Reli 110

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The period of history in which the the Torah was complied was:

1200-400 BCE

The timeline of Christianity includes the dates of the crucifixion of Jesus as approximately:


Nanak received his vision from God when he was about:


The textbook writes that the dates of the birth of Jesus was approximately:

6-4 BCE

Jesus lived in the world of first century Roman occupation.


These churches often incorporate local African customs and religious practices in their expressions of Christianity. The Christian churches in Africa that originate not with foreign missions but with local leaders and movements are:

African-initiated churches

The scriptures of the Jains are called:

Agamas or precepts or Siddhantas or treatises

The early Vedic god of fire is:


The man who most deeply influenced the life and direction of Christianity after Paul and Constantine, who was born in North Africa, and who accepted the faith later in life, was:


One of the three important gods in Hindu worship, generally regarded as the creator of the world is:


The Western religion that has encouraged its members to live alone apart from the evils of normal life, and to encourage monastic orders, is:


A philosophy of nature, a religion, a system of ritual practices, with gods, priests, temples, and sacrifices, and tradtionally thought to be founded by Laozi, is:


The Confucians, the Legalists and the Mohists were all schools that rivaled the early:


The female earth spirit and personification of nature in Native American religions is:

Earth Mother

Kami-dana is literally "kami shelf;" the center of domestic Shinto in a Chinese home. It is a shelf where sacred objects are kept and daily prayers are said


Samurai are 21c Japanese knights


T or F: Bhakti is devotion to the gods of the Native American tribes.


T or F: The oldest sacred books of Hinduism are the Bible and the Torah and the Qu'ran.


T or F:If there is to be peace among the nations, cultures and religions of the world, religious differences do not need to be known and respected.


Tylor, a leading figure in anthropology, considered animism, the worldview that non-human entities—such as animals, plants, and inanimate objects—do not possess a spiritual essence, to be the first phase of development of religions.


The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 was not a huge event.

F pg 188

Japan's culture is among the oldest of the Asian nations. The coming of Buddhism in the sixth century CE caused the Japanese to collect their various myths and rituals under the title of kami-no-michi to distinguish native religion from those religions brought in by the Chinese and Koreans.


King David's abilities as a military leader and administrator helped Israel develop into a fairly powerful and wealthy small nation of the ancient Middle East. Hebrew scripture indicates that David wished to build a magnificent temple in Jerusalem but was forbidden by YHWH. It remained for Samson, David's son and successor, to build the temple. With all the wealth his father had amassed, Samson built a palace for himself and a temple for his God. The temple not only centralized worship of Israel's god YHWH, it also had the effect of consolidating the monarchy's political seat of power in Jerusalem.

F; False. David's son was Solomon, not Samson. See page 183.

The New Testament mentions several kinds of leaders in the early Church, but their roles are never clearly defined. One such leader was the bishop. The Greek word for bishop, "episkopos," literally means "sheperd." The office of deacon was, as the word "diakonos" (servant) implies, one of service. The elders ("presbyteroi") are also mentioned as leaders of the Jewish church.

F; pg 213

T or F: Karl Marx saw religion as having originated as guilt that men supposedly feel in hating their fathers.


T or F: Marx thought that religion was not the opium of the people and Freud thought that the truly healthy and mature person is content to stand with others and face the problems of life with gods or religions.


T or F: Sigmund Freud focused on what religion does, that is how religion functions. He saw the origin and development of religion in terms of his personal view of history and economic and social struggle between classes. He believed that religion was used by the ruling classes to suppress the underclass.


The important Hindu goddess and wife of Shiva, also known as Durga, is:


T or F: Perhaps the concluding statement on classical Hinduism is the great epic poem of Indian culture and religion called the Song of Solomon.

False; Bhagavad Gita; pg 71

T or F: The fundamental assumption of the Upanishads is that there are more than one true reality in the universe-Brahman. Brahman is not eternal, infinite, unknowable, sexless, has neither a past, present, or future, and is totally personal.

False; pg 66

You're going to experience suffering during your lifetime, because of desire and attachment. If you want to get rid of suffering, then follow the Eightfold Path. This statement is referred to as part of the __________.

Four Noble Truths

A popular Indian deity, depicted with the head of an elephant, and known as the remover of obstacles, is:


The Indian leader who helped India achieve independence from Great Britain. Well known for his nonviolent methods of protest, he is:


A ritual and resistance movement of the Plains Indians that combined Native American and Christian ideas, and led by a prophetic figure named Wovoka is:

Ghost dance

Also known as the "High God" in some Native American traditions, this is a divine or spiritual power that is revealed in humans, nature, and the spirit world:

Great Spirit

Certain religions maintain that one Supreme God created the world and then withdrew from active participation. Although this god is often recognized and given token worship, the bulk of active worship is given to lesser deities, who participate more fully in the activities of the world. The one Supreme God in African religions is called the:

High God

The high god of the Nuer, associated with the sky, is:

Kwoth Nhial

The Hindu goddess of prosperity and wealth, and the wife of Vishnu, is:


Religions that have a distinct High God often focus worship and ritual life around lesser deities. This common feature of many African religions is known as:

Lesser spirits

Together, these Shaivite symbols represent the balance of male and female forces and indicate life and rebirth.

Lingam and yoni

As Buddhism evolved and split into two major divisions, the _____ division believes it is closer to the original teachings of Buddhism.


Mahayanists developed a class of beings called bodhisattvas, who could help humans in their life struggles. One of the following is called "the Buddha of the age to come."


A religious movement combining elements of Christianity and Native American religions is:

Native American churc

The East African ethnic group with a particularly strong belief in the High God is:


In the Yoruba religion of West Africa, these are lesser deities who participated in the creation of the world. Because of the slave trade, these are worshiped in many parts of the Americas:


As the Holy Bible is to Christianity, and the Koran is to Islam, the _____ _____ are to Buddhism, for they were the earliest collection of Buddha's teachings.

Pali sermons

The churches that embrace a charismatic worship style that frequently includes speaking in tongues are called:


The Vedic god of thunder, rain and the ruler of heaven is:


Basic Chinese Religious Concepts include:

Recognition of multiple gods and spirits, yinyang, family reverence and ancestor worship, divination, development of belief in Shangdi, and decline of the feudal system.

The Jewish New Year, is celebrated on the first and second days of the month of Tishre, and is called:

Rosh Hashanah

The term in Japan to distinguish Buddhism from local religion is called:


One of the most popular gods in postclassical Hinduism, regarded as the god of death and destruction but also of rebirth and reproduction, is:


The Japanese New Year is called:


Ancestor veneration is respect and honoring deceased members of the family. It frequently involves upkeep and care of graves, memorization of the names from past generations, and prayers and sacrifices in honor of the dead.


Jainism is an ancient Indian religion.


Li is a Confucian term translated as "propriety," "rites," "ceremonies," or "courtesy."


T or F: Although in North America and Western Europe religion is sometimes imagined to be a private, personal matter, religion almost always has an important influence on public life.


T or F: Bhagavad Gita means "The Song of the Blessed Lord" and is the epic poem of Indian culture and religion.


T or F: Caste (from the Portuguese, casta, "race") means the multiple classes into which traditional Indian society has been divided.


T or F: In Hinduism, atman is the self, or soul, that, due to karma, is reborn in the cycle of rebirth.


T or F: In addition to being a force for reconciliation between peoples, religion can be the inspiration--or at least the justification--for horrific acts of violence.


T or F: In this textbook, the editors consider several aspects of religions: what culture produced this religion? If there was a founder, and if anything can be known of the founder's life, what factors caused this person to found this religion? If there are scriptures or sacred texts, what do they tell us about this religion? What have been the major historical developments of this religion? How do participants practice their religion? What are the religious rituals, behaviors and event that shape how they live their lives?


T or F: Max Muller was convinced that he had found the key to the origin of all religions: "Primitive" people identified the forces in nature, personified them, created myths to describe their activities, and eventually developed pantheons and religions around them.


T or F: Modern proponents of theories of religion no longer believe Tylor's and Frazer's evolutionary thinking, that there are stages of human and cultural development that move naturally from nature worship, to multiple deities, to one god, to science. Religion is the one aspect of human experience that (almost) always dedicates itself to interactions with gods, spirits, and other supernatural forces.


T or F: Of all the Hindu philosophies, Yoga is the best known to Westerners, although they tend to think only of physical (Hatha) Yoga, or the various extremes of asceticism that the Yogin may achieve. The word "Yoga" is derived from the root yuj "to yoke" or "to join."


T or F: One of the basic assumptions of the Law of Manu is the varna, or caste, system. The Law of Manu clearly articulates this connection between karma, caste, and rebirth.


T or F: Religion is the one aspect of human experience that (almost) always dedicates itself to interactions with gods, spirits, and other supernatural forces.


T or F: Religions that have a high god, in African religions, often focus worship and ritual life around lesser spirits or deities.


T or F: Sir James George Frazer believed in an evolutionary framework of human development, when humanity realized nature could not be coerced through magic, it turned to a second stage of development--religion--whose premise was that nature can be implored to cooperate. When religion was also seen to fail, humankind, in a third phase, turned to science, in which a more rational understanding of nature is operative.


T or F: Sometime between 1750 and 1200 B.C.E., the ancient cultures of the Indus River valley gave way to the peoples who were the immediate progenitors of modern Hinduism. Scattered references in the Vedic literature indicate that these people were basically nomads following their flocks and herds from place to place. They apparently had no permanent bases or cities. People of this period were organized along tribal lines and were led by chieftains called rajas. It was not until about the sixth century B.C.E. that these people began to settle in cities in the Indus valley and some of the rajas began to collect and build minor kingdoms for themselves.


T or F: The Ghost Dance for Native American religions is a ritual and resistance movement of the Plains Indians that combined Native American and Christian ideas. It was led by a prophetic figure named Wovoka.


T or F: The academic study of religion has many tools at its disposal and draws on insights from philosophy, psychology, history, comparative literature, anthropology, sociology, and other disciplines. Students of religion can expect to hone their critical thinking skills as well as their cross-cultural understanding.


T or F: The most rapidly growing religion in Europe and North American is Islam, due to the influx of Turks, Arabs, Iranians, and Pakistanis, as well as internal conversion.


T or F:Agni is the early Vedic god of fire.


T or F:Brahma is one of the three important gods in Hindu worship, generally regarded as the creator of the world.


T or F:Lingam and yoni are Shaivite symbols representing the balance of male and female forces and indicate life and rebirth.


The kami are significant to Shinto.


The Council that reaffirmed the traditional seven sacraments of baptism, confirmation, penance, Eucharist, extreme unction, marriage and holy orders, was:

The Council of Trent

The True Name is the name of God for Sikhs.


A collection of hymns to the early Indian gods, and also the entire collection of Indian sacred literature, is:


One of the three most popular gods of postclassical Hinduism, known as the god of love, is:


Exercises undertaken by Native Americans seeking contact with the spirit world are part of a:

Vision Quest

The West African ethnic group whose religion strongly influenced the development of African American religions is:


An African religious functionary whose primary purpose is to heal by driving out evil spirits believed to cause sickness are:


In Hinduism, this is the self, or soul, that, due to karma, is reborn in the cycle of rebirth.


State and Sectarian and Domestic are three forms of:


Following the Eucharist meal, Jesus and his party went out of the city to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed for a few hours. Here he was betrayed by Judas, one of his closest disciples, and arrested by the temple guards. He was tried on charges of blasphemy by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin, early the next morning. This trial was followed by a hearing before Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judea, and a beating by his troops. Jesus was also interviewed by Herod Antipas, the governor of Galilee.


How Muslim believers live this life determines how they will spend their eternal existence. During this one life, believers must submit to the will of Allah. Thus adherents of this religion are called Muslims, meaning "those who submit to God."


A collection of oral laws gathered by Judah ha Nasi (born c. 135 C.E.) is the Mishnah. It contained the bulk of extrabiblical Jewish law up to the second century C.E.


I Corinthians 13 is perhaps the most beautiful passage from the New Testament.


According to Confucius, there are five basic relationships in life. If li were present in these relationships throughout society, the social order would be ideal. These five relationships are as follows: father to son, elder brother to younger brother, husband to wife, elder to junior, ruler to subject.


According to a report by the Magazine Foreign Policy, children as young as six are recruited or kidnapped and sent to military and religious training camps, where they practice beheading with dolls and are indoctrinated with the religious views of ISIL. Sexual violence perpetrated by ISIL includes using rape as a weapon of war; instituting forced marriages to its fighters; and trading women and girls as sex slaves.


Adept at social media, ISIL became notorious for its videos of beheadings of both soldiers and civilians, including journalists and aid workers, and for the destruction of cultural heritage sites. The United Nations holds ISIL responsible for human rights abuses and war crimes, and Amnesty International has charged the group with ethnic cleansing on a "historic scale" in northern Iraq.


After his baptism, Jesus went into the nearby Judean wilderness, where he fasted for forty days and pondered the nature of his ministry.


An Apostle is one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus.


Anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jews for religious or ethnic reasons.


ISIL compels people in the areas that it controls to live according to its interpretation of sharia law. There have been many reports of the group's use of death threats, torture and mutilation to compel conversion to Islam, and of clerics being killed for refusal to pledge allegiance to the so-called "Islamic State." ISIL directs violence against Shia Muslims, Alawites, Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.


Because almost half of the Book of Acts is devoted to the missionary activities of Paul, and because he is traditionally considered the author of fourteen books of the New Testament, Paul is the best-known early Christian. Not only was Paul important as a missionary of the early faith, but he also made a great contribution as a theologian. He was among the first to attempt to state systematically the beliefs of Christianity. Indeed, Paul is sometimes called the "Second Founder of Christianity."


Bushido is the code of the Samurai.


Christianity began as a sect of Judaism in the first century C.E., when the Roman Empire was at its peak and Augustus Caesar (63 B.C.E. to 14 C.E.) ruled.


Christianity is spreading rapidly in Asia and Africa.


Devotion to the gods of Hinduism is:


One of the most popular cosmic Buddhas is Amitabha, who presides over a western paradise called "The Pure Land." His followers believe in order to gain access to this heavenly world, one must _____.

c. live a virtuous life and recite his name daily.

From the Portuguese meaning "race," this is the multiple classes into which traditional Indian society has been divided.


Arising in the nineteenth century, and led by Sabato Morais, as a reaction against the perceived extremes of the Reform movement, and between the Orthodox and the Reform movements in Judaism is the:

conservative; pg 194

Yinyang is a basic philosophical concept and is composed of two forces of life that will balance life and make one's life flow smoothly. The concepts include:

dark, cool and female balanced with light, warm and male

Duties incumbent on a person in traditional Hindu life, based on caste and station in life. In Buddhism, this is the teachings of the Buddha:


The most growth in Christianity in the United States in recent years has been among the ranks of:

evangelical Protestant groups; pg 227

Jesus and Siddhartha were contemporaries.


Jesus's role as an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent creator of the universe is heavily emphasized in the Qur'an.

f; allah

Baptism is the Jewish initiatory ritual that includes symbolic cleansing with water and wine.

f; christianity

About forty years after the death of Jesus, members of this group began to write biographical statements about him, centered on his death and resurrection. These books, called Gospels, are not biographies in the true sense of the word but give most of their attention to the last few months in the life of Ghandi.

f; jesus

After Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven, his followers met in Jerusalem. They probably banded together out of fear that they might share Jesus's fate. At the Festival of Pentecost (fifty days after Passover), however, the Christians were feeling more courageous because of the coming of the Holy Spirit and went out into the streets of Jerusalem to preach about their faith. They were not able to preach in different languages, however.

f; pg 210

The sacrament known throughout the Christian Church as the Lord's supper or communion is known as extreme unction.

f; pg 225

The Qur'an is believed to be God's last word to humanity. Islam respects the scriptures of the Jews and Christians, but the Qur'an is understood to be God's final message. It was literally revealed to Muhammad, who acted only as a stenographer or loudspeaker for Allah, and has been transmitted virtually unchanged since the days of Jesus.

f; pg 244

The religion of Islam demands strict polytheism and requires its followers to say each day, "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger."

f;pg 244

Epistles are letters written by Paul and others to the early Hindu churches.


Mahavira was the first tirthankara and founder of Jainism.


Sikhism stands between Buddhism and Jainism on many issues.


T or F: Ganesha is a popular Buddhist deity, depicted with the head of an elephant. Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles.


T or F: Modern adherents to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions that have a broad, universal appeal associate the word "religion" with the word "moral," but among many religions, these terms are always synonymous.


T or F: The Sun Dance is the winter celebration performed by Native Americans of the Great Plains.


T or F: The way people have thought about nature, the human person, the cosmos, and questions of ultimate meaning and concern are not intrinsic parts of religion.


T or F: World history has not been profoundly influenced by religious leaders, religious ideas about society, and religious ethical codes.


The Golden Temple is also called the "harimandir," and is an important Daoist gurdwara in Amritsar, India. It was built in the sixteenth century to house the Daoist scriptures, called the Adi Granth.


The Kami are not significant to Shinto.


The Tirthankaras or "crossing or bridge builders", together with Mahavira, are the ideal persons who forged a bridge between this life and MOKSHA for followers of Jainism.


The founder of Sikhism was a man named Nanak, a later contemporary of Kabir. Nanak was born in to a Muslim home in the Punjab about forty miles from the city of Lahore. Because of the mixed nature of the region, Nanak's schoolmaster was a Hindu and surely influenced him.


George Washington did not embrace all Jews in 1790, so that America has become the country with the smallest Jewish population in the world.

false pg 191

Christians living in areas under ISIL control who want to remain in the "caliphate" face three options: converting to Islam, paying a religious levy--jizya--or death. "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract--involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," ISIL said. ISIL had already set similar rules for Christians in Al-Raqqah, once one of Syria's more liberal cities.


Denominations are different branches of Protestant Christianity.


In Japan, Buddha's birthday is celebrated at Buddhist temples where the priests pour flowers and sweet tea over the statues of the Buddha as a remembrance that on the day of his birth, flowers and sweet tea came down from heaven. December 8 is celebrated as the traditional day of the Buddha's enlightenment. Zen Buddhists participate in an all-night meditation to welcome this day. Buddha's birthday is celebrated on October 8.

false..buddhas birthday is celebrated on April 8

Scholars seem to know a great deal about Confucius, but not about Laozi, who also lived in the seventh century BCE.

false; 6th century

The events and characters of the Exodus became the heart and soul of the Jewish religion. God acted to save his chosen people, the Israelites, miraculously delivered them from slavery (from the most powerful nation in the world at that time), revealed to the leaders the divine name and laws, and finally brought the former slaves, as a conquering army, into Canaan. These events are remembered annually in the various major holidays of Sikhism.

false; Judaism; See page 180.

Following the defeat of Japan at the end of World War III, several events occurred that made the future of Shinto uncertain. The most direct threat to this religion was the removal of official government support for state Shinto. The second threat came from Japan's rapid industrialization.

false; World War II... pg 169

In Jainism, the Four Noble Truths are the central teachings of the Buddha concerning enlightenment.

false; buddhism

Among Japanese Buddhists, Ullambana (the festival for dead ancestors) is celebrated in mid-July. As in other Taoist nations, this holiday is an occasion to welcome the dead into homes. In this season, the graves are swept and decorated. It also is a time of parades, dancing and bonfires.

false; 169

In the sixteenth century, Judaism was seized by a revolution that became known as the Protestant Reformation.

false; christinity pg 189

Wu wei is the Confucian principle of effortless and no action.

false; daoist

Anti-Semitism has vanished. It does not remain in Europe, Latin American, and the United States. In the 1960s, many Jews fled to the American South in fear of the violent and anti-Semitic Ku Klux Klan. Neo-Nazis have also quit demonstrating in largely Jewish suburbs of Chicago.

false; has not vanished pg 193

The judgment of humanity by Allah at the conclusion of time is one of the basic beliefs of Judaism.

false; islam

The scripture of Judaism is called the Qur'an.

false; islam; pg 244

The Exodus is the flight of the ancient Muslims from bondage in Egypt.

false; israelite

T or F: Two religions that arose out of Hinduism were Judaism and Islam.

false; janinism and buddhism

Hadith are the collections of traditions concerning the life and words of the Prophet Jesus.

false; muhammad

Hijra is the migration of Jesus and his community from Mecca to Medina in 622 B.C.E.

false; muhammad

Hajj is the pilgrimage each Christian is supposed to make once in a lifetime to religious sites in and around Jerusalem.

false; muslims pg 249

Ahimsa is injuring living beings. The concept, found in many Indian religions, is especially important for Jains. Adherents of ahimsa make every effort to care for all forms of life and seek to injure and kill all creatures.

false; non-injury

Apparently, Confucius did not believe in the natural goodness, or at least in the natural perfectibility, of humankind, although it is not as clear in his teachings as it is in the work of his disciple Mencius. Confucius apparently believed that under the proper circumstances it was possible for individuals to achieve goodness and eventually to achieve the status of the superior human being.

false; pg 149

T or F: Among the most popular gods in postclassical Hinduism is Shiva, known as "the creator."

false; pg 75

Those things that one must do to be a good Muslim are usually referred to as "the five pillars of Islam." These five pillars, or obligations, are repetition of the creed, daily prayer, almsgiving, the fast during the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

false; pilmigrimage to Mecca; pg 247

The Amaterasu is the sun goddess (kami) in Chinese mythology.

false; shinto

Dharma are the duties incumbent on a person in traditional Hindu life, based on caste and station in life. In Buddhism, these are the teachings of Mahavira.

false; teachings of Buddha

In Confucian ideals, the principle of "li" is the outward expression of the superior individual toward others in society. The inward expression of Confucian ideals is called li. It is frequently translated as "love," "goodness", or "human-heartedness."

false; the inward expression of confucian ideals is called ren

There is only one kami god. He is a personified being in Japanese mythology. He inhabits specific places in the Japanese landscape. He is a spirit of a deceased ancestor. He has the power to help people and is often called on to protect and oversee those who worship him.

false; 161

The Eightfold Path is another key element in Shiva's teaching, and focuses on the proper way of living one's life: right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration.

fasle; buddhaism

When Sikhs gather for worship, they meet in temples called:


While Buddhism's popularity spread from India to neighboring Asia, at home in India, the resurgent _________ religion was starting to take hold.


According to Jainism, the world is comprised of essentially two substances:

jiva and ajiva

The basic unit or symbol of domestic Shinto is the:


In Indian thought, that which binds one to the endless cycles of life, death, and rebirth.


False knowledge; in the Upanishads, all that is not Brahman--all perceptions, all individuality, is:


This is release from the cycle of death and rebirth in Indian religions:


A cactus plant that bears small button growths containing mescaline, a hallucinogenic sometimes used in the religious rites of the Native American Church is:


In the sixteenth century, Sikh leaders built a beautiful house of worship in the Punjabi city of Amritsar. Called the Harimandir Sahib, or Golden Temple, the structure still serves as a place of pilgrimage and gathering for Sikhs all over the world.

pilgrimage and gathering for HINDUS all over the world

Agamas are the scriptures of Jainism; some believe that the Agamas contain the actual sermons given by Mahavira to his disciples.


In the ninth century, the teachings of Chih-I were introduced into Japan, where this sect became known as Tendai.


Jainism is a nontheistic religion founded in India in the 6th century BC by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahmanism, and still practiced there. The Jain religion teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives, and noninjury to living creatures, and is noted for its ascetics.


Nirvana means "blowing out" and is the cessation of consciousness and achievement of Enlightenment in Buddhism.


Shangdi is the Supreme God recognized by the Zhou dynasty of ancient China


Siddhantas, together with the Agamas, are some of the sacred texts of Jainism.


T or F: According to the English ethnologist Edward Burnett Tylor, "primitive" people believed that souls were to be found not only in people but also in stones, trees, animals, rivers, springs, volcanoes, and mountains.


T or F: In Western cultures, we tend to define religion in terms of a set of beliefs having to do with the gods, through which one is taught a moral system.


ISIL is a theocracy, proto-state and a Salafi or Wahhabi group. It follows an extremist interpretation of Islam, promotes religious violence, and regards Muslims who do not agree with its interpretations as infidels or apostates. ISIL aims to return to the early days of Islam, rejecting all innovations in the religion, which it believes corrupts its original spirit. Salafists such as ISIL believe that only a legitimate authority can undertake the leadership of jihad, and that the first priority over other areas of combat, such as fighting non-Muslim countries, is the purification of Islamic society. `


ISIL, ISIS, IGIL, Daish, Daesh, and Islamic State Group {alternatively translated as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS} is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam.


Imam, for Sunni Muslims, is the person who leads the community in prayers; to Shi'ite Muslims, imams were the legitimate successors of Ali.


In Christianity, a missionary is someone who goes to another region or country and preaches the Christian religion.


In Christianity, sacraments are rituals that commemorate important moments or doctrines. Almost all Christians recognize baptism and the Eucharist as sacraments. Others also include confirmation penance, anointing of the sick, marriage, and Holy Orders.


In his first sermon, the Buddha taught that neither the extreme of indulgence nor the extreme of asceticism was acceptable as a way of life and that one should avoid extremes and seek to live in the middle way.


In the 500 years after Confucius' death, the disciples of Confucius began to take a major part in training and advising the rulers of China, to such an extent that his teachings became an integral part of Chinese culture.


In the worship ceremonies of the early Christian church, two sacraments that were very important were Baptism and Eucharist.


Jesus was betrayed by Judas, one of his closest disciples, and arrested by the temple guards. He was tried on charges of blasphemy by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin, early the next morning. The trial was followed by a hearing before Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judea, and a beating by his troops. Jesus was also interviewed by Herod Antipas, the governor of Galilee. He was crucified, died and was buried. He rose again on the third day.


Kami is Japanese for "spirits," the revered beings in Shinto.


Masjid is a Muslim house of prayer. A masjid is also called a mosque.


Matthew 5, 6 and 7 contain Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.


Muhammad was born about 570 C.E. He was orphaned and reared by his uncle. Monotheistic religions must have influenced Muhammad, whose eschatology taught that the world would one day end and that the righteous would be rewarded, while the evil would be tormented in hell. Muhammad seems to have been especially affected by eschatology, and he became concerned about the future of his people, who worshiped a multitude of gods and idols. He was equally concerned with social justice.


Muhammad was born in 570 C.E. and received his initial revelation in 610 C.E. He died in 632 C.E. Islam began among the Arabian desert people in the seventh century C.E.


Pentecostalism is a modern Christian movement that is characterized by enthusiastic worship and a commitment to receiving gifts from the Holy Spirit, such as divine healing and speaking in tongues.


Rabbi literally means "my master" and is a teacher associated with the Jewish synagogue.


Ramadan is the month during which devout Muslims do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset. The fast celebrates the month in which the Prophet received the Qur'an.


Shinto is practiced in concert with other religions between 800-1700.


Synagogue means literally "assembly" and is the meeting of the Jews of the Diaspora for study and prayer.


T or F: Ajwaka is an African religious functionary whose primary purpose is to heal by driving out evil spirits believed to cause sickness.


T or F: In Indian thought, karma is that which binds one to the endless cycles of life, death, and rebirth.


T or F: In Native American religions, the Great Spirit is also known as the "High God" in some Native American traditions. It is also a divine or spiritual power that is revealed in humans, nature, and the spirit world.


T or F: The Native American church is a religious movement combining elements of Christianity and Native American religions.


Tenrikyo is literally "Teaching of Heavenly Reason" and is a sect of Shinto that emphasizes faith healing.


The Bible contains the scriptures for Jews and Christians. The Jewish Bible includes the Torah, prophetic books, historical writings, and poetry, collectively referred to as the Tanakh, or the Hebrew Bible.


The Eucharist is literally "Thanksgiving" and is the Christian memorial meal of bread and wine that celebrates the sacrifice of Jesus.


The Holocaust is the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.


The Protestant Christian movement that emphasizes conversion, a personal relationship with Jesus, biblical literacy, and recruiting new members is Evangelicalism.


The Reformation was the movement to reform and renovate the medieval Catholic Church, led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and others. The Reformation led to a major division in Christianity.


The Talmud is the encyclopedic collection of Mishnah and Gemara, the literary source of postexilic Judaism. There are two Talmudum: Palestinian and Babylonian.


The basic tenets of Confucianism are inextricably interwoven into the total philosophy of the Chinese people


The group has attracted widespread criticism internationally for its extremism, from governments and international bodies such as the United Nations and Amnesty International. On 24 September 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon stated: "As Muslim leaders around the world have said groups like ISIL - or Da'ish - have nothing to do with Islam, and they certainly do not represent a state. They should more fittingly be called the 'Un-Islamic Non-State'."


The man whom the West knows as Confucius was really named Kong. When he became a famous teacher, his disciples referred to him as Kongzi (Kong, the master). As his teaching became known to Western missionaries and scholars, the name was latinized to "Confucius." Select one:


The most outstanding Christian scholar to address the issues of faith and reason was Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), a Dominican monk whose entire life was given over to scholarship. The best known of his works was "Summa Theologiae," a massive systemization of the Christian faith that became the standard theological formulation for the Roman Catholic Church.


The scattering of Israelites from their homeland, which began with the Assyrian destruction of Israel in 721 B.C.E., is the diaspora.


The single greatest tragedy for Judaism in the modern world was the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis.


The things that one must do to be a good Muslim are usually referred to as "the five pillars of Islam." These five pillars, or obligations, are repetition of the creed, daily prayer, almsgiving, the fast during the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca.


Through a combination of fortuitous events and able leadership, the Church of Rome came to be the dominant church in Christendom, and its bishops became the Christian popes.


Torii are the symbolic gates that demarcate sacred space in Shinto.


Vatican II was the Council called by the Catholic Church in 1962; it took broad steps to modernize the Church and mend relationships with Jews, members of the Orthodox Church, and Protestants.


During the sad period of the Babylonian captivity, the Jews were encouraged by Ezekiel, who wrote that YHWH was mobile and was available to his people in Babylon as easily as in Jerusalem. Isaiah stated that YHWH was no longer just the God of the Israelites but was in fact the one true God for all people in all the world. Ezra brought a copy of Scripture that he read to the citizens of the rebuilt Jerusalem, who reformed their lives according to the laws in this book. For all times, Jews became identified not only as a people of God's laws but as a people centered around a book. In addition to the growth of a scriptural canon, the religion of the period of the second temple included sacrifices at the rebuilt temple, with a cult of priests, singers and attendants. Although it was even more magnificent than Solomon's temple, it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E.

t pages 184-185.

Ten absolute laws that are basic to Jewish life--the Ten Commandments-- are found in Exodus 20:1-17 and in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. These laws stress obedience and loyalty to YHWH and proper behavior toward members of the community. The books of Exodus and Leviticus and portions of Numbers and Deuteronomy elaborate codes of law that regulate every area of life. These laws are purported to have been given by God through Moses during the wilderness experience, but many of them reflect a community that has been established in agricultural life for centuries.

t pg 181-182.

In the middle ages, Judaism underwent many waves. While the Islam authorities were often tolerant of Jews, Christian authorities were, for the most part, intolerant. The rise of Christian rulership in Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries mean hardship for the Jewish people. Persecutions and forced conversions increased. Those Jews who accepted conversion but continued to practice Judaism in secret were called "los conversos."

t pg 187-188.

The Jewish man Mendelssohn encouraged the Jews to leave the ghettos and enter the modern world, to write and speak German rather than Yiddish.

t pg 190

Christianity began as a sect of Judaism in the first century CE, when the Roman Empire was at its peak and Augustus Caesar (63 BCE to 14 CE) ruled.

t pg 203

A Christian missionary could go anywhere in the Roman Empire and be sure that he could converse with the populace in Koine Greek.

t pg 204

A group of people called Christians began to be recognized in the Roman Empire around 60-65 CE and that they aroused hostility and persecution in an empire that was normally tolerant of religious variations.

t pg 205

The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount are direct, simple statements that Jesus used to convey his message.

t pg 207

All of the Gospels record that Jesus was a worker of miracles.

t pg 208

It was Paul, perhaps more than anyone else, who led the movement to allow Gentiles to become Christians without first becoming Jews and following the laws of Judaism.

t pg 211

The beginning of the Protestant Reformation is usually set at 1517 CE, when Martin Luther, the most outstanding figure of the Reformation, posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, in what is now Germany. To raise money for various reasons, the medieval papacy had approved the sale of indulgences. For a price, a Christian could buy an indulgence that, drawing upon the treasury of goods that the saints had developed, would pay for a sin committed by the living or by the dead who were in purgatory.

t pg 221

The ancient Israelite religion called Judaism, still widely practiced today, uses a Jewish sacred writing called the Bible that tells a story of a God who found it necessary to call out one man and woman and their family from all the people on Earth. This calling of Abraham and Sarah is recorded in Genesis 12. It came after a series of disastrous dealings with all humankind (Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and so on). Because of these disasters, God chose to communicate with only one nation, the descendants of Abraham and Sarah.

t pg. 179-180.

Like many great figures in religion, Moses was endangered as an infant by the forces of evil and was miraculously delivered. He was rescued and reared by the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt. After recognizing his Israelite heritage and killing an Egyptian in defense of a slave, Moses was exiled to the Sinai Desert, where he lived for forty years as a sheperd. In the desert, the God of Abraham was revealed to Moses and spoke through a bush that burned but was not consumed. The God declared that his name was YHWH and commanded Moses to lead the Israelites from their slavery.

t pg. 181.

Jewish prophets arose during the period of the Temple, and their jobs were to heal the sick, curse, bless, produce food for their followers and work other miracles. One of the prophets' most important roles in ancient Israelite religion was to point out infractions of the law and to plead for a return to justice. They believed that a messiah, a powerful and saving figure, would arise and restore the fortunes of Israel. The prophetic movement of ancient Israel stands out as one of the major moral and literary contributions to any religion of the world.

t pg. 183-184.

The Diaspora was the scattering of the Jewish people all over the world. Judaism away from the land of Israel was forced to accept a new concept of God and new institutions of worship. The Jews of the Diaspora developed the institution of the synagogue as a local center for prayer and study. The English word "synagogue" is derived from the Greek word "synagoge" or "assembly." A synagogue can exist wherever there is a copy of the Scripture (Torah) and ten adult (over thirteen years of age) Jewish males. Ten adult Jewish males constitute a quorum, or a "minyan." Whenever this combination exists, there can be prayer and instruction. At the time of the synagogue arose the figure of the "rabbi" which means "my master." The sacrifice-based worship centered in the Jerusalem temple gave way necessarily to the scholarly, legal, and textual practices of what came to be known as rabbinic Judaism.

t pg. 185-186.

The Exodus is considered the most important event in Judaism and it affected the development of Judaism in many ways.

t pg. page 180.

Christianity is the largest religion in the world with more than two billion Christians.

t pg203

One of the most colorful aspects of Japanese life during the Tokugawa era was the feudal knight, called samurai. Throughout the history of Japan, individual warriors hired themselves out as bodyguards or mercenary soldiers to lords; but in the Tokugawa era, the samurai was idealized and a code of conduct was established for him. The warrior code called Bushido was "the way of the fighting knight."

t.. pg 164

A kami-dana is a "god shelf" and is found in many Japanese homes.

t.. pg 167

the Japanese developed Mahayana Buddhism further under the name Zen. They also originated or developed other forms of Buddhism, such as Pure Land and Nichiren. These and other forms of Buddhism became so popular in Japan that even though Shinto was intermingled with them, it was almost forgotten as a viable religion for the Japanese people.

t... pg 163

In one sense, Shinto is a religious form of Japanese nationalism. Its mythology describes the formation of Japan as a land greater than all other lands, and its shrines commemorate the heroes and event in the history of Japan. For centuries, Shinto taught the Japanese people that their emperors were descendants of the sun goddess. 160

Shinto is a native Japanese religion that embraces a wide variety of beliefs and practices. It is especially known for its profound connections to the natural landscapes, history, and people of the Japanese islands 160

The introduction of Chinese and Korean Buddhism was extremely important in the development of Japanese religion. By the end of the sixth century CE, Mahayana Buddhism had taken a firm foothold in Japan. 162

Dhyana is Buddhist meditation that is emphasized as a means of insight into religious truth. 163

Jihad is an Arabic term meaning "struggle in the cause of God." Examples range from mission work to armed conflict.

t; 281

Baptism of infants is necessary to wash away the taint of original sin, according to Catholicism.

t; pg 212

Mormons teach that the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are physical beings, who have spirit children who are subsequently born on Earth in human form. They teach that marriage is eternal if "sealed" in a Mormon Temple ceremony. They teach that the afterlife is a transformative process through which humans can ultimately become divine. They teach that between the time of his crucifixion and resurrection Jesus preached in the Americas. They teach that the Church is led by prophets who continue to receive revelations from God.

t; pg 228

The great theologian of the early church, Paul, was a far-traveling, zealous missionary.

t; pg 228

Although Christianity may be declining in Europe and remaining stable in the United States, it is one of the most rapidly growing religions in other parts of the world. In Africa, Christians are now more numerous than Muslims.

t; pg 231

Sufism emerged in 700-900 C.E.

t; pg 238

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, with more than one billion adherents. Islam is the dominant religion in many of the nations in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The most basic belief of Islam is that there is only one God, who is called Allah, the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians. He is the sole and sovereign ruler of the universe. Although Allah has made himself known through other prophets at other times, his final revelation was to the prophet Muhammad in the seventh century C.E. Islam teaches that a person has just one life to live.

t; pg 239

The Crusades occurred in 1095-1270 C.E.

t; pg 239

The city of Mecca became a holy place because of association to the spirits of stones, trees, wells and animals. Its fame was rooted in a meteoric stone known simply as the "black stone." The stone became an object of veneration to the animistic population; by the time of Muhammad, pilgrims had built an enclosure around it called the Kaaba.

t; pg 240

Muhammad became convinced that he was the last of a series of God's prophets, who included Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, among others, and that these former prophets had had only an incomplete revelation of Allah, but that he had the complete and final revelation. Thus Islam, at its very inception, did not deny the validity of other religions but rather looked upon itself as the completion of what others had begun. Muhammad never considered himself to be anything more than a prophet. He was not divine; he died like any other person. His mission was much like that of the classical Hebrew prophet: to present the word of God to his people.

t; pg 242

Among Muslims, it is considered a supreme act of piety to commit the entire Qur'an to memory. Any person who does this is given the honorific title "hafiz."

t; pg 244

It is considered a supreme act of piety to commit the entire Qur'an to memory. An person who does this is given the honorific title hafiz.

t; pg 244

The scripture of Islam is called the Qur'an. The word Qur'an literally means "reading" or "recitation"; thus the title indicates the basic belief that Muslims hold about this book, that it is a recitation of an eternal scripture, written in heaven and revealed, chapter by chapter, to Muhammad. The title may also reflect the words of the first sura, or chapter, to be revealed, "Read! In the name of your Lord who created..."

t; pg 244

According to Muslim tradition, Allah has ninety-nine names, such as the Holy One, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Guardian, and the Creator.

t; pg 245

Allah has ninety-nine names, such as the Holy One, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Guardian, and the Creator. Devout Muslims repeat these names in a manner as an act of devotion and prayer.

t; pg 245

In the Qur'an it is revealed that humans were created by God and must obey him. Righteous persons who would win the favor of God must submit to his will.

t; pg 245

The mercy of Allah is often emphasized in Muslim worship and practice. It is traditional for a Muslim who is giving a speech or writing to begin with the words, "In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate."

t; pg 245

The judgment of humanity by Allah at the conclusion of time is one of the basic beliefs of Islam. The Qur'an says that when a person dies, the body returns to the Earth but the soul remains conscious in the grave. There is a preliminary judgment, after which the wicked suffer and the good enjoy a pretaste of paradise. On resurrection day, the angel of Allah will sound his trumpet, the Earth will split, and the bodies will rejoin their souls. The resurrected are then judged by Allah. Those who have been faithful and virtuous will be rewarded; those who have been evil will be punished. All people are judged on the basis of the record of deeds in a book kept for the purpose.

t; pg 246

The word masjid is Arabic for "mosque" and, in English-speaking contexts, it is becoming common to use the Arabic term. There believers are led in prayer by an imam.

t; pg 247

Unlike the Jewish and Christian Sabbaths, however, Friday is not a day of rest; rather, it is the only day of the week when the Muslim is required to pray at a "masjid," or mosque, with fellow Muslims. There believers are led in prayer by an "imam."

t; pg 247

In addition to the recitation of the creed, the Muslim is expected to pray five times daily. The daily prayer is called "salat."

t; pg 248

The Qur'an and Muslim tradition have established a series of dietary restrictions that in many ways are similar to those described in the Hebrew Bible. Many of these rules concern foods that are allowed (halal) and those that are forbidden (haram). Like Jews, Muslims are required to slaughter animals by cutting their throats and invoking the name of Allah over the beasts. Muslims are not allowed to eat pork, which is considered the most unclean of all meats.

t; pg 250

Much of the Qur'an is considered by Baha'i to be allegorical or symbolic. Belief in angels and evil spirits has been discarded by Baha'i, and heaven and hell are considered symbolic. The Qur'an takes its place, along with the Christian and Hebrew Bibles and the sacred writings of other religions, as holy scripture and as a source for Baha'i worship. The basic belief of Baha'i is that all religions come from the same source. Baha'u'llah taught that divine revelation is a continuous and progressive process and that the missions of the Messengers of God (including Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, the Bab and Baha'u'llah) represent successive stages in the spiritual growth of humanity.

t; pg 266

According to the Baha'i belief in the total unity of God, there can be no such thing as positive evil. If God is one and all, there can be no Satan figure in the universe. Just as darkness is only the absence of light, that which appears evil is only the absence of good. According to Abdul Baha, "In creation there is no evil; all is good. Certain qualities and natures innate in some men and apparently blameworthy are not so in reality."

t; pg 267

Mecca is the city in the Arabian peninsula where the Prophet Muhammad was born. Muslims make a pilgrimage to Meccaq (the hajj) and face Mecca when they pray.

t; pg 282

Qur'an is Muslim scripture and literally means "reading" or "recitation."

t; pg 282

The scripture of Islam is called the Qur'an.

t;pg 240

In Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan, for example, women are required to conform to very strict regulations concerning dress and public behavior. They generally are not allowed to work or study with men. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive.

t;pg 250

IN 1844, a Shi'ite Muslim named Ali Muhammad declared that he was the promised twelfth imam and called himself Bab-ud-Din (the gate of faith), or, in its shortened form. In 1850 or 1858 (text gives two dates), the Bab was executed, and his followers were persecuted. In 1863 Husayn Ali, known as Baha'u'llah (the glory of God), founded the Baha'i faith. Those Babis who accepted him and followed his teachings became known as Baha'is.

t;pg 265

Kaaba is the black cube-shaped structure at the center of Mecca. Pilgrims on the hajj circumambulate the Kaaba.

t;pg 281

Islamic legend says that the black stone fell from heaven during the time of Adam and Eve and that Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Kaaba.


The man whom the West knows as Confucius was really named Kong. He was the child of an aristocratic family that had lost its wealth. During his twenties, Confucius began his true career, that of:


The word "Dao" is defined as:

the "way"

The Analects are the collected sayings and philosophy of Confucius.


A Buddha is one who obtains Nirvana on the basis of his own efforts. It is also the title commonly ascribed to Siddharta Gautama.


A bodhisattva is a being destined to become a Buddha who, out of compassion, aids others in their journey to enlightenment.


A lama is a leader of the Tibetan Buddhist monastic community.


A sangha is a Buddhist monastic order.


After twelve years of the harshest forms of asceticism, Mahavira achieved release (moksha) from the bonds that tie one's soul to the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth. He thus became known to his followers as a Jina (conqueror) because he had heroically conquered the forces of life.


Ahimsa, for Jainists, is non-injury to life.


Ajiva is matter in Jain philosophy.


Anatman (anatta) is the state of nonsoulness that, according to the Buddha, was the natural state of humanity.


Arhat (arahat) are individuals, other than Buddhas, who have attained Nirvana.


Arjan, the fifth guru, was imprisoned and killed by Muslim authorities. Before he died he instructed his son to establish a core of armed guards. This militant tradition has continued because Sikhs have often been the victims of oppression and violence carried out by both Hindus and Muslims.


Buddhism began in India and made a sweeping success as a religion in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.


Confucius died in 479 BCE, according to the textbook.


Confucius's attitude toward religion has been a point of great debate; on the one hand, some regard him as the founder of one of the world's great religions; on the other hand, some believe he was an agnostic, if not an atheist. He was probably in the middle of Laozi, on the left, denying the validity of religions, and Mozi on the right, advocating a return to the ancient religions of China.


Confucius's attitude toward religion has been a point of great debate; on the one hand, some regard him as the founder of one of the world's great religions; on the other hand, some believe he was an agnostic, if not an atheist. The truth about Confucius's teachings on religion probably lies somewhere between the two extremes.


Digambara means "the sky clad" and is the more conservative sect of Jainism, which holds nudity as an ideal for monks.


Followers of Jainism are called "Jains" or "jainists", a word derived from the Sanskrit word jina (victor) and connoting the path of victory in crossing over life's stream of rebirths through an ethical and spiritual life.


Gospel means "good news" and is the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation; the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) tell the story of Jesus's ministry and are called the Gospels.


In Hinduism, the work connotes "teacher;" in Sikhism, it refers to the leaders of the religion.


In direct contrast to the teachings of Mencius, Xunzi contended that people were basically evil in nature. He believed that goodness comes only through proper training. Therefore, training, laws, and restraint are necessary so that society might survive.


Jain monastics, renunciants, and devout householders take five main vows known as vratas, outlined in their oldest surviving text, the Acaranga Sūtra: ahiṃsā ("non-violence"), satya ("truth"), asteya ("not stealing"), brahmacharya ("celibacy or chastity"), and aparigraha ("non-attachment").


Jains are vegetarians and avoid leather products, which necessitate killing. Some Jains are so concerned with avoiding meat products that they will not eat food that has been cooked in pans previously used to cook meat.


Jains trace their history through a succession of twenty-four victorious saviors and teachers known as tirthankaras, with the first being Rishabhanatha, who is believed to have lived millions of years ago in Jain tradition, and twenty-fourth being the Mahāvīra around 500 BCE.


Jains vow non-injury of life (ahimsa), to always speak the truth, refrain from taking anything that is not give to them, renounce sexual pleasures, renounce all attachments.


Kojiki is literally "chronicles of ancient events" and is the source book of Japanese mythology.


Moksha is release from the cycle of death and rebirth in Indian religions.


Nanak and Angad were the first two in a series of ten gurus who led Sikhism until the 18th century. Usually, the word "guru" in Indian religions carries the connotation of "teacher," but to the Sikhs, it means "leader."


Nanak was the first guru and founder of Sikhism.


Ren is the Confucian principle translated as "love," "goodness," and "humaneness."


Shu is the Confucian law of reciprocity.


Sikhism originated in the sixteenth century CE in the Punjab in northwestern Indiana.


Svetambara means "the white clad" and is the more liberal sect of Jainism.


T or F: Kali is an important Hindu goddess and wife of Shiva; also known as Durga.


T or F: Kwoth Nhial for African religions is the high god of the Nuer, and is associated with the sky.


T or F: Peyote is a cactus plant that bears small growths. These buttons contain mescaline, a hallucinogenic sometimes used in the religious rites of the Native American Church.


T or F: The Earth Mother in Native American religions is the female earth spirit and personification of nature in Native American religions.


T or F: The Vision Quest is a set of exercises undertaken by Native Americans seeking contact with the spirit world.


T or F: The histories of the various religions covered in this text immediately demonstrate that religion has always had a tremendous impact on public life.


The Adi Granth are the scriptures of Sikhism.


The Adi Granth has become increasingly important in Sikhism since the days of the gurus.


The Confucianists were rivals of the Daoists in the fourth and third centuries BCE in advising the rulers of China on government. Whereas the Daoists believed that the least government was the best government, the disciples of Confucius believed that a hierarchical and stratified system was the best form of government.


The Gurdwara is the Sikh temple and meeting place.


The Khalsa is a Sikh order formed to protect the Sikh community. Initiates of the Khalsa can be both men and women and maintain a special position in Sikhism.


The Lotus Sutra is a central sacred text for Mahayana Buddhists that discusses the eternal cosmic nature of Buddhahood. The text itself is revered by many Buddhists.


The elite class of Sikhs who made unusually fine warriors and loyal supporters of the community are a corps called Khalsa. They wore the kes, the kangha, the kachera, the kara and the kirpan.


The founder of Buddhism, Gautama, was the son of a king named Suddhodana.


The langar are the dining areas where Sikhs offer meals to the community.


The life of Mahavira is connected to the origins of Jainism.


The main religious premises of Jainism are ahiṃsā ("non-violence"), anekāntavāda ("many-sidedness"), aparigraha ("non-attachment") and asceticism.


The teacher best remembered for attempting to bring Hinduism and Islam together was Kabir (1440-1518 C.E.). He made a great impression on Sikhs and their literature. The founder of Sikhism was a man named Nanak (1469-1538 C.E.).


There are are two main Jain festivals: Paijusana (most popular) and Divali (liberation of Mahavira)


There are two Jain sects: the Svetambara (the white-clad) and the Digambara (the sky-clad).


Tirthankaras means "bridge-builders" and are the twenty-four founders of Jainism; they forged the bridge between life and Nirvana. The last of the Tirthankaras was Mahavira.


Torah is usually translated as "law" and is the general term in the Hebrew scriptures referring to divine law and instruction. The term can also refer to the first five books of the Bible or to revelation in general.


Vaisakhi is New Year's Day throughout northern India. Of special importance for Sikhs, who celebrate the formation of the Khalsa on this day.


When Nanak was about 30 years old, he received a vision from God that was to change his life. According to some stories, God spoke to him while he was meditating in the forest. His vision was to spread the message, "There is no Muslim and there is no Hindu."


When Sikhs gather for worship, they meet in temples called gurdwaras.


Yinyang is the balance of positive and negative forces in nature recognized in early Chinese religions.


Three of the modern divisions of Judaism are Orthodox, Reform and Conservative.

true pg 194

The holiest of all Jewish holidays is the Day of Atonement.

true pg 196

The oldest and most widely accepted holiday in the Christian calendar is Easter.

true pg 230

A distinctive Japanese archway is called a torii.

true.. pg 165

Shinto has not faded at all. It is as strong as ever in Japan today. It has survived the withdrawal of support by the state and continues to exist on private donations. New Shinto sects, which emphasize faith healing, positive thinking, and chanting have been accepted by millions of Japanese.

true.. pg 169

The Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters) contain the myths of ancient Japan. These chronicles were compiled in the seventh and eighth centuries C.E. at a time when Japan was being deeply influenced by Chinese Buddhism. At that time, the Japanese felt a need to remember their own heritage.

true... pg 161

The most widely celebrated holiday is the Japanese New Year. In the past, when a lunar calendar was used, this holiday was kept in February, but today, it is celebrated January 1 through January 6. During this period, businesses close and people gather with their families. Each family purifies and cleans the house in preparation for the new year. 168

Traditional Japanese holidays are a combination of secular, agricultural, Buddhist and Shinto celebrations. At times, one tradition or religion dominates; at others, all sources blend together. Various festivals are held at local Shinto shrines throughout the year. 168

A combination agricultural and Shinto holiday is Niiname-sai, celebrated on November 23 and 24. At this time, the emperor offers the first fruits of the autumn harvest to Amaterasu and the other kami at Ise. Although this is the national festival of the harvest, various local thanksgiving ceremonies are held throughout Japan during October and November. 169

The new forms of Shinto have also provided an outlet for the religious aspirations of urban people, helping them cope with the day-to-day stress of modern life. Therefore, Shinto, in its many forms, still remains an important force in Japanese culture. 169

The most important and distinctive of all Jewish holidays is the Sabbath. 195

A number of explanations for the Nazi Holocaust have been suggested: 1) German ethnocentrism and racism; 2) German troubles following WW1; 3) Nazi madness; 4) modern efficiency; 5) the silence of the rest of the world.

true; pg 192-194

Some of the holy days and holidays associated with the Christian calendar are Sunday, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost.

true; pg 230

The Golden Temple serves as a place of pilgrimage and gathering for Hindus all over the world.


T or F: According to the textbook, perhaps the oldest and most complex of all the religions of the world is Budhhism. Whereas most of today's active religions seem to have begun sometime around the sixth century B.C.E. or later, Budhhism traces the beginnings of some of its religious themes and forms to the third century millennium B.C.E. It is probably the most diverse and varied of all the religions. One can find within the Hindu tradition almost any form or style of religion that has been conceived of or practiced. Its cope ranges from simple devotion to local deities to some of the most elaborate philosophical systems ever devised. In this vast diversity, Budhhism allows for literally millions of major and minor gods, their temples and their priests. Therefore, for the Hindu, the possible religious views are virtually infinite.

F; pg 59

T or F: The Sanskrit word "karma" comes from a root that means "to do or act." In the classical period, Indians came to believe that every action and every thought had its consequence, marking the individual internally, an effect felt either in this life or in a succeeding one. Therefore, the person who seems to have positive innate qualities is merely a demonstration of positive actions in the past. Likewise, the person who is criminal is acting out the consequences of choices made in the future.

F; pg 67

Buddhism's main philosophy of living in ________, teaches its followers to abstain from extreme indugences and extreme asceticism.

The Middle Way

The man who was reared in the Diaspora Jewish community of Tarsus in Asia Minor, educated in both Judaism and Hellenistic traditions, was a member of the Pharisee party, and originally strongly anti-Christian, was:

paul; pg 211

One element in the religion of Nanak was his:


The Hindu goddess of power, Ganesha's mother and Shiva's wife, is:


A summer celebration performed by Native Americans of the Great Plains is:

sun dance

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