Religion II Semester 1 Finals Study Guide

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Symbolism in the Noahic Covenant

the ark represents the Church being pushed around and the waters represent baptism

In which covenant does God emphasize the unconditional and eternal nature of the covenant?

the covenant with David

What is the Exsultet?

the hymn of praise announcing that humanity and all creation receive the Good News of salvation

Example of figurative language in Gn 1-11

"God created everything in 6th days and rested on the 7th" (didn't create the sun and moon until days after beginning creation)

God's immediate response to Adam and Eve's sin is to promise redemption; this is the ______________, the first announcement of the Good News


The ___________ of Jesus: redemption accomplished and the promise fulfilled


The full meaning of the doctrine of Original Sin is revealed only in the light of the Death and __________ of Jesus. It is essential to belief in the mystery of Christ. The whole of human history is marked by the sin of the first __________.

Resurrection, parent

The Resurrection was a transcendent event in which Jesus is no longer bound by _____ and time, and it is _______ a resuscitation or a return to earthly life.

death, not

Christ was put to _________ for our sins and was __________ for our justification. Eternal life with God in heaven is God's ________ for us.

death, raised, desire

The consequences of Adam and Eve's sin: loss of _________, original __________, original __________, and original ____________.

paradise, grace, holiness, justice

The covenants are solemn ____________ between God and human beings. God made a covenant with Noah, with Abraham, and with ________.

promises, Moses

The Gospels apply the ancient ____________ to Jesus (ex> Matthew).


These people were God's spokespersons who communicated his message of salvation



The study of God's work in the Old Testament as a prefiguration of what he accomplished through Jesus Christ

What does the Bible convey?

The truth that God wants to reveal through the sacred authors for our salvation

The Annunciation: Mary's "yes" to God, her consent to be the Mother of God (___________).


The liturgy celebrated on Holy Saturday, the night before Easter Sunday, that celebrates the coming of the light of Christ into the world.

Easter vigil

Christ's whole earthly life—words, deeds, silences, sufferings—is a revelation of the __________. Even the least characteristics of the mysteries of Jesus' life manifest God's love among us.


Revelation as found in the book of _______.


Why the word became flesh (the _________): - To _______ us by reconciling us with God, who loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins - That we might come to know the depth of God's ______ for us - To be our model of __________ - To make us ________ of the divine nature - To __________ the power of the Devil

Incarnation, save, love, holiness, partakers, destroy

What does the symbolism in the Protoevangelium mean?

It gives us a glimpse of the "Good News" of the coming of Jesus Christ

Who is the living embodiment of God's Law?


Which of the following is not part of the Paschal Mystery? -Jesus' Passion -Jesus' death -Jesus' Baptism -Jesus' Resurrection

Jesus' Baptism

The first prophecy of the __________. God's promise to redeem the world (Gn _______).

Messiah, 3:15

Symbolism in Moses' Covenant

Moses acts as a mediator for the people of Egypt and God, just as Jesus is our mediator

- Death and our judgment by God. ● Immediate or __________ judgment. ● The resurrection of the body and the ________ Judgment (CCC, nos. 988-1004). Heaven, hell, ___________.

Particular, Final, Purgatory

Which Jewish celebration often coincides with the Easter liturgies?


Which of the following prefigured the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? -Festival of Purim -Hanukkah, -Passover -none of the above


The Ascension and glorification of Jesus culminating in the sending of the Holy Spirit at ___________. 1. The Ascension marks the entrance of Jesus' _________ into heaven. Jesus' promise to be with us forever (Mt 28:20); the sending of the ___________ as part of the promise.

Pentacost, body, Holy Spirit

God's covenant with David

Promised that his heir would always sit on God's throne (Jesus is of the House of David)

The fall from grace: Original________.


Paschal candle

Tall candle lit at the Easter Vigil by a flame from the new fire; symbol of the Risen Christ (also called the Easter candle).

What does the Protoevangelium refer to?

The first announcement that God will be victorious over sin and death

What does the account of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac point to in the New Testament?

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ

Example of symbolic language in Gn 1-11

The serpent in the Garden is symbolic of the Devil/temptation that distracts us from God

The _________ God is the Creator of all; all creation reflects the glory of God.


Which of the following did the human authors of the Bible use to express God's truth? - symbolic imagery - literary forms - etiologies - all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding Original Sin? - Original Sin is the act committed by our earliest ancestors - Original Sin is the fallen state into which every person who has ever lived on the planet is born, with the exception of Jesus and his mother, Mary - We have all contracted the sinful condition of Original Sin as a result of the sins of our ancestors - all of the above

all of the above

The Hebrew term most often used to express a covenant; the original meaning was "shackle" or "chain"


Where Jesus has gone, we hope to follow; Mary, through her Assumption into heaven ________ and soul, is an anticipation of the resurrection of others who will follow.


Original Sin and its consequences for all: suffering, death, a __________ toward sin, need for salvation.


Literary Forms

different styles of writing (poems, narratives, laws/codes)

The rebellion of Adam and Eve was a sin of ______________ toward God, a rejection of a God-centered life and the choice of a _____________ life.

disobedience, self-centered

The Resurrection is a confirmation of Jesus' _________ and of his words and teachings, fulfillment of the promises in the Old Testament and of Jesus' _________ promises, and a promise of our ________ resurrection.

divinity, earthly, own

Scripture's use of _______ and _______ language in Genesis chapters 1-11.

figurative, symbolic

Original holiness

freely shared God's divine life

The Hebrew word best characterizes God's role in the covenantal relationship; usually translated as "love", but also translated as "mercy, compassion, kindness, and faithfulness"


Symbolism in the Abrahamic Covenant

his willingness to sacrifice his own son mirrors God's

God's original plan: original ______ and original ________.

holiness, justice

Original justice

in right relationship with God, w/ ourselves, w/ creation

Angels are part of the ___________ world and _________ humanity.

invisible, influence

God created all that is seen or unseen: - Unseen or _______ world: angels - Seen or _______ world

invisible, visible

These people served the Hebrews as tribal leaders, military commanders, arbiters of disputes, and enliveners of faith


What are the covenants rooted in?

mutual respect and love for one another

What was God's original plan?

original justice and original holiness

1. Christ's whole life was a mystery of _______________. ● By becoming poor he _________ us with his poverty. ● In his __________ life his obedience atoned for our disobedience. ● In his preached word he __________ our consciences. ● In his compassion and in his __________ and exorcisms he bore our infirmities. In his Cross and resurrection, he ____________ us

redemption, enriches, hidden, purifies, healings, justifies

Genesis 1-11 conveys _____ rather than science. The book reveals about which science and history can only ________.

religious truth, speculate

We participate in the mystery of redemption through the ___________ life of the Church, especially the Holy ____________.

sacramental, Eucharist

The Resurrection was testified to by those who _________ the risen Jesus and verified by the ________ tomb.

saw, empty

Promise endures despite the escalation of ________ (the Book of Genesis: the murder of Abel, the Tower of Babel, the Flood).


Which of the following does not describe angels? -spiritual creatures with intelligence -messengers -visible beings -servants of God

visible beings

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