to customize the look and feel of the layout to match your exact needs. Layouts are securable, allowing you to restrict users to only those specific layouts they need to be able to do their jobs. Layouts are web-based coding forms that allow users to view and edit document fields. They are created to assist with workflows by providing a way for users to access only the fields they need to complete their respective tasks. Indeed, the only way to edit field values is if those fields are on a layout. Layouts are fully customizable and can be secured so that only specific groups can see them. You can also edit a layout directly from the document viewer.

Markup Sets

Markup sets hold the markups. You can select which markup set you want to produce when setting up a production set. Markup sets also control the default text redaction options you have, although the text used in a text redaction can be changed and edited at any time. You can only view the markups from one markup set at a time. Additionally, when producing documents only the markups in a single set can be burned into the produced images.

Name Normalization

Name Normalization analyzes emails and determines which people are participating in the email conversations Name Normalization is a structured analytics operation that analyzes email document headers to identify all aliases (proper names, email addresses, etc.) and the entities (person, distribution group, etc.) those aliases belong to.

Native Imaging

Native Imaging requires that you setup your worker manager server, but gives you much more flexibility for how you want to image documents. For example, you have settings that control whether or not speaker notes will be included when you image PowerPoint presentations, or whether gridlines will be included when you produce Excels.

Relativity Objects

Objects are the building blocks of Relativity applications and are represented as tabs and sub-tabs in the Relativity interface. When connected together, objects can dictate workflow or extend Relativity functionality. Objects can be implicitly connected via existing system workflows or by manually defining connections between objects.


Once a document has been imaged, you can place redactions on it. Indeed, redactions can only be placed on images, and so if you need to redact your documents, you need to ensure that imaging has been set up first.

Email Thread Visualization

Once an Email Threading set has been run, you can open a visualization pane from within the Core Reviewer Interface. This visualization shows reviewers the structure of a thread, allows them to navigate within it, and allow them to visualize coding data in that thread.

Workspace Security

Once groups have been added to the workspace, you can customize their security settings. Workspace security is broken into several sections: • Object Security • Tab Visibility • Other Settings It is important to note that the permissions that are set here apply only to this workspace. The same group can be added to more than one workspace, but can be assigned wildly different permissions in each of them. Security settings can be made in a template group, and then copied into your groups after workspace creation. This saves you from having to do a laborious security build every time you create a new workspace.

STR Report and tag

One of two types of search terms reports Creates a report that includes the number of hits for each term or phrase. Additionally, this option creates a multiple object field named after the search term report with the prefix STR (for example, if the report was named "Key Terms," the field would be named "STR - Key Terms"). Any document with a term will be tagged in this field so that it can be easily retrieved in saved searches and other workflows. Generally, report and tag is the more useful option, since having the results saved to a field allows you to easily use the results in many other workflows.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) uses pattern recognition to translate images of text, such as scanned and redacted documents, into actual text characters. With OCR, you can view and search on text that's normally locked inside images. It's important to run OCR before exporting documents to remove any redacted text from the document before it is extracted and handed over to opposing counsel. OCR-ing your documents ensures that sensitive or privileged information is not mistakenly revealed to others. When exporting production documents, make sure to set OCR Text as the first option in the Text Precedence field. This ensures that any redacted text remains inaccessible when the documents are produced and/or handed over to another party.


Pivot tables allow you to visualize your data and analyze trends. You can use Pivot to summarize data in tables or charts, simplifying the analysis process. You can also create ad hoc Pivot reports using the options available on the Pivot menu. System admins or users with the appropriate permissions can create custom Pivot profiles that you can reuse on multiple data sets. You can configure these profiles with field information and formatting for charts, including line, pie, and bar graphs.


Processing Profile: DeNIST settings control how files from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) list are removed from your data sets. The NIST list contains file signatures, or hash values, for millions of files that hold little evidentiary value for litigation purposes because they are not user-generated. The deNIST settings in your processing profile determine if those files are removed from the data set and under what circumstances.


Processing Profile: Deduplication is the method by which the processing engine separates duplicate documents during discovery. During deduplication, the system compares documents based on certain characteristics and keeps just one instance of an item when two or more copies exist. Deduplicating data can significantly decrease review time and cost.

Numbering conventions

Processing Profile: Settings in the processing profile determine how the documents in each data source are numbered when published to a workspace. Specifically, you can determine the prefix, number of digits, and default start number for processed documents.

Text extraction

Processing Profile: Text extraction settings determine how the text is extracted from different types of files, such as emails, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word files, among others. Some common determinations are whether emails should be extracted in an MSG or MHT format and if file text should be extracted using the native application or dtSearch.

Time zone

Processing Profile: This setting determines the default time zone used to display time and date on a processed document.

Processing Profile

Processing profiles are saved, reusable settings for processing document metadata.

Email Threading

Relativity Analytics Email Threading greatly reduces the time and complexity of reviewing emails by gathering all forwards, replies, and reply-all messages together. Email threading identifies email relationships, and then extracts and normalizes email metadata. Email relationships identified by email threading include: • Email threads • People involved in an email conversation • Email attachments (if the Parent ID is provided along with the attachment item) • Duplicate emails An email thread is a single email conversation that starts with an original email, (the beginning of the conversation), and includes all of the subsequent replies and forwards pertaining to that original email. 1.) Determines the relationship between email messages by grouping related email items together. 2.) Identifies inclusive emails, which contain the most complete prior message content and allow you to bypass redundant content. 3.) Applies email visualization, including reply, forward, reply all, and file type icons. Visualization helps you track the progression of an email chain, allowing you to easily identify the beginning and end of an email chain. *The results of email threading decrease in accuracy if email messages contain non-English headers

Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs)

Relativity Dynamic Objects are objects that you define. You can set their capabilities, manage data links to other objects, and incorporate additional features.

Relativity Processing Workflow

Relativity Processing has a standard workflow that contains some optional phases. These steps are iterative and can be repeated as necessary. Setup • Create new custodian entries • Create a processing profile • Create a processing set Process • Inventory and filter • Discover the files • Publish the discovered files to a workspace Validate • Use processing reports to gather general information on your data • Resolve any errors that occurred during processing

Mass Operations

Relativity gives users the ability to modify multiple objects at once via mass operations. There are a number of these operations available, and each is controlled by a separate security permission, allowing you to control exactly which mass operations a user will be able to perform.


Relativity has three methods for imaging native documents. Imaging sets allow for groups of document native files to be converted to images using a saved search. Imaging sets also provide error handling, which allows you to view a comprehensive report and address individual document imaging errors. Imaging profiles are created to provide the various settings for creating images. End users can submit documents for imaging in 3 different ways: • Image-on-the-fly • Mass Image • Imaging Sets


Relativity uses groups to organize users based on their roles and responsibilities. A user's Relativity access is determined by the group to which they belong. A user may be a part of one or more groups at any given time. Groups must be added to a workspace to receive access to that document repository.

Persistent Highlight Sets

Search terms report results can be used to construct a persistent highlight set. Persistent highlight sets automatically highlight specified terms in a document. This can help reviewers to spot important documents and code them accordingly. You can manually enter the terms that you want highlighted in a persistent highlight set, but you can also leverage the results of a search terms report. When setting up a highlight set, choose the Highlight Fields option and then select the search terms report that you want to highlight. Using a search terms report instead of manually entering terms is also more efficient.

Search Terms Reports (STR)

Search terms reports provide the ability to identify documents containing specific keywords or terms. You can enter multiple terms and generate a report listing the number of hits for each term in a document. With this information, you can quickly determine if you are using over-inclusive search terms and/or cull the document and prioritize specific documents for review. The results of the search terms report can also be used to drive other workflows, such as persistent highlighting, tagging documents, and additional searching. Search terms reports are run using a dtSearch index. As a result, before you can run search terms reports you first need a dtSearch index. You also need a saved search which will define the documents the search terms report will run against.

Imaging Sets

Submit a set of documents for imaging using a saved search. The system will use a specified imaging profile to image a set of documents specified by a saved search. Imaging in this fashion gives you a few other options, such as the ability to hide images from view until a QC check has been performed on them for quality.

System objects

System objects are predefined objects that either load during installation, such as Documents, Workspaces, Fields, and OCR sets.

Workspace Templates

Templates are workspaces that contain predefined, customizable items. While creating the new workspace, Relativity will copy the tabs, views, layouts, searches, and many other settings in your template to the new workspace, saving you the effort of creating them again. To make your custom workflows repeatable across multiple cases, you can use a template to create a new workspace.


The Favorites menu contains all of your bookmarks (Favorites) and the last 10 pages of your browsing history (Recents). The Favorites menu appears at the top of the application window next to your user name.

Production object

The Production object stores important information about each production in your workspace. To populate the Production object, you must first stage a production from the Production Set page. Once the documents are staged, you can refer to the Production object to view the automatically created Bates numbers for your produced documents, the production settings that you configured, and the number of documents with redactions in your production, among other helpful statistics. To quickly view the information stored on this object, click View Documents in the Production console from the Production Sets page within your workspace.

Relativity Desktop Client (RDC)

The Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) is a locally installed, standalone application used to import and export data to and from a Relativity workspace. It imports document load files, image files, and production files and exports production sets, saved searches, and folders. To import through the RDC, you must be part of a group that has the Allow Import admin operation enabled in workspace permissions. Additionally, you can save your import settings as a field map for quick and easy import jobs.

Alphabet File

The alphabet file controls the characters that will be recognized by the index. If there is a character that needs to be searchable, it needs to be added in the alphabet file in the proper format. This is commonly done to make certain non-alphanumeric characters searchable, or in cases where you need to index non-English documents, and need to make non-English letters searchable.

Noise Words

The stop words are not indexed, as they produce too many results. However, in certain cases you may need to index a noise word. The default noise words are based off of the most common English words. However, if you were indexing non-English documents, you would need a different set of noise words. In that case, you might replace the noise word list entirely. Noise words ensure better results by filtering out words that are too common, and may contribute to false hits when searching.

User Drop-down

The user drop-down appears in the top-right corner and contains several helpful user settings that are important to a user, including the following options: • Home: Returns you to Relativity Home. • Reset Password: Opens a pop-up window to change your password. • My Settings: Opens a pop-up window where you can change various personal settings. • Logout: Logs you out of Relativity. • Help: Launches the Relativity Documentation website. • Support: Opens a new window containing the Technical Support page of the Relativity website where you can open a support ticket. • About: Opens a dialog displaying the Relativity version number and licensing agreement information.

Saved Searches — Production workflow

These searches provide you with the functionality to define and store queries for repeated use. With flexible settings, you can create a saved search based on any Relativity search engine, assign security permissions to it, and define specific columns to display your search results. Saved searches support the development of complex queries that you build using a form with search condition options. These queries run dynamically to ensure that updated results appear when you access a saved search.


To help organize a layout, you can create categories, or sections. Each layout starts by default with one category, and you can add as many as you like. The better organized your layout is, the easier it will be for reviewers to use, so take some time to think about the categories you will need.

Production Charts

To help you better visualize your production data, the production application contains two interactive charts that are available after you produce a production. Document counts The Document Counts production chart displays the following information about the selected production set: • Unproduced Documents - The number of unproduced documents within the workspace. • Other Produced Documents - The number of documents produced in the workspace but not the selected production set. • Produced Documents - The number of documents produced in the production. Type counts The type counts production chart displays the following information about the type of data sources contained within the selected production set: • Images without Redactions • Images with Redactions • Natives and Images without Redactions • Natives and Images with Redactions • Natives

Index Setup/Build

To set up an index, you need to define the document set you want to use via a saved search. You could index all documents, or just a particular subset. Either way, only documents submitted to this index will be returned in searches run against it. Additionally, only the information in the columns included on this search will be indexed. You have two options when building an index: full build and incremental build. When running a full build, all documents in the data source will be indexed. When running an incremental build, only those documents in the data source that were not indexed previously will be indexed.

Quick Nav

Using Quick nav, you can quickly search for and navigate to any workspace or tab in Relativity. Simply type the name of the tab or workspace into the quick nav bar and any tab or workspace that contains the character string within the name appears in the list of results.


Views are customizable lists of items within Relativity. Any time that you see a list of items, there is a view object governing that list. Correctly-configured views allow users to quickly find the objects in the workspace they need to interact with. There are four main settings controlled by a view: • The type of Relativity object to be displayed • The conditions under which those objects should be displayed • Columns • Sort order


When you've created a page configuration you'd like to preserve, you can create a customized dashboard. You can save multiple dashboards to quickly change the page configuration. The item list and any widgets on the dashboard will update automatically in response to filtering or searching. The page initially appears with the folder browser on the top left, the search panel on the bottom left and the item list to the right. Within this new framework, you have multiple options for customizing your display.

Workspace objects

Workspace Document Field Custom object Choice View Layout

Item-Level Security

You are also able to customize security on an item-by-item basis. Using this feature allows you to fine-tune a user's experience. To set item-level security on a particular object, you need to have the Edit Security permission for that object. Then, simply click on the padlock icon next to the object you want to modify. Alternatively, if you are securing a document folder, search folder, or a particular search, right-click on the object in question and then select Secure.


You can create batches in Relativity by splitting a static set of documents into multiple document sets based on administrator-set criteria. Batching can bring structure to the often complex task of managing a large-scale document review with multiple reviewers. With the appropriate permissions, users can then check out these batches and assign themselves documents for review. Batches can be created manually or set to run automatically, based on the conditions of a specified data source. Batches can be created based on any saved search, allowing you to precisely control the documents that are batched. To create batches, first you create a batch set. This object contains all the settings that the system will use to create the batch. It also holds the saved search that defines which documents should be batched.


You can tell the system to automatically create batches at a set interval. This is useful if you are still loading data when your review begins, or for QC workflows that must wait until a first-pass review is complete. Auto-batching is set up like other batches. However, you additionally need to set the minimum batch size, and also how often new batches will be created.

Tab Visibility

You can think of this as "what you can SEE." It is not enough to have the rights to take actions on an object, you also need to be able to access it. However, you also want to ensure that you aren't over-inclusive. Limiting a user's tab visibility to only those tabs that they actually need to access for their job makes it that much easier for them to do their job.

Data Analysis

4th step in Standard Case Administration Workflow Workspace admin or project manager uses saved searches, dtSearch, Search terms reports, and Analytics to find terms and concepts within the data set.

Preview Production — Production workflow

6th step in production workflow Preview displays a sample image showing how the branding is applied to documents in the production.

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