Religion chapter 5 sections 3,4,&5

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What are four important themes preached y the Old Testament prophets?

-worship the one true God -be just, especially to the poor -know that God will ultimately triumph -Accept God's love and mercy

What did the failure to heed the prophets' words bring?


When did the prophets appear?

During Israel and Judah's decline and the Babylonian exile

Why was Elijah the greatest of the Old Testament prophets second only to Moses?

Elijah was used by God in great ways

Who prophesied the building of a New Jerusalem Temple and of the nation's return there?


T or F; the prophet Elijah succeeded Elisha and performed many miracles just like his predecessor also siding with the poor.

False; Elisha succeeded Elijah

What did Ezra do to help the identity of the Jews?

Forbidding marriages between jews and non-jews

What did the prophet Isaiah 40-55 make clear about the actions of King Cyrus of Persia?

God acted through King Cyrus

What important lesson did the Babylonian exile teach the Chosen People?

God does not tolerate idolatry and pagan worship

What motivated King Jeroboam to break the first commandment?

He was afraid that if the people of the northern kingdom went to Jerusalem to worship they would not return

What did Hosea draw his teaching from?

His painful marital situation

What prophet began preaching in the last years of Amos's preaching and continued until the fall of Israel?


What king violated the First Commandment and how?

King Jeroboam by placing two golden calves in Dan and Bethel telling his people that the cows were from God who brought the people out of the land of Egypt

According to Hosea what is the antidote to Israel's infidelity to God?

Loyalty not just the motions of things

What is the Hebrew word for prophet?


What were the basic tasks of those who helped shape postexilic Judaism?

Rebuild the temple and to renew the covenant in the hearts of the people

What was the basic message of Israel's prophets?

Repent and be saved

Who were the famous Lost Tribes of Israel?

The tribes who lost their jewish identities when they were captured by the assyrians

How is Isaiah unique?

his prophecy spans longer than his life, his book is divided to three eras

Who was the predecessor of Hosea?


Why were prophets unpopular?

Because their job was to tell ruling authorities what they were doing wrong

What did Amos and Hosea consider Israel's worst crimes?

Idolatry and ruthless oppression to the poor

What did Hosea compare his painful marital situation to?

Israel's relationship with God

What did the prophets write about during the post exilic period?

Issues such as the building of the temple the roles of the priests and proper worship

How did the prophetic message of both Jeremiah and Ezekiel change in the time before and after the Exile?

It went from call to repentance and warnings of dooms to words of conciliation and hope once doom had struck

Where were the people from that King Nebuchadnezzar exiled?


What did those exiled do to distinguish themselves from their captors?

Studied Law, observed the Sabbath, and continued to practice circumcision

What sign did Isaiah promise in 7:14?

That Mary would name Jesus Emanuel

How dod Micah add to and affirm the hope that Isaiah had given?

The coming of a messiah that would led Israel to peace and justice, the messiah would come from Bethlehem and rule by the strength of the Lord, gather God's remnants and they would survive the Babylonian Captivity

What did Ezekiel emphasize in his prophecy?

The need to keep the Sabbath and follow the laws of holiness

What was the prophet Amos's basic message? What warning did he issue?

The worship of God must show itself in concrete deeds of mercy and justice to the week and the poor; he warned that there sins would lead to the people's destruction

How did the mutual distrust between the Jews and Samaritans come about?

Their latter were a mixed population of both Israelites DNA dAssyrian descendants who worshiped God at Dan and Bethel

What did all of the post exilic period in one way or another?

They all prefigured Jesus Christ

Why did jews who compiled the Bible did not consider the northern kingdom's faith to be authentic to YHWH?

They did not worship in Jerusalem

What important work was done by the Jewish scribes during the exile?

They started to write down the Bible

How did Jeremiah teach the people?

With living parables

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