Religion 4.2 Christ Establishes the Church

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A non-Jewish person


A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs; Stephen was the first martyr of the Jesus movement


A special gift of the Holy Spirit, given to religious communities to help build the Church

what are the 3 usages for church

A. the entire people of God throughout the whole world B. the Diocese for local church C. the assembly of believers


One of the 12 apostles of Jesus; Roman Catholics consider him to be the first pope, bishop of Rome

Luke wrote...

Gospel of Luke and then wrote the Book of Acts

What was heard, seen, and what happened?

Great winds and spoken languages were heard; clouds were seen; the apostles prayed and once they did a tongue of fire was placed above them as they spoke several languages they couldn't previously


One who follows


One who is sent, 12 who were chosen by Jesus in the ministry, representing 12 Tribes of Israel


Persecuted Christians; Jesus appeared to him saying "Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?" and the light was so bright that it BLINDED him for THREE DAYS, and Jesus had a follower RESTORE HIS SIGHT and THIS MAN was told he would be Jesus's witness to what he had seen and heard. He got up, and was baptized

Who were the leaders of the Council of Jerusalem?

Peter (longest speech, the key leader), James, Paul, Barnabas

who/which schools have charism?

Salesians, Jesuits, sisters of St. Joseph, and SMHS

What was decided in the Council of Jerusalem?

No, people do not need to be circumcised or follow all of the food laws.

Where were the Apostles and it was fifty days after what?

The apostles were in Jerusalem and it was fifty days after Easter

Why were the apostles in Jerusalem and for what?

The apostles were in Jerusalem because they were waiting for Jesus

What were the effects of Peter's Speech?

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and those who accepted were baptized, and the number went up to 3,000 that same day


first martyr, dying for his faith


proclaiming the Good News of Christ through words and witness


successor of the apostles, leader of the Diocese, one who has received the fullness of Holy Orders


the LOCAL church under the leadership of the BISHOP


to make holy, the process of becoming holy is sanctification

Council of Jerusalem

took up the question, "Do people have to become Jewish (circumcised, follow all laws) if they want to follow Jesus?"

Acts of Apostles

2nd half of two volume work by Luke: Gospel of Luke + Acts of the Apostles; about the public empowerment of the church is Pentecost and that by the end of Acts (approximately 33 to 80CE) the church spreads all around the Eastern Mediterranean, ESPECIALLY TO THE CITY OF ROME


Ecclesia for "called out ones" which means "called out of" the assembly of those who hear God's call and RESPOND

What happened in Matthew 16: 13-28? Explain what happened and how it affected the spread of the early Church.

In Matthew 16: 13-28, Simon Peter confessed and declared Jesus the Messiah. Jesus came to the people and asked who was telling people who the son of man was and people gave him different answers. But when he asked whom they thought he was, Peter spoke up and said "You are the Messiah" Impressed, Jesus said renamed Simon to Peter. Jesus declared the rock they were on to be where he would build the church and said that Hell couldn't even overcome it. He gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven and said, "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Lastly, he ordered the people not to go and tell others he was the Messiah. The way it affected the spread of the early church was because it posed as the place where the Church was. When Jesus stated the spot of the first church he'd build, he declared that spot to be so holy it was worthy to have a church built on top of it. It became the foundation for all future churches. And Jesus even gave Peter the keys and said that they practically controlled Heaven and everything with in. Anything Peter did on earth did the same to Heaven. What could be a greater honor?

What did holiness and justice look like in the earliest Church described in Acts 2:42-47

In the earliest church, they sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need and meet together in the temple courts, break bread, eat together with glad and sincere hearts, and praise God

Who received baptism by the Holy Spirit?


Explain the meaning of the word "church," how we see the church foreshadowed in the Old Testament, and how God instituted the Church in Jesus' ministry and at Pentecost.

The word "Church" (Latin ecclesia, from the Greek ek-ka-lein, to "call out of") means a convocation or an assembly and what belongs to the lord. It is seen as the community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, has been baptized in him, and follow his teachings. It is the ultimate holy place to connect with God and to even confess your sins to him. It can be seen as a safe place to connect to your faith and be truly honest with God. We see the church as the one and only holy place of worship. But the way we see it foreshadowed in the Old Testament is through God's Chosen people, the Jews. Specifically when they are assembled at Mt. Sinai. 0/3 A way God instituted the Church in Jesus's ministry is . And at Pentecost, he instituted the church by .

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