Religion 10 Chapter 5

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Define the charism of infallibility.

A gift of the Holy Spirit whereby the Pope and bishops are preserved from error when proclaiming doctrine related to Christian Faiths or morals.

How is anamnesis different from amnesia?

Anamnesis: The recovery of memory/ remembering Amnesia: Forgetting

What essential beliefs do the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds express?

Belief in the 1st person God (and his creation) 2nd person Jesus (and his work of redemption) 3rd person Holy Spirit (as the origin and source of salvation)

Name three ways the bishop teaches in his diocese.

By monitoring Catechesis, writing Pastoral Letters, visiting parishes

What is the meaning of the word apostolic?

One of the marks of the church, which comes from apostle and literally means "having been sent"

What were the two ways the Gospel was originally shared?

Orally and in writing

Why is memory necessary to maintain both personal and communal identity?

Personal: Lets you understand yourself, have roots, and not have to reinvent yourself Communal: Church needs her memory, otherwise we would have to rely on stories and myths of society that don't necessarily reflect the truth

Who is responsible for protecting and proclaiming the Church's Sacred Scripture?


What is the intention of canon law?

Provide rules that govern and guide the Church, and they intend to identify structures, practices, and norms for Catholics to assist them on their way to holiness

How did Catherine's plan for her life differ from her own plan?

She chose to live an active and prayerful life outside a convent's walls following the model of the Dominicans.

How did Mary confim her title of "immaculate Conception"?

She meets St. Bernadette at Lourdes

How is the canon of Scripture also inspired?

Holy Spirit! Church realized they needed to separate the sacred texts that were divinely inspired and those that weren't

TRUE OR FALSE - The first task of the Magisterium is to preserve the truth first taught by Christ and handed down through


TRUE OR FALSE - Writing a letter in the diocesan newspaper is one way a bishop may practice his teaching office.


Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in communicating God's Word.

The Holy Spirit breathes Gods word - so when the father speaks, the word is borne by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit remains alive in us.

What does Sacred Scripture refer to?

The library of divinely inspired writings that make up the Bible

What is the Church's Sacred Tradition?

The living transmission, or handing on of the Gospel message, contained in the church's teaching, life, and worship. Began with apostles, passed to Pope.

Pastoral letter

a letter from a bishop


a letter from the pope


education in the Faith

Summarize the three ways that the Church remains faithful to her apostolic nature.

-Keeping Jesus as the source/focal point of everything they do (stay rooted in christ) -Remains faithful to the teachings of the Apostles (Deposit of Faith) -Accepts teachings, sanctification, guidance of apostles through their successors the bishops and the pope

Write three sentences describing how the Church is apostolic. You must use all of the following words at least once in a sentence. Foundation; Capstone; Holy Spirit; Apostles; Faithful; Successors

1)The Church is "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone." 2) Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church is apostolic because she remains faithful to the teachings of the Apostles. 3) The Church remains apostolic by faithfully accepting the teaching, sanctification, and guidance of the Apostles through their successors, the bishops, and particularly the pope, the successor of St. Peter.

After reading the section on page 185, list the four important stages of God's Revelation and also name four significant memories from your own life.

1. God's manifesting Himself to Adam and Eve 2. the covenant with Noah 3. the vocation of Abraham 4. the forming of the People of God through Moses and the prophets.

What are three ways for thoroughly examining Scripture?

1.) Pay attention to Bible as a Whole 2.) Read it in light of Sacred Tradition 3.) Be attentive to the analogy of faith (every statement must be viewed in the context of the entire body of faith.

How many other children did St. Catherine of Siena's mother have?

25 children

Explain how doctrine may differ from dogma.

Dogma is directly revealed by God and is "living" so it can be changed and interpereted...but Catholics are obliged to believe it Doctrine is not revealed by God but has official approval of Magisterium...and it's not vital you believe it...but u should. It helps u understand dogma.

Name a Gospel passage that best represents for you Christ as teacher.

Example - Song of Solomon 8:6-7

TRUE OR FALSE - The sanctification office of the bishop is his first pastoral task.

FALSE. The teaching office of the bishops is his first pastoral task.

How are religious truth and scientific truth different and how are they the same?

In the Scientific Truth, we categorize knowledge based upon observation and measurements. They are both objective and help us to order our lives so that we will be in harmony with the world around us.

Whom did St. Catherine see in the vision she had while returning home from a visit with a sister?


How is the sacred memory of the Church preserved?

Through the magisterium - the apostolic nature of the church, the sharing of the good news, Holy Orders, and the deposit of faith

What are three main tasks of the bishops?

To Teach, Sanctify, and Govern

What is the subject of the Church's sacred memory?

What God has revealed about himself throughout several stages of history: - Adam and Eve, Noah (got ppl ready for next covenant) - Abraham (established Israelites as holy ppl) - Jesus (God fully revealed himself)

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